Attempted Haikus

Misanthropic guy
Does not trust any offered hand
Would rather be alone

Don Quixote lives
Inside heart meets with windmills
Loves Dulcinea

Time flows, must not stop
Sentimental to a fault
Wish it would not flow

No interest lies inside
To follow the herd like sheep
Or want to lead them

- - - - - - - - - - -
Salieri's Lament

i confess.
jealously and
admiration form a
strange concoction
of tugs and pulls, in
which i brew.

tugs of iniquity
stir, hoping
for similar brilliance, to
garner applause.

pulls of appreciation
adrift, knowing
the craftsmanship, the
deeper meaning.

i confess.
jealously and
admiration form a
strange brew
of wants, in
which i usurp, and
bask in glory.

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