Afterthoughts : This Past Month
This month has had more than its fair share of ups and downs. Here's the update.
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updated teen website
Wednesday, March, 1, I've been vicariously attending the teen team's meeting as they work on the new teen page as part of the library's website. This is because TheNewCute would sit next to me when we were at Casa. So, I got to listen in on the meetings about the social media presence. They also talked about the teen webpage on the library website. Well, the new teen webpage went live today (see above). They used Emma's graphic. Nice. The new teen librarian is using all her energy, I hope it's for not. Because I know how these administration dopes can be.
The person that taught me the delivery route over a decade ago is leaving the library for another job. I overheard Grigor talking to HR the other day, while I was in circulation, talking about cashing out his vacation time. That to me signaled that he was quitting, but I didn't ask him directly at the moment for being thought of as an eavesdropper. Which I totally am. The news was broken officially by DrDeath in his email to the troops. With the door open I went ahead and asked him what he was going to do. He told me he was going to sell funeral plots. Last year, when he was having trouble with Krishna at Adams, he mentioned something about his friend offering him a job. I don't know for sure, perhaps this is the same job he was talking about last year.
snow on my gloves
I called it hail, but everyone else was saying it was snow. On my way from Pacific Park and Grandview the sky's opened up. I could see that it wasn't just rain. Within a few minutes the downpour stopped, only to start up shortly after I arrived at the Grandview library. Sure enough, it was snowing. It didn't last too long after hitting the ground. It would melt in a few seconds. I'm sure this is a once in a lifetime event.
the ladies
TheGirl and I have a standing dinner date every week on Wednesday. It's a tradition that comes from when we were dating and I got off work at San Marino around 5pm. The eternal question every week was and has always been, "Where are going to eat tonight?" There are times when we definitely know where we want to go, and tonight was one of those nights. TheGirl was craving Mexican food. But.. the winds were blowing hard, so TheGirl was worried that we couldn't go to her favorite restaurant. I told her that we should just try to get in, but I also asked her about our plan B. We didn't need a plan B, because Don Cucos sat us inside. That is exactly what TheGirl was hoping would happen.
Cheyenne ordering me to give her food
Meanwhile, Cheyenne didn't care if we were inside or outside. She wanted table scraps. There's a thing that she does when she wants food and/or attention, and that thing is using her paw to tap on my thigh. I was seated in a booth, so my thigh wasn't as accessible to her. Because of this she started to tap her paw on the cushion. It was funny because each time she did that it was like the sound of a thud on a bass drum.
Cheyenne is so adorable.
I have a running joke with TheGirl about why Cheyenne is asking for food that involves me accusing TheGirl of not feeding Cheyenne. I am kidding, because I know that TheGirl loves Cheyenne with all her heart... just like I do.
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palm tree lane
Thursday, March, 2, It was such a pretty day today. The rain and snow is gone and in their place they left a sunny day. I went walking and it was absolutely wonderful. This is why people live here.
TheNewCute came into work today at 3pm and as soon as our coworkers were out of listening range she broke the news that she was offered the "Hendrick" job at Brand. I knew it and I called it, but now it's almost official. She said that her first day will be March 12th. I wished her the best of luck and told her that if she ever needed any help with anything that I was a phone call away.
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fuck all library idiots
Friday, March, 3, I don't know how many times I've said it, but float does not work. At least the way they do it here at Glendale. They also compound the problem by being assholes and sending a bunch of books between locations to "refresh" the collection. Fucking idiots. Worse part is that it's done on my back, because I'm the dummy that gets to haul these books from location to location. Since it's not their backs being broken by this process they eagerly send mountains of books to various branches. This is what I came into today. Nineteen bins full of books. And my coworker had already taken a few bins the other day. I wish I could burn all these books.
another fail
I went up to the Chevy Chase library as I always do on a Friday, and I did my delivery thing. Today that included those stupid books. When I was done with that I had some issues with the new automated doors. For the last few years the administration dopes have been promising that they Chevy library would be automated. But for the last year they have been supposedly making the big push to finish up this awful project. Someone told me that they were just a few days away from going live with the automation, but when I went up to the door today I noticed that the automation was turned on. I usually set the doors to stay open, so I can come in and out easily. Today I did that and when I was leaving I stopped a few feet after exiting the library. I turned around to make sure the door was closed, but it wouldn't close. It would bounce a little and then return to the open position. It did that several times in a row before I decided to push the door close. As I walked away I turned back to see if the door remained closed and I noticed that the door was trying to open up again. The lock was engaged, but you could see that the motors were trying to open the doors. Just great. Now that's how this thing is going to fail. It's just going to grind itself to death. Yet another Glendale library fail.
I'm trying to remember who told me, but the grapevine has let me know that two more people may be leaving San Marino. Kimberly started working around September, and she is the one that is definitely leaving next month. I was told that she got a job at LAPL. I'm not sure if it's a full time job, but I would think it is. The other person, Ann, isn't definitely leaving. However, I hear that she may be getting a full time job at her other library. The crazy thing about that is if she leaves there will be no one left to catalog the incoming books. These dopes have not hired anyone else to help her in a department that used to have four people working in that department. If Ann leaves they are fucked. But, as TheNewCute says, they did this to themselves. Truth.
the little fan that could
I have mentioned the problems that I've had with my water heater in the past. But to recap, the thing has a sensor that is bad and shuts down the pilot light whenever my aunt washes the dishes or showers. She takes long showers and that triggers the sensor to pop, and I have to reset it in order to relight the pilot light. Lately I tried placing a fan on the sensor whenever I've showered and it seems to prevent the sensor from resetting itself. But, that only works when I'm home to turn it on for me or when my aunt showers. That is why I went online to see if I could find a small fan that I could leave on during the day. In comes the little fan that could. As you can see from the picture above the fan is tiny, but I've placed it right next to the sensor. Today was the first day I left it on and it seems to have done the trick. When I got home after work I noticed the pilot light was still on. Eureka!
new hummingbird feeder
I bought a new hummingbird feeder, because the old one had a metal base that rusted. That made the sugar water inside unappealing to the local hummingbirds. I saw one feeding on the old feeder and I could see the poor thing winced. The old feeder was pretty, but I don't care about that. I want to provide the local hummingbirds some food.
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Saturday, March, 4, Saturdays are for chillin. The weather was warm enough for me to spend some time in my backyard today.
Just after eating breakfast this morning I looked out the kitchen window and noticed that there was a hummingbird sitting on the feeder. Yay! I'm so glad that the new feeder is attracting the neighborhood hummingbirds.
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the little fan that could
Monday, March, 6, I'm happy to report that the "little fan that could" is keeping the pilot light lit on the water heater. I was hoping that this simple fix would keep me from having to replace the water heater. So far so good.
I arrived at the Grandview library around noon to drop off the books and have my lunch. To my surprise Gitmo, TheNewCute and the children's librarian were all in the kitchen about to eat some take out. I joined them and I said to myself that this would be the last time this group would be in this kitchen having lunch. TheNewCute is up at Brand next week, so this was it. I wanted to pronounce that this was the last lunch, but I didn't. I just lingered in that moment. I'm a sentimental fool.
The children's room gave us a bunch of books to take up to the Chevy Chase branch. According to my coworker Jokwin, one of the children's librarians came downstairs, to circulation, yesterday to complain that we weren't moving the books fast enough. Can you believe that shit? But today the manager for Montrose and Chevy asked me if we could slow down the pace. I told her that the children's room staff was trying to have us move faster. She said she would let them know that the pace should be slower. Thank you. Fucking idiots upstairs think they run the library. But Chevy is a small branch with an even smaller staff. They are having issues dealing with the books we already hauled up there, and here these ghouls are trying to cram more books up there. This is some sort of bullshit project to put more books into that library for this so-called automation project.
I've written about that project before, but I'll just add that they said they were going to do a soft opening next week. Prediction, they will fail as they always do. The fucking doors will swing open one night and I'll be up there staring face to face with a deer. Or perhaps the automated system will catch on fire. Good thing there's a fire station next door.
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TheNewCute's last shift on the desk with me
Tuesday, March, 7, TheNewCute starts her new position a week from today. They finally officially announced that she got the Brand job in am email from DrDeath. Everything is all set. She was scheduled to work with me on Thursday, but she's going to take the day off in order to call in sick and use the last of her part time sick hours. That means what would have been our last shift together on Thursday is actually today. I told her that fact at one point as I walked back to the office to drop off a book going to Central. I got really emotional and so I played it off and went to the back office with a tear in my eyes.
TheNewCute and I shared some unique time for two coworkers. For nearly two years we worked entire shifts together at San Marino and then at Glendale. I don't know of two people spending that many shifts together for such a sustained amount of time. Alas, now it's time for her to start a new path without me. At every previous turn TheNewCute and I actually got to work more closely. Like when she got the job at San Marino, that's when we really started to work close. And then when she was promoted at Glendale we worked less together only to then work two days a week on the same service desk. So who knows what the future holds in store. What I do know is that this is a cross roads for us both. I have to figure out what I want for my future. For now I'm getting a lot of hours at Glendale, but that can't last forever. There is going to be a point where the city will not allow part timers to work forty or more hours a week, like I'm currently doing. And then we am I?
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Pau Gasol's jersey retirement
Wednesday, March, 8, Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter accident back in January 2020. He was X years old. Last night, just over three years after his death one of his teammates from the last championship he won, Pau Gasol, had his jersey number retired. For a franchise that has known some of the best players the league has ever seen, this is a great honor. It's sad that Kobe couldn't be there, by his teammate, to celebrate this event.
I could not hold back the tears while watching the ceremony.
I had a thought today as I was driving over to TheGirl's place to go to dinner. That thought was, what if they hired TheNewCute for the job because she makes so much less than I do? It may sound mean to say that they only hired her for that reason, because she is qualified. But I did find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have hired Vagabundo over TheNewCute, simply because he has a lot more experience than she does. I do wish her the best of luck, but I also warned her how the job isn't what she's doing now. I joked that she should get good shoes to climb onto the roof from time to time, but it is something the previous person at that position would do. I don't think she believes I'm serious about that. I'm actually looking out for her. Despite the fact that I think I'm more qualified than she is, I'm happy for her. It is unfair that I've been working here for fifteen years, but the dopes in charge never think to make me full time. Why should they, right? I do the work of a full timer on a part timer's salary.
the ladies
TheGirl and I went to the Smokehouse for dinner tonight. I usually have good meals there, but tonight not so much. I ordered the burger, which is admittedly never been that good. I wasn't in the mood for a big mean, but I think next time I'm staying far away from the burger. The meat was fine, but the bun was hard from being toasted too much. It ruined the meal for me. But the booze enhanced it, to be sure.
Success! The "little fan that could" survived its hardest test to date. It survived my aunt's forty five minute shower! I think from this point forward the little fan should be able to handle all situations just by the fact that it cools down the sensor enough to keep it from resetting. Best $7 I have spent in a long time.
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good answer
Friday, March, 10, I couldn't my question in forever. This morning I asked Vagabundo why he thought he didn't get the job. He was the number two candidate on the list, and is more qualified than TheNewCute in almost every way. He has his degree, and it currently working on his Masters. She doesn't even have her associates degree. She has seven years of experience in libraries, and Vagabundo has at least eight. Those two things alone, on paper, might be thought up as reason enough for him to get the job. And yet, TheNewCute got the job over him and me, and a few others that have more experience AND their Bachelor's degree. Vagabundo's answer is to the point. He's a guy that doesn't beat around the bush. "... They wanted who they wanted from the start."
I've come to the conclusion that I never had a chance at getting the Henrick job. It was slatted for TheNewCute all along. Vagabundo was the best candidate of those left and he didn't get the job. That to me signaled that the fix was in. I won't bring this up anymore, because I never had a chance. For whatever reason they thought that TheNewCute was the best for this job. Fine. I've said my reasons and now it's time to just move on. She's going to be working there now at a job that I thought I had a great shot at, but I wasn't even in the building. OK.
The other day I thought that it was going to be our last lunch at Grandview before TheNewCute starts to work at Brand. But, that turned out to be today. Her supervisor brought some food and I had my lunch. It was nice. How many lunches have I had in that kitchen over the years? It's certainly my last lunch there, but it won't be the same again. But who knows what might come in the future.
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Santa Anita Park
Saturday, March, 11, It's been about a year since TheGirl and I went to Santa Anita Park and here we are again for what is slowly becoming an annual tradition. Today was a good day, and we're already thinking of coming next year.

We arrived and were placed into our box. There was some rain yesterday and even this morning, but the racetrack said that they wouldn't stop racing unless it was a downpour. Thankfully the misty rain that was falling on the drive to Santa Anita stopped just as we got to the east end of Pasadena. We ordered up some food and drinks. I thought I had hit add to order for my booze, but it turns out I didn't. TheGirl had the same problem later. The package I bought online was great, because they gave us $25 credit. That's a nice discount since the price of admission is like $20. The races were fun. I was looking at the races and picking horses based on names. I actually got a few picks. TheGirl says that we should bet next time. Maybe a few bucks.
selfie with TheGirl
We headed out around 4pm, because TheGirl had to walk Cheyenne plus two other dogs. It was good though, because I think we actually got to watch more races this time around. And here is a picture of TheGirl and I. We make a nice duo.
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200,000 miles!
Sunday, March, 12, My Honda Fit hit 200,000 miles today. It happened just a few yards from my house as I went to the market. I have driven this car for nearly eleven years and it's been quite a ride. I don't even know how many trips I made up the coast, and to Vegas. And of course all those miles around town going to fun stuff and work. Here's to the next 200,000.
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Brand is all set to welcome TheNewCute
Monday, March, 13, When I arrived at Brand the branch manager was giving a tour to some delegation. I went to Circulation and then to the sorting room to see if TheNewCute's desk was still a mess. Thankfully the crew at Brand did clean it out and had it nice and neat for TheNewCute's first day tomorrow. I put my gift on her desk and took the above picture. I also fixed her computer to be connected to the monitor. A coworker said that they were having trouble getting it to work. It was a detached cable that was preventing the video from going to the large monitor. The crew also made a sign that said, "Welcome to Brand." How nice.
a plant for a gift
I bought TheNewCute a plant for her desk. I found out that another coworker also got her a plant. Nice. Great minds think alike. Under the plant I left TheNewCute a note containing the poem "If." I truly wish her luck.
After that I went to Casa and talked to Vagabundo and he and I spoke about how the fix was in for TheNewCute to get the job. We both think that it's a salary thing. I also am thinking that they want someone they can mold. I'm still happy for her, and I'm more inclined to think that I'm better off not getting the job. Here's why.
I'm working forty hours a week now. I have my retirement fund and I have my own health insurance. Since so many people have left, and even TheNewCute getting this job and now not being available for Casa and Grandview, puts a strain on the entire system. There are fewer people and more hours to be had. They can't stretch me any farther, because I'm sure they would. As a matter of fact I'm thinking they're going to tell me I'm going to work until 7pm on Tuesdays as well. They can't bite the bullet because I would be getting overtime every week, but with so little options they will probably have to have me do that.
The Grigor job is the next full time position I might get a chance at getting. However, the way these dopes are they won't post it for at least six months. And then the process takes so long that they will take another four to six months for the person to get started. That means the position won't be filled for nearly a year. So strangely enough not getting this might be the best that could have happened to me. Sure, I don't get the security of a full time job, but I still make more than TheNewCute, and I'm working as much if not more that forty hours per week. So yeah, it's not perfect, but I'm uniquely positioned to be working a lot of hours for a bit of time still.
Vagabundo and I also agreed that TheNewCute has no idea what she's gotten herself into.
three years ago
It was three years ago today that I drove around the city of Glendale, after I finished the route, posting signs that said that the library was going to be closing for two weeks. Yes, if you remember the original period of time we were supposed to quarantine was two weeks. Now it's three years later and most of the mandates for masking and other things have been officially retired. We're supposedly getting back to normal now, but Covid is still out there. I sure don't want to get it again.
By the way, the sign I posed said the following:
Out of an abundance of caution the City of Glendale has directed that this facility be closed through March 31, 2020.
Yeah... Sure... March 31st. Little did we know that two weeks would be so long.
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TheNewCute on her first day at Brand
Tuesday, March, 14, As I showed in yesterday's entry I left TheNewCute a plant and a poem on her desk for her desk warming and first day at the new job. She sent me the above photo along with the text, "Don't make me cry on my first day." Awwww.
Truman escaped
Erin from Brand and I were texting via the city's chat server this morning when she told me the news that she gave notice today. I don't have all the details, but I know that she's been looking for an escape from Glendale for a while now. Well, she did it. TheNewCute started there just in time to cover her hours.
It will be sad to see Erin go, because she's a good egg. To quote Ilsa, "All the good ones are leaving." Amen.
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the ladies
Wednesday, March, 15, TheGirl and I went to Wood Ranch for dinner tonight. It's the place we went to eat the night I fell and hurt myself. More on that in a moment. Last time I ordered a lot of food and it was just too much. I tried to get something smaller this time and it worked. I only had a little bit of leftovers. We always have a good time with wine and song. Well, not so much song from a radio. I always have a song in my heart. Especially when I'm drinking.
It was eight weeks ago that I ran and fell and hurt my arm (among other things). I'm just now able to say I'm at 99%. Not 100%, because I still do have some pain when I twist my arm. However, I don't have constant pain, but I do sometimes get pain when I over do it. Never in a million years did I think I would be this hurt for this long. I hated being in constant pain, and having to compensate for the lack of mobility.
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Thursday, March, 16, Today is the twenty-sixth anniversary of my mother passing away. It's been so long that it now has been half my lifetime since she died. I was so young and so not ready for anything. I like to think that I've grown since that time, not just old but at least smarter if not wiser. It's hard to remember her now. I can't even imagine what her voice sounded like. I have no recordings. I have recordings of my Grandmother's voice, but not my mom. I miss her.
eye roll emoji
Every two years I'm required to take sexual harassment training. It's super boring. TheNewCute was seated next to me in the back office at Casa, so I just talked to her the entire time. I must say that I do like doing the training online rather than going in person. That was the worst. One year I was falling asleep at the training. I literally woke myself up after falling asleep and snoring a huge snore. That training was a struggle, but I was so embarrassed that I fought off the sleepiness.
In the morning, as I was getting ready to open up the library, I received an email from the city saying I was on the eligibility list for the library assistant job. It was the same email I got after the interview for the Henrick job. The one TheNewCute got. Fine, but it also meant something. Sure enough, in the evening I checked my email and there was an email from Mala asking if I was interested in interviewing for the full time library assistant job. Sure I am. TheNewCute was seated next to me, but she was on the phone. When she got off I still wasn't able to tell her, but I had sent a text to Vagabundo in the morning when I got the initial email and just moments after the Mala email. I also texted TheGirl. Finally I was able to tell TheNewCute. She told me, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, we could have practiced your questions." I told her, "I just now got the email."
So here I am again, on the brink. Is this one for me? It seems strange that being number five on the previous list that I would somehow be eligible for this round. Something is up, I thought. Perhaps they expanded the list to include me, because the job is for me. Perhaps someone dropped out. I know Vagabundo isn't going to drop out. Or was he?
Vagabundo ended up calling me tonight and we spoke about the job. He's thinking that the fix is in for me, this time. He said that he almost didn't want to go to the interview. Well, that makes it easier for me, for sure. He's my chef rival in this process. He's good. Just like TheNewCute is good, he's even better.
Whatever the deal I was in. Monday at 1:30pm. But then as I closing up the library with TheNewCute I remembered that I was scheduled for a special delivery on Monday at 1pm. And I had no idea how long that delivery would take. I knew then that I had to tell Mala I needed to reschedule. She said that she would get back to me on Friday. Now I wait.
text from Talia
Talia had an important test today. She told me, as you can see in the text, that the doctor told her she had to have surgery. Not many details about that, but in the last few weeks she's told me some things here and there. In short, she has a tumor on her uterus that measures twelve centimeters. She sorta alludes to what a previous doctor said to her about having to take her uterus out in the last line I included in the screen shot above. A few weeks ago when she told me she might have a tumor, and that it was close to her uterus, I told her that I was considering having a baby. And for a moment I actually did, just because of how I keep thinking of shuffling off this world.
The more important thing is that the tumor is big enough that Talia looks like she has a "baby bump" as if she was four months pregnant. I'm not sure when she's going to be able to have her surgery, but I definitely need to visit her before and at the hospital. I mean, I don't care about having a baby with her.
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Link + mistake
Friday, March, 17, I walked into work this morning, and after I brewed some tea in the Keurig, I went about getting the book bins into the van. As I got to the Brand bins I noticed that some Link plus books looked like they were supposed to be going out to the borrowing libraries, not their home library. I kept those bins off the van until I could be sure where they were going, until I could ask Violeta. Sure enough it looks like lazy fuck didn't take the labels off. They were going to their home library. However, one of the books was going back to their home library. Some dummy didn't check in the books correctly and didn't take the Link plus labels off the incoming books.
Actually several people have been getting circulation tasks wrong for a while now. That's because the new people have not had the level of training that I had when I started working. What a shame.
Once upon a time in... Hollywood
TheNewCute and I were talking last week about movies and such and somehow the movie "Once upon a time in Hollywood" came up. Well, for the last few lunches that we have shared we have watching it in segments. I liked the first act. Buuuut, then the second act happened that the movie went off the rails. There's a lot that goes on on the second act, but while watching I wondered "Is this trip really necessary?" What I mean is that there is usually some sort of reason why a movie exists, beyond just being escapist entertainment. Not that having some sort of meaning gives a movie any more credibility than an entertaining movie. However, Tarentino often used to have something underlying the pure entertainment factor. Or maybe I imagined it, because nowadays his movies seems to just be self-indulgent. Those movies can be good as well, but sadly this movie doesn't fit under that category. The ending didn't help. It just wasn't a good movie, but I certainly enjoyed watching it.
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Saturday, March, 18, The circumstances of me not being able to chill in my backyard on the weekends have mostly been weather. Today the weather was near perfect, which is why I got to sit in my backyard for most of the day. Ahhhh!
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brunch trio
Sunday, March, 19, A couple of weeks ago my coworker from San Marino, Annie, was texting me and she wondered if I had heard from Irene, our old boss at San Marino. Annie suggested we go out to brunch, and I agreed. I made reservations at the Raymond in Pasadena. It was a good time, for sure. Annie and I told Irene about the stupidity that has been San Marino since they fired her. Irene was telling us that the children's librarian was the one that got her fired. I never would have guessed. Irene said that T accused her to HR of telling Lora, who works upstairs, that T was pregnant. But Lora was a nurse for over twenty years. To quote Irene, "Lora has eyes." I never thought this was the reason why they let Irene go, but she had a target on her back so any little thing they could use they were going to use it against her. How sad.
circulation office
I hadn't even arrived at the location for brunch when Mala was texting me asking if I was available today. Sure I was, but not until 2pm. I wanted to still enjoy my time at brunch. I wanted to have a mimosa. I made it to work just in time. I knew I wasn't going to make it at 1pm, which is the initial time Mala wanted me to start. As it was I was lucky that I had a spare shirt in the car, because at brunch I just had a Batman t-shirt.
While at work I got to talking to one of my coworkers that went out for the Hendrick job. He didn't make the list. I told him that one of the people on the list bowed out and that's why I was going to have my interview tomorrow. He said, "Oh, I know it's Reneh." What? I knew it was someone else, because that someone else told me he didn't want the job because it was at Central. And now my coworker was telling me that Reneh didn't want the job for the same reason. That means someone new has been added. Vagabundo is another candidate, and me and someone else from the list. Number six. TheNewCute and I were texting and she wondered why Vagabundo went out for the job in the first place, since he has a full time job now with the county. I don't know. Ilsa asked the same thing. Honestly, I don't know his motivation. Not that I'm wishing he bow out too, but I think he should. Like I said, he has a full time job. I know it's not about fairness, but he should leave this one for me. It's bad enough I should have been a full timer by now, but what if he goes in there and get this job over me. Does he leave county? I don't know anymore. And what about he former number six candidate. Who is that?
I found out that my coworker from San Marino, that started working at Glendale a few months ago is leaving. I found that out earlier this week, but today I got more details. Apparently her fella got himself a really good job up "north," and she will be moving with him. She hasn't officially told me she's leaving, but the grapevine has kept me informed.
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Monday, March, 20, I had my fair share of whiskey last night while I blew off some steam jerking off. But this morning I not only had whiskey throat, but my stomach acid was making its way to the back of my throat making it feel like it was burning. So much so that when I got into the shower I briefly started to gag and cough from the bile in the back of my throat. It was not pleasant to stand bent over the toilet coughing and gagging.
My stomach was feeling bloated and when I started having a lot of farts in a row I knew that it was time to shit. And oh boy did I shit. The initial drop was a big fart pushing out. It was under so much pressure. After that I felt normal again. I needed that before my interview.
I went back to Central and went upstairs for my interview. I don't think I did very well on this interview. What threw me off are some of the last questions. One was, "What do you think can be done to improve the library." If I had told them the truth my answer would have been much different. Like, fire all those idiots upstairs. Or how about, burn it all down and start again? The other strange question was about having a supervisor give me "constructive criticism" and what did I do with that advice? Oh that was awful. Believe me when I say that I made up some bullshit answer to both of these questions. ARGH! Like I said, I don't feel too good about this interview.
Stacie at Brand library
As I said already, I had to reschedule my interview this morning because I was doing a special delivery today. I was to fetch and deliver some art from two local high schools: Hoover and La Cresenta. From the way the gallery lady, Shannon, made it sound there were going to be a lot of pieces. But ultimately it wasn't all that many that they really didn't need the van. I could have used my car to pick up the small amount of pieces. Whatever!
Vagabundo found out that TheNewCute was asked different questions during her interview. We both knew that the fix was in, so why the added BS of giving her what I can only assume are more favorable/easier questions? That seems like overkill since it doesn't matter what the answers are at that point. It just goes to show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I'm really starting to wonder if I really want this job. I hate to say it, but I'm kinda half hoping they don't offer me the job. But the reality is I should take it for economic reasons. I need to have my forty weekly to make my nut. ARGH!
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Tuesday, March, 21, TheNewCute told me today that she is going to be at Casa until the middle of April. I do love spending time with TheNewCute. Nevertheless, she does belong to Brand now, and that's where she should be. But believe me, I rather have as much face time her as possible, but all good things come to an end. It is funny how we keep getting partnered up even though we were at two different jobs. Funny how it's worked out that way.
After TheNewCute came back to the desk from her evening break she reaches out her hands for me to warm them up with my hands. She has a level of trust with me that I cherish and would not do anything to break that trust. This is why I'm going to miss TheNewCute when she has to work at Brand permanently. If I'm still on the route then I'll see her at least on Fridays. But if I get this full time position and they sit me down at Central then I won't see her until we hang out. But then why am I hanging out with a woman half my age, they will ask? Yeah, I'll ask that too. I just did. Alas...
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Wednesday, March, 22, TheNewCute takes her lunch at 1pm on Wednesdays. That's an hour later than I'm used to having lunch, so if I want to have lunch with her on Wednesdays I'll have to rush the first part of the route so I don't have that many stops after Brand. Today worked out because my coworker Tony has been going to Chevy Chase in the morning, and he's taken their books to them. Which means one less stop for me. In short, I'll have to modify the route if I want to be at Brand at 1pm.
This is assuming I'm still driving, of course in a few weeks. For now I'll just enjoy this. For now I'll make the effort. For now. And that brings us to today. I arrived at Brand at 1pm, but TheNewCute had to have her lunch at 2pm. Which meant I stayed later than I should have. I spent nearly two hours at Brand. If she's having her lunch at 2pm that means yet another modification. I mean I could do almost all of the route before 2pm, if I wanted to rush through it. And really if I'm making the effort to get to Brand by 2pm and eat then that's that. But do I really want to eat that late in the day? I do have to think of other factors. What a dilemma. Maybe I'll just have lunch with her on Fridays, when I know she has her lunch at 1pm. Ah, I just thought of something. Brand prints out a desk schedule. I can see that at the beginning of the week to see what time TheNewCute is scheduled for lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays. Oh jeez.
TheGirl was worried that we would get rained on at dinner, so we had to figure out where we were going to go. TheGirl hoped that wherever we would go they would let us take Cheyenne inside the restaurant. Thankfully Don Cuco's allowed us to bring her with us. This was not the first time they let us sit inside. TheGirl ordered up something new, which is a Cadillac margarita with Tajin instead of salt on the rim. Gotta say, this tastes really good. I ordered up some tacos, and they really hit the spot.
After dinner TheGirl wanted to get some ice cream for us, and whipped cream for Cheyenne. While there TheGirl took some pictures of Cheyenne and me.
whipped cream mustache
Always good times. Cheyenne does love whipped cream.
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"tassels" hanging from TheNewCute's jeans
Thursday, March, 23, I was talking to TheNewCute about her attire now that she's working up at Brand. She was wearing jeans the other day, and she said that her new supervisor didn't say anything to her about it. While the city has been more relaxed about the dress code, I told TheNewCute that it was a good idea to dress at the business casual level at least. No jeans until the city tells us that we can. The city will often let the employees wear jeans if we wear a sports jersey when one of the local teams is in the playoffs and such. Or they sometimes have casual Fridays during the summer. But I thought it would be a good idea to tell her to just dress more professionally. For my part I almost NEVER wear jeans to work. It's either my work cargo pants or my slacks. The other day when I covered on a Sunday I wore jeans because I didn't have any slacks with me. But for the most part, even at San Marino, I would wear dress pants when I was working on a service desk.
Anyway, TheNewCute wasn't just wearing jeans but they are in tatters at the bottom. I told her that maybe she should wear less jeans at Brand. At the other branches it's not so important. But I think at Brand she should look professional. Anyway, I don't know if she will take my advice, but I think she will to a certain extent.
serious question
Around noon I got a text message from Kerri, who is a coworker but also the union rep for the full timers. She asked me the above question, which pertained to Grimace. That day we were celebrating Grimace's birthday. Gitmo bought a pizza and cake, and when I arrived Grimace was giving a speech. Well, kinda a speech in that she was thanking everyone that was there at the party. When I got there she was finishing up someone's thank you when she turned to me and said some nice things. I don't remember exactly what she said, but TheNewCute and Vagabundo told me laster that she had complimented me. I do know that she said something about me being good at my job and such. Details I don't remember. TheNewCute remembered much better than I did. Apparently she had said something to the effect that the children's librarian at Grandview was smarter than she showed. She pretty much gave everyone a backhanded compliment. I do remember she told me that it was a shame that I wasn't married, and that I had to work on that. That made me laugh. Anyway, I told Kerri what I had heard what she said about the children's librarian and that I didn't remember exactly what she said to me.
Apparently something happened at Casa between Grimace and Viv. According to TheNewCute Viv called Gitmo and told him that she had to leave for the day. Not sure if there was an explanation, but then Grimace was also compelled to leave for the day. Viv was supposed to do the kid's story time today, but she didn't show up. My old coworker from San Marino showed up and conducted the story time. No explanation was offered to TheNewCute and me about Viv's absence.
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is it Aaron or Erin that's leaving?
Friday, March, 24, Today is Erin from Brand's last day. She was supposed to work tomorrow, but she's taking it "off." She didn't want a party or anything, so the best that they could do is send around a card for everyone to sign. The one at Central was on Jokwin's desk. But, did anyone follow up and tell me to take it up to her today? Nope. Not only that, as you can see from the picture above they didn't even get the spelling of her name correct. For shame. This goes to show you that no one at Central that's in charge knows anything. Total BS.
When I have left jobs the exit has been anti-climatic. It's just another day. I like that it's just another day. When I die it will be just another day. When I left my CSUN job there were no cakes, or cards. It was just another Saturday, despite the fact that it wasn't just another day. We as humans assign meaning to things that objectively don't have meaning. It means something to us though. I loved that job. Leaving it hurt. I had no future there though. I didn't get the clerk job in circulation so I had to move on, to the jobs that I currently have. All things must pass.
a new mug for TheNewCute
TheNewCute was looking for a mug on Wednesday as we had lunch at Brand. She saw one of our coworkers with one of the old Brand mugs. She said she would have to bring one from home. Today while I was in circulation my coworker Violeta tells me that our other coworker found a bunch of mugs with the previous Central library logo, from when administration was trying to rebrand the name to Downtown Central. It was a stupid name, but the mugs where nice. I dot really need a mug, but I knew that TheNewCute did, so I texted her a picture and a question, "Do you want a mug." "Yes," she said. Done.
here we go again
I got an email from the city asking if I was free for an interview regarding Kvon. Here we go again. I'm so sick of having to answer questions about Kvon. At this point I don't even remember the details of what happened. Jeez, I'm so done with this.
lunch at Brand with TheNewCute
I had lunch at Brand with TheNewCute while we watched WWE. Come April TheNewCute is going to Wrestlemania at Sofi stadium, so she wants to catch up on the storylines. I would watch anything, as long as I continue to have these lunches with TheNewCute.
latest Link plus drawing
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here we are at Musso & Frank Grill
Saturday, March, 25, Ilsa and I have talked about going to various famous restaurants just because they exist and we need to visit them. Also, she has plans to move out of the country in about three or four years, so if she doesn't visit them now she probably will never will. A few weeks ago we went to the Formosa, and we said that we had to go to Musso and Frank, as well as Tam O'Shanter. Tonight it was Musso and Frank.
sitting at the Marilyn Monroe booth
When we arrived we found ourselves behind a bottleneck of an older lady trying to go down the stairs in the back. Because of that we were seated a little later than 5pm. Ilsa mentioned wanting to sit in the Marilyn Monroe booth. The host told us that would be fine, but that we would be limited to an hour and a half. I HATE having limits to my meal. Especially when I expect to be doing some drinking. But, we agreed that it would be OK. :/ The last time we went out we were limited in our time to an hour and a half as well, and it made me feel like we got the bum's rush. Anyway, we were seated at the Marilyn booth.
Musso and Frank is definitely old school. It's a place that has been around for over a hundred years, and definitely speaks to the old Hollywood. There is an air to this place. I know there's supposed to be a dress code, so I figured I would dress up semi-nice. Well, most of the dopes in the restaurant weren't dressed as nice as I was. Some where, to be sure. But some just had t-shirts and jeans on. Oh well, I looked nice.
my meal: fettuccine Alfredo & baked potato
I ordered the fettuccine Alfredo and a baked potato, along with a martini. the fettuccine was so yummy. The potato is super good, but how do you mess that up? They certainly didn't skimp on the bacon. Ilsa had the veal schnitzel which she let me taste. Oh and did it taste super good. Next time I come here I might just have that. Then again, maybe next time I'll have a steak. The cocktails were all on point.
wonderful key lime pie
Ilsa has visited Musso before, and in our conversions about tonight she mentioned that the key lime pie was super good. Since we didn't have much time we asked for one pie. It tasted amazing. But, so did everything else tonight. Especially the booze.
hello John Wayne
At the end of the night we walked down to the Roosevelt to see if we could get a drink in the lobby bar. But we made a short stop at the Chinese theater to check out the impressions in the cement.
the lobby at the Roosevelt
When we entered the lobby of the Roosevelt guess what? Surprise surprise, there was yet another wedding going on. They must have a wedding booked every weekend. ARGH!
Ilsa at the Tropicana bar at the Roosevelt
We ended up at the pool bar, ordering up a dirty martini for Ilsa and a gimlet for me. We were at the bar, it at one point we moved to the fire pit that's a few feet from the bar. We chatted and chatted. At one point I watched one of the bartenders leave. Little did I realize that it was the last bartender leaving the bar. They left without charging us for our cocktails. How funny is that? Shortly after that we made our way to the exit and back to our cars at Musso and Frank. Good times. It was a good night, full of good food and good drinks and definitely good company.
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Monday, March, 27, It was only a few months ago, back in early November, that my former coworker at San Marino started working at Glendale. Well, today was her last day at Glendale. She's moving up to Alameda county with her fella. From what I understand her fella is making bucks up north, and since things between them are serious, she's moving there with him. You know, I have a feeling that there's more to this story. Maybe she's pregnant. I'm sure Jade will tell me later, because she said there was more to the story. So like Paul Harvey, I'll know the rest of the story.
Not much happened today ago work. It was a pretty standard day I didn't get any news about the full time job. That's OK, they said next week, so that includes the entire week. At this point I'm not thinking much of it.
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those hips
Tuesday, March, 28, I've said this before, that the weather lady in the morning has some wonderful hips. I think her hips are getting a little wider, but I think it's just the outfit that she wears on a given day. Today her hips looked really good. There are some days when she wears something that doesn't show off her hips.
My arm doesn't hurt. Not only that, but I actually feel like I felt pre-injury. I'm back to 100%, and it feels so good. I realized today when I went to get a book on the shelf and nothing happened. No flinch, no pain, just movement. It felt lovely to have that thought, and to not have any pain.
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trash truck
Wednesday, March, 29, It was a busy morning for me, but I managed to juggle it all. First there was loading the van in the rain, which is not fun. Then treasury. But, just as I was exiting the van at the city hall complex I got a phone call from the trash guys. I totally forgot that they need me to open the rolling doors in the dock area. So I had to rush back to Central for that. Then I went back to treasury and waited until they finished the money. Then it was back to Central to have HR interrogate me, again.
At 10:30am I had to have yet another interrogation with someone from HR. This time it was some investigator for the city that mentioned he wasn't around the last two times I had to be interrogated. He asked me about Kvon visiting and what was said. Mainly asking me if knew that Kvon wasn't supposed to be at the library. I'm tired of having to answer the same question over and over again. This guy used the technique where the interrogator asks the same question over and over again in order to have the one being questioned to falter and say something incriminating. I tried to just say what I knew and I didn't want to elaborate too much.
After my interrogation I went downstairs to wait for Stacie to take some pedestals to Brand. She was late, which slowed me down on the route. And then after that delivery I went to pick up some huge panels that are going to be installed in the gasoline station park, which is by the Adam's Square library. Come next week I'll be taking the panels to that park, but for today I just took them to Central.
TheGirl and I tried a new place for dinner tonight called Finney's in Burbank. I have to say that my pastrami sandwich was really good, but TheGirl said her turkey burger was just OK. Cheyenne also loved the pastrami. I gave her a little piece and for the rest of the night she was asking for more.
who slobbered on me?
She was so funny, because she will usually give me the paw signal, but tonight she was pushing my belly with her face. She left so much slobber on my shirt. As always, it was good times. I'm not sure if we will return here, because TheGirl didn't really like her burger. But, my food was good.
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Friday, March, 31, There isn't much to report today. About a half dozen people did ask me if I had heard about the job. I told them I have not, and it wouldn't be today anyway, because both the assistant director and my supervisor's supervisor were both out today. Perhaps we'll find out next week. At this point it doesn't matter to me really. If they pass me over then so be it. I won't like it, but at least I'll still be on the list. And moreover, I'll know that they don't want me.
And you know what they will be passing up? A person that gets things done. For example, Vivian asked me yesterday if I knew if there was a CD player at Central. After she asked I was on out group chat asking people around the system if they had a CD player. Sure enough they had at least one at Central, and a possible one at Brand. Well, today I got to see the actual CD players. The ones at Central are the portable types that are super simple. The one at brand is a stand alone CD player that resembles a deck player. It's a good solid machine, and it's going to be my choice because it has an advantage over the other players. It has a cord, while the other ones are only battery operated.
This morning I also was introduced to this adaptor that allows regular old headphone jack to convert to the microphone cable that the large PA speakers use. Those are the speakers that will be used for that Casa dance event in two weeks. So we're all set for sound. See, if I had relied on the dummies upstairs to get this done it wouldn't have been done until the last minute, or at all. But now, because I took swift action we not only have one CD player, but we have four ready to go. I'll give Vivian a pick of what we can use, but my choice will be the pair the PA speakers with the deck player from Brand.
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Wrap-up: Well, this month has been mostly Ls for the kid here. L meaning loss, like in sports. Why do I say that? Because this is the month that I didn't get the full time job at Brand, and TheNewCute did. This is the month where Vagabundo still went out for the full time position despite already having one. This is the month that ends with me still not knowing if I got the so-called "Grigor" job. This is the month where I once again had to answer questions about Kvon and his suit against the city. It has been one loss after another. Still, I'm standing and I'm good. I will most likely find out next week what the deal is with the Grigor job. I don't have a good feeling about it, because of my interview. And I had a thought that I may have aged out of the job. We'll know soon. TheNewCute is still with me at Casa for another couple of weeks, but that will end and she will be staying at Brand while I will likely stay at Casa since I probably will be passed over for the full time position. For all these reasons I can't give this month a grade any better than a C. Perhaps things will turn around in April. Perhaps my losing streak will continue. Whatever it is, I'll write about it.
I will add that ultimately things are good though. Yes, I didn't get the Brand job and I will most likely not get the Grigor job, but I also had some good times this month. Hanging out with TheNewCute on my lunches and at the desk has been nice. Checking out new places to eat with TheGirl was good. Musso and Frank was amazing. So yes, it's not all losses. In my personal life it's been great. My professional life not so much. I am grateful for what I have. I don't forget that I have it good. I have a full belly and a roof over my head. Ultimately that's all you need to be happy, which I am in spades.