Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Well, half of the year is in the books now. It's time for another update.
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a "new" hotel on Ventura... the Sojourn
Sunday, May, 1, As I drove to the market today I noticed a new sign on an old hotel on Ventura blvd. Formally the Sherman, it's now apparently the Sojourn. Now he's something interesting. It looks like they are refurbishing the old hotel to make it look nicer. The Sherman didn't have very good reviews. And during the height of the pandemic the hotel was used to have people quarantine. But, that's all done now. It's getting a face lift.
what was proposed
But wait... the previous plan for this location was supposed to be an all new six story hotel (as pictured above). Not sure what happened, but I suspect that the all new hotel is not going to happen. Shame, because it looked kinda nice. I did notice that they have a job opening for some sort of manager at the new hotel. The salary is pretty damn good too.
fried green tomato sandwich
I was watching one of the channels that give Disneyland information today and it reported that there are changes coming to Downtown Disney. For one, the Earl of Sandwich is said to be making a return. They killed it a couple of other times before. One time Disney said it was building a huge new hotel right in front of the old Disneyland hotel. But, that thing fell through. However, they did close the Earl for a bit. This latest closure is because they are expanding and refurbishing the West part of Downtown Disney. The building where the Earl was located before was part of the movie theater complex. But, that's gone now, but it's good news that it's back. And speaking of the return of stuff at Disneyland, the fried green tomato sandwich at Hungry Bear has returned. I LOVE that sandwich. I can't wait to have it again, after so long. Blame the departure on the pandemic. But, now that things are returning to "normal" we are getting the sandwich back!
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one dumb desk
Monday, May, 2, I had a rough night, again. But, I'll save that for the next paragraph. For now I want to talk about the shitshow that was the one desk today. I didn't have any good expectations for today, and I'm glad I didn't, because this one desk model lived down to my expectations.
Fail number one came when the city librarian asked if I was able to access the "T" drive. She told me to login with my login to the check in computer (pictured above). Predictively the computer was not set-up for anything. I did't have Firefox, nor did I have any bookmarks. But, I did have the T drive. I was going to the T drive in order to print out the stats sheet. I could access the file, but when it came to printing I could only select one printer, and it was the one upstairs. We have at least five printers downstairs, and could not access any of them. Fuck. I then logged out and logged back in with the circulation login. Then I did a remote login on my computer, where I have everything all nice and ready. Viola, I could print the stupid stat sheet.
Fail number two not being able to answer the calls that go to the reference desk. The powers that be had over a week to get the IT guys to route a phone line to the desk where we are not stationed. Mind you, they are VOIP phones, so it's simply a matter of connecting them to the internet and then rerouting those calls to that phone. You can literally route any extension or number to any phone in the building.
Fail number three was not knowing what I was supposed to be doing exactly. I was not given any direction as to what my duties are while on the desk. Am I to help do any clerking duties? It's strange to me that no one has given me ANY direction. It's typical of this BS. The powers that be want the workers to figure it out. Not them.
At the end of my work day I felt demoralized by working this stupid one desk bullshit. Yes, demoralized.
And now the issue of me being tired and not sleeping well last night. I woke up about three times during the night. The second to last time I woke up it was at 4am. ARGH! It sucks, because my alarm is set for 5:50am. So that means I woke up feeling really tired when I finally work up this morning. ARGH! I fucking hate this shit. I've always been an easy sleeper. I will say that I did go to sleep really late on Friday and Saturday night, like around 3am, because I was jerking off and then watching TV. I need to change my weekend jerk off pattern. I hope that helps.
TheLooker texted me tonight
TheLooker actually texted me tonight. She started off asking me how I was doing (above). She went on to say that she was going to go to the library tomorrow, but I told her I wouldn't be there at a certain time. So she said she would try to go on Thursday. Seems like an effort is being made to see me. THEN she said that we should hang out and go to the Huntington. AND, she said that I should hang out with her new coworkers at a bar in Glendale named Mr. Furley's. I went there with Emma last year. OK, these are good signs. She wants to hang out. Now let's see if we actually get to hang out. When she said we should go to the Huntington she said, "Let's pick a date and stick to it." It turns out that the Huntington is now taking reservations on weekends, so we will have to stick to it. Nice. I'll let her know about that part tomorrow. That way we can initiate the talk about picking an actual date. Yay! I just hope she doesn't invite a friend to come along with us. That would be the worst. Updates to come.
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Casa Adobe de San Rafael
Tuesday, May, 3, My coworker Tony wasn't at work today. Last week he told me that he was going to take the day "Off" this Tuesday. That means I had to go to treasury today, which is fine. I got a jump on the route and went to the city hall complex to take the money to treasury. I then hit every other stop on the route early. I did want to finish the route early, but not TOO early. Mala was at Montrose, so I was afraid that she would drive down La Cananda, by Verdugo park where I have my lunch. She would see the van there and add two and two together and know that I take a little longer lunch. I figured I would go to the adobe since it's off the main road. It is super nice at the adobe, but sometimes there are dopes there. Today was no different. Some dopes came up as I was finishing up my lunch, and gave me a dirty look as if to say shoo. Hmm, well, I was here first. And I still have time on my lunch. When I left the picnic area those dopes walked up to that area. Everyone ruins everything. Be gone! I finished the route a little early and got out of Dodge to get some food.
meh burger from Gold Star
In between working at Central and Pacific Park I went to a place called Gold Star that sells burgers. I believe I went there years ago, but since it was close to the branch I was going to be working tonight I figured I would go there and get a burger. Well, I should have gone somewhere else, for sure. The burger I ordered was pretty tasteless. Never again. Thanks for nothing, dopes. I sometimes will ask, "How can they fuck up a," insert food here. Well, here's a place the fucked up a burger. I think that's why the place was empty. There was only one other sap eating there when I went inside. When I left I think I was the only sap still in the building. One guy did come by to get take out, and another dope was talking in as I pulled out of the parking lot. Never again.
Pacific Park library
I was bamboozled into working at Pacific Park until 8pm tonight. Predictively there was practically no one at the library. At the end of the night there were only two patrons in the library. Both homeless. All in all it was pretty chill. Still, it was a long day.
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back to this shit show desk
Wednesday, May, 4, Day two on the shit show that is the San Marino one desk experience. Somehow today was even worse than Monday. There was a point when the new city librarian asked me to move the wireless keyboard to the circulation desk from the reference desk. Why? No reason. Well, no GOOD reason. I moved it. She also asked me to print out a sign saying, basically, go to the other desk if you want reference. Good job. Done. Lastly she was talking about replacing one of the computer monitors from circulation desk with one from the reference desk. That's where I drew the line today. I told her it wasn't an easy job, and she just said, "Yes it is... we have these kind of monitors at my old job," and then dove under the reference desk to start to take the monitor stand apart. See, but years ago we were moving these stands around and it turns out it's a two man job. One person has to hold the stand while the other unscrews it from underneath the desk. The reason why the second person needs to help is that the stand has a lot more weight on one side than the other. That means it's going to lean as you try to unscrew it, making it more difficult to disassemble. She didn't want to hear about it, so I just walked away. I'm tired of trying to explain to people things they don't want to hear. TheNewCute was there with me and she later told me that I appeared to have "attitude," and she's right. I was fucking tired of the horse shit and just needed to walk away. I was not going to help move that computer monitor stand. To me it represents full abandonment of the reference desk. And the sad thing is I was at the reference desk today because I was helping a patron, and I just couldn't do it at the circulation desk, because there were so many people around me. I needed space and time to devote to this patron. Fuck everything about the one desk model.
book order from August of 2021
My coworker Heather came down to the circulation desk to check in some "new" books. New is in quotes because of the fact that the batch she was checking in were ordered WAY back in August, September and October of last year. This is how backed up they are upstairs with the "new" books. I bring this up because I had a patron call me twice today asking if the book they requested the library buy had come in yet. She thinks that we just order it from Amazon and put it on the shelf in a couple of days. Yeah, no. The slip in the picture above proves that this certainly isn't the case. We're just now shelving books that are supposed to be on the new shelf and they were ordered nine months ago! Think about how we are closer to the one year anniversary of them being ordered than they are from the time they were actually ordered. And this patron is bitching to me about, "Oh you guys haven't called me about that book." Yeah, we have other problems.
TheGirl wanted to go to Don Cuco's in Burbank. Now that I've found one item on the menu that I like I'm cool with going to Don's. Before I didn't look forward to going there. However, the steak taco is super nice. And it's big enough for me. Two is too much food. I drove us there, because TheGirl still can't drive. She says that by next week she should be able to drive.
After we got back to her place she showed me the scars from her surgery. They are not bad at all. I know that in time they will heal up very nicely. I'm glad she got her implants out. She says that she feels better with them out.
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daily useless huddle
Thursday, May, 5, At Glendale, during the time when we were open but not open to the public, we had a morning huddle. It was useless. This week these dopes upstairs started up this useless exercise. Today Mala said something, and despite the fact that I was standing no more than fifteen feet from her I could not understand what she said. It wasn't important. This stupid huddle thing must be yet another BS technique that someone is "teaching" at these library conventions. Fuck this shit.
lunch time
I had my mac and cheese with me for lunch, but I didn't want to open up another can of chili to top the mac and cheese with. So I decided to go to burger queen to pick up a burger. Well, stupid me forgot my mac and cheese in the van. I had to run back to get it. Meanwhile there were a bunch of stupid little flies all in my face as I was trying to eat lunch. Then my iPad kept on buffering while I tried to play an episode of House. I had downloaded it, but for some reason the fucking thing wouldn't play. ARGH! I connected it to the hot spot I checked out last week and viola, it played. But, as I said before, it kept buffering because the signal was not strong. ARGH!
I sent TheDesire a voice message today. I sent her a couple of messages a few weeks ago, but she didn't respond. After she received my messages today she responded and told me that she had recently had a miscarriage. Which is why she's been quiet lately. Perfectly understandable. I can't imagine going through that. I told her I was sorry. I remember her telling me that she wanted to have up to four kids. I guess she's been working on that.
I don't know what to call this
My aunt said she would make some dish with corn that I bought this past Sunday. She said she would add onions to the corn and other stuff. Only problem is she didn't add any seasoning to the dish. So of course it was flavorless. She never adds seasoning to anything she makes. ARGH. It's so frustrating.
TheNewCute was working at Central last tonight. I was texting her about I don't know what and she sent me the above picture. Awwww, so nice.
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someone broke into a restaurant up the street from me
Friday, May, 6, I was getting ready for work when on the news they had a report of a restaurant up the street on Ventura being burglarized. The owner saw someone break in to the the restaurant and called the cops. And at the time of the broadcast one perp was inside and one had been taken into custody. They closed down Ventura in both directions in order to secure the area. I could see that the traffic was going to be a fucking mess. Thankfully they captured the second perp just before I went to work. So despite the fact that there was some traffic I was able to get on the freeway as normal.
A few days ago I went ahead and changed my pillow to an old pillow that I had used before. Sure enough changing my pillow helped my shoulder pain go away. As I write this I still feel a little shoulder pain, but nothing like it had been for the last year to two years. I guess that fancy pillow I bought wasn't firm enough for me. Shame, it's really soft and feels nice. But it's clearly not for me.
cost just keeps adding up
I had the idea that I would treat myself to a special Friday lunch. I do that from time to time, instead of just getting a burger. I was going to order from this place named Seasoning Alley in Montrose. I was able to do an online order, but when I was about to order it the total came out to over $24. That's insane. No way I drop that much on lunch. Not that burger queen is super cheap these days, but it only cost me $13 for burger queen. Things are way too expensive these days.
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at the car dealer for an oil change
Saturday, May, 7, I went to get my car's oil changed today. Thankfully everything went smooth. No issues, just the oil and tire rotation. I was in and out in just over an hour. This, I like.
so-called "Papadia"
I was in my backyard when my aunt came out to see me and ask if I was getting hungry. She had a flier from the mail for Papa John's pizza. There's a thing they call a Papadia, which is basically a small pizza folded in half. There were like five or six different fillings, including Buffalo chicken and steak and cheese. Which is what I ordered for us, respectively. Well, I wish I could report that it was yummy, but it wasn't. My aunt said her Papadia didn't taste like Buffalo chicken. Mine barely had any steak in it. My aunt said hers also didn't have much filling. The price was relatively cheep for these days, $7. But, I don't think we're going to be ordering that again.
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fish dinner from Dinah's chicken restaurant
Sunday, May, 8, I worked at Central today from 2pm to 5pm. I didn't want to go in, but at the same time it meant a few extra bucks. And, being able to leave at 5pm is a good thing. After work I went to pick up some food from Dinah's chicken on San Fernando road. A coworker and I were talking about places we've driven by a million times but have never tried. Dinah's is a place I've drive by many times but have never had the chance to check out. Well, tonight is the night. I went over there and picked up some chicken for my aunt and some fish for me. I liked my fish, though I didn't think all the sides were up to snuff. The pineapple cole slaw was super good though. The next time I go I'll definitely focus on getting the slaw again. But the macaroni and the potato salad was not good. At least my batch wasn't. The rolls tasted really nice, and really complimented the fish. I think next time I'll get fries with my fish. My aunt liked the chicken, so overall I'm saying I'm definitely going back. Maybe another day that I work on a Sunday, since it's becoming a regular thing that I cover when dopes call out.
let's do this thing
TheLooker got back to me today about going to the Huntington. She agreed that June 11th is a good day to go. I SO hope that things go well that day. I want to make a move on her to show her that I'm interested in her. But, am I already in the friend's zone? Most likely, but I have to see if there's a chance at more.
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missing key
Tuesday, May, 10, Last week I was asked about a key that was sent through the interdepartmental mail but was lost. I didn't see the key back then, since I don't go through the envelopes to check what's inside each of them. Well, today I found that key, and it was in my bag. I carry a bag to carry my water and my iPad and camera. Well, I was looking at the bottom of the bag for a screen cleaner, but instead I found the key. Woo hoo! No idea how it got inside my bag. Near as I can figure it out, the interdepartmental envelope must have had a rip and that allowed the key to fall out and into my bag.
text message from Mala
Me covering lunches and people who call out is getting to be a regular thing. Today I was asked to cover an hour lunch at Casa. There was talk that I might even have to cover Pacific Park, since someone called out there as well. But, I didn't. If only they would hire some new employees already. Actually, TheNewCute did tell me that she has an interview at Central on Thursday. If she gets the library assistant job she may leave San Marino. I call it the glue factory, and it's living up to that name. I don't mind getting a few extra hours here and there. I like having that little extra money. But, I certainly don't want Sundays to become some sort of habit. I hate working on Sundays.
Bundy text
As I got to Casa today Vagabundo asked me if I had heard the news about Bundy. No, I hadn't. I was too busy having a quick lunch. He brought me up to speed, telling me that Bundy had announced that he was leaving for another job. Good for him. I texted him to say, "So you pulled the trigger...." (above) You can see that he said that it was time to go. I never thought he would leave. I thought he was a lifer, but the reality is he has not been treated right there. They have diminished him, and it's not right. So many people are leaving because of how horrible both of my jobs have become. I think it's a thing everywhere.
text from Ru
As I was leaving work today Ru sent me a text. The first thing she said was "Hey u." Which I wish was followed by, wanna come over? Ru is so cute. She is, what you might call, thick. But I still love her body. I remember the thin Ru, but current Ru is still fucking hot. I honestly don't think I could handle her. I know, it's wishful thinking that she would out of the blue say we should hook up. But, a man can dream.
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Wednesday, May, 11, Work was work today. TheNewCute mentioned to me today that she needed help with job interview questions for tomorrow, because she was going to have an interview for one of many library assistant positions. Originally when she was hired they told her she was going to be a library assistant, but then changed it to a customer service associate. That position pays less. But, now she has a chance to get a library assistant position. I think she's a shoe in, but obviously she still has to go through the process of the interview and such. We went online and found some typical questions that they ask during job interviews and went over what she might say. Not that I think she needs it. I think it's a formality that she's going to an interview. I think they want to move her up. Gitmo knows she does good work, and wants to reward her for that. Still, you never know. Hence us going over the questions. Her interview is at noon tomorrow.
the ladies at dinner tonight
TheGirl was feeling better today. She was finally able to drive us to dinner. I drove the last couple of weeks since her surgery, because she could not move her arms well. She's still not 100% yet, but well enough to drive tonight. We could not decide what to have, but narrowed it down to either the Counter or Dog Haus. We always joke that we will flip Chan to decide. Of course we never flip the monkey. We decided to go to the Counter tonight and go to the Dog Haus next week. Problem solved. As per usual at the Counter we had yummy burgers and Fess Parker wine. TheGirl mentioned earlier this week, and reiterated tonight, that her landlord raised her rent. She has the money to cover the increase, but at the same time that means less money for other things. That super sucks. Still, we had good times, as always.
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survey results are not surprising
Thursday, May, 12, I guess the city sent out a link to a survey some time in the past. I don't remember, because I most likely just deleted that email. Because, reasons. Some well meaning coworkers actually answered the questions honestly and the results are apparently in. Surprise, surprise, most employees think that moral is low. That's because it is low. And yes, the coworkers I talk to do have these concerns.
oh a podcast... that will solve everything
But never fear, the city manager has a solution in the form of a podcast. Yes, a PODCAST! Oh well, that solves everything. That is much better than actually facing the problems and going to the root of al the issues. Dumb.
text exchange with TheNewCute
There is a saying that goes, "All good things must come to an end." Such is life. My time on Earth will come to an end, as much as I wish it wouldn't. My time with TheNewCute at San Marino is likely to come to an end soon, because TheNewCute got the library assistant promotion that we both knew she would get. She said that if she got the job she would most likely quit San Marino. If only to give Glendale the priority on scheduling. Granted, Gitmo told her that the job would be exactly the same, only that her title would change and she would make more money. I think she should stay with San Marino and only work Mondays and Wednesday, which are the same days I work. She should drop Tuesdays and give that day to Glendale. Like me. Alas, she will make her decision and I will have to live with it. This last year with her at San Marino has been pretty wonderful. She's so full of life. She's so nice. She's so naive. I kinda wish I was that naive again. I've seen too much. I've analyzed too many things. That's what makes me all the more appreciative of the fact that I had this time with her at San Marino.
I wanted to submit something to the Brand library annual show. I had some items that I thought I could submit, but honestly I'm not happy with them. I'm not thinking they're that good. They're not. I rather not waste my time, and money, on submitting what I think is trash. Oh well, perhaps next year. All I know is I need to figure out what I may submit next year.
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storytime junk
Friday, May, 13, On Thursday I delivered a bunch of junk to the Grandview branch for TheNewCute. She was busy with her Thursday program where she interacts with the kids, so I didn't get to talk to her. But, I took a picture of the junk and sent her a jovial text message basically saying ha ha. She then sent me a text asking me what that was. Apparently Gitmo and Vee talked to her the other day about doing the story time in the park gig. But, TheNewCute was not given any details, so she wasn't sure if that meant she was doing it or not.
TheNewCute at storytime
But, it turned out that they basically did ask her without being explicit about it. Typical. Vagabundo told me that the story walk thing is usually a two man job. And now they wanted TheNewCute to do it alone. Terrible. So I told TheNewCute that I would help her set up. It turned out to be super easy, but the good thing is that it allowed me to spend some time with her. Seeing as she's more than likely going to quit at San Marino. There were only three families at story time. Sigh. Gotta enjoy these moments with her.
Glendale News-Press from 2011 / same old story
Misa was telling me today that the committee she's on for the administration group at Central was talking about budget cuts to the next fiscal year's budget. Some of those budget cuts might include closing branches. But of course. This is the same old, tired, story we get every few years. As a matter of fact, a picture recently came up on my feed from 2011. The article talks about the possible closing of library branches. I grant you, a city the size of Glendale is finding it hard to sustain eight branches. One branch that was on the chopping block that time, and seemingly all the time, is the one up in Chevy Chase. But, now that they have committed thousands of dollars on "automating" it I wonder if they will have the stomach to close that. As I think about it, it makes sense that they "automated" that one, because now they can claim that the salary budget for that branch is nearly zero. Of course it's not zero, because some dope is going to have to still man that place from time to time. It's not automated at all. It's just a selling device to turn to those in charge of the purse strings and say, "See, see." Anything we do at the library is never well thought out, that's for sure. I see problems arising from this "automated" bullshit. I also see sucker me being asked to go up there more than once a week to pull holds, or some other bullshit. So typical. But, that's why they pay me the big bucks.
the "GLAC" gang at the Dodger game tonight
Tonight was the night of the Glendale employees game night at Dodger stadium. The city buys a bunch of seats and we as employees get to go for free. I told myself that I was going to go this year, since I've never gone before. But, of course when Emma asked me if I was going I asked her when it was, since I deleted that email out of force of habit. She told me it was May 13th. That made me think of why that sounded familiar to me. Sure enough, it was the night I was going the McCartney concert. But, the rest of the gang went, including Bundy, TheNewCute, and Vagabundo (among others / see above). Vagabundo later told me that it wasn't a packed crowd, which is good. The Dodgers lost the game 12-10 to the Phillies.
As I write this there are only two Beatles on Earth. And no offense to Ringo, I can't imagine myself going to a concert featuring his songs. Not that he didn't have some good songs. Buuuuut, he doesn't have the breath of songs that Paul McCartney does.
It is no secret that I'm a Beatles fan. When I saw the email for tickets to a McCartney concert here in Los Angeles I HAD to buy one. I'm so glad I did, because I had the time of my life.
The first hour was a mix of old songs and new songs. It was OK. But then after that, for nearly the last two hours, it was all hits. I can't say much more other than it was awesome. I'm glad I went.
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Saturday, May, 14, Shortly after waking up this morning I received an alert on my phone (see above). It said that residents of that canyon should evacuate to GCC. I was like, wow, that's insane, and immediately thought about my coworkers that work up in that canyon. I went online and found that there was no fire up in the canyon, but then found the Twitter for the city. Within minutes they were saying it wasn't what everything thought it was. But, the thing is, the alert went all over the county. Ilsa said she got the alert, and she lives out in the boonies. Online people from as far away as Redondo Beach were saying they received the alert.
The tweet from the fire department pointed out that it had been a mistake that everyone in Southern California got the alert. Better than that it was just a drill. D'oh! Someone has some 'splaning to do. The news later had an explanation from the city.
"Due to a glitch in the messaging software, incorrect messaging was distributed throughout Los Angeles County. The City is working with our partners to investigate," the city of Glendale said in a statement.
Some one definitely goofed, to say the least.
sick, huh?
I sent TheLooker when I was at Sofi stadium waiting for the McCartney concert to start. It wasn't until today that she texted me back (see above). She claimed that she was, "Sick and asleep." I guess I could take that at face value, but at the same time how sick could she be that she couldn't text me? I have been sick and I've still had the energy to text someone. But, I guess I'm not that important. This I know.
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Monday, May, 16, TheNewCute gave notice today. Her last day at San Marino is going to be next week. She quit just about a month short of her one year anniversary. It's been a great ride having TheNewCute at San Marino over the last year. She's been a breath of fresh air there, and has often helped me get through some stupidity that abounds there. I'll miss her working there. Thankfully I'll still see her at Glendale, just not as much and as often as at San Marino.
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Tuesday, May, 17, When I woke up this morning I found that my aunt was sleeping in the other room. I like how she thinks that moving a few feet changes things. She claims that there's a smell in her room. Then again, sometimes that smell is from the roach powder she feels she needs to spray at night. Not sure why she can't spray it in the daytime and then leave it to loose the smell during the day. Whatever. I don't care any more. I'm done with this BS.
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my aunt walking around late at night
Wednesday, May, 18, My aunt went and slept in the other room tonight. At this point she might as well just move back into that room, because at this point she is going to end up sleeping there the entire week. I don't even want to ask her what is going on, because all it does is open a can of worms that I don't have the energy to deal with. Whatever.
exit checklist
TheNewCute was given an exit checklist, but when you read it it reads as though a supervisor's checklist. They offered her an exit interview, and the children's librarian was telling her that it was silly to have one. Her reasons were good, and they made sense. TheNewCute said she wasn't interested in an exit interview. With TheNewCute being the third person this week to quit I wonder if the people upstairs understand that their actions have done this. TheNewCute got a new job, but the other two library assistants would have stayed if not for this stupid one desk bullshit. Now I hear that the other children's library assistant is saying she's going to leave come August.
TheNewCute on her last week at work at San Marino
When I got on the desk today I noticed there was only one clerk on the desk, and he was doing passports. By default I ended up being the clerk and the reference librarian. Fucking bullshit. See, this is why people are quitting left and right. Not once did the boss come down to check how I was doing. Whatever. I'm so done with that place. Someone said that the mass quitting feels like an employee walk out. I should be leaving too.
weak sauce margarita
TheGirl and I said last week that we were going to go to the Dog Haus in Burbank. But, during our text exchange during the day she mentioned that perhaps we should go to Islands. I told her that I thought it was a good idea. So we went to Islands in Burbank and checked out sitting on their "patio." I put that in quotes because what it really happens to be is a wide walkway on the side of the building. It was an afterthought. But, for an afterthought it's fine for some eats. But, sadly Islands has gone downhill. That's assuming it was ever good. Actually, years ago I went with a classmate to the Islands on Pico in West L.A. and had a huge burger for lunch. Not that it was the most amazing burger I had ever had, but it was big and different. That Islands was the original location, but it closed during 2020, another victim of Covid. If the burgers were like the one I had tonight then it belongs on the graveyard of history. The burger I had tonight was pretty flavorless. The cheese fries were not bad, but they should have given us a smaller portion. I think American portions are WAY too big. Oh, and lastly the margarita I ordered was super weak. It barely had any alcohol in it. I should have just gotten a lemonade. Still, the company is good. TheGirl also said that she doesn't want to go to the diner in Burbank that we said we should try. She said it looked dirty. That's what makes it a good diner. Oh well, TheNewCute said she would go with me.
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some people need to not exist
Thursday, May, 19, I've seen a lot on the roads over the time I've been driving. But it is really in the last couple of years that I've seen things go completely off the rails. It was really after things started opening up after Covid closed everything down where things got worse and worse. I've seen so many idiot moves. I can't even say this is the first time I've seen someone drive on this part of the sidewalk on Sepulveda Blvd. But this is the first time I have a photograph to share. This morning was sitting at the front of the lane waiting there on a green light. It was me coming up behind him/her that prompted their move to drive onto the sidewalk and into a parking lot besides the freeway entrance. I don't know where they thought they were going, but this move is just wrong. But, you know that already. Fucking idiots.
farewell, Bundy
I booked it through the route today in order to be back at Central by 2pm so I could join in on the Bundy going away celebration. Whatever he is he's a coworker that I have worked side by side for the better part of a decade. It's the least I could do to come and kiss the ring and send him on his way. I figured I would take some pictures as well. There isn't much to say about the event. Everyone was sharing their Bundy stories. And the good thing is that a couple of people from admin came down (unlike for the last two people that left). For the record the assistant director and Mala came down, the number two and three in charge. Good. I'm glad they made an appearance. If only for respect. And, I'm glad that they showed up, because it means they're listening to what the grapevine says about them. Here are some more pictures.

my coworkers hanged the picture of Les
The other day someone in circulation pointed out that Les' picture wasn't on the communal table anymore. One of my coworkers chimes in and says that they nailed it up on the side pillar (see above). So now Les is looking over all of us. You know, he was a good man, but it would seem that we are elevating him to library saint now. There are worst things, I suppose. No reason not to celebrate him. And, as Vagabundo and I say about all this, it's a cautionary tale. Truth.
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customized rodeo burger from BK
Friday, May, 20, I go to the Burger King up in Montrose about three to five times a month. Sometimes I try to break up the monotony and go to other places, but I always come back to this Burger King. I decided to sign up officially to their app so I could get some perks. I also like how I can customize the food. I know I can have it my way at BK, but there are times when I forget that I can ask for this and that to be changed. But, on the app it's right there. Today I decided to get their smallest burger, the rodeo burger. It's basically a tiny western bacon burger, with a patty and onion rings and some BBQ sauce. But, I added lettuce and mayo and boom, super rodeo burger. I like. I like ordering with the app.
oh jeez
The dummies upstairs are still going forward with the so-called "automation" of the Chevy Chase branch library. Every step they have taken towards that goal has been a fail. I previously showed here a picture of the coffee vending machine with a sign that asked patrons to bring their own cups. Like brining my own coffee much is something I do everyday I go to the library.
there... now it's fixed
The remedy for this is now to have some disposable cups sitting next to the machine. The city passed an ordinance to no longer buy single use cups, plates and such. Which means they couldn't have the cups inside the machine. But of course now they're just sitting outside the machine. Mind you, NO ONE will ever use this machine. It sitting in the middle of the least visited, least traveled by, branch in the system. It's only open two days a week. And I know that these dopes have this pipe dream that hundreds of dopes are going to be using the automated library once they get it to work, but it's not going to happen. The only reason why this location isn't closed is because every time they say they're going to close it someone complains and the city has to walk back their statements. It's happened a couple of times since I have been working there. Now this automated thing was supposed to breath new life into this poor sad location. It won't. It's a huge fail. Someone told me today that the pieces are fitting because they're not compatible with each other. How the fuck does that happen? I thought they bought a complete package from the company that makes these dopey automated systems. But I guess not. The other problem is that the company just gives them the items, it's up to the library system to actually install them. But when you have dopes that don't know what they're doing buying these things then you get what's happening now. So typical of these dopes to go in half-cocked and then fuck it all up. Jeez.
waiting to get my second booster shot
Covid measures such as wearing masks is not mandatory right now. Most places you go to have signs that say masks are recommended, but not required. But, the Covid numbers remain high. Not so much the hospitalizations, but cases are still up. In this environment where the numbers are still up and I'm going out more, I felt that it was a good time to get boosted. I'm going to Disneyland in about two weeks, and then hanging out with TheLooker the week after that. And of course at work more and more patrons are coming in and not wearing masks. And they are the unwashed masses, so I don't trust them to do the right thing. So I took myself to CVS and got my second booster shot. The pharmacist that gave me the jab was named Nancy, and she was cute. I went home and had dinner afterward and went to bed with just a hurt arm for the entire process.
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my backyard
Saturday, May, 21, I spent most of the day sleeping in my backyard, due to the tired feelings from my booster yesterday. When I had the last booster on a Friday the same thing happened, where I got tired on Saturday. I slept any ill feelings that day, and today. As I write this it's past 10pm and the only complaint is my arm is still sore. But, it's OK. My lymph nodes are not swollen, like last time. I'm glad to be boosted.
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it's been there since Wednesday
Sunday, May, 22, I was asked to print out a poster for one of the upcoming events that will be using the community room. It's not an official library event, but rather a pseudo library event. By that I mean that this group has partnered up a lot in the past with the library to do these sorts of events. Now I was told to print this thing out. But did anyone take any ownership of the printed poster? Did anyone put it onto a frame? Nope. I put it on a frame, because of course no one wants to do this. Bullshit.
some idiot kid drew on the carpet
Working at the library you will encounter some idiots. Some of those idiots have idiot children. Today I found that some idiot kid drew on the carpet. Just great. To quote a co-worker, "This is why we can't have nice things." Why in the world would a parent see that their kid was doing this and allow it? Or better yet, why are they so terrible that they allow their kids to roam around unattended? Whatever. I'm done with these dopes.
my aunt made pototoes
My aunt told me that she was going to make something with the leftover potatoes from when she made potato quesadillas. She said she saw something on TV, so I told her that would be fine. Well, basically she just put some oil on them and threw some rosemary on top. She didn't season it AT ALL. I mean come on. I don't know why my aunt has this aversion to seasoning. I didn't want her to make the potatoes today, but she was saying she wanted to make it. So I just let her do it, and now I won't be eating them until Tuesday for dinner. I tried one part of one just to see how they taste. But, of course her not seasoning it didn't help with the taste. When I heat them up on Tuesday I'm going to be adding salt.
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moved, three weeks later
Monday, May, 23, It only took three weeks for the phone from the reference desk to be moved to the circulation desk. I'm not sure why the new city librarian didn't move the phone BEFORE we went to the one desk bullshit. Oh that's right, she can't do her job properly. Why bother setting things up BEFORE a big move? Better to do it half-assed and then alienate your staff until they just want to quit. Good job.
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Tuesday, May, 24, There isn't much to report from today. Tony and I had to move a half dozen portable walls from Brand to Central. After that I went on the route as normal. It was a light day on the outgoing to the branches, and heavy going back to Central. But aside from that I can't report too much more.
San Marino did email four of us if we could work more hours. Meanwhile I drafted an email asking Glendale if they could use more on Wednesdays. I want to reduce my hours at San Marino to nearly zero. If Glendale says yes to Wednesdays I think I might ask Talia is she wants to do this side gig online to make some money and we could do it on Mondays. We shall see.
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TheNewCute on her "last" day
Wednesday, May, 25, Today is TheNewCute's second to last day at San Marino. It feels like a last day, because she's going to be working on Sunday. But no one that works here works on Sundays. This is the last day that the majority of the people that worked with TheNewCute will be present. So she went out decorating for Summer reading (see above).
I can't say I won't miss the interaction with her at San Marino. It's WAY different at San Marino than at Glendale. For once there was time at San Marino. We are a smaller crew, and a smaller library. So we are apt to be around more often than at Glendale. Oh well. At least I'll still get to see her when I work at Glendale. But, it's not going to be the same. Again, I am reminded to enjoy what you have, because all good things come to an end.
TheGirl at dinner
Last week TheGirl and I went up to Burbank to eat at Islands. Not that great. But, on our walk of Cheyenne we went by the Wood Ranch that was right across the street. Well, we went up to the restaurant and asked if they allowed dogs on their patio. They said yes, so we decided to go there tonight. The food was yummy, and so was the booze. Wood Ranch is definitely an improvement over Islands last week. My brisket sandwich was yummy, I must say. We will definitely be back for another round next time.
frosting... but not to eat
I bought some frosting at the market today. Why, you ask? Why not? Ha. Actually, I have this idea involving Talia and the frosting. I have this money making idea that involves having Talia sit on different foods and selling those videos. I think that some guys out there might like that and will be willing to pay for such videos. This could make Talia and I some good money, but we have to shoot a lot of videos. She can sit on cup cakes, pies, cakes, you name it. But, the test video is going to be frosting. I would love to have this work out where I could film these videos every Monday and do that instead of going to San Marino. Let's see if I ever get a chance to even go to Talia's any time soon.
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oh that banner is just sad
Thursday, May, 26, Today I got to be on the desk all day. First I was on the Central desk from 9am to noon. Then I got to get some lunch and then back to Central from 3pm to 6pm. I know, it's a long day. But, these dopes haven't hired anyone while at the same time losing people left and right. This is why they've been asking me to cover at the branches lately, and Central, lately. I need to take advantage of this and get more hours.
And now look at that picture of a sad banner. They put it up to celebrate that the library is up for some award. We don't have a chance, by the way, of winning that award. I checked out some of the other candidates and they're super nice. How are we even in the running? These dopes put it up all wrong. The banner has four grommets on the top and four on the bottom. These dopes used one of the outer grommets on one side, and then used the inner grommets on the other side. Meaning that the banner was going to be hanging incorrectly on one side, and sure enough the proof is in the pudding. Just look at that picture. The right side is hanging down. Womp, womb. Typical of these dopes. We can't even hang a banner correctly, what makes anyone think we can win an award?
burger from Troy's
When noon came I wanted to get some food at this Mediterranean place down the road on my way to the Adams location. Well, their online ordering didn't work, so I needed to pick another place. I ended up going to this burger joint named Troy's. I've been there before and was not impressed. However, this time I found the burger to be really tasty. If their burgers are like this I will definitely return again. Hit the stop.
using the "company" car
And then after lunch and going to Adams for an hour and a half I returned to Central. Tony let me use the Impala to travel from Central to Adams and back again. I told him that I didn't want to lose my great parking spot in the parking structure. Also, why should I use my money to travel to another location? No way. Today was a long day, but being on the desk help it go fast.
I talked to Kvon just after I finished working on the desk. He thanked me for being flexible and covering so many times. That's when I figured I would bring up the idea of working more hours on Wednesdays. But when I brought it up he wasn't very committal to any hours. He just said that if I'm available he could find hours. But I don't want to find hours, I want to be reassured that I will have those hours. A coworker later mentioned I should just ask Mala. Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
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this brute
Friday, May, 27, Today was going to be a long day because they had me working the route and then coming back a little early in order to then be on the phones for the last two hours. From 4pm to 6pm. But, before that I had to get the umbrellas and the furniture out in the morning. I had some help from Rory, but no help from the patrons. This guy sat down at the table before I had a chance to open up the umbrella. I told him I needed him to move, but instead he just ducked his head. But of course the bottom of the umbrella was still hitting him on the top of his head. Despite him being ducked down. I don't know why he didn't just get out of the fucking way. At that point I didn't care if I hit him. I told him to get out of the way, but he didn't. So I just said fuck it, he wants it to hit his head so be it. Fucking brute.
and this other brute
As is kinda the tradition on Fridays I treated myself to some fast food. I went to Burger King to pick up a fish sandwich and some tacos, and a medium Coke. Well, as I walked over to the soda fountain this guy was all over the thing. He had two drinks going at the same time, which is fine. But this guy didn't move out of the way after one of his sodas was full and he was only filling one up. When his number was called I slipped in and got the chance to fill my cup. In a few moments he was back and giving me looks for daring to even get my Coke. I mean come on dude, he brought his food back and gathered it with his drinks. Then he goes back to the counter for some sauce. All the time he was giving me looks for even getting close to the fountain. How dare I, right? I mean, this guy could have just used one of the open tables to gather this order. But no, he had to take the fountain over. Like an invasion. Fucking brute.
back on the circulation desk
After finishing up the route a little earlier I ate the tacos I ordered while at Burger King, changed my shirt to my cloud library t-shirt, and then too my stuff to the car so I wouldn't have to carry it at the end of the night.
The last two hours went pretty quickly. I have to say that I have enjoyed working on the desk on these short shifts. When I'm stuck working for four, five or six hours straight it's torture. But two hours is just right.
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market shakers / dog shakers
Saturday, May, 28, The other day I went to the market and bought these salt and pepper shakers. I bought them because I can NEVER find a salt shaker at the house. My aunt hides them. Probably because she doesn't believe in seasoning anything. Well, I put them out as soon as I got home and used them to season the beans she made the other day. Because of course she didn't season them AT ALL. They immediately tasted better. Well, she saw that I bought some salt and pepper and the next day she goes ahead and puts out these dog shaped salt and pepper shakers. Of course.
burglary happened up the street from me last night
There was a burglary up the street from me last night. The news was on social media. This was too close to home. Especially how it was done. The thieves went towards the back of the house and entered that way. I know that I spend a lot of time in my backyard, so what happens if some thieves want to come and hit my house? Or my neighbor's house? I have a lot of lights all over the house. As a matter of fact I added a couple of more lights in the front last week, and in the backyard two weeks before. I have three cameras facing the front of the house. But now I wonder if it's enough. But, what else could be done? A while back I thought about buying a light that mimics the look of a TV. I think that I might get that next week.
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going to the opera with Laurel back in 2010
Sunday, May, 29, I like featuring pictures from my photo feed here just to look back. Because I've become very nostalgic lately. The above picture is from 2010, when I went to the opera with my then coworker Laurel.
The library often has opera talks that are put on in part by the L.A. Phil. Laurel "won" tickets for the opera, and she invited me. This is because we were a little bit of an item. We had dinner in Pasadena, and then wen to the Music Center. We took pictures, checked out the building, and to something to drink. It was a good night, and I wish that things had worked out different. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. But that was fine, because then I wouldn't have met TheGirl.
Well, as I write this it's 9:47pm and I didn't hear back from Talia. To be fair, I didn't exactly say I wanted to come over. But I did tell her I wanted to see her. Oh well. I'm going to jerk off tonight since I have tomorrow off. I had hoped to sleep with her, but I know how the previous attempts have gone bad. This is why I'm not super eager to see her, though I do think we can make some money with her body. But, that could be a pipe dream as well.
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wait until the sun is at its highest
Monday, May, 30, My aunt does some strange things. Today she watered the plants at noon. This isn't the first time she's done this, because she did this the other day. I don't know why she doesn't do it in the morning or evening when the water won't evaporate.
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Tuesday, May, 31, Not much to report for today. I worked a twelve hour day. First thing in the morning I got to go up to the Chevy Chase branch to move furniture. I don't know when the title furniture mover got into my job description, but there you are. Well, thankfully my coworker that works there moved most of the stuff. Tony and I just had to move a round table and some book carts back to Central. Done and done. I bring my coworker up because I just can't stop looking at her body. Some people might not think it's such a nice shape, but I do. Every time I'm in her presence all I can do is trace the curves of her hips. It's pretty darn childish, but I can't help it.
Pacific Park again
After the Chevy thing I ran the route quickly. Thankfully there wasn't a lot outgoing, but there was quite a bit incoming. But not a huge amount. I finished up, drove over to Pacific park and pretty much chilled. That location is SUPER quiet after 5pm. Hell, it's quiet when they open at 2:30pm. That made the shift chill. My new coworker Patty made the time go by quickly, because we both love Disneyland and had plenty to talk about. It was certainly a long day, but at least it's done now. While at Pacific I got a text from Kvon asking if I could work until 6pm on Friday. I really think I need to pull the trigger on asking for Wednesdays while the getting is good.
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Wrap-up: Is it possible to give any month where I get to see an actual Beatle sing anything less than an A? Nope. Yes, May 2022 is the first A grade month in I don't know how long. Probably over a year. Most likely over two years, at least. Aside from the Paul McCartney concert I attended at mid-month there were a lot of other little things that helped this month get a good grade. Actually, not really. If it wasn't for McCartney this month would probably get a B or a B-. Still, I was super lucky to get to see McCartney in concert at Sofi. The stadium is amazing and the concert was a once in a lifetime event. On to June!