No One Noticed

The earth is paved by progress and concrete.  In this urban jungle there is a flower which has grown from in between the cracks of the concrete.  Its beauty is not noticed in the urban sprawl.  And so it blooms, never noticed by anyone.

The heat of the noon sun beats down on the flower.  There is not a drop of water anywhere.  Day after day the flower hoped for a drop of rain, but there was none.

A blue jay circled in the sky above.  Occasionally he would swoop down near the little flower in his search for food.  Once he landed a close distance from the flower and finally got a good look at her.  Her beauty was evident, but the heat was slowly wilting her petals.  If she didn't get water soon she would die.  The blue jay looked around and thought where he might find water.

He quickly jumped and flew away, up towards the relentless sun.  Over the city he flew looking for water.  Then he spotted it, a small bird bath in someone's back yard.  He flew down and took as much water as he could in his beak.  Once he had all he could hold he took off yet again and returned to the flower.  He poured the contents of his beak on to the foot of the flower.  Day after day the blue jay made the round trip between the bird bath and the flower.

One day the blue jay met an unfortunate end.  A careless person cut the tree next to the tree he lived in.  While it was falling it fell onto the blue jay.  There he lied, on the ground covered with branches.  The flower waited for her savior, yet he could not come.  Soon enough the heat again started to wilt the flower.  There was nothing to be done, for in the urban jungle no one had the time for a flower that lived between the cracks of pavement.

One last time the flower looked up for the blue jay, but he was not to be seen.  Her strength waned until she could no longer live.

The pavement no longer has a small flower living between its cracks.  The city was that much less beautiful for losing her, yet no one noticed.

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