I still can't imagine how someone can park like this and simply walk away without acknowledging that they aren't even close to being parked correctly. These kind of parking jobs make me wish that I was more malevolent.
posted: 9.7.11

Some people are either plain clueless or colossal assholes. This one might be both, but my vote is for asshole. Thanks to this asshole I had to park down the street in a cramped space. I get it, you have a new car and want to keep it nice. But don't park so that you take up three spots just because you don't want anyone even looking at your new car. Fuckers.
posted: 9.7.11

The owner of this car parked right next to me, clearly too close and not centered in the parking spot. Not only that, but when she got out of her car she bumped my car (while I was still sitting in it). She just smiled and walked away. Fuck this shit! If you can't drive the car you own then perhaps it's time to get a different car. She could have taken care not to park so close. Or she could have readjusted her parking job. But no, she was in too much of a hurry to care about that. Bullshit! Whatever.
posted: 9.26.11

As I continually say, I post these pictures to point out how some people think that they are entitled. Well, once again I say no one, nor no one's car, is above any other. But this person insists that their car, and by association themselves, are better than anyone else. Yeah, it's a nice car... but it's not "all that." To me it's just another sign that people suck!
posted: 1.2.12

Small mistakes in a parking lot are to be expected.  Parking jobs like this one isn't a small mistake.  It's carelessness.  It's being a dope.  Simply stated, stuff like this drives me nuts.
posted: 11.4.11

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