Live Alone in a Paradise

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Camera: Canon ELPH SD 780 IS, Taken: 09.16.2008 @ 10:57 a.m., Exp: 1/200 sec. F/7.1, Altered w/: Photoshop

Live Alone in a Paradise will serve as an example of what I see when I take a picture, as well as the process that's involved in making that happen.  Pictured above is the finished product, below the unedited version of the same picture.

What I hope you understand is that the process wasn't some haphazard experiment of different techniques.  When I took the picture I found the old man walking in the Costco parking lot to be interesting.  But I knew that what I saw interesting would not translate unless I brought out what I saw when I spotted him.  I first upped the contrast of the whole photo.  I then gave the photo a vignetting effect via Photoshop's lighting effects filter.  I did this to mimic the effect a Holga camera makes.  Following that I put a gaussian blur around the old man, in order to have him stand out more from the background, as well as further enhance the whole vignetting effect.  When broken down it's not that many steps, but each one builds upon the last to bring out the image I saw.  In my photography I strive to show everyone how I see the world.  I try not to make too many changes beyond enhancing the contrast and the colors.  In this case I did attempt to draw the eye more to the old man, and his place in this world, via a pseudo vignetting effect.  Which I think I did with success.

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