Eye, Bethany's Shoes, and Yellow on Green

Camera: Canon AE1 program, Taken: 1990 Exp: not noted Altered w/: Photoshop

Eye has special significance to me because it is one of the only pictures of have of Kat, a girl I had a major crush on in high school.  I first saw Kat (not her real name) on the bus going home and from that moment on I felt that she was the girl I would marry some day.  That didn’t happen, though it still might (though not bloody likely).  Kat’s eyes are what initially drew me to her.  This is why I cropped the photo to only show one of her perfect eyes.  When I occasionally I think of Kat these days I automatically think of her eyes.  If I saw her today I suspect that I would fall in love with her all over again.  The eyes are the window to the soul, or so the old saying goes.  In this case Kat’s eyes were the window to my soul.

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Camera: Canon PowerShot S500, Taken: 3.2.2006 @ 10:59 a.m., Exp: 1/15 sec. F/3.5,
Altered w/: Photoshop

Bethany's Shoes is a resent addition to Vista Drive.  I took the picture in one of my classes at CSUN.  The pair of shoes belong to a girl name Bethany, ballerina and fellow English major.  I liked the contrast of her shoes against the green and gray tiles.  It's great when a picture can capture so much of what a person is like without even showing the actual person, like I hope happened in this case.

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Camera: Canon PowerShot S500, Taken: 6.20.2006 @ 6:34 p.m., Exp: 1/60 sec. F/4.5,
Altered w/: Photoshop

Yellow on Green is a perfect example of how one has a photograph can come out of trying to get another photograph and failing.  While walking down Lake Ave. in Pasadena, on my way to a burger joint I like, I spotted a building that looked rather interesting.  The sun was right in front of me and it made getting the picture I wanted difficult.  I tried several times and heard a grumbling in my belly that reminded me I was on my way to get dinner before I stopped for this photo op.  I turned around and continued my walk.  After dinner I walked up the same street in an attempt to take the picture I hadn't before.  The sun was lower, but the picture still didn't come out like I wanted it to.  Frustrated I gave up and started to walk back up the street.  That's when I spotted this yellow rose among the green horsetail.  To my surprise there was a bug on one of the roses.  I took a few pictures and went on my way.  When I got home I noticed that there wasn't just one bug on the rose, but two bugs, the second being so small that I didn't see it until I opened the file on my computer.  It was my favorite photo of the day and it happened because I couldn't get the other picture.

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