Afterthoughts: This Past May
This month started out with more gut punches, but it ended with a life highlight.
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nope, that sign is wrong
Wednesday, May, 1, TheNewCute and I found out a while back that the $5 minimum charge for fines, print outs and stuff is not an official city policy. We come to find out that a patron could charge one penny, because the city is going to eat the cost of the fees. Today I was at the information desk and I took a picture of the sign that is still at the information desk. My coworker saw me taking the picture and wondered why I was doing that. I told her about the fee and how we don't have a limit to use the credit card machine. She was a wee bit angry at not knowing this. She goes on to say, "We are about information and we are giving people the wrong information." Exactly. We can't even disseminate information that's true to our own people. Most of that is due to lack of communication. There are people that have knowledge that don't want to share it. There are those who say, "Let's wait on that information." I've heard them say it. So, I'm dropping knowledge on these fools. My coworker immediately changed the sign and took out the $5 minimum limit. But, now I ask, how is that information going to be disseminated to the rest of the workers? Hmmm? Word of mouth?
Rubberband-gate continues to rage. TheNewCute was telling me today how the email chain is now at the manager level. Both sides just went to the manager's corner. OK. When I got back to Central Violeta opens up the Link Plus bin from Brand and sighs at the sight of a rubber band around one of the CDs. She says, "Really? Two rubber bands?" I go over and tell her, "Maybe it's one of those really long ones." Sure enough, it was an extra long rubber band that went around the CD case twice. Everyone is so sensitive about this rubber band stuff. I think I'll secretly go back to taking the rubber bands off when I redo the bins in the morning. Maybe that will relieve some of the tension on this subject.
that's... that's not a parking spot
The city has decided to make some bike lanes on Brand blvd, just south of Mountain all the way down to Glenoaks. It's a thing that cities are doing to encourage more bike use. This repainting of the street is technically a test. But what these dopes don't see is that the parking spots are more narrow than before. I don't know where the city gets off taking parking spaces away. Just doesn't seem logical to take away capacity, but what do I know? Because there are fewer parking spots people are now just making their own spots. To be fair the handicap sign is still in front of the library, despite the fact that the spot looks to have been converted into a regular spot in the repainting. I've stated before that the spaces are too small.
I was on the phone with my buddy Vagabundo last night, and I think in that distraction, I forgot my "Wednesday bag." Which is the bag that I take with me that has my flask, and my change of clothing. Thankfully I have an emergency bag with a change of clothing. Only thing missing is the booze. Oh well, I figured that I would just get an extra drink at dinner tonight. I did. Still, forgetting the Wednesday bag is a big slip up. I'll have to set up a checklist for Tuesday nights. And it's nuts, because while I was on the phone with my buddy I filled up the flask in my Wednesday bag. Instead of taking all of it and putting it on the floor I just put the flask back in my bag in the closet. Dumb.
look who is peering over the table
TheGirl and I went to the Yard House in Burbank for dinner tonight. Their food is pretty good. TheGirl ordered an onion ring tower. Good choice. TheGirl is worried about getting a job. She said she applied at McDonald's. She can make it with the help of her pension and $700 from a job. It would be tight, but she could make her rent and food. I did some back of the envelope calculations, and at $20 an hour she would have to work thirty-five hours to make $700. That means she could still spend a lot of time at home since she would only need to work thirty-five hours a month. I don't know how hard it is to work at McDonald's, but it can't be easy. TheGirl is worried about the interview. I told her it's just like when I got the job at Ralph's, as long as you're breathing you will be hired. They just want bodies, because they know many people aren't going to hack it, or they'll just work a little and leave for an easier job. Still, I'm sure TheGirl never thought that she would be sixty years old and working at McDonald's. I really wish I knew someone that needed to fill a job opening.
time for some whipped cream
At dinner I gave Cheyenne so much of my burger meat. The burger I got was huge. I was not going to be able to finish it, and it wouldn't be good going home. So I gave her yummy beef. Then afterward TheGirl took her to Ben and Jerry's for some whipped cream. It was good times. We have to cherish these moments. And I mean yes, Cheyenne's time is limited, but so is mine. So is TheGirl's.
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my new smaller belt
Thursday, May, 2, I got my new belt last night and at first glance I thought it was WAY too small to fit me. I hated myself, because now I would have to order another one and send this one back. But, I tried it on and it actually fit. Nice! I really have lost some weight. I'm using the second notch on the new belt. Nice! The thing is, I've lost enough weight that my clothes are starting to look really big on me.
I woke up and my towel that I use when jerking off and it was wet again this morning. Not as much as last time, but wet nonetheless. I don't remember right now if I smelled it to see if it was pee. Maybe it was me spilling something. I hope. Getting so drunk that I pee myself is not good. The thing is, I feel so good when I have a slight buzz and I come home and give it another shot of booze. But this has happened twice, and I don't want to keep peeing on myself. Although, my boxers were not wet. Hmmm, a mystery.
I couldn't help my curiosity, I went to the hamper to check the towel and sure enough it smells of urine. Furthermore, I found the boxes I was wearing last night in the washing machine, and they reeked of urine. Fuck me. The thing is, I try to hydrate myself while I jerk off and drink whiskey. That way I don't get a hangover, but I think what's happening is that I pass out and pee myself. I must wake up at some point and then I notice I'm wet. I'm still a little out of it, enough to forget the events, but with enough wherewithal to clean myself up and change boxers.
I'm going to do the laundry tomorrow after I get home from work. I'm going to use the excuse that I'm going to be busy on Sunday to justify doing the wash on a Friday night.
The MILF that looks like TheDesire has become a regular at Vivian's storytime. She wore some really tight yoga pants today. And of course there's a point where I innocently turn around and there she is giving me the full moon. Obviously not naked, but with little left to the imagination. I mean, she did look good today. Her behind looked super nice, and just wow.
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scary easy-up
Friday, May, 3, Krishna asked me to move some stuff from Adams Square to Pacific Park for an event happening on Saturday. One of the items is an Easy-up tent. Grayce, the children's librarian for the school, texted me saying that the tent scared her. She thought it was a person standing in the library. Oops. I've had that happen with other objects.
paper dispenser and huge batteries
I went to the bathroom at Brand and was frustrated by the fact that the automatic towel dispenser was STILL not working. I asked the cleaning lady, Mauren, to hand me the key to the device so I could open it. I found the battery compartment and went to the main desk to find some batteries. This thing takes FOUR D size batteries! Why? Whatever, I found the batteries and installed them. Mission accomplished! I think TheNewCute put in an FSR, facilities service request a few weeks ago. Forget them, they're too busy to come around and change batteries. It's been weeks since the dispenser worked.
Stephanie is the new gallery coordinator. She's a bit of a fashion plate. The other day she wore some cool printed stockings. Today she wore some cool pant suit kinda thing with a small sweater. Stephanie is cute. I told her that I could make a book of her fashion styles. Can't wait to take more pictures of Stephanie.
dopey construction guys are careless
This morning I found a fob on the floor in front of the library employee entrance. There are construction guys coming in and out in the morning, leaving the door open for anyone who walks by to come in. I kept the fob and didn't turn it into Joe in admin until the afternoon. TheNewCute said I was making the construction guys sweat. Yes. They need to do better.
outreach van / book mobile
Jade was telling me some updates on the book mobile / outreach van. I already knew that it was going to be an all electric van, but then the question about where would it charge came up. The home base for the van is Adams Square library, but that is a rented location. Which means the city has fewer options there. At any other location the city can go ahead and install a charger much easier than at Adams. Pacific Park library has some issues with that as well, since the building is half city half school district. That and the fact that is zero parking. Jade told me that means they'll have to have the new van charge at Central, in the dock. First off, that's nuts, because from the rendering this van is big. Bigger than my delivery van (see above). Second, there are things that go on in the dock, like the donations being processed by Tony. Processed meaning some are thrown away in the recycling bins, and some of packed up and shipped to Better World Books. Which is a waste of time, but that's neither here nor there. In other words, this is going to be a big disruption. And for what? The current outreach van only went out four times. It should be out every three or four weeks. Whatever! I just wonder who is going to be driving that van.
Which brings us to who is going to get the current job openings. I asked Karen if she got a second interview, and she said she didn't. Albert told Jade and I that he didn't get a second interview either. Barry said that he was ranked fifth, which is usually not high enough on the list, but since there are two positions that might mean he gets a second interview. Nicole from Pacific said that her dream scenario would be that Jaclyn and Barry get the jobs. I feel that Jaclyn is the front runner, mainly because Nicole told ms she put that name in Krishna's ear. And you know an attaboy makes a BIG difference. Zeila also told me she didn't get a second interview, but she still hasn't told me about her move to the city of Commerce. She got a job there and is leaving San Marino.
hard to see, but there she is
When I left work I forgot to go to the bathroom before leaving. I thought I could make it home without peeing myself. But, when I got to the car I was feeling the pressure to go. I had no choice but to drive back to the library. When I pulled up I saw that cute girl Julia, but I didn't want to interact with her. I had to pee.
TheNewCute bought tickets to an event at Vidiots in Eagle Rock, so we could go. She done messed up, because she already had an event that night. She gave me the tickets, and I figure I can go with Julia or maybe Celine. Failing that, I guess, I could ask one of my buddies to go with me. Or I can just go alone.
fancy hot dog for dinner
A few weeks ago I was at the market when I saw some fancy gourmet hot dogs at the meat counter. Last weekend I bought them and tonight I ate one. It was pretty good, but it's not that much more phenomenal than say a Hebrew National.
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watching "In the Mood for Love" in my backyard
Saturday, May, 4, I have decided to watch movies on Saturdays. I was thinking of watching some matinees, instead of watching the movies at night. I went to the backyard as per usual and tried to watch the movie "In the mood for love." Only thing is I kept passing out, since I was so sleepy. I decided not to try to watch the movie outside. It was also way too bright to watch this movie outside.
watching "In the Mood for Love"
After supper I decided to retire to my room and watch the movie on my TV. That was better, and I didn't fall asleep. The iPad has a nice screen, but for some movies it's best to be in a dark room. Or outside when it's dark. I think I'll stick with the movie watching after supper for now.
a little bit of popcorn
I tried to make some popcorn for the movie, but I haven't tried using this simple technique before. Online it shows that I can just just put some popcorn kernels in a container and microwave it. Well, it wasn't that simple. I got most of the popcorn to pop, but not all of it. I warmed up some butter too, and it was good. But I need more kernels next time.
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there's our boat
Sunday, May, 5, My buddy Dane suggested taking a brunch cruise. A few weeks ago my buddy Dane told me that he saw something online about a breakfast cruise out of Marina del Rey. I looked into it, and picked a date when I could go. Time flies, so of course today is the day we went on our cruise.
first dish
We arrived a little early for the cruise, so we walked around the fisherman's village. It's pretty standard fare. Once we got on the boat they told us how it would be done. They would call us table to table to get some food. It was soon our turn and I grabbed a plate that had a little bit of everything. The sparking wine did seem to be bottomless, because every time I would get to a glass that was half filled someone would quickly fill it. No problem with that.
Dane having breakfast
Dane is socially awkward, but I think he had a good time having some yummy food. He was concerned that there would be too many people on the cruise, but by my estimations there were about two hundred and fifty. But the boat was big enough that we didn't have to deal with that. Everyone was orderly and didn't crowd around each other. Everyone kept to themselves.
I went to the top deck to check out the scenery. There was no one up there but me. That's OK by me.
the helmsman
The cruise was two hours, which went by pretty quickly. Dane wanted to check out a park that was across the way from the dock. We walked over to Burton Chace park. There they have a statue donated by the Helm's bakery of a helmsman at the wheel. I never knew that was what Helms bakery was in reference to. Live and learn. I had to cut our day short, because I had to get my laundry done and get my lunch ready for tomorrow. I know that Dane wanted to hang out more, but I couldn't. I had to go to the market and do my laundry.. Still, I think we both had a lot of fun. This may have to become some sort of tradition.
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wake up, sleepyhead
Monday, May, 6, As I was leaving the library for the route I saw a guy sleeping outside in front of the library. It turns out it was a guy that had been banned. These poor people. Yes, you can say that he did this to himself by getting on drugs. But it's not that cut and dry. Still, how does one sink so low?
empty nest
I went up to Brand and checked on the hummingbird nest. I found it empty. I hope the little birds have good lives. Maybe I'll see one of them in the future. Maybe there's a way they can let me know it's them.
pastrami for lunch
I bought my aunt and I a pair of pastrami sandwiches from Johnnie's in Culver City. I had plans to eat it for supper yesterday, but I was stuffed. I knew I couldn't eat even half a sandwich. But, I thought, I didn't have any ideas for what to make myself for lunch this week. Why not have the pastrami? It's big enough that half a sandwich is good for lunch. Besides, I like that I'm losing weight by eating smaller portions.
there she goes again, spying on me
I got a notification on my phone some time after lunch that there was movement in my room. The only person home is my aunt. She will go into my room for legitimate reasons, like taking the trash out. But she also goes in to spy on me. Many a time have I seen her on the security camera checking my desk for stuff. I guess she wants to find some sort of incriminating evidence. All I have on my desk right now is my car registration, and a box for colon cancer screening.
I was talking to a friend about how my aunt must not think very highly of me, because she's always putting me down and spying on me. I think she's right, my aunt doesn't think highly of me to think that I sneak in women at night, and kids. I literally get up, go to work, and come back and do it again five days a week. On the weekends I stay at home and that's it. Somehow that makes me a bad person in her eyes.
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quiet library is quiet... for now
Tuesday, May, 7, The library was very quiet this morning. It didn't stay that quiet for long. By midday things were starting to hop. The kids from the local school come in and that's when all that energy swirls around the building. Pretty soon school will be out for Summer and all that energy will be somewhere else. Until the Fall.
some dummy already hit the yield sign
I went outside to check on the progress of the bike path and found that a sign and a pylon had already been hit. The drivers of Glendale are savages, pure and simple. It hasn't been one day since they installed those things and already someone has hit the sign and a pylon. savages, I tells ya!
new hours
I've come to find out through the grapevine that the San Marino library is going to start closing an hour earlier at 8pm instead of 9pm. All those years I worked the closing shift I worked until 9pm. I wonder what was the reason behind this move. I would say financial, but closing on Fridays would save them more. That's what they did in the past when they had financial concerns. Maybe it's just that 9pm is WAY late. When I worked the closing shift the last two hours were super quiet. At the end of the night there were only a few people still in the library. I texted a couple of my old coworkers, and they don't seem too broken up about closing at 8pm.
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worse every time I look at them
Wednesday, May, 8, I looked up today and found that the plumbers have set a new low. I thought the pipes were bad before, now they added some sort of water pipe to the sewer pipes. I figure that new pipe is used to flush the shit pipe. I wouldn't know. All I know is that the pipe just makes everything look that much worse.
many rubber bands
I went through the books going to Brand and I found a lot of rubber bands on the books. I wanted to prevent more problems, so I took the rubber bands off the books. Everyone will think the other party did the right thing, but they won't know it was me. Mr. Good Deeds.
Cheyenne at dinner tonight
There isn't much to report from dinner tonight. We went to Don Cuco's in Toluca Lake. I took a lot of pictures of Cheyenne at dinner tonight. I know I won't ever forget her, but I just want to have as many pictures of her as possible. After dinner we went on a walk with Chan in tow. Cheyenne made some friends along the way.
Cheyenne was giving a look tonight that made me wonder what was she thinking. Was she trying to say something to me? In the past I would dismiss the ideas of animals conveying thoughts to us. Now I know better. Animals absolutely have feelings, and especially feelings of affection. Tonight I really wondered what Cheyenne was trying to "tell me." Perhaps she knows how I've increased the amount of kisses I give her on my visits. I don't know. All I know is that she gave me a look tonight. Many looks. Like the one above. She NEVER likes it when I put the camera in her face. Tonight she didn't flinch.
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Thursday, May, 9, I had a rough night last night. By rough I mean that I didn't sleep well due to stomach issues, as well as having a series of nightmares involving zombies. I'm not sure the source of my stomach issues, but I know I was farting a lot throughout the night . As I left TheGirl's place I started getting nauseous and even dry heaved once. When I got home all I wanted to do was to go to bed. I thought I was going to fall asleep, but then I kept having those nightmares.
The only thing I ate that could have given me issues was the pastrami sandwich I had for lunch. I wonder. I know that when even at dinner last night I wasn't feeling well. My remedy was to drink more.
I'm just glad I woke up feeling normal. I was sleepy, but not as much as I thought I would be. There was a time around midnight that I had to turn on my A/C in order to keep cool. I felt warm, but I wasn't running a fever.
lunch at Casa Verdugo
You could have called it with braille, I got super sleepy after lunch. I thought about taking a nap, but instead I went on a walk. It was probably the better option. It's harder to walk around the neighborhood due to the temperature getting warmer. I keep forgetting to bring a shirt to change into while I'm on my walk. My work shirt is not cotton, so it doesn't breathe.
I've used the Facebook Messenger app to send voice memos to Ilsa and Laurel. One of the things I loved before was having the option of playing the messages faster. For months the app didn't have that option. I asked the AI on the app about it about two weeks ago and today I noticed that the faster playback speed had returned. Now I can listen to the messages at twice normal speed. Woo hoo!
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light from the bathroom
Friday, May, 10, My night wasn't as restless as the other night, but I did wake up a couple of times during the night. Once I woke up at a little before 1am and my aunt was in the bathroom. I had to use my piss jug. Well, I woke up at around 4am and once again my aunt is in the fucking bathroom. Once again I had to use my piss jug. Fucking bullshit! Why is it that she's ALWAYS in the bathroom when I need to go at night?
this will fix it
I woke up with the sniffles. I don't have a Covid test at home to check if I have that, but I don't have any of the symptoms. I was sniffling all day long, which sucks. As I write this it's 8:30pm and my nose hasn't stopped running. Hate it. Maybe I'll be 100% by tomorrow morning.
TheGirl got the job
TheGirl mentioned at dinner on Wednesday that she was going to have an interview on Friday for a bathroom attendant at Universal. I don't remember if she said it was in the park, or out at CityWalk. I will assume it's inside the park. Bathroom attendant isn't glamorous, but it will pay the bills. And of course we can hope for something else to come along. Well, on my way home she told me that she got the job. Her orientation is May 21st. I told her that we'll celebrate on Wednesday.
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Saturday, May, 11, After having some rough nights earlier this week I decided to tell my brain to just stop having nightmares. This time it worked. It's funny how I have to tell myself not to have nightmares.
Le Samurai
I watched the movie Le Samurai today. It was pretty damn good. It follows the story of an assassin that is seen at a crime scene. The people who witnessed him at the crime scene don't all remember how he looked, so the police let him go. But they are determined to follow him and find out if he did do the crime. That's a two cent way of putting the plot. It's the great acting that makes this movie. It's such a tight story, with a little twist at the end. What I thought of was the man out of time. El Samurai is of a different era, living in the present. It showcases the anti-hero, a man who is not all together a good man, but does live with a code. I really liked the movie.
Why am I so annoyed by my aunt these days? I feel that my aunt represents ignorance. Her belief is some stupid religion, which is redundant, is number one on the list of things I can't stand about her. I'm not "Jewish," so I don't care if it's the sabbath, or Passover or anything like that. I don't adhere to those beliefs, but she's constantly bringing up that one shouldn't work on such and such day. During Passover she mentioned that I shouldn't eat bread. Ah, she shouldn't if she doesn't want to. I have nothing to do with that tradition based on a fairy tale.
The fact that she won't leave me alone on my weekends off work is another factor. All I ever ask the Universe is to have her leave me alone. Today she was constantly bothering me with stories that were on the news. I don't care what's on the news. I go online and search social media for pictures of ducks.
I went ahead and bought some new underwear today. I bought it in two different sizes, since I'm not sure if the XL will fit me anymore. What I do know is that my current underwear is in a bad state. I bought the underwear I use today about two years ago when the last batch was going bad. You know, elastic not being so elastic. Well, my current underwear is in that state now. To the point that sometimes my balls just come flying out of the side. This time I went back to a style I used to wear in my twenties, the boxer brief. I bought one large and one extra large. I've lost so much weight that I'm afraid I'll be swimming in the XL. But, I guess we'll see. I'll use that as a base for more purchases in the future.
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what is she doing up?
Sunday, May, 12, I drank a bunch last night. Enough that I had whiskey dick, and couldn't jerk off. But, I also woke up early this morning and I decided to jerk off. My aunt usually sleeps in until nearly midday on the weekends. Naturally, I didn't have a problem thinking she wouldn't be awake while I jerked off. Yeah, no. She woke up. She must have pissed on herself again, because she was in the wash room for a while. That didn't stop me from jerking off. Mission accomplished.
TheDesire on Mother's Day
TheDesire posted a picture of her in a nice outfit and a hat. She was dressed up for Mother's Day (see above). Nice.
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Monday, May, 13, My aunt and I went to Costco yesterday and while there we bought some croissants. I had one for breakfast today. The only thing I ate with it was some bacon. I'm trying to maintain my girlish figure. No really. Eating less has really helped me lose the weight. Now I should really couple that with more walking to really get tight.
missed open enrollment, I guess
The city sent me an email saying that I was too late to receive medical benefits. I keep getting signs from the city that they consider me a full timer. My online payroll account has me listed as a full time hourly worker. At this point I should ask HR if I am officially considered full time. But then what happens? Honestly, I rather remain as I am, just with hours that are assured. The situation right now means that I will get my hours. But, there's already been talk of them hiring more part timers. That would surly mean my hours would be cut, and I would have to look for a second job. That again.
large sized shirt - less than
As I was leaving work, the janitor, Joseph, asked if I had lost weight. Someone finally recognized that I have lost some weight. I have lost enough weight that I am needing some new clothes. I already mentioned that I bought a new belt, well I also bought new underwear as well as a new work shirt. I usually wear a XL, which is pretty big. I tend to be swimming in it, but now more so since I lost weight. I ordered a large sized shirt. It arrived today and it fits like a glove.
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time for some Disney
Tuesday, May, 14, I got the new Hollywood Bowl calendar in the mail today. I usually go through the calendar to see what TheGirl and I might want to see. But, I already have tickets to the 80's and 90's celebration concert. I got an email and that took me to the website. I had my doubts, but then I thought fuck it and bought the tickets.
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preventing rubber band gate
Wednesday, May, 15, I want to keep the peace between the Central dopes and the people at Brand. I'm taking the rubber bands off all the books that are going back to Brand. The dopes at Central must think that it's Brand's job to do that. Brand thinks it's Central's job to do it. So, I'm taking it upon myself to take them off. Rubber band gate needs to stop. TheNewCute has taken many pictures over the last few weeks chronicling the amount of books and CDs returned to Brand with rubber bands on them. Link Plus requires items that are outgoing be rubber banded. That's that. There is no reason why someone at Central can't take the rubber bands off at some point in the process. Like I said, that's why I'm doing it. No one else wants to step up.
I went and had my lunch at Brand, like I usually do. I sat outside on the patio, because it's nice and cool out today. I started looking for the hummingbird when this young lady from the other table started talking to me about the bird. She shook my hand. She smelled nice. Her name is Danielle (pictured above). We kept talking and then she walked back to her table. I opened up my Instagram and showed her the video that I took of the other hummingbird. She says to me, "Is this your account," and then asks if she can follow me. Of course she can, duh. A pretty friendly girl wants to follow my IG? She actually added two of her accounts to my following list. One is pictures and such, the usual IG stuff. The other account was her poetry. I told her that I wrote a little bit of poetry when I was working on my degree. I told her how I wanted to write a series of haikus while I drove and call them "Highway Haikus." I told her I wrote one, but nothing since. She encouraged me to write more, because, "It's a great title, and I love great titles." OKAY!
She was working with someone at the other table on some sort of art. She showed me some sketches of what she has so far. She seems creative. Come to find out on her profile that she's an actor. Oh my. You know what I say about actors... they crazy. She's probably crazy as she is pretty. Sigh. Now I best work on my haikus, so I have something to talk to her about.
Besides her pretty face what struck me was her perfume, if it was perfume. She smelled so nice. Almost like a strong sandalwood smell. It was intoxicating.
OK, here is an attempted Highway Haikus. I don't have the last line yet.
Hummingbird nesting
Perched upon an orange tree
While I was talking hummingbird with Danielle, Maureen came up behind me and placed her chin on my shoulder. Like a parrot would a pirate. Then she moved her mouth down and kissed my shoulder as I was talking to Danielle. Hmm. What is going on here?
there's Cheyenne
Since last week TheGirl and I knew we were going to go to Isabella's Italian kitchen. It was a set deal. Cheyenne was super chipper when I arrived at TheGirl's place. Hard to believe she may have cancer coursing through her body. We are, of course, hopeful that she is cancer free. The odds are that she will get cancer eventually, because that's what Boxers die of. So if not now, eventually. Like I said before, all we can do is hope she lives longer than less. Just enjoy the time with her.
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Thursday, May, 16, Today's storytime is the last we'll have until the middle of June. Gonna miss seeing the MILF that resembles TheDesire. She has a really nice figure. I think TheDesire is prettier, but this lady is nice too. She's been coming for a while now, but the one time she was going to make a library card she said that she forgot her ID at home. I still don't understand how someone can leave home without their ID.
My new supervisor emailed me this morning to let me know nothing. Less than nothing. Here's what she wrote:
Confirming that you will be working your regular Friday hours at Central on Friday, May 24th, to move furniture and prep for closure. Thanks for your patience as we work to finalize the rest of the May schedule to publish.
Move furniture? On a route day? Not OK. Tony told me that he talked to her and that Nancy mentioned that he and I are the only part timers that aren't losing 50% of their hours. I mean, I get that, because we run the route. I guess I'll know more next week.
large fits me better now
I got my new underwear today. I tried it on and sure enough the extra large size is now too big for me. The large sized underwear is just right. I used to wear the boxer brief style long ago, but then went to the more brief style about a decade ago. I'm going back to the other style because my fucking balls keep coming out of the briefs. I will be at work and within one step my fucking balls are out. One thing is the age of the other underwear, it's getting old. The elastic isn't as good. The other thing is the style.
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don't spend it all in one place
Friday, May, 17, I checked my bank account to check on my paycheck when I noticed something at the bottom of the app. The cash back offers. I went on to check just how much I've earned back in cash back. I got a whole $0.82. I didn't get to check how long it took me to get that fortune.
the hold shelf at Central isn't that packed
The library closing during the last renovation meant that the holds for Central went to Casa Verdugo. I remember delivering between fifteen to twenty bins to Casa back then. I checked out the amount of holds on the hold shelf at Central this morning, and there is no way that the amount of holds will be fifteen bins nowadays. Maybe eight, at the most. That's not nothing, of course, but it's about half of the old days. This still means quite a few holds will be added to Casa's delivery. Instead of fifteen there will probably be three to five per day instead.
I was back at Central taking the bins out of the van when I noticed a girl that looked like Julia. Instead of trying to engage her I turned my back in the direction of the girl and stuck my head into the back of the van. I still want to ask her out, but at that moment I didn't want to be rejected. I have this thing on Sunday. I wanted to ask her to go with me, but like I said, I didn't want to be rejected today. She walked by me without saying anything. Yeah, she's not interested in me.
I finished up the route and when I came back to Central I noticed something on the whiteboard that read, "RIP Tommy." There were three Toms that worked at Central, one of them being Thom from circulation. But he passed away a few years ago. The other was Tom Donahue. I asked the room and I was told that yes, it was Tom Donahue that had passed away. Apparently his niece called yesterday to tell us that he passed away on Monday, in his sleep. I had wanted to visit him, since he was living in the Valley. I never got a chance.
I don't know the last time I had a good fast food burger, but it's been a while. Tonight I was thinking how much I miss the old Carl's Jr. burgers. The best was the Western Bacon Cheeseburger. What was also good was the Super Star. Western bacon was good because of the onion rings and the bacon. The Super Star had that yummy relish. Oh well, you can't go home again.
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season salt the Earth
Saturday, May, 18, I bought some Taco Bell for my aunt and me this morning. Taco Bell is what it is, but the burritos are kinda tasty. For some reason my aunt was sprinkling Bob's Big Boy seasoning salt on top of her burrito. This is the same woman that doesn't ever season her pasta, but here she is sprinkling seasoning salt on a burrito. Shake my head.
my aunt can't leave me alone
After breakfast I went to my backyard to chill out. Within a couple of minutes my aunt was out in the backyard asking me questions. ARGH! Why? Why can't she read the room and know that I don't want to talk? Later in the evening she came into my room as I was watching a movie. She had nothing to say, but she said it anyway. Something about the news not showing events in Mexico. Whatever! I don't want to watch the news. It's awful. I stayed quiet until she left my room.
June schedule is in the land of make-believe
I went online to check when to work, the website where the managers publish our work schedules. The rest of the month of May was published, but nothing for June yet. My May schedule looks like shit. I'm simultaneously doing delivery and helping out with the renovation project, somehow. Whatever that is, by the way. I've been given no clue as to what the "renovation project" is, and what it entails. I've already said that these dopes are clueless. They will prove this to me again during this renovation project.
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TheDesire on social media
Sunday, May, 19, TheDesire has called herself an "influencer" on social media. I wonder if she's just joking, but then again she never gives the wink to say "I'm kidding." I'll have to ask her what she's trying to do with this project. Maybe I can get her to pose for me again. I asked her to pose nude, but she declined. What if?
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piss jug
Monday, May, 20, I have to change my pissing pattern to defeat my aunt at this bathroom thing. I'm tired of having to piss in this jug. But how? I suppose I can see if my aunt has a pattern that I can follow. I don't know. I just don't want to have to continue using this jug.
oh great, thanks for blocking my way
When I got to work this morning the path I use to take the book bins to the van was blocked by the construction crew's scaffolding. Thanks for nothing, dopes. These construction jerks do the worst things. They always leave the door open. Today I had to take the bins through the garden. Which meant fewer bins at a time, and more trips. Oh well, by next week I won't have to deal with them upstairs. I'll be in the basement.
what we have here is a failure
The automated system at Chevy Chase isn't working today. I mean, it only cost $2,000,000. Why should we expect it to work? I went over there with a dummy library card to test it. Sure enough, it wouldn't let me in. Womp, womp.
I've been mulling it over for some time now... what am I going to do with the rest of my life. I ran into Julia today, but I didn't ask her for her number. I feel that I'm going to get rejected. I'm an old man, she's a young lady. What do I have to offer her? What do I have to offer any woman? I really just need to totally give up on any pursuit of women.
My new underwear fits like a charm. I love it, and I'm going to buy more of the large size.That seems to work for me.
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online staff meeting
Tuesday, May, 21, We had our quarterly "This could have been an email" staff meeting today. I talked to Vagabundo about it, and he mentioned that it was a whole lot of nothing. All these meetings would be better if they just didn't happen. One funny thing that happened from me opening my mouth last week was no so-called ice breaker at the start of the meeting. Last week I mentioned to Joe that the ice breaker is a waste of time. Sure enough, Lessa said this morning that they were going to pass on it. Lessa overheard what I said to Joe, because her office is right across from Joe's. Nice!
Kiwanis books go together
I've said it many times here, but someone at Casa doesn't know what they are doing. Either that or they are clueless, which is the same difference. I found a bunch of books in the wrong location. These books were paid for by money from the Kiwanis club, so they have special call numbers and are shelved separately. But, some brute shelved them with the regular picture books. Dumb. I found a half dozen in the regular picture books area. Gitmo still hasn't addressed this problem, because I guess he doesn't want to call anyone out. Dumb.
gift candy
I got a book for a patron and they were extra happy for the help that they brought me candy last week. But, did anyone tell me until today? Nope. I know we can't take gifts from the patrons, but they could have at least told me. I was going to share it with the group. Oh well, everyone got to enjoy the candy.
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not too many holds will be going to Casa
Wednesday, May, 22, During the last renovation the holds for Central went to Casa Verdugo. That's happening again. Last time there would be about fifteen to twenty bins of holds going to Casa per day. But now it doesn't seem like it will be that much. I am tasked with taking the Central holds to Casa on Friday, but I don't think it will be more than eight bins. Maybe even less. And I don't think I'll deliver as many per day as during the last renovation. That I'm sure of. Especially since we don't have the added number of books that came with our association with Pasadena. And during the closure they are suspending the Link Plus books. So yeah, that makes for less books on hold. Nice.
TheDesire is now posting things on social media for some reason. She told me the story of her being held up at gunpoint, which I guess is the reason why she is now a social media influencer. Or something. I'm not sure. TheDesire has always been a little out there. I once called her maniacal. Because, she always seemed to be a little off center. Which is not a bad thing in this crazy world. But this new shift to being an influencer seems like a reaction to something that happened aside from the robbery. I do like that she's posting more pictures of herself online though.
Erica, not Eric
Someone loves to mess with my letters on my locker. This time they added a letter A to make my name read Erica. I've had to deal with that all my life. Ha, if I ever had a daughter I should name her Erica.
the ladies at dinner
TheGirl has to go through a lot of stuff for her new job at Universal. Today it was some sort of training about the land she is going to be working in, Super Mario World. Guests of the park are bound to ask questions about the theming, so she has to know that stuff. She told me that the training was going to be until 6pm tonight. I usually arrive for dinner at 5:15pm on Wednesdays. But, I took my sweet time to get to her place at 5:45pm. I changed out of my work clothes and we were off.
TheGirl suggested we go to the Smokehouse for dinner tonight, since it's close by and easy to get to. It generally has seating out on the patio as well. I knew that I wanted the fish and chips for dinner tonight. The dish really hit the spot tonight. I gave Cheyenne so many kisses tonight before we left for the restaurant. I told TheGirl that I was giving her extra kisses these days. I don't know how much longer I have with Cheyenne, but I'm going to give her as many kisses as possible in that time.
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Thursday, May, 23, Today was really quiet at the Casa Verdugo branch library. Next week might be a different story, since the Central library is going to be closed for a month. Many of us are wondering how many of the homeless regulars will migrate to Casa. There is not enough room for all of them, that's for sure. I guess we'll see when it happens.
I asked my new supervisor on Monday where the money bags would reside when the Central library was closed. I asked and got no answer until I emailed her today. Because, duh, the library will be closed starting TOMORROW. If I didn't ask, no one would know. Nancy finally told me that we would be using the safe at Casa Verdugo to store the money. She added that she hadn't told the Casa Verdugo supervisor of that fact. So, come next week Gitmo is going to be surprised to find a bunch of other money bags in the safe. It's not my job to tell him, but I guess I will on Tuesday. What a fucking shitshow this is already, and we haven't even closed the main branch yet. Fuck these dopes.
Tonight Reneh and I were talking about management. He mentioned something I had not thought of before. He mentioned that he liked Nancy, but that her experience was in reference, not in circulation. This is showing right now, because she has zero clue as to what the delivery is all about. We have some specific things that only we do on delivery. Like the money. But she has no idea what that means. She has no idea about a great many things. And yes, I understand that she's new at the job, but that excuse goes away when you add that she was technically the circulation supervisor when Kvon was out after his fall. I don't know, I had some hope that things would get better now that DrDeath is gone, but it seems that all that's left is a bunch of dopes that pretend to know what they're doing.
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Friday, May, 24, The library is going to be closed for a month while the renovation continues. I've had so little information on any details about what will be happening during the time we are closed. If I hadn't asked about the money earlier this week we would be scrambling now. As it is I'm having to figure these things out on the fly. One thing I know is that I'll have to figure this out.
first stop of the day... Casa Verdugo
Casa Verdugo is usually visited in the middle of the route. Today I had to go there first thing, because I had to drop off a bunch of things. First was the book holds. I packed nine bins of holds this morning. Then I also dropped off thermal paper for the receipt printers, as well as facial tissues. Also delivered Narcan, printer paper, and gloves. Oh, and of course their regular delivery.
getting some pizza
TheNewCute suggested last week that we have a pizza party today. So I took a trip down to Burbank to pick up some Little Caesars. I then went to Brand and TheNewCute, Misa and I had a couple of yummy slices. There is something really yummy about Little Caesars pizza, despite it being inexpensive. I think I will suggest having a pizza party at Brand maybe every couple of months or so. I like.
Casa Verdugo hold shelf
After Brand I went back to Casa Verdugo to pick up the bins that I left them with the Central holds. The gang there did a good job shelving the holds I left them. They actually had enough room on the shelves we have at Casa.
OK, there's the delivery table
After hitting Montrose and Chevy Chase I returned to Central at 4:20pm. There was no way I was going to disembark all the items in ten minutes. Sure enough, I didn't leave the building until 5pm. I'm not going to put it on my time card, because I spent a lot of the extra time at the pizza party. Ha. Still, I had to figure out where to leave the books that needed to be checked in at Central. Junior showed me where to put them, and after that I was off. It was quite a day.
Universal studios
TheGirl had some in person training today at Universal. She mentioned that she had to wipe her cars all day. I'm not sure if she means her cleaning cart, or something else. She added that she felt like a grandmother. I remember when I started at Ralph's that first day every muscle in my body hurt. You wouldn't think bagging groceries would do that, but for some reason my body was super achy after that first shift. I think that's what TheGirl is experiencing. She added that she doesn't want to have to do this very long. I hope she finds another job fast. I feel for her. She's eleven years older than me, and I can't imagine starting at a new job now. I feel old. She said it, she feels like a grandmother. Funny enough, she is a grandmother for real. Godspeed, TheGirl. You can do this.
I plan on buying her a little camera and mini screen for her to check up on Cheyenne. I think maybe I should order it now so we can set it up for her to check up on Cheyenne during her breaks.
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homeless man sleeping on the street
Sunday, May, 26, When I went to the market today I saw a man sleeping on the street. I mean literally on the sidewalk. I'm not sure why this is a thing now. I assume he's high on something, and doesn't care that he's just out there on the sidewalk.
My aunt is driving me crazy these days. Today she made quesadillas for us to eat. This despite the fact that she knew I was going to eat the other half of the burrito she didn't finish on Saturday because it was "too spicy." I ate it today, and it had zero spice. I actually put salsa on top of it. Shaking my head. Then there was this thing about putting jalapenos in the quesadillas. It was not a bad idea, but I literally never want her to think I take any of her advice, so I didn't put it in the quesadilla. Fuck it, stop trying to tell me what to do. Because, that's where it comes from. She wants to tell me what to do. Last, this weekend she comes into my room on Saturday and tells me that my cousin's kid came by last week. My aunt asked her if she "believed in the devil." My cousin's kid said yes. Right away my aunt claims that's what they teach in school, which I refuted. They don't teach religion in public schools. And as for "believing" in the devil I told my aunt that by virtue of her believing in god she herself believes there is a devil. And actual being that is evil. She said no, that was different. How does she know my cousin's kid didn't mean it in that way? Her saying she believes in the devil isn't saying she worships the devil. Duh! My aunt is nuts. I want to tell her to leave me alone. I want to tell her to just stop talking to me about this stuff, or anything for that matter. I'm trying to keep the peace, but she constantly doesn't read the room and continues to push her narrative about everything. I need her to stop, but she won't on her own. Like everyone on Earth, she thinks she's right. I know I think that, but our thoughts are incompatible. I'm just tired of her antics.
Mary Rose
My former library coworker, Mary Rose, is apparently going to USC for her Masters. I know I was much older than her, but boy did I want to date her. She's so cute, but alas I'm a dirty old man. I wish her the best, even if she doesn't know I do.
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heart emojis is nice
Monday, May, 27, I couldn't help myself, I put a clapping emoji on Mary Rose's IG post. Well, she responded with two heart emojis. Nice. When she was working at the library she mentioned a book of poems that she wanted to read. The library didn't have it, so I bought it for her. She was thankful, but then the other ladies got to her and made her think it was a weird gesture. I mean yeah, I had a bit of a crush on her. Sue me for finding a girl attractive. I wonder if she still has that book.
TheDesire posted another picture on IG. I really like this one. She looks so gorgeous. I wonder if she is willing to do another photo shoot.
this explains why there were four helicopters hovering over my house today
I was chillin in my backyard today, which was fine. But there were four helicopters flying around at various times of the day. I didn't know why. It wasn't above the freeway, so it wasn't an accident. It wasn't until this evening that I found out what was all the commotion. It turns out that someone died and was found in a pool. The house was up the street on Haskell, on the South side of the boulevard. The news didn't have many details, other than to say that police didn't suspect any foul play. They added that there was a skimmer in the pool. It's very likely the guy was cleaning his pool and had a heart attack. We shall see if the news follows up.
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ADU, huh?
Tuesday, May, 28, There were two items in delivery that were for a patron with the initials ADU, standing for the patron's first three letters of their surname. The hold slip also had the information of the book being for a staff member. Grimace didn't know who it was, because we couldn't figure out who had ADU as a surname. I went to the computer and found out that the hold was for "Adult Services," aka the Reference department. That means this book should have stayed at Central. I wrote my supervisor to tell her that she needs to inform the circulation team that these books need to stay at Central. Let's see what happens.
move that pole
The crews working on the bike path came back this week to move the handicap sign in front of the library. Many dopes have made their own parking spot where the sign was located. But there are no stripes there, so they have been parking illegally. When does that stop anyone in Glendale. The crew didn't exactly move the sign, they removed it. Then they placed a handicap sign on the power pole. But right above it it still says two hour parking. I asked them if someone was going to at least turn that sign around. They said they didn't know, they were just dealing with the handicap sign. Fuckers.
I went to the market after work to pick up some booze. I turned the corner and there was a woman with some really tight yoga pants bending over the cart. I mean I got the full moon. The woman was gorgeous, of course.
The last time my aunt and I went to Costco she grabbed a bag of Tyson chicken nuggets. They looked good. I set some aside for dinner tonight. I will say that they are fatter than the nuggets I usually get from Foster Farms. They might be bigger, but the Tyson ones don't taste as good as the Foster Farm nuggets.
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another tent goes up at Central
Wednesday, May, 29, I went into work and I got to see the "tent" that the construction crew put up to keep the dust down. It's a flashback to the last renovation when they put up a giant tent to also keep the dust down. Deja vu. There shouldn't be as much dust this time.
It would seem that everyone agreed to all go to the special training at Pacific today. Because of that I had to cover the phones from 10:15am to 11am. Just great. This pushed my lunch back until 1pm. Oh well. It's so silly that I end up covering like this, because there are other dopes that can do this. But, I always end up doing this, because I'm capable.
credit card machine at Central
Nancy asked me about an email from treasury stating that they had the new credit card machine for Central. I told her that I could take care of it on Monday. She didn't know that we were going to get a new machine. She was not yet the circulation supervisor when these arrangements were made. I was actually going to ask the ladies at Treasury if they knew when we were going to get the new machines. But, I forgot to ask. I told her I would disconnect the current machine and take it on Monday. Bastardo getting things done.
Cheyenne at dinner toinght
TheGirl was going to be working until 4:45pm tonight, but she was sure she would make it home before I arrived. She was right. We decided to go to Don Cuco's in Toluca Lake because it's close by. I picked steak for dinner, so I could give Cheyenne a lot of table scraps. I took the picture above early into dinner. She is almost as gray haired as I am. I wish we didn't get old. I gave her a lot of kisses tonight.
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Thursday, May, 30, I got all ready for work and had some time before actually leaving for work. So I just sat in my chair watching the news on TV. Well, I passed out and woke up at 8:50ish. I was going to be late today. I texted work and worked my way on the freeway. So stupid. How could I pass out and be late? Well, I got to work at 9:15am, which means I was only fifteen minutes late. Not bad, but also not good. Never again.
new planters on Brand
When I went for my lunch time walk I saw that the crews were putting planters on the new bike path open areas. I'm not sure why they made them the color orange. More people have come into the library to say that they don't like these changes to the street. I don't blame them, but this is a test for future bike paths.
The other night I was jerking off and I found a strange but intriguing category of porn. The category is called humping. It's lesbian humping, as if to simulate the use of a strap-on or having sex with a man. There is no penetration with toys, nor is there even cunnilingus. Yet, I do like this category. I guess I like even implied fucking.
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Friday, May, 31, I've said it before, but part of my duties as the delivery driver is to take the cash and checks collected from the operation of the library to the city treasurer. As part of the chain of custody that I'm supposed to follow, I'm to take locked bank bags from the safe in Circulation to the treasurer. That's fine. But we are closed for a month, and I don't have access to the safe in Circulation. I told Nancy that we would need another safe. I was tasked to fetch the safe they have at Chevy Chase and bring it to Central. But then this is when being Glendale is defined.
As I write this I can't remember how I found out that no one knows the combination to the safe that I'm supposed to pick up from Chevy. I tell Raffy, "Then why should I bring it down here to Central?" He agrees. That settled I tell him that I don't understand why the administration office doesn't have a safe, and he tells me that they do. So I go back into admin and ask Joe about it. He shows me the safe and tells me that no one knows the combination. What the hell? I ask Joe who might know, and he says that Kerri supposedly knew but she forgot it. Then Joe mentions that Kristina Gerber knows. OK, I ask, has anyone called her? Joe says no. Frustrated, I send her a text asking. Her response is that she doesn't remember, "Ask Kerri" she adds. Of course. So now I don't have a single safe that works. The only reason why we are bothering with this is because Tony doesn't want to go back at the end of the day to the Casa branch to drop off the money. He doesn't like change, but in the delivery game it's about being flexible. So now I don't know what to do. I told TheNewCute while telling her this story that perhaps I should just tell everyone not to give Tony the money until Central reopens.
I didn't get to have lunch with TheNewCute this week, but I did hang out a little in her office. She told me to sit down and I told her the story of the safe saga. I was seated across from her. At one point in the conversation she places her foot on top of my knee. Then she takes her other foot and puts it above her other foot. Basically I was an ottoman. Which is cute, and just means that she's comfortable with me. I do miss human contact since the start of the pandemic, so I do welcome here or any lady to be more touchy feely. Ha!
Sarah McLachlan
I don't remember when I bought my tickets to tonight's Sarah McLachlan concert, but it's been a while. I had tickets to her show in Long Beach two years ago, but that's when I caught Covid, and couldn't go. Well, tonight more than made up for that. It was super cool. I didn't take many pictures, because my phone was the only camera I could use. I wish I could have brought my fancy camera, but alas they don't allow that. No idea why, but whatever. Had the time of my life.
Except for the food I got there at the Bowl. The booze was also weak sauce. Next time I'll be more prepared. Maybe I'll even keister my own booze next time.
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Wrap-up: May turned out to be a good month. There were some bad things that happened, like the passing of my former coworker Tom. Cheyenne is still good, but TheGirl can't find a good job. She got a job with Universal Studios, but it's a lot of work, and long hours that keep her away from Cheyenne. I'm hoping she can find a better job. A month that has me seeing Sarah McLachlan in concert can never be bad. I knew my seat was really good, but it was excellent. I was so close. There was a whole lot of stupidity this month, but I should be used to that. However, Sarah made my month, because of that I give this month an A- grade. On to June.