Issue #56 - April 2006
  Springtime for Global Warming

This past month has been super hectic.  I started a new job and I'm taking fifteen units, and I've had a really hard time balancing those two.  I'm able to take pictures, but I haven't had time to write that much.  So that means that Vista Drive will have the usual updates, but unfortunately I wasn't able to do the usual American Bliss Magazine update this past March 20th.  I hope to have that updated later this month, but I can't promise anything.

Still, like I said Vista Drive gets its usual update with a lot of added pictures.  Even while trying to juggle school and work I'm coming up with new ideas for the site.  One of them will be talked about later in this newsletter.

Editorial : We're Doomed, Get Used to It

Perhaps it's time to just say "OH well," raise our hands and figure out how much time we have left on as this planet starts to die a slow death.  It's going to happen even if you say it's not.  And the president is fond of saying that it's not really happening, just like he's fond of saying we're making progress in Iraq.  He lies to our faces on both counts, and we believe him.  At least most of us do.  But reality is smacking us in the face right now.  The Earth is changing, in ways we can't even predict.  But will that move this president, the oil companies, the car companies, and everyone who lives here to start taking measures to assure our very survival?  No, it's not enough to know that the ice caps are melting at an alarming rate.  It's not enough because this president says that the scientific data doesn't show those conclusions to be true.  But when it came to Iraq he was willing to use known faulty intelligence to justify a preemptive war.

But in the face of now growing evidence showing that our plant's climate is changing, and not for the better, this president sits down and says, "There's not enough data."  He's willing to accept any specious data pertaining to Iraq, while ignoring the mountain of data supporting global climate changes.

The data is clear, and recent events like Katrina are symptoms of the climate changing.  But this president has never been known for springing to action.  On 9/11 he sat reading to a class full of children while planes crashed into the World Trade Center.  He vacationed while Katrina beat down on New Orleans.  These are but two examples of the inaction this president showcases in times of need.  He has spent over 40% of his presidency on his Texas ranch.  She he fiddles while Rome burns and we burn with it.  Thanks for nothing.

Etcetera : Corrections (coming soon)

One of my biggest pet peeves is a situation that could be made better if a little thought at gone into it.  Corrections is going to be a collection of problems and possible solutions.  As I walk around this town I see little things that could work better if logic were applied to the problem.  I'm not going to say that my solutions are the only ones.  Rather I will offer my solutions as an alternative to the problems I encounter on a daily basis.


Shoppe : Historical Blunders

This lively and entertaining collection of mishaps from the Classical Era to the Cold War period is drawn from an impressively wide range of fields of human activity -- politics, religion, economics, technology, medicine and many more. Both shocking and amusing, these stories expose historical oversights, misdeeds and misdemeanours, such as the Dutch prince who arranged his own assassination and the latter day Caligula who elevated his dog to the rank of colonel in the Romanian army.

Read previous installments in the Elsewhere archive