
within drops of slumber,
awakenings evaporate
pyrite replicas of tangibility
conjured in the semi-conscience ether

split-level dawn turns
into a melted pudding road of chased
freeze-dried moments

shared Id and Superego jokes
litter the jotted assumption

possessed rose shavings crawl
up ichor-blue dress
as gallons of piecemeal
pour across eyelash filaments

then soft paper cabinets
conversed approximately, while
weighty gets interesting
hello-evening handshakes

desperately enchanted me
pries flowing tress, full of
atomic kindred notions
that mortar stag

when noir cosmopolitan cynic
utters Fedora smoke
architectural spoon
trestles Otis suspire

manuscript embower El Dorado
attainment chiefly, that is
reposed heathered crimson
satiates infrequent rapture

embrace tarries self-derive
perdition ecstasy -- ecstasy,

all ending with manicured mendacity, that
twilights blanketed rousing

- - - - - - - - - - -

Across a haste land marked by conjured weapons,
gray clouds reign righteousness upon the land.

Weeds plunder the divided red-blue,
hedges trimmed of dehiscent branches.

Levies protect country clubs from riffraff,
pools of black gold as far as a soldierÂ’s mother can see.

Oceans filled with quicksilver fish,
logs piled like leatherneck remains.

Machinations Trojan horsed as patriotic,
acts of missions accomplished.

Double-speak, double U, double what would Jesus do?

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