Afterthoughts : The CSUN Years: An Explanation
Last month I posted a bunch of pictures that covered the last semester I spent at CSUN, but without explanation. This month I decided to go back and explain a few of the pictures I posted.
Nameless girl: The first day of my last semester at CSUN, I met the girl above. Sadly I don't remember her name, despite the fact that we talked for nearly two hours after class. I thought we had a real connection, and hoped that I would see her again. I never did. Still, those couple of hours were really great.

Wayne and Simon: Wayne (center in white) was my boss at the info desk at the Oviatt library, and Simon was one of my co-workers. Some of the best memories I had took place at or around the info desk. Working there was the best because of my boss Wayne. There are few bosses that have treated me like a human being, and actually Wayne is the ONLY one that has. That alone makes him the best boss I’ve ever had. Too bad I had to stop working at the library because I graduated.

Sylvia: Sylvia and I became fast friends during my last semester at CSUN. I met her and found a real connection that I now feel is more than a friendship. It's so strange but in a short time I have consider Sylvia one of my closest relations. As I write this I have invited her to go to my cousin's wedding, something I would not do if I didn't think she was super special.
Bethany: There are some people that are so very unique, Bethany is one of those people. I've never met anyone quite like Bethany. She's not only smart she is beautiful and kind. These days most people are horrible human beings. Bethany might be the kindest person I've ever met. I'm glad I did. She is one of those people that restore my faith in humanity, and that's a rare thing.
There you have it, short explanations of the pictures I posted last month. I loved my time at CSUN because of the wonderful people I met. I won't soon forget my time there.