Sylvia, You can't stay forever

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Camera: Leica D-Lux 3, Taken: 07.21.2007 @ 7:31 p.m., Exp: 1/15 sec. F/4, Altered w/: Photoshop

Sylvia - I meet Sylvia January 29th, 2007.  I know that because it was the first day of my last semester at CSUN.  The class was English 302, Introduction to Modern Grammar.  As it was with all my classes that semester, I put no effort into that class.  Sylvia is smart, funny, and truly wonderful.  Thankfully she lets me photograph her.  I've taken many pictures of her, but on this night, and this picture, I think I captured her full personality and beauty.  She is straightforward, and doesn't hold back her opinions or feelings.  Some might call that being aggressive, or mean.  Having encountered those words myself for my straightforwardness, I can sympathize with her.  I think that straightforwardness comes out in this picture, but lying underneath is beauty.  I see a confident person, ready to take on the word, all the more beautiful for her strength and her candor.  She is also physically beautiful, that the temptation to photograph her is always there.  It's funny, something told me that I would be her friend from the first moment I saw her in class.  Thankfully that feeling came true.
I truly adore this woman.

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Camera: Canon PowerShot S500, Taken: 05.10.2007 @ 04:04 p.m., Exp: 1/250 sec. F/2.8, Altered w/: Photoshop

You can't stay forever is a picture of the parking structure at school.  I was walking to my car with a classmate during the last couple of weeks in the semester.  I wasn't sure that I would graduate since I was having difficulty with more than one of my classes.  But, I was also sure that my time at CSUN was finite.  At the time I had nothing before me except uncertainty and I thought about how one can't stay forever, even at a place you love.  Seconds after that thought I looked up at the stairs and took the picture.  Now the picture and the thought are one in the same.

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