Eye *Heart* U

Distances shrink
as I think of you.
Thoughts that replenish me,
and satiate my devotion to you.
To bathe in your soul,
and dive into your love.
To slow time to a crawl,
and spend it with you.
Words are all I have
to explain my love.
Simple words like
Eye *Heart* U.

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Sour Notes

Write 'bout things you know nothin' about
and not just write them but shout them out

over again sour notes trample my ear
ramblings that make me wish I couldn't hear

why should I suffer and not hear beautiful sounds
just because quality is beyond your bounds

rubber stamp another tune
like the one written this afternoon

all the same, all alike
using words that are all trite
box up another on the assembly line
because they're crafted like a fine wine
and they won't be sung before their time
that's what you get when you work in rhyme

instant failure is considered success
don't sing again, if you're taking requests

others bestow your cacophony a multitude of
ego strokes
but I hear nothing but a collection of Sour Notes

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