Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Wow, we actually made it to 2022! It's hard to believe that we are nearing two years of this pandemic. Perhaps there will be a day when I can go back and read this and say, "I survived that." For now, I'm living it. And also for now, here's the update. Happy New Year!
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injured raccoon
Wednesday, December, 1, I was running around getting ready to go to work when I noticed what I thought was a raccoon on the ground in the walkway behind my room. I was pretty sure it was a cat, until I got close by and came face to face with a small raccoon. The poor thing didn't move. I left it alone after I took the above picture. But later I noticed the poor thing was on the other side of the yard and saw that it was limping. I didn't see any signs of the raccoon after I left this morning.
Novo cafe in Burbank
TheGirl and I went to a place called Novo Cafe in Burbank. TheGirl mentioned that we need to go to different places, since we pretty much go to the same places. We go because we have to find a place that has patio seating so we can bring Cheyenne with us. I love Cheyenne, so I don't mind. Novo wasn't that bad this time around. The flow of wine helped a lot. Ha ha!
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new bird bath
Thursday, December, 2, I bought a birdbath for my backyard and it arrived yesterday. I put it together and put it outside. I didn't take the picture until this morning (see above). I sure hope that the birds like it. A few weeks ago I bought a little pump that circulates the water so that it doesn't get to be a breeding ground for mosquitos and such. Hope it works.
foggy morning
Earlier this week the weather liars said that it was going to be warm most of this week. Thankfully they didn't hit the mark. It was nice and foggy this morning and it remained cool most of the day. Now that's what I call Fall.
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good-bye / "love" notes
Friday, December, 3, Yesterday my buddy Vagabundo texted me in passing that the dummies upstairs were going to send out cards for people to wish the trio that is leaving, Watson, Veed, and Lane, well wishes. When I went upstairs to administration I saw the little cards. I told Vagabundo yesterday that I was not going to write anything, unless it was something silly. Well, when I was kinda forced to write something at that moment I thought I would go and say something silly. I wrote in Watson's card, Wherever you go, there you are. On Veed's I wrote, Keep on truckin. And on Lane's I wrote, Don't be a stranger. Yeah, that's about it.
bus stop
I had a special assignment to do this week, but yesterday was too busy for me to get it done. I grabbed the nice camera and went on my merry way. I figured I would map out the locations in my head and drive to them while I'm out the route. That's exactly what I did. I think the pictures came out OK, all things considering. I went around the city and took the pictures. I did the first half of the route super fast. I was done with three locations by 11am. Good times.
my aunt finally moving around the house
When I left for work this morning my aunt did not wake up to give me my breakfast. I left and I noticed that she got up to use the restroom shortly after I left. I was busy going around taking pictures, and doing my delivery, so I didn't notice that my aunt hadn't come out of her room. I was getting worried. It wasn't until 11:06am that she finally got up and moved. I was starting to get worried. When I got home my aunt told me that she hasn't been able to sleep. I asked her why, and she said that she's worrying about her living trust. They can't file it because the registrar offices are closed due to Covid. Though I saw today that they now have appointments, but I'm not going to tell her that. Not yet. When I did tell her is that she needs to stop thinking of things she can't change. But, in short she's not going to be able to let it go.
a sign of things to come
The so-called "self service" library has hit a bit of a slowdown these days. Not surprised that they can't get this thing to work right. I also like how the patrons will have to sign up for a special card in order to have access to the self service library. Literally no one is going to use this thing.
ever smaller Whopper
I didn't want spaghetti for lunch, so I decided to get a burger for lunch today. I ordered a Whopper and when I got to Montrose and started eating it I noticed that it was a little smaller than before. Everything is getting more expensive and smaller at the same time. No surprise there. That's how things have always been.
TheLooker is super nice. Today I was in the circulation office while she was working there. I was uploading the photos I took of the bus stops so I could email them to the guy that needed them. While there TheLooker and I were chatting. There was a point where we were standing right next to each other. Close enough that if I took another half step I would be able to kiss her. That's all I can think to do when I'm near her. Oh, but there's no future here. I only wish there was a chance. She wants to hang out and take some pictures at the Huntington, but after finals. Sigh.
The thing of is, I sometimes wonder what she feels towards me. Am I just a coworker that's nice? Is there a thought in her mind where she thinks of me as more than just a nice guy? Does she want to sleep with me? Or am I just some creepy old guy? Yeah, while in my mind I still don't think like I'm fifty years old (in some ways that's a good thing, but in others not so much), I am fifty. Because I still don't think like a fifty year old am I missing something that is a blazing sign from her that says, "Hey stupid, you're just my coworker." Sigh.
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yeah, it's crap... I mean CRAAP
Saturday, December, 4, I don't remember if I wrote about this earlier, but I'll update you on this whole thing called the "Vaccine Influencers" project. The library embarked on this project to influence the influencers. The idea is that we would do these webinars to help people that want to go out into the community and influence dopes that haven't been vaccinated to get vaccinated. It's clearly something the library has to do... not! I pointed out to Vagabundo and others that this program was dumb. Those who wanted to get vaccinated have already been vaccinated. Those who still hold to the idea that it's not for them are not going to get vaccinated unless something changes in their world. Like if someone they know gets sick and dies, but before they die they tell them to get vaccinated. And even then.
Predictively this thing was another moment of the library screaming into the void. I woke up early in order to get ready for this thing. I really didn't want to do this, but I got stuck doing it because I was too foolish to just say I couldn't do it from jump. I opened the door a little and next thing you know here I am. What do I mean by screaming into the void? Basically, it's the idea that the library has all these programs for the public, but the public doesn't participate. Because they didn't know about it, or they don't care, or it's whatever. Any of those reasons, and more, contribute to many of our programs being unattended. Today, for example. No one showed up for this thing. So my coworker just had to do the presentation to no one but me. I listened, but no one else did. And I'm pretty sure no one else is going to watch that video once it gets uploaded. It's not a bad idea, but I knew that in the typical Glendale way we were just yelling into the void. No one showed up until it ended. And that one person was a friend of the presenter. Shake my head.
My aunt came into my room while I was relaxing and watching Miami Vice. I bought the Blu-rays years ago, and I figured I would start watching them weekly. I usually do this on a Friday or Thursday, but this week I did them tonight, and inside my room. I also usually sit outside, but it's way cold, and I don't have a heater out there. I think that's gotta be something I get next year. It's way too cold at this time of year, but I really want to hang out in my backyard.
Anyway, my aunt comes into my room and tells me that her guru was saying something about politics in Mexico. She doesn't know what she's talking about, and neither does he, so when the game is telephone happens with her trying to tell me what he said, it comes out a garbled mess. In short, I really didn't understand the point of what she was talking about. She mentioned South Korea, and Mexico and Cuba. I think what she was saying was that Mexico might turn communist. I say that because she mentioned two communist countries and how the people of Mexico have suffered enough. I don't believe anything her guru says, so I was just annoyed when she was talking to me about this. Also, what does she want us to do? And, the reality is that things like this take time. IF the country was to turn communist it would be a process that would take years to get a hold of and take. I don't see the country turning on a dime like that. Now, are times tough over there? Yes, they are. They're tough here as well. My aunt and I are super lucky. It has been our hard work that keeps us going, but it also the contributions to our lives from my Grandmother and Mother. Both of which put so much energy into this home. They paid for it. They worked and worked to feed all of us, and to be a family. It's a fucking shame that they aren't here to share these times with us. Yes, Covid sucks dick and I wouldn't wish my Grandmother to have gotten sick. But, it's all mute.
I miss them both so much. They were both a voice of reason against the ideas of my aunt. They can't be a counter to her now. It's just me here. It's just me trying to not go down a well of disinformation and fairytales, which is what my aunt believes.
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Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden in Pasadena
Sunday, December, 5, A few weeks ago I got an email for an offer that I just couldn't pass up. Many years ago I went to a little park called Arlington garden in Pasadena. I went there before work to take some pictures. While there I noticed that across the street there was something interesting. Upon further investigation I found that it was a Japanese garden. I knew some day I would finally visit this place. Well, today was the day I visited Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden. Woo hoo!
I asked an old friend that I recently reconnected with named Jennifer. She and I used to hang out and go to lunch and the Huntington. But then we had a bit of a falling out. It was a matter of miscommunication. But, she called the library a couple of months back and we reconnected. She and I said we should get some lunch somewhere. I had these tickets and I thought about asking TheNewCute to go, but then thought I should lay off. I then figured I would ask Jennifer. It was good times. Here are some more pictures.

Cielito Lindo on Olvera Street for lunch
After the garden Jennifer and I went to Olvera Street to get some tacos. they really hit the spot. We walked around Olvera for a while and then decided to go get my tamales. My aunt asked me where I was going when I told her I was going out of the house. I told her Pasadena and she mentioned getting some tamales at King Taco. There's one in Pasadena. But I didn't want to get their tamales. I wanted to get good ones, like at Cinco Puntos. I told Jennifer about it and we were on our merry way to East LA. Once we got there it was super hard to find parking, so Jennifer went in and got the tamales while I waited in the car, which I parked in a red zone. She got them and we were on our way back to Pasadena, where she left her car. It was good times. Maybe she will be my Huntington buddy again.
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Monday, December, 6, Work was work today. I talked to Pseudo supervisor about how my schedule was changed to working on Saturdays without my approval or consultation. She gave me some advice, much of which I'm going to use when I email the temporary head librarian. I'm not happy about this shit.
When I got home I was getting my lunch ready for Tuesday, when my aunt comes up to me in the kitchen and asks me, "Why do you drink?" I told her I didn't want to talk about this and walked away to continue getting my lunch ready. She later came into my room and talked to me about my drinking. She said I must be depressed or something must be happening at work to make me depressed. See, she is going on the assumption that if you drink you must be a drunk, and that you must be depressed. I'm not depressed, believe me. I drink because it makes me feels really good. And now I drink when I jerk off and that makes me feel doubly good. I mean crazy good. But, she has a history of her father being a drunk, so every drinker is her father, and every drinker is depressed. Not a good way of seeing things, because everyone is different. Also, may I just say that I'm not a fall down drunk. I pay my bills. I go to work every fucking day. I dress myself and I never bother her with anything. She even said that I never share with her. Yeah, because it's not easy. Talking to her is tough because it would have to be in Spanish, and it's harder for me to express myself in Spanish.
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some good advice
Wednesday, December, 8, I don't have many personal items at San Marino the days. I really don't feel at home there anymore, and so I took all my personal stuff home. Except some of the things in my employee folder upstairs. Today I decided to take even those things home. One of the things I have is a post card from the library director that hired me. She wrote, "Enjoy Life." I didn't know at the time that she was dying. She had cancer and she was dying. I didn't want that at San Marino, I wanted that at home.

traffic everywhere
I left work early in order to get to TheGirl's place by 3:30pm. I forget why she wanted to leave at that time, but I think it had something to do with her work schedule. I figured that an hour and a half travel time would be fine. Well, we left TheGirl's house at 3:30pm and didn't arrive at the gates for DCA until 6:02pm. Here I was thinking an hour and a half was enough time to get to Disneyland. The problem is that some idiot crashed their car and that blew up the Santa Anna freeway. My maps app said that it caused a forty minute delay. Yeah, more like an hour delay. later TheGirl said we should have left earlier. It's easy to say that, but really we did have a good amount of time to get there, if not for the stupid accident.
FINALLY arrived
After over two hours on the road we FINALLY arrived. No thanks to that dope that crashed his car on the freeway, or stopped his car on the freeway, whatever. Boy, that was some BS. Still, TheGirl championed on and we made it.
taking a trip
We were all starving, but we decided to get on a ride or two before going to get something to eat. Our first stop, Soarin'.
potato tacos
We figured that time was tight, so we best get some food and then see what else we could ride. I told TheGirl about this faux Mexican food joint in the "wharf" area. We decided to try it. I had the tacos de papa, which is potato tacos. They were good, but not great. I wish they were a little warmer. The toppings were nice though, and plenty of them.
it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
are those aliens?
Our last stop was Toy Story Mania. I took a picture of TheGirl and I after we had just boarded the ride vehicle and now as I look at it again we look like damn aliens. How I wish we could get to the point where we didn't have to wear these damn masks everywhere we go.
Christmas at Car's Land
It took such a long time to get to DCA tonight that I was really ready to shine this whole thing on. I'm glad TheGirl didn't take my advice though, because we did have a great time. Next time even if it seems crazy to leave at 2pm for something that's starting at 5pm at Disneyland that's precisely what needs to be done. There is too much traffic, and too many dopes causing traffic, to not put that into consideration.
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oh sure, just leave those boxes there
Thursday, December, 9, When I arrived at work I was jumped on for some help. Krishna was asking me if I had see a delivery that was coming for her. I didn't say a thing, because I was standing a few feet away from a pile of boxes. I just lifted my arm and pointed with it to the pile of boxes. Immediately she pounced and said, "Can you help me with this?" I said sure, but then she just went at the boxes and was taking the contents out of the boxes. It turned out that they were filled with mason jars. Apparently they were "gifts" for those who would attend the holiday party. These fools, of course, just tossed all the boxes in a pile next to where they were placed (see above). I had things to do, so I didn't even up helping Krishna and her associates. They could do it.
is this a party?
Today we had our "holiday" party at Glendale. I usually don't attend these things, but they happen to make it on a day where I was in the building and I couldn't get out of at least making an appearance. I certainly made more than an appearance. I stayed a good long time, like over an hour. Ha, the joke is on them, I was on the clock. Still, I got to talk to TheNewCute and one of the cooler librarians. So yeah, it turned out to be a fairly good time.
it's raining... but then it isn't
It obviously rained last night, but thankfully it didn't rain much doing my route. I wore my slicker in the morning, but after that I didn't need it. I like days like this, because it's cool and even if I work hard I don't work up much of a sweat.
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an empty case... who would order that?
Friday, December, 10, My buddy Dane asked me to buy him some video games about a couple of weeks ago from eBay. I was fine with that. I clicked on the links he sent me and ordered up the product. I didn't second think what he wanted. The first order came in on Tuesday, but I didn't see him on Thursday because of the stupid employee party. Today I saw him outside of the library, so I went ahead and went out to chat with him. I handed him the game, that was still in the package that I received it in. When Dane opened it up package he tells me, "There's no game!" I look and said to myself, wow. I told him I would investigate. When I got home I come to find that the product he asked me to order was simply the replacement case for the game. He was bamboozled. He was also not careful and didn't noticed the clear as a bell description of the product. So now when I see him on Tuesday I'm going to have to tell him he's shit out of luck, and needs to be more careful. I supposed I could ask for a refund, but the core problem is that Dane needs to look more carefully. Fucking shit.
There's a page that started about three years ago. He's a little "Special" let's say. Well, I hadn't seen him in a few days. When I went up to get the mail I noticed a letter to Jonathan. I turned to the office guy, "Hey, why are they mailing him something when they can just hand it to him?" The office guy just said, "I don't know." Yeah, he knew. Well, I sent him a text asking him where he has been. A little while later he responds with the information I already knew. He had been let go... fired. He went on to tell me it was because of a dispute with a patron. It also fits that Jon was not wearing his mask properly, or at all. Yes, he did get into it with a patron, but he also wasn't going along with the mask mandate. He often wore masks that were see through. One looked to me like fishnet stockings. Well, he was a good kid, but a little strange. Sad to see him go.
red bins for all
I was talking to Krishna about the red bins today, after reading an email exchange between Tony and Krishna about the red Dink plus bins. I offered the solution of having a red bin at every location that would stay there and just be a depository for the Dink plus books. We could transfer them to a bin in the van and thereby keep it separate from the other books. Problem solved. I hope it really is problem solved, knowing the players in this play.
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there are consequences to stupidity
Saturday, December, 11, I woke up super early in order to get to San Marino to pick up my coworker at work and we could go on our merry way to Disneyland. When I got on the road it was cold, and there weren't very many drivers. This guy in the picture above, was waiting in the crosswalk fo the light to turn green. He got inpatient and went through the red. There were no cars coming from either direction, so I get it. Who knows how long he had been sitting there at the light. The thing is, if you're in the crosswalk the sensor, which is located behind the crosswalk, is not going to engage. So yeah, he probably made himself wait longer by not being in the right spot. Good job, stupid.
I told my coworker that I could meet her at San Marino at 7am. Sure, she said. Did she make it there on time? No. As I arrived before 7am she sends me a text saying, "I'm not going to be able to make it until 7:45am." Oh jeez, why do I have to wake up so early if you're just going to change the time?
we're here!
We made it to Disneyland, went through security super fast, and walked up to the park. The gates were not as packed at the security area was, and we were soon into the park.
there's the gang!
and the Christmas tree!
Haunted Mansion time!
Our second stop was the Haunted Mansion. The wait time was forty-five minutes, but it went by pretty fast. As I looked at most of the wait times they looks pretty good. The park didn't look super packed, yet, but already Rise of the Resistant was over and hour and a half wait. Still, forty-five minutes wasn't too bad for the Haunted Mansion.
set sail
we've been captured
After the mansion and Star Tours we decided to get some lunch. When we checked on Rise during lunch the time had gone down from just over two hours to just under an hour. The line was packed, but it moved fairly fast. Next thing you know, we were captured.
Our good run continued with a forty minute wait for Smuggler's run. We were hitting almost all of the hot rides that my coworker wanted to visit. I have to say that it was temping earlier on in the day to buy the new front of the line feature that Disney introduced last week. For $20 you can go to the head of the line in many attractions, or have a specific entry time. It's basically the new Fast Pass. After Smuggler's we went on the Autopia while we waited for the Matterhorn wait time to lessen. Sure enough, the Matterhorn time went down from over an hour to forty-five minutes. Do you see a pattern here?
flags at the foot of the Matterhorn
It's a Small World Christmas (click above photo to view video)
One of the most beautifully decorated areas of the park is It's a Small World (see above). Normally the clock goes off every quarter hour and there is a tiny show involved. During Christmas time the regular show is replaced with a projection on the entire side of the building. I love it when the lights are lit and you see the building in all its Christmas glory. Check out the video that accompanies the above picture by clicking on the picture.
Sleeping Beauty's castle
fish & chips
I don't know the next time I'll return to Disneyland, but it may not be for some time. I was getting hungry around seven o'clock, but we were still running around getting on rides. But around eight I told my coworker that we should get some food, and then get ready to get going, before the fireworks. I suggested fish and chips since she doesn't eat meat. At lunch we ate at Hungry Bear because that was the only place I could find with a veggie based burger. The fish and chips REALLY hit the spot. My stupid stomach was so gassy that it made it difficult to even eat the meal I was clearly hungry for. I was starving, but my belly was so distended. If I could only fart, but it's so difficult to find a private place to do that at Disneyland. I totally forgot to check out the individual bathroom at the Tiki Room. I'm a dummy. In the old days they would give you two pieces of fish, but these days they give three. They're a little smaller, but the three are definitely bigger than the two, in totality. They still taste good. After dinner we got out of Dodge.
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Sunday, December, 12, I wasn't here all day yesterday, obviously, since I went to Disneyland. So my aunt was of course left to her own devices. One of the things she did was turn off the space heater in the kitchen, because reasons. Never-mind that it's absolutely freezing out right now, why does she always feel the need to interfere in what I'm doing. The space heater was left on a slow setting that would just keep things above freezing. It's not like I turned it up to seven or eight. I turned it to right between two and three no the dial. It keeps that part of the house from feeling like a freezer. But of course during the day or night she went ahead and turned it off. Now, when I went to the bathroom this morning, the kitchen was frozen. I turned it back on, but really I don't get why she wants it to be so cold. She must have six layers of clothing on, and then three layers of bedding on top of her, and you can tell she's still cold. I'm cold. I just can't with her.
I had so much fun at Disneyland yesterday, which prompts me into asking this question. Why is it that when I decide to treat myself to something fun the life we come back to seems to be extra dumb.. as if it was some sort of punishment for having fun?
T sent me, and others, a text asking if one of us could cover a shift today. I told her no. Thankfully one of the new hires, Heather, said she could. From this point forward I'm never going to be available for coverage on ANY weekend. I told TheGirl that I did the math on the situation. If I ask Glendale for work on Wednesdays and the put me on the desk or something that day for even six hours, I could make the same amount that I currently make at San Marino for 2 days. And I could keep Monday at San Marino and make a few more bucks. I guess we'll see. I have to ask Glendale first.
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oh that's a good solution... not!
Monday, December, 13, The only person that didn't get vaccinated at the library is one of the pages named Brad. Because he's not vaccinated they made special accommodations for him. Not sure why he's so special, but they did. They placed a huge room partition in the processing room (see above). This is some major bullshit. I don't know why he gets this special treatment. They're firing people that don't get vaccinated in other cities, but here they just put up some lame-ass partition and call it a day. This is some major bullshit.
oh jeez, this is boring and the screen is now purple
After my desk shift I went back to my office in order to login and do the harassment training I have due before the end of the month. But, the bosses had other ideas. P came into my office just as I was going to start the harassment training and she says, "They need you upstairs." Ah, what? I went but I had no idea that they wanted me to do the city's website training. They have a new system and a new website. It's super simple, so I didn't feel that I needed to spend time on this stuff. But the bosses did. I was practically falling asleep the entire time. At one point I dropped my phone since I was passing out and I lost my grip. It was a struggle, but it was finally over. Just in time to get out the door. ARGH! I would have learned more from just exploring on my own. But, at least I got a login now. Whatever that means.
My aunt came into my room to tell me not to go into work tomorrow, since it's going to be raining. I don't understand her. This is the third time she has said that to be in a week's time. I mean what is this obsession with telling me not to go into work because there's a little rain? I mean, sure, I don't want to get wet. However, I've done the route in the rain many times before. I just don't get her. I told her to just leave that talk alone.
I'm getting WAY too fat for my own good. Yes, part of it is the over drinking. I know that. But I'm also eating too much. Portions are one thing. When I go out to eat I often don't finish what's on my plate, but I feel I need to eat it all or I don't get value from it. But, at the same time I can take it home. Tonight I had some lentil soup my aunt made today and a single hot dog. I would have two dogs, but really I need to slow it down. It was OK, the whole thing really hit the spot. But, I hate to say it, before I went to bed I was feeling a wee bit hungry. If I want to be slimmer I'm just going to have to learn to live with always being hungry. Ha! Yeah, right.
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what is this liquid falling from the sky?
Tuesday, December, 14, The weather liars warned us about today's storm since last week, and today it arrived just as they promised. My aunt was right, I should have stayed home today. Ha ha, just kidding. Yes, it was rainy today, but nothing I haven't handled before. I was ready with my slicker to fight off the rain.
Still, I did get a little wet during the morning part of the route. The rain wained after lunch, and I was able to continue work without getting too wet. Whew!
You know, almost nothing of significance takes place on Tuesdays. It's kinda just there. Except for the rain today nothing much can be said about today. Work was work, and then I went home.
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typical haul for a Wednesday
Wednesday, December, 15, I carry a lot of stuff with me when I go out to work on Wednesdays. In addition to Chandaka, I carry my murse, which has all my stuff. Then I carry my lunch. And I also carry my miscellaneous bag that has a camera, a pair of hats from work. I know, it's a lot. In my murse I carry my computer and my iPad as well as my cables and money and such. It's a lot of stuff. I really need to carry less stuff.
oh that's a lot of soda pop
Since I now start work at 10am at San Marino I decided to take some of that extra time to go and get some sodas at Galcos. I was like an octopus, grabbing sodas. When the final tally was over I had spent $70 in soda. Ha. Two things cost $17 of those dollars, and I'm not even going to drink one of them. I bought a root beer for a coworker at Glendale who served us up some root beer when she became a citizen. I figured I owed her a chance to drink a REALLY good root beer.
oh good, this is done... but wait
I wanted to do my harassment training on Monday, but as I already chonociled here, I couldn't because of some asinine training. Today was the deadline, because despite the fact that they officially said we had until December 31st, they then emailed us to say that we had until today. Because, the help desk for the website that was running the training online was going to be out on vacation until AFTER the new year. Of course. Love how they can't just tell us that the real deadline is today, not two weeks from now. Idiots. Well, I completed my training, but because there was a glitch due to me trying to do the training AND create a poster at the same time, I was not able to get my certificate of completion. I emailed HR as I drove to dinner, with TheGirl. I sent them the above photo as proof that I had completed it, despite the computer saying it was still in progress. I guess if this doesn't work I'll have to do something next week.
did someone day steak for dinner?
For dinner tonight TheGirl and I went to the Smokehouse in Burbank. I ordered a New York steak sandwich. In the past I've had this and have not finished it. But, I must have been super hungry tonight, because I ate the entire thing, and cleaned out the fries as well. The sandwich sure did hit the spot.
It was cold tonight at dinner, but I hardly felt it. Thanks to my thermal underwear and the heater they placed by us. The hostess said more people would be coming out the patio, but no one showed up until we were preparing to leave. Typical.
it's Christmas in Toluca Lake
After dinner TheGirl drove us around Toluca Lake to check out the Christmas lights. It was nice. The nip in the air makes everything look super clear. Chan didn't get to go out of the car to take some pictures. Maybe next week.
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I work with slobs
Thusday, December, 16, I went into work to find the above mess. The person who did the bins last night is obviously a fool. This happens every fucking week. It's downright tragic that the worst person for the job is doing this. Now I don't even know who is doing this, but it's dumb. I had to take time this morning to rearrange the bins correctly. Thanks for nothing, dopes.
I've gone back to going to Pacific Park and Adams library first thing. The reason is that Pacific has the absolute WORST parking situation. To avoid what happened a couple of weeks ago I decided to to there first thing in the morning. Today I arrived and I walked in with Krishna to find that TheLooker was there as well. Woo hoo! I was talking to her and in a moment I noticed that TheLooker was standing super close to me. So close. I know that TheNewCute says that she doesn't have "personal" space, and always stands close to people. I'm not sure if TheLooker is the same way, but I do like that they both stand close to me.
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burger for lunch today
Friday, December, 17, Last Friday the route was really busy. Today it was back to the normal chill Friday load. Nothing much happens on these Fridays. More than half of the branches are closed, so I don't interact with as many people as in other days of the week. I didn't want to have lentil soup again for lunch, so as is the Friday tradition I went to get a burger. There was a new girl behind the counter, because she got my order all wrong. I asked for cheese on my burger, there was none. I wanted the medium size, but I go the regular. I did ask for extra onions, but it really didn't look like there were that many more onions. It's for the better that she messed these things up. I don't need to be eating the larger sizes. I don't need cheese on my burger. I don't need extra onions... well, that I did want and need. But oh well.
Here are just a couple of excerpts from my evaluation. Yes, it was a glowing evaluation.
During this evaluation period, Eric continued to excel in his role as a highly reliable and adaptable employee. He provided exceptional levels of customer service internally within our organization as well as out in the community. In addition, he skillfully supported a wide variety of delivery requests and special projects in a very productive, efficient, and organized manner.
Over the years, Eric has built up very positive working relationships with the different individuals he regularly encounters along his route. He is a proactive employee who can be counted on to work through unexpected challenges independently as they arise but also knows who to pull in for additional support. His commitment to public service is clearly evident in his work as he engages those around him in a friendly and approachable manner. Due to his years of experience at both Central Library and the branches, he is a highly versatile employee who can step in and assist as needed to fulfill different tasks and roles. Eric's excellent work is greatly appreciated and valued as it very positively contributes to smooth operations within our organization.
I was given an overall grade of "Exemplary." Yay me! Yes, I did good work this year. I'm glad that once in a blue moon I do get recognized for that work.
I was just about to wrap up my work day/week when I get a text from TheLooker. She said she wanted some advice on where to get some food in downtown. She told me she was up in admin and that I should come up so we could talk. I finished up and went up. We chatted about where to go. I named her like four places she could try, including Sonoratown and Tacos 1986. At 5pm we went downstairs back to circulation. We chatted a little more and once again she stood so close I could grab her. Sigh. We want to hang out, but of course I want more than to just hang out. Boy, I would love to kiss her already. Alas, it's not going to happen. I'm not a masher. I'm not going to force myself on her. But if she gave me the OK signal... vroom!
Despite the fact that the girls, my cousin's kids, aren't coming to the house in the morning to disturb us while I get ready for work, we have still been getting calls on the home phones from the school district. Tonight I had it. Last week they called like three times in the evening, and I'm sick of it. I went to the phone when the message from the district started. I picked it up, because at the end of the message they usually say something about wanting to opt out, either by calling a number or hitting nine at the end of the call. Well, I pick up the phone and for some reason my aunt picks up the phone right after me. I have ZERO idea what she was thinking. I'm not sure if her TV blasting through the line caused it, but when the end of the message said, "To opt out, press nine," it didn't take. I pressed it like three times in a row and nothing. I then went online to find the number that I needed to call, and they said I was out. I sure hope so, because I'm sick of those calls. The girls don't even come here anymore, so that's that. Fuck'em.
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here at work on a fucking Saturday
Saturday, December, 18, ARGH, I had to wake up early this morning to get to work on time. Double ARGH! While the actual shift wasn't so bad, I still don't like the idea of working weekends. Fuck this shit. I still haven't heard if this is temporary. I hope they don't expect me to work like this from now on.
tacos from Anayas
TheGirl and I usually eat something when we go to these light shows. Tonight was no different. I picked a spot in Pasadena called Anayas. The food was pretty good. I ordered some "street" tacos. They were good, but the beans were the best. I miss good refried beans. The rice was just OK. TheGirl said her enchilada was good. I wish I could have had more than just one margarita, but oh well.
we have arrived
TheGirl and I have been to the Descanso Gardens light show for many years. Except for last year, for obvious reasons. But, we are back! This year we went to the Los Angeles arboretum lights, called Lightscape. After dinner we jetted over there, since our appointment time was 6pm. We were going to make it just past that, but that's OK. The line of cars was long to get in, but it was mainly long because a lot of dopes were in the line for the VIP parking, but they didn't pay for it. I paid, and after seeing like four cars ahead of me get turned away I finally got into the parking lot. The VIP parking lot. Woo! Here are a few of the pictures I took that night.
we're blurry
There was this section where TheGirl said, "Selfie," and I was like, "Oh, OK." She and I quickly found a spot where there were less dopes around and tried to get a shot. The above is the result. I don't know why my front facing camera was so blurry, but even after wiping down the screen this picture above is the best result. Hmmm.
that's much better
When we got to the "Cathedral" lights area we tried doing the selfie thing again. This time the results were MUCH better. Or as TheGirl says, "That's more better."
the Fantasy Island house
click photo to view video
Overall the lights were great. TheGirl said she liked the Descanso ones more, but I think these are at par with those. I do like the variety that these different light shows put on. For me the novelty of the singing trees was really cool. I also liked the starburst looking lights. It was good times. Little does TheGirl know that I got tickets for the Descanso garden lights as well. It's going to be part of her Christmas gift.
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my backyard
Sunday, December, 19, I finally got to sit outside in my backyard. I haven't done that for a while. Mainly because of the cold weather. But, today it was warm enough outside to actually sit outside. At least for a little while. Once it got past 3pm the sun was blocked by my neighbor's trees, and my backyard was cold. So I went inside.
Today my aunt and I went to the market. She was really slow in moving. She took about an hour to get ready after she said she was going to take a shower. When we got into the car she turned her head for a moment and winced. She has had this neck/head pain that she has been complaining about for weeks. It can't be good, and it could be a sign of something worse. But, does she want to visit the doctor and ask about it? Nope. Should she? Yes. She has complained about her neck/head pain as well as not being able to breath. But again, does she want to go to the doctor to see what he can do for her? Nope. Oh well, there isn't anything I can do.
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new city librarian at San Marino?
Monday, December, 20, I have a new boss at San Marino. I was told that she started January 3rd, which is a Monday. We shell see what she's like. I found her social media (above) and it looks like she has a lot of experience. I guess we shall see in time if she's a puppet of the terrible city manager or an independent thinker. The money is on her being a puppet. The last director of the library was a puppet, but the city manager was such a pain that he had to leave in less than six months on the job. It's funny that in the picture she looks attractive, but I saw her in a video that's more recent and she doesn't look like that anymore. But I guess we'll see when I meet her for real.
cute follower
A nice pretty lady started following my social media today (pictured above). I was hoping she might be single. NOT. Oh well. Her paintings are pretty though. So, I followed her back.
contact sheet
I went to pick up my film pictures. They developed the film and scanned the film so I wouldn't have to. I'm going to share some pictures in the coming days, but I'll just say here that I like most of the pictures I took. They color photos came out pretty damn nice. Actually, the black and white ones came out pretty nice as well. I'm glad. I'm definitely going to shoot more film in the future.
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my street
Tuesday, December, 21, I'm not sure how long the construction on my street has gone on for, but it feels like it's been months and months. They worked in front of my house a couple of weeks ago, and at that point I thought they were nearly done with the work. But, then the other day I noticed new cut lines on the floor. ARGH! And of course now I see a bunch more steal planks covering more holes. Perhaps some day they will be finished. I asked my aunt if she sees any of the crews working. She mentioned that she sometimes sees the crews, but that they look like they're just standing around. Oh, I believe that, what with the status of their progress. Jeez.
There's a nice lady that works at HR now, but used to work at the library. I went over to HR today to pick up a coworker's service award, but also to drop off a little gift of coffee beans to Salbi (pictured above). She is SUPER nice, and cute, and pretty, and everything. She always greets me with a smile, and often big fanfare. She's great. I was up at Montrose later in the day and Emma pointed out that Salbi went to the city's holiday party, and posed for picture with her brother. Not her husband. AND, Emma pointed out that Salbi wasn't wearing a wedding ring. WHA? I checked the pictures when I got home and sure enough, Emma was right. She wasn't wearing her wedding ring. Vagabundo told me that if it's true I should ask her out. Oh in a New York minute. I guess we shall find out what the score is with her and her marriage.
will someone pick up the trash?
Glendale has a trash problem. About two weeks ago the city entered into a contract with a few trash companies that would take over for the city run trash pick-ups. The city still picked up the residential trash, but the commercial bins, the big ones like in the picture, are now picked up by three companies. Or should I say they're not picked up by the private company. It's been nearly three weeks and the Brand bins haven't been empty. I told them to call the company, but I doubt anyone called.
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where did the clock go?
Wednesday, December, 22, San Marino is such a joke these days. One small example is this one. A patron said that he missed the clock that hangs from the balcony was asking me what happened to the clock. The other day he mentioned it to one of the librarians and he went to change the battery and have the clock set itself. I told the patron I would go find it and put it up. But after struggling to not drop the clock I just taped it to the railing. I knew that someone was going to come in with a huge ladder soon to change the lights, but also to put the clock back up. But of course my little tape job wasn't good enough for the acting city librarian. Less than an hour after I put the clock up they took it down. Fine, I don't even give a shit because I don't even look at that clock. I should have just left it alone. Because, if you make any kind of moves then that means you're exposing yourself to the people in charge. And nothing good can come from them focusing their attention on you.
Lastly, my new schedule is now Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to 4pm. I'm sticking to that schedule, and no more. No extra time. Just as I was leaving today the office manager called me. At 4:05pm. Yeah, no. I ignored her call. But, not happy, she called again. Yeah, I wasn't going to answer that. Fuck that shit.
TheGirl and I agreed on going to the Counter for dinner since Monday. So, we went to the Counter for dinner. There was the threat of rain, and just as we got there and sat down I thought I felt a droplet of water on my face. I didn't think anything of it. That is until I felt another droplet on my head. And then another. TheGirl said she felt it too, but we figured that if it got worse we would deal with it. In a few minutes the few droplets falling stopped, and it didn't rain the rest of the night. Whew!
Cheyenne is so cute wanting table scraps (pictured above). She just stares at TheGirl's hands as she eats, as pictured above. She then came to me and put her paw on my leg. If I don't respond she will often tap my leg with her paw. It's so cute.
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I have a new rain jacket
Thursday, December, 23, I had a rain slicker, but that thing was more cumbersome than anything else. Yes, it helped me stay dry, but it flew everywhere and got caught on things. This is why it ripped. I decided to buy myself a legitimate rain proof jacket. It arrived earlier this week and today I got to use it (see above). It was just right. It rained almost the entire time of my route, and it kept me dry. Nice. I'm glad I bought it.
I've said it a ton of times, TheLooker is nice. Today I arrived at Pacific and she asked me where there were bars that looked slick. I told her a few and she turns to me and says, "This is why I ask you... you know." I know I would like it if she invited me to one of these bars with her. Sigh. Alas, where would something like that go? Would I have the courage to kiss her? Never mind that, would she give me the green light to kiss her? I'm not a masher. I guess I wish that she liked me in that way, but I'm sure she hasn't thought of me as that kind of a thing. Sigh.
finally... empty bins
As I pointed out the other day, the city has contracted out trash pick up for commercial customers. You know, the big bins. Well, they FINALLY picked up the Brand trash. It only took three weeks. Wonder if it was just a glitch due to starting up the service recently. Or, will this be the new normal? You know, trash pick up every three weeks.
I get told stories about AD all the time. More so now that she's gone and working in Altadena. Today I got two stories. Kvon told me about the time that they were at some library conference and she drank too much booze. He said he had to help her to her room. Hmm. I wonder if she felt her up? I mean come on. I hear things about that conference all the time, but no one ever tells me the entire story. I just get drips and drabs of the wild night they had drinking shots. When shots are involved, and you have a bunch of not professional drinkers, you get trouble. I'm sure the entire story is a great story.
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my aunt getting the vaccine booster
Friday, December, 24, A couple of weeks ago my aunt tells me that the doctor didn't give her the vaccine booster. So, I made an appointment for her to get it today. It's necessary, because Covid is really getting bad. We went and I don't know what she said to the pharmacist about not getting the full dose or whatever. She never knows what she's talking about. She gets a kernel of an idea in her head and she thinks that's gospel. Of course that kernel is always half information, and has nothing to do with anything. But, whatever. She's not boosted.
yes, it is
I love this. I had to post it here.
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sure, just pretend I'm not here
Saturday, December, 25, I went to McDonald's to get my aunt and me breakfast. As I drove up to the intersection I noticed this dummy that was waiting for the light in the crosswalk. Now, there are sensors on the ground that trigger the lights. But, those sensors are not in the crosswalk, they're right behind it. You know, where a car SHOULD be when the driver drives correctly. Then, this person became impatient and turned right in front of me. They drove down the street a bit and then made a U-turn. Of course just as they're doing the U-turn the countdown on the crosswalk starts counting down. It was because I had triggered the light, because I stopped in the right place. Not in the crosswalk, as you can see from the pictures. So many idiots do this same move, week after week. None of them understand that sitting in the crosswalk isn't going to trigger the switch. Oh well. Idiots.
My aunt seems to have weathered the booster pretty well. She was a little tired in the morning, but the rest of the day she's been bouncing around. She's come into my room like five times this evening after we had supper. So there's that. She did say that her arm hurt a bit. I'm glad she didn't have a really adverse reaction to the booster.
If you remember, I went ahead and called the school district to stop calling with their updates. Well, thankfully it worked, because it's been nice and quiet. No more silly updates that don't pertain to us. Now if I could just get my cousin to stop using our address for her mail.
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at the NBC Sports Grill & Brew at CityWalk
Sunday, December, 26, TheGirl's friend gets to park for free at CityWalk because she lives by the park. They give neighbors a free parking pass for twelve visits a year in compensation for the noise of the fireworks at the park. She gave TheGirl the pass a few weeks ago when we went to Johnny Rockets, and now she lent her the pass for today's lunch. She has to use the pass before the end of the year, so she gave it to TheGirl for lunch.
My aunt was on my jock as soon as I came home from my lunch. She says to me, "Did you throw away a tamale?" Yes, because I forgot it at work and it had been left out unrefrigerated for two days. Why would I temp fate and eat a tamale under those circumstances.
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McMuffin for breakfast
Monday, December, 27, Last night my stomach was not in good shape. I was SO bloated and I had really bad heartburn. Usually I take an antacid and I feel a little better. However, last night it was not helping. I took a second antacid and it didn't help much. The only thing that finally helped was me laying on my left side.
This morning I wasn't 100% yet. I put my breakfast on a plate to warm up, but I really didn't want to eat it. By the time I went to fill up my car's gasoline tank I was feeling better. There is a McDonald's right by the gasoline station, so I went and ordered something on the app and picked it up. It hit the spot, I hate to say. I knew I was going to be alright after that didn't cause me any more stomach problems.
yup, that's what happened
A patron was talking to me today about how the Los Angeles Times had an article about how Armenians are not getting vaccinated at the same rate as other ethnicities. In the article I recognized a name of my coworkers from Glendale. They mentioned in the article that the vaccine influencers event we had where, "Only one person attended the Armenian-language session and disappeared at the end without asking questions." Yeah, that beat the Spanish language presentation, which didn't have anyone attend.
oh jeez, again with this stuff
It rained today. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow, but it's supposed to rain on Wednesday. The leak that we had in the living room was fixed by the handyman that my aunt hires from time to time. He does good work. Not that it's impossible that we could still have a leak, but I haven't seen any leaks since he fixed it with some tar. But, my aunt still thinks that there is going to be a leak. Ever time there is a rain storm she puts plastic down on the table under the old leak. Last week she put two big buckets. Know what happened? Nothing, there was no leak. Today it rained and she put the plastic out again. Again, it's dry as a bone. This is a window into her kind of thinking where she has faith that there is a leak, totally ignoring the actual fact that there is no leak. This is her all the way. Always ignoring facts over her fiction.
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turkey for breakfast
Tuesday, December, 28, TheGirl gave me a plate of turkey with the trimmings when I went to lunch with her on Sunday. I ate half of it for dinner on Sunday, but since I wasn't feeling well yesterday I didn't get to eat it yesterday. Feeling better today I decided to eat it today. Boy, it really hit the spot.
one of a series of texts from TheGirl
TheGirl wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't go into work. This morning she said she felt better, but she was still slightly dizzy. This is why she went to urgent care this afternoon. But, they didn't like how she was doing so they sent her to the ER for tests and such. She texted me to say that they did a CT on her head, bloodwork, urine, and did a chest x-ray. As I write this it's 7:21pm, and I'm waiting for an update. I told her it was obvious that it wasn't Covid, and she said that they didn't text her because she didn't have any of the symptoms.
When TheGirl texted me at 6:32pm I told her she would most likely not get out of there until 8pm. As I write this sentence it's now 7:41pm and I'm thinking she might have been right when she said, "Or longer." I just want to know it's nothing serious. She mentioned that they were thinking it was some sort of infection.
all clear?
At 8:44pm TheGirl sent me a text saying the doctors found nothing (see above). Hmmm. I guess whatever caused her to feel dizzy the other day ran its course. She did say that she was feeling dizzy this morning, but not as bad as yesterday. I'm just glad it's nothing.
TheGirl did mention that they gave her Flonase for a prescription. That's for allergies, so I'm sure what they found in her results. She says she's not going to fill the prescription.
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wait, what is this shit?
Wednesday, December, 29, I went to my aunt's bedroom and I found a pair of scarves tucked into the area between the door and the wall. I think she's doing this because the backyard lights are bothering her. If she was really tired a little light wouldn't bother her.
return of the Mack, I mean TheNewCute
TheNewCute sent me a text saying that she was back in town, and that she wanted to get some of her story time stuff today. However, Covid protocols call for self isolation after a plane trip of at least five days. But, TheNewCute really wanted to take her stuff, so she came by anyway. She left pretty soon after though, so I only got to see her for about ten minutes. Sigh. But, I'll get to see her tomorrow at Glendale.
Chan in his hoodie
It's been raining all day, so by the time Chan and I arrived at TheGirl's place he had to wear his hoodie. I love the little Mickey Mouse hoodie he wears. Best thin I've ever bought hims.
oh, I love a rainy night
The rain was set to keep going all night and all day tomorrow. Which meant we would get wet if we went to some of our usual outdoor spots. TheGirl suggested Novo. I said let's so, and so we ended up at Novo cafe. I had the pumpkin ravioli, and it was nice and creamy. Probably the best meal I've ever had there. We tried walking Cheyenne after dinner, but the rain was still coming down pretty steady, so we gave up on that.
Speaking of TheGirl, it turns out she was going to meet up with her son yesterday. But, since she didn't feel well she called that off. She dodged a bullet, because she texted me after I got home to tell me that he tested positive for Covid. His whole family seems to have it.
TheGirl also said that after being in the ER and seeing what she saw (didn't elaborate), that she has decided to get vaccinated. Woo hoo! I've been trying to convince her for months, but with no budge from her. I'm not sure what she saw in the ER exactly. Maybe Covid patients. I hope she gets vaccinated sooner than later.
When we got back to TheGirl's place Cheyenne settled into a nice warm couch. Awwwww. Her sweater got wet while we were walking in the rain.
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the door at Adam's square branch
Thursday, December, 30, Today's route promised to be super chill when I arrived and saw that there was only one bin for each branch. Not that many books going out today. While I was at Pacific Krishna called to ask if I could cover part of someone's shift from 11am to 1pm at Adams. I said sure. I was on my way to Adams anyway. The two hours there were super chill. Only one patron came into the library in that time. ONE!
fail machine
Speaking of that patron, she came in to make some copies. But, the library has these things called KIC machines. They are pretty awful machines at the simplest tasks, such as making a fucking copy. The core action for this machine is to scan and make copies. But, does it just work? Nope. Never has, never will. I still think it's a practical joke the library bought these things instead of getting good old fashioned copy machines.
I went to help the patron with the KIC machine, but it had locked up. I restarted it and apologized to the patron for having to wait. I did offer to just make the copies on the flatbed behind the counter, but the patron said she wasn't in a hurry. Cool. About five minutes later the computer had restarted. We scanned the first page and I went through the menu to get it to print and the thing said it couldn't print. FUCK! I restarted the machine again and the same thing happened to us. I wasn't going to restart the machine again, I just told her, "Let's just use the flatbed." In less than five minutes she was thanking us and going about her merry way, with her copies in hand. Fucking useless KIC machines.
When I got back to Central I dropped off the books, and before I left Kvon was saying how much better the office is without Jade around. He's absolutely right. Then he said, "Hey, we should go out for drinks." I'm game. Both of us need to get out of the house. But, I will wait until Covid dies down a bit. The numbers are just too high to go to bars just yet.
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the Silmarillion back on this date 2007
Friday, December, 31, Of course at the end of the year the ghosts of Christmas past come back again. In this case a picture of the Silmarillion came up from New Year's Eve 2007. That was the day I planned on telling her I loved her, but that's also the day that I found out she had a boyfriend. Yeah, that was a great day. The Silmarillion was really the first of the long line of Armenian women I've been interested in over the years. She was wonderful. I wish I could have stayed in her life somehow. I wish I didn't tell her what I did, because at least I could have stayed friends with her. Well, that's fourteen years now. It is time to move on, but I guess I can't in a way. Here I am with a little crush on TheLooker and I'm pretty sure that's going to be the same as with TheDesire. At least I'm still friends with TheDesire. I do love that. But yeah, TheLooker and I will hang out in 2022, but I'm sure nothing romantic will happen. As much as I would want it to happen.
oh that branch ain't right
Yesterday I noticed that the neighbor's tree was handing on my string of lights. This morning I went out to check and see if a significant amount of weight was being put on the wire. Sure enough, there was a good amount of weight on the string of lights. So, I asked my aunt for the saw, since she hides things. Within a few minutes I was cutting the branch off and boom, the problem was solved.
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December Wrap-up, December has been a pretty good month. I got to go out more, despite the Covid numbers rising during the latter part of the month. I got to go to Disneyland and Lightscape this month. I also got my pay raise at Glendale, though I still don't know what the amount is that I'll be making per hour. It's all good, because I got a good work evaluation. Glowing even. I kept busy this month, at home and at work. I processed my film and it came out good. I can't wait to shoot more film. As the year ends I can just say that I'm blessed. I have it good. Not perfect, but good. I have a full belly, a roof over my head, and good times. That's a good way to end a year. For all the fun I had this month I have to give December a grade of B+. On to January, and 2022!
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2021 Wrap-up, It's easy to say that 2021 was a hell of lot better year than 2020, for obvious reasons. Things aren't normal yet, but they are starting to get to normal. Granted, it's a new normal where we still have to wear masks. Perhaps some day in 2022 we will be able to take them off. When I look back at the year I think it was a pretty good year. There were many positives, such as the many meals I had with TheGirl. The trip I finally took to Solvang. Getting to know TheNewCute better. My pay raise. Finally getting vaccinated and boosted. Returning to Disneyland!
Of course there were negatives, like the BS that happens at work on a daily basis. It's comical, but it's also just stupid. The stuff with my aunt, and how she seems to always gets things wrong. Her slowing down even more. The fact that I'm not getting laid. The fact that the price of everything is going up big time. The fact that I'm getting older, and that the day that I no longer exist is coming in an unforeseen future.
Like with so many things, the good and the bad pretty much cancel things out. But, not quite. I think the positives have finally outnumbered the negatives. It was a good year. Not a great year, but a good one.