February 2002
First Things First
I completely lost track of time and this site update will be fairly small.  I am happy to report that Vista Drive continues to grow in size.  There are over 60 photographs in Vista Drive for you to check out.  The biggest sections are the Color and B & W sections.  I have been working, slowly, on the other parts of the site.  So, someday soon I'll have fewer links taking you to the coming soon page.  In the meantime here's February's Elsewhere.

Afterthoughts : 33 Lousy Cents!
December is the a month of gift giving.  However, thanks to "Mayamura vs. Chase Manhattan bank" this January has turned into a second Christmas.  If you haven't checked out my Journal entries this month then you missed when I was talking about receiving a 33¢ check in the mail.  Can you believe that someone would have the audacity to send me a check for 33¢?!  Turns out that someone sued Chase Manhattan bank and I was thrown into the class action lawsuit.  Well, the case is over and my share of the winnings is 33¢.  It must have cost Chase $5 to send me that 33¢.  Why even bother?  I just know that my interest rates are going to go up ever so slightly in order to pay for this cash giveaway.  So, in a sense, these 33¢ are going to really cost me money.  There is no way that Chase is going to be hurting from this.
I don't know what to even do with this check.  I don't want to go to the bank to cash it because it's going to look so stupid.  Imagine yourself going to the bank and handing them a check for 33¢.  What do you think their reaction is going to be.  Well, come Friday I'm going to be able to tell you.  I'm sure I'll have to make a stupid joke about not spending the whole thing in one place.  Actually, what can I get for 33¢?  Even if I go to the 99¢ store I have to put up the other 66 cents!  I should just throw the check away.  A homeless guy would throw those 33 cents at me if I gave it to him.  Sad.

Man About Town : Griffith Park Southern Railroad
Griffith park is the largest park in Los Angeles.  It lies between the Valley and the Basin, and is accessible to millions within a 20 mile radius.  There are many attractions, such as the Observatory and the LA Zoo.  There are also a multitude of smaller attractions such as the Live Steamers and Travel Town.  Right at the edge of the park is the Griffith Park Southern Railroad.

The miniature train ride has been in Griffith Park since 1948.  But, while the Live Steamers are only open for three hours a week, and the Travel Town's train only circles a small cycle, the Southern Railroad's track stretches over a mile.  It travels through a miniature environment past pony rides, a lush green meadow, through an old Western town, and finally past a Native American village.

It really is a perfect place to take a nice long train ride and just sit back and watch the sites.  Buy a few rides in a row and travel across the states.  For more information check out the official Griffith Park attractions page.

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