Metal Basket,  1/365,  The Perfect One

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Camera: Leica D-Lux 3, Taken: 08.01.2007 @ 11:13 a.m., Exp: 1/16 sec. F/2.8, Altered w/: Photoshop

Metal Basket is the first picture taken with my new Leica D-Lux 3 camera that I found good enough to post on Vista Drive.  It's a simple picture of a metal basket I use to carry my toiletries from my room to the shower, but the multiple shadows bouncing from the many surfaces give the picture a special quality.  To me anyway.  Like with most of my pictures, I took a quick look and saw something I liked.  I ran and got my camera from my room and took a couple of pictures.  I made it black and white to highlight the play of shadow and light.  I bought the Leica because I felt a need to expand my photography.  I'm not one to say that the camera is that important in the photography process, because it is the photographer's vision that counts.  I think of it more like a painter must feel getting a new paintbrush.  The Leica is my new paintbrush.

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Camera: Leica D-Lux 3, Taken: 01.01.2008 @ 02:30 p.m., Exp: 1/2 sec. F/3.2, Altered w/: Photoshop

I've seen other people do this 365 project online, a project that consists of someone taking a self-portrait every day for a year, and I got the brilliant idea that I'd like to try it.  Being that it was the first of the year I figured it would be easy to keep track of the milestone days, like day 10, 25, 50 and so on.  Little did I know that my first picture would be so raw.  The picture was taking at 2:30 p.m. new year's day, late enough in the day that one would think I would be over anything that happened the night before.  But, this particular night before happened to be new year's eve, and not just any new year's eve.  This new years I decided to spill my guts out and tell the girl (Sylvia, on previous page) I loved that I was indeed IN love with her.  I never got a clear opening, so at the end of the night, as I lay on a futon, I sent her a text message saying, "all that booze & i STILL couldn't tell u I'm in love with u."  The answer that I got back, "Ur my best friend," pretty much killed all hope in me.  From this point forward this sorry world is going to have to pay, because I intend on getting even with the world.  People are going to hate my honesty, and hate me for voicing it.  But, who cares.  I'm obviously a horrible and hideous person, and so 365 will be a day by day horror-fest for the world.  It's also obvious to me that this being my 36th year on this Earth, and I'm still single, that I am more likely to be hit by lightening than find that significant other.  I'd like to say that I gave it my best shot, but I don't know if I did.  Either way I think that this was certainly my last great opportunity.  From here on out it's going to be a matter of luck, a lightening striking the same place twice kind of luck, that will finally bring this solitude to an end.  For now I'll keep taking pictures of myself.  This is the first.

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Camera: Leica D-Lux 3, Taken: 08.16.2007 @ 08:14 p.m., Exp: 1/25 sec. F/2.8, Altered w/: Photoshop

The Perfect One - What do you do when the most perfect person comes into your life and you can't tell them that you want to change your life in order to be with them for the rest of eternity?
(insert awkward silence here)
Yeah... what is there to say indeed -- so i take pictures to capture a bit of her.
-- I wrote the above a while back, before I spilled my guts on new year's.  It still holds true, except that the word "take" should be changed to "took."

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