This year marks twenty years of Elsewhere journal. The start of this journal was an exercise in writing, you might say. As I wrote twenty years ago, "My plan for Elsewhere is to have a mix of updates, pictures of Los Angeles and opinions... as well as anything else I can think up." That pretty much covers it. Twenty years. Obviously things have evolved over the last twenty years, like I have focused this into more of a day to day journal. I don't know if anyone will read these words after I'm gone, or even before. I leave them here as a record of my life, the good and the bad.
Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Yeah, we're already a month into the new year. Hard to believe, but time does fly when you're having to stay at home. On to the update.
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self portrait - new hair cut
Friday, January, 1, I cut my haircut today. Despite it being new year's day it just feels like any other day. There was no Rose parade. They had a rerun of I don't know what year. And then they had stories of past parades. They had one story on the float where they had dogs surfing. I don't know how many years ago that was, but that is a memorable float. Ilsa texted me and said that it felt like a Saturday. I guess it did, since I had the day off.
Today was the start of my last three day weekend for a while. I'm not entirely sure when the next three day weekend will be, but I will say that I do like these three day weekends. That extra day of sleeping in is wonderful. However, I forgot until just now that I have an early appointment on Saturday to get my car's oil changed. I have to be there at 9am. I hope they don't take as long as they did last time, which was basically all day. That was a major job last time. This time it should be pretty cut and dry. I hope.
the rate is slowing, but it's still bad
I checked online and the Covid rate has gone down a little bit. Not that the current 1.08 new infections per person is a good thing. It's still too high. It is better than 1.24 it was last week. Even still, they sent us all home at Glendale, because someone supposedly texted positive. They told me that I will still have to go in. Probably to check the bookdrops and check in the books. I can do that. I'm OK with that. But, all the curbside teams were sent.
I did get a call from one of the administrators saying that someone at Central tested positive for it. They said that I was at low risk, because I was technically in the building when they were in the building. But, I honestly don't interact with many people when I'm there. They said I might want to get tested, but that the person said I wasn't near them. That's for sure. I say hi to people at twenty paces. No need to talk to anyone these days. Of course now we're all trying to figure out who it might be that has it.
I asked Vagabundo if he was called, and he said no. I also checked with another person on yellow team, and they were not called either. That rules out team yellow, since those two were in the building all day. Supposedly Krishna was tested a few weeks ago, which makes her a risk. But, she hasn't been in the building in over a month. That doesn't mean blue team is safe. I think that they wouldn't have told us if it was someone on red team, because they were last in the building over two weeks ago. Which means we would be out of the incubation period. So I'm thinking that it's someone on blue team. But who? I could text the TheNewCute to see if they called her. She was out of town, but they are big idiots and probably don't realize who is on the schedule. I say that because they thought I was there Monday through Wednesday this week. I wasn't. That also gives me clues that it had to be someone on team yellow or blue. Red team was on a regular schedule. We may never know who got it. But I think I can sorta narrow it down. Maybe.
nocturnal aunt
I've mentioned my aunt's sleep pattern is all jacked up. I have a picture from the security camera where she's going to the bathroom at near 10pm. The time stamps of her entering into view of the camera are as follows: 10:10pm, 11:04pm, and 12:34am. There are more, but I didn't want to list them all. And she wonders why she's falling asleep during the day. On my weekends I sleep late because I'm jerking off. I usually wait until late at night so that my aunt isn't snooping around. I so wish that my aunt's new health insurance card shows up soon. She really needs to see a doctor about this and other issues.
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service bay at the dealership
Saturday, January, 2, I took my car into the dealership to get an oil change. When I got there there was hardly anyone there. The service advisor remembered me from a few months ago when I went and they did a bunch of maintenance on my car. The car code came up at oil change, tire rotation and change of transmission fluid. The advisor said that since they had already done the transmission fluid last time that they wouldn't have to this time. Whew! I got out of there only paying $83. MUCH lower than the $1,600 from last time. MUCH! I was happy to be in and out in about an hour. Double whew!
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is that my chair?
Sunday, January, 3, When I started watching porn I watched a movie that starred Jenna Jameson. Co-starring was a lady named Tiffany Million. More on that in a minute. For now I want to point out something funny. I was watching this scene last night while jerking off and I noticed that the chair in the scene is JUST like the chair in my room (see above). Now if only Tiffany would show up in my bedroom, that would make my year.
(thirty minutes later) I went ahead and found the movie where I first saw this porn star, it's called "Wicked One," or "The Wicked One" from 1995. I really liked Tiffany from the get go. The porn starts out with a scened that sets up the entire silly plot, such as it is. Tiffany is some sort of therapist that Jenna blames for the break up of her relationship . I know, it's brilliant writing. In the first scene Jenna is having sex with some guy and in a dramatic move the camera pans around a pillar and on the other side of the shot the woman getting fucked is no longer Jenna, but Tiffany. I know, good stuff. In the scene is goes back and forth between the two woman. They mimic the other's position and in the end the guy cums on Tiffany's face and Jenna screams a dramatic "Nooooooooo!"
my aunt, cooking
After breakfast my aunt said that she wanted to make enchiladas. In her current state she's in no shape to start messing with cooking. She's not well. She has not been sleeping, she says. I thought I heard her snoring at times, but perhaps she just isn't sleeping at night. It's not good. She looks exhausted, so I decided to help her make the sauce and the enchiladas. She thanked me for the help. I was happy to help. I only wish there was someone that I could turn to right now to stay here during the day. I thought of even asking my ex-girlfiend Talia to come down. But I know she's not mentally stable enough to just help my aunt. Also, my aunt doesn't trust her. Talia is nutty, and the fact that I'm down to her as an option shows you where I am with all this.
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my backyard, for no reason
Monday, January, 4, It was so hard to get up this morning in order to go to work. I'm not motivated to go into San Marino these days. All the changes, as well as the "You can't work on Friends or Foundation" stuff anymore, is making me wonder what the fuck I can do. This push and pull is terrible. I don't know what to do anymore. I fucking hate this.
There was a time when I first started this job I actually enjoyed coming into work. That's something I haven't felt in a long time. I certainly don't feel like that these days. It just makes it more difficult to get up for work every day.
A few weeks ago a guy and his family came to the library to get a passport wearing what looked like haz-mat suits. Well, they returned today (pictured above). The strange thing about this is that all that outfit really doesn't make as much of a difference as their masks. You know a guy like this would have a mask on. He even had a face shield. Now he's safer. It was so comical to see this today.
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it was foggy this morning
Tuesday, January, 5, It wasn't terribly cold this morning, but it was cold. What it was is foggy (pictured above). I'm telling you that the picture above doesn't do justice of how foggy it really was. Or at least my eyes perceived it as betting a thicker fog.
While everyone else was sent home, because it looks like a couple of people at the branches tested positive for the virus. Speaking of that, I've been asking around and it turns out someone at Montrose supposedly tested positive, or was near someone that had it. The person is from the team opposite Emma's team. That team has three ladies, and one of them I saw today. So I doubt it was her. I mean, I don't know for sure, but yeah.
I don't mind everyone being home. It's much easier for me, that's for sure. I only have to check the bookdrops at the branches. These days that's SUPER easy. There are only a couple of the branches that have any kind of significant number of returns. I know that come Friday there will be almost nothing for me to pick up from the branches. Love it.
During the day my aunt called me. In the morning I told her that she needed to call the insurance lady about her account. Her calling me made me think that she got good news from the lady. It was kinda good news, she said that she could go get the Covid vaccine. Well, of course it turned out that she was completely wrong.
First off, when I got home I found out more of the story, but I have to say more before I get to that point. She said she talked to CVS and they said she could go over. But, CityRide said that they didn't have any rides today or tomorrow. She needed a ride, and stupid me, thinking how much I want her and myself to get the vaccine, only thought that I needed to get her that ride. So I called an Uber and she took it to the pharmacy. Later she told me that she waited and waited at the pharmacy for someone to help her. She then tells me that they were only taking appointments. Hmm, I thought. After doing a little investigation online, I come to find that CVS doesn't have the vaccine yet. And stupid me thinks about how it was pretty crazy that they might already. Turns out of course they didn't have it yet. My aunt called me and I called her another Uber to drive her back home. One I got got home she told me the rest of the story.
Turns out that she didn't talk to CVS, she saw a commercial. And, as far as I can tell, it wasn't about getting the vaccine. She described that she saw a line of people there to take the test. She conflated two things and got "test" mixed up with "vaccine". ARGH! I hate to say it, but I have to be more involved with her medical decisions. Actually, not just medical but some life decisions.
Yesterday, before going into work, I bought some chamomile tea for her in hopes that it will help her sleep at night. She had some last night and said that she slept better. I also had to go to the market tonight after work. I'm starting to wonder if it's better for me to go on Tuesdays or Thursdays after work. Mainly because the Vons that I go to in Pasadena often is short on things I like. But this new Pavilions that's close to my house has had what I needed. Tonight it was corn dogs. Again, at the one in Pasadena I went to the freezer section and they only had the box of twelve corn dogs. I only want the box of four. Sure enough, I found it at Pavilions, and on sale. Two boxes for $4. Nice.
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a disgrace
Wednesday, January, 6, I was diligently working when pseudo supervisor came up and asked me, "Have you seen what's going on in Washington?" No, but I soon found out. Others have already weighed in on this, but here is my two cents worth. The actions by Trump supports today are nothing short of treasonous. The President's words stirred up a mob of right wing nuts, who claim they love democracy, but don't even know the meaning of it. Dummy Trump has lied every moment of his Presidency. I don't think there was an hour that went by that he didn't like about something. But one of his biggest lies was that he won the election. He knew he had a chance to be defeated. He had to know that despite having a huge bunch of dummies that love him, there was going to be a larger group of people that hated him. I hate him and his actions. He has been on my radar since I was a teenager. I heard his name, and throughout the years I heard stories of his bullshit. In my adulthood I learned of his nature, and saw more grifts. Never did I think that this idiot would inspire these sort of actions in his name. To see the seat of our representative government ransacked by a mob of thugs was incredible.
Back to today. These morons have followed an even bigger moron who has nothing but false promises. They clearly don't understand history, and what other's in Trump's place have promised and never delivered. I saw someone on TV say that you should never trust someone that gives you simple solutions for complicated problems. That person was talking about Hitler, and his rise to power through democratic means (at first). Trump offered people that feel they're "losing everything" an easy motto, "Make America great again." The greatness of the country is in the idea that we all have an equal opportunity to succeed. While that's not entirely true, there is still a great deal of opportunity to make your dreams a reality here. We are certainly not perfect, but that "greatness" that these people want to return to is a time when they were the only ones privileged enough to really think that dream is possible. Now there are more opportunities for more people. It's certainly not a perfect country, but there is a want to make it better. But these idiots today want to return to a past where they hold all the cards, where only they may prosper. It's an old idea still held by many. Trump tapped into that feeling of being left behind by history... being left behind by progress... and used it to rally an army of morons, willing to forget the laws of this country for a grifter only interested in his own wealth and power. Trump doesn't care what happens to these morons that follow him. He only cares how he can motivate them to act in his interests. Well, today his interests ran right up against the democratic process. And for a moment his moron army managed to stop the democratic process. Thankfully they did not succeed in stopping the process entirely. Biden is going to be President. Not that things will change over night, but they will slowly change. Trump will be tossed onto the ash heap of history, where he deserves to be.
oh no, not Chaka
I found this meme on social media today. If only Trump supporters were as smart as Chaka. Because, Chaka learned many lessons over the course of the show. Trump supports remain stupid. All they know is that they believe certain things that absolutely do not comport with reality. They live in their own little dreamland where they are the heroes of their own story. They don't want to think that they are racists idiots that have followed a charlatan over a cliff. You can't convince them that they are wrong in every way. They know better. They believe with all their hearts it's not them, it's everyone else. Well bullshit! It is them. They're the problem. Sadly they are not a problem that is going to go away just because Trump isn't President anymore.
the ladies
TheGirl and I had Chinese for dinner tonight. As always, the company and the food was good. We chilled a bit, and I took about half of the food home. I was stuffed. We had pork and orange chicken, but TheGirl said that I shouldn't give Cheyenne any breading. So I ended up stripping the breading off the orange chicken to give Cheyenne a wee bit. Not too much, since she's really not supposed to have table scraps.
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stick shift now fixed
Thursday, January, 7, I had to drive a loaner van since last week. When I arrived at work this morning I noticed the loaner van was still in the driveway. But, when I got inside I was talking to TheNewCute for a few minutes. That's when my coworker drove up with the old van. The van was in need of some repairs, and my coworker told me that they not only did the brakes but also fixed the stick shift. For years the shifter was super loose. When I got in the van I immediately felt the difference. My coworker told me he saw the old parts and that they had been warn down. He mentioned one piece that is supposed to just have a round hole, but that it had been stretched out to be more like an oblong hole. Yeah, for YEARS I drove around with that shifter broken. We still do need a new van though. I love the old girl, but it's time to get a new van that is also smaller. The days of needing a huge van for delivery are over. With more and more of a reliance on e-books it's time to downsize the van.
TheNewCute showed up today
I honestly didn't think I would see TheNewCute for weeks. But, as it turned out she showed up to work today. She does her book reviews, so she needed a new bunch of books to review. Krishna texted me yesterday to say that TheNewCute needed to come in. Of course I was fine with that. She texted me just as I was pulling into the garage. I didn't come out right away, because I don't like to go into work until just a couple of minutes before I start. No more starting early for this guy. Anyway, I exchanged coupons with her. She gave me the one for the juice bar on Lexington, and I gave her my coupon of the coffee place on Broadway across the street from the city hall complex. It was an all too fleeting moment with TheNewCute.
The rest of the route was pretty chill. I finished early. The Pasadena driver wanted to drop off some of Glendale's books, so I meet him back at Central at around 3:30pm. After that I didn't go back out on the route. I finished up with him and then brought in the donations. Following that I checked my email and got out of Dodge at 4pm. Tomorrow I'll round out what I missed today, mainly Brand. I think I might go up there first and take my tripod in tow. I kinda want to take some pictures up there for a little project I've been doing.
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new pay rate at Glendale
Friday, January, 8, Today is San Marino payday, so I became curious to see if my Glendale raise had come into effect. I checked online to see my paystub and did the math. Sure enough, my pay raise finally kicked in. FINALLY. I want to save about $25 more aside each of my Glendale paychecks.
As expected, the route today was chill, but at the same time it was busy. I was asked to take pictures of the curbside signs, as well as pictures of the so-called "History room." Also had to deal with calls from the bosses wondering if I had set off the alarm at Adam's square. Thankfully I knew who it was that actually set off the alarm. Then I figured that I would go to Brand first, since I wasn't able to the other day. Before that I went to the post office, got all the books from the bookdrops, and filled the van with gasoline.
I'm a butterfly
About two weeks ago I had this "brilliant" idea to take some pictures that I could ONLY take these days when there is absolutely no one in the branch buildings. But what exactly did that mean? Weeks ago I asked Talia if she would pose nude at the Brand library. But, with the pandemic still making me wary to see her or anyone else, I figure that maybe I should be my own model. Last week I went to Brand and stripped and positioned my phone on a book cart and used my watch to trigger the shutter. The results were good, but not great. This week I figured I would try again, at different locations as well. The only really usable photos came from Brand. When I got home last night I wanted to do something with the photos that would make it a little unique. So I ran it through an app with some neat filters. The one I picked gave me some butterfly wings (see above). I don't know, I think it came out pretty good.
Now I wonder that I might do next. I think this nude in the library thing has run its course. There's only so much I can do with that. I took pictures at various locations today and it was like meh. What I really need to do is get to doing some exercise in order to get rid of my belly. I feel I'm overweight.
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Saturday, January, 9, Today not much happened. I went and got breakfast from IHOP and dinner from Pollo Loco. I passed out last night after jerking off. I couldn't even remember if I came or not. I think I didn't. I think I just passed out. But this morning the browser on my computer was still playing YouTube videos. I usually watch a couple of videos after cumming. And since the browser is on private browsing YouTube is on auto play. So yeah, I have no idea.
I had this thought for a few days now. Even before the terrorist attacks on the Capitol. How will the Trump presidency end? I want to say that he'll commit suicide. I had that thought pop up as a possibility. But he's not that kind. He loves himself too much to blow his brains out. Besides, what did he lose anyway? Yes, he's not the president any more. Yet he still has his billions. Billions that were added to thanks to his stupid supporters. Thanks to the grifts he pulled behind the scenes. He's richer today than when he took office. Sure, he owes a lot of money, but he always has a trick to help him avoid actually paying his debts. I guess the question is, will losing be enough to push him over that edge. He's social media has been stripped. He has a voice, but it's been silenced, at least on Facebook and Twitter. His biggest platform was Twitter, and now it's gone. I suspect that he will end up having a voice through other mediums, such as those terrible "news" sites that claim conspiracies.
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Sunday, January, 10, I was jerking off last night and in my "travels" around various porn sites I found the girl above. Something about checked off a bunch of the boxes. Maybe it's the crazy combination of thin and yet having curves. She kinda reminds me of a girl I had a crush on in junior high. Her name was Melissa, and her face looks a lot like this lady's. Anyway, this lady is an instant favorite.
I was sitting in my backyard, chillin, when I got the text message from TheGirl saying that her ex-husband tested positive for Covid. The significance is that TheGirl goes over to his house to pick up her daughter for hikes and such. Her contact with him is limited, but under the circumstances it means no visits for two weeks... no Wednesday night dinners for two weeks. As I write this she hasn't told me if she's going to get tested on Tuesday.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. I have almost zero motivation to go into San Marino these days. It's the combination of Covid, and just being tired of the same bullshit, and now I'm tired of the new bullshit. My supervisor wants to give me a new task tomorrow, and frankly I'm good with that. It's basically imputing stuff into the computer. I almost rather do that than answer the phones. And this video project just feels so whatever. But, I gotta eat. And despite this job not paying me much, it also doesn't ask for me from me. I've really done the minimum these last few weeks since around Thanksgiving. I really throttled it down. But as I've seen in many other occasions, they expect less if you give them less. I do have to finish up a new video tomorrow. Zero motivation to do so, however.
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no Chan with me today
Monday, January, 11, Because we can't visit TheGirl today I left Chan at home. It immediately felt strange not to have hims with me on a Monday. So strange that I might just bring him with me on Wednesday. Might.
I was exchanging texts with TheDesire and she told me that her parents have Covid. Damn. She mentioned that her mother was in the hospital, but that her dad was handling it well. Like I said, this thing has gone to not knowing anyone with it to now knowing people that have it. How long until I know someone close to me that contracts this thing? I hope never, but we can only dodge this for so long. I think most people I am close to have been safe, but I don't know that for sure.
Also, I think that many people are suffering from Covid fatigue and are maybe getting a little careless. I'm hoping that now that the holidays are in the rear view mirror that the numbers will slowly go down. Or quickly go down. Ideally quickly. Time will tell just how bad the numbers are two weeks after new years, and also how good they are after that bump passes.
After work I went to the Hat to get myself something to eat. I was in no hurry, so I ate my sandwich rather slow (for me). Afterwards I thought of how I needed to go to the market by my house to get some of the tacos I eat in the mornings before work. I think part of that plan was made in my mind in order to not go home immediately after work. I'm pretty sure I'll do something similar on Wednesday. As I said before, it was strange not going over to TheGirl's after work. All of it. No visit. No Chan. No Cheyenne. It's been a pattern that we've kept for years, and suddenly it had to change because of this Covid shit. Everything has been effected by Covid. I hate it.
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the aisle between bookshelf four and five
Tuesday, January, 12, I looked around Central last week to see if there was a good place to possibly do another photo like the ones I took last week. I found some places that were at least away from the security cameras, but they weren't all that great visually. That is, until today. I took the above photo while walking around the book stacks. I think this spot has a good overall look to it. Mainly because of the ceiling and the long aisle. Now I had to think about the timing of this. In the other branches I know there is no one in those buildings when I go in there. Still, timing is crucial since there is the possibility of other people coming in to do repairs or to clean the bathrooms, amongst other things. Fridays are the best day since every other Friday most people are not even working. I checked the schedule and only one other person is working at Central on Friday. And that guy checks in on the board and then goes right downstairs to his office in the basement. He keeps to himself down there until he goes home for the night. I think this might be my best chance for this picture. I'll have my equipment with me, and perhaps after he checks in on the whiteboard I will wait a few minutes and then boom, get the picture done as quickly as possible. Anyway, we'll see.
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Wednesday, January, 13, Work was busy today. They have given me more tasks to do, so in addition to the videos I have to make I now how to take information from the email blast that's sent out to everyone and enter the events into the library calendar. That on top of being the reference person. Busy is good, because it justifies being there. But at the same time I'm not getting paid any more. Fucking bullshit.
there she is
There's a woman that I've known through the library for many years. She used to volunteer her time to the Foundation and help out a lot when we did the annual fundraiser. I think she's pretty cute for an older woman. She has a nice thin body, which I think might be pretty kicking one you get her clothes off. May, because you can never tell. I don't know, I just find her attractive. I haven't seen her in over a year. Since the last fundraiser she attended. She didn't volunteer that time, but she did come to the actual event. I might have to try to find a picture of her from that night. Anyway, I'd like to sleep with her, but I'm pretty sure she's not interested. But how to say something to her via text to open the lines of communication? I guess I can tell her that I saw her walking her dog today. Which is true (see above). Then how to I take it from that to say "Let's have dinner?" Giant leaps, I think. Especially nowadays.
TheGirl doesn't get her Covid test results until tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have it, but we still have to remain cautious. I could possibly fight it off, but it's a bad idea to bring it back to my aunt. No way, in her state, would she be able to fight Covid off. Nearly two years ago when's he had pneumonia it was pretty scary. I wasn't completely sure she would pull out of it. But she did. Covid would definitely fell her (my aunt). TheGirl, she's in good physical shape, so I think if she did get it she would be OK.
Big Boy hamburger
I certainly didn't want to go straight home on a Wednesday. I'm so used to going to TheGirl's and having dinner that I really don't know what to do with myself when I don't get to go. I figured I would treat myself to a burger from Bob's Big Boy. I ordered that up as well as a orange cream shake. It all hit the spot. I wish my buddy hadn't called me at that exact time, because I wasn't able to REALLY enjoy my meal. There seems to be some sort of mechanism in the Universe that often prevents me from having a meal without interruptions.
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TheGirl's test results
Thursday, January, 14, TheGirl sent me a text right after she checked her Covid results and it was negative. Woo boo! I'm so glad. We figure that she still needs to quarantine until next week, just in case.
(About an hour later) TheGirl texted me later that her daughter did test positive for Covid. She's already feeling symptoms. Now TheGirl is worried that she might still have a chance at getting it since she and her daughter went to the testing site together. I told her that now she'll have to get another test in a few days. Because the way things are she might have still been exposed to Covid and it just hasn't manifested itself.
photo of TheLooker
This morning I saw this photo that I have mounted on my closet wall of TheLooker and I thought about how my hopes that she and I could have at least a drink together after this pandemic is over is a lost cause. I texted her back in September when she first left the library. At that time she responded. But then come December she didn't respond to any any text I sent her. I haven't tried since the new year started. I thought about sending her a link to some silly thing I see on social media, but then thought better of it. I do follow this pattern of trying and then ghosting and then trying again. I guess that's my way of doing thing. I think I'll try one or two more times. After that I guess it's truly a lost cause.
I mean, it's not that I had any chance with her for anything long term. Not only because of the age difference, but because of the whole Armenian thing. She's never going to be with a guy like me. I mean it's not like I'm interested in a whole relationship. I know that anything serious is out of the question. I just wanted to have some fun. A fling. Something like that. I thought she seemed at least amenable to hanging out, and then we could take things from there. But oh well. My plans never work out.
The route today was pretty chill. I mean I was busy doing things, but it was also super chill.
big news today from Disneyland
While I was out on the route Emma texted me the above article stating that Disneyland had discontinued the annual pass program. They basically stated that it was due to the pandemic. They did leave a little window open for after the pandemic for the program to return. I'm not sure why they would discontinue it only to bring it back later. Makes no sense. Even if they had plans to change it entirely, why would they discontinue it rather than just suspend it. I guess it was in this limbo, and anyone that had a pass and paid for it just before the pandemic forced them to close would have a pass that was expired anyway. Still, I'm not sure what's going on. All I know is when the park opens again it looks very likely that if I want to go I'll not only have to make an appointment, I'll have to pay the full price. Just great. Emma and I had plans to film a bunch of stuff. But now if I want to go it will cost too much. As it was the price of the annual pass I had was over $1,000. But Emma and I went more than twenty times, which means the price per visit was around $50 entrance. Yes, I spent a lot of money when I went, but I didn't have to pay for admission on top of that. Oh well. I guess we'll see what the future brings. Just another blow due to Covid. Fucking bullshit!
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lunch time view, which I would never have if not for the pandemic
Friday, January, 15, I was talking to my buddy Vagabundo yesterday and he mentioned that despite having worry about a potentially deadly disease floating around out there, in a way it's a golden era. He mean in his case he hasn't had to deal with patrons. I mean we're going on nearly a year with this pandemic shut down a the library and I have not missed patrons lying to me about books they checked out being late, and other stupid things. The route has been great as well, in that I hardly have books to pick up. Even before the most recent shut down of the curbside I wasn't having to carry nearly as many book bins as in the past. Why when I think back to the time before the renovation was done, I would easily carry about sixteen full bins to Casa alone. And that's on top of the other branches getting their books. Montrose averaged about six to eight bins on a normal day. Brand would average about six as well, and they had CDs as well. In short, today I carried no books, and no bins at all. Pre-renovation I was easily carrying forty bins. So yes, this is a golden era in that sense. And I will say that being on my own schedule is good as well. The only timed thing I do on the route these days is go to the post office in time to be there when they open. Truly this sort of thing won't ever happened again as long as I work that job. Yes, I am trying to enjoy the freedom. I am trying to enjoy not having to do as much work. I am trying to enjoy the alone time. I'm really going to miss that part of it all.
My buddy and I were talking yesterday and he mentioned something Kobe said. Basically when you get an opportunity where you have time then use that time to prepare. Prepare for when this pandemic is over. That's good advice. I should use this time to learn how to use that new camera that I bought. And I should also learn the zone system, in order to take better pictures. In short, there's a lot to get ready for.
cute girl at the market
My aunt wanted me to get some tortillas from the market tonight. Nearly every time I go there's a pretty girl that I run into multiple times while going through the aisles, like the one pictured above. Ilsa thinks the market is the perfect place to find a lady. I don't know that any place is the perfect place for me. I'm just not that kind to go up to a lady at the market to ask her for her number. She is right that there are many ladies and many opportunities. Never the less, it's not easy to start that move. And I mean come on, if I hit on a lady at the market she's going to see right through it. I would think. Still, it's not a bad idea. I guess I'll just play it by ear. If a lady talks to me I can see where it goes. Ha! I laugh because I know it won't go anywhere.
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last night's featured porn star
Sunday, January, 17, There isn't much to report from this weekend. I pretty much just stayed in bed. Though, this evening the weather was warm enough that I got to sit outside in my backyard. I don't remember the last time I was able to do that in the evening.
The reason I was sleeping a lot this weekend was that I jerked off late in the early morning both Friday night/Saturday morning and Saturday night/this morning. I really should go back to jerking off without drinking.
TheGirl and I were texting each other. She doesn't feel sick at all. She does her the results of her second test tomorrow. I'm sure she's going to be negative, but since she was close to her daughter (who tested positive), she figured she would get tested again.
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phone at reference desk
Monday, January, 18, Work was work today. I was relatively busy, and that's good. I noticed that the boss man didn't show up today. Because, of course, today is MLK day. San Marino never has closed for MLK day. In the past we've done "training" days. Mostly CPR training, or some other training thingie. The last couple of years we haven't even done that, we've just opened. Today was no different, we just opened. Part of me wanted the day off, but I rather get paid. Especially since I can't go anywhere.
oh look who I got to see tonight
With TheGirl passing two Covid tests in the last couple of weeks TheGirl asked if I wanted to stop by for a visit. I didn't have Chan with me, but it was still good times. It is funny how not having the monkey with me did make things feel a little different. It's a habit thing, of course. Anyway, it was a nice short visit. I'm glad she's well.
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lunch in the middle of the library
Tuesday, January, 19, I went into work ready to check in some books, and that's what I did. I went about checking in books from last week's bookdrop. Tony wasn't at work yesterday, since he had it off for MLK day. Of course I don't get that day off. But, because of that I figured the bookdrops would be pretty packed. They weren't that full, probably because someone came by on Saturday to check them. Not to say there wasn't a good amount of books, because there were. But, not as much as expected by me. After the bookdrops I went right to checking in books. Then I sorted some books and got them ready for what might come. And then the day was over and I bolted out of the slaughterhouse.
this schedule is absolutely useless and dumb.. oh and makes no sense
My coworker and I did have a couple of questions about the books at the branches. The people that were working there haven't been there in three weeks, so I asked my coworker if I should ask our supervisor for guidance. Mainly I wanted to know if we should start checking in those books. I mean, I figured that's what needs to be done. However, I also wanted to know how they wanted us to check them in. I wanted to know what location login they wanted us to use. I told him in a subsequent email that I would assume the login for that particular location should be used, but I didn't want to assume. Because assuming just makes you look stupid. He hasn't gotten back to me about that second question, which I actually asked first in my initial email. Oh well. What I did get for a response was the above check-in "schedule." In my humble opinion the schedule makes absolutely zero sense in this world or any other known world. In short, none of my questions were answered. All I know is that I'm going to totally ignore this email and do things the correct way. I'm simply going to check in the books at each location using the login for that location. Done and done. Fuck this bullshit "schedule" that makes no sense. Idiots.
My aunt's health insurance paperwork finally arrived today. They sent her the membership card I've been waiting for. It does say that coverage starts on February 1, just like the lady told me. But, I was able to go online and register account online. This is good, because now I can have a front row seat to things that are in her account. I'm going to have to stay on top of this.
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here's the entrance
Wednesday, January, 20, My shift today felt so slow. I had lunch, and usually the second half of my shift will feel short. Not today, however. It lagged and lagged. I turned around at one point that it was only 2:30pm. Two hours to go, and it felt like it was almost quitting time. ARGH! I didn't have much to do, and I guess that's why I felt the time slow.
My semi coworker came by today to visit. H.O. hasn't been around for months, but she came by today to pick up some stuff from work, and a TV she won in a city raffle. Never heard there was a raffle, but OK.
It's been two weeks since Chan and I were able to have dinner with TheGirl and Cheyenne. Tonight we finally got to go over and have dinner. We ended up having food from the restaurant right up the street from TheGirl's place. It has good food. The best thing is that it's so close that we can walk over there and pick up the food and be eating in about ten minutes. It was good to go back to our old routine.
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my aunt is still having trouble sleeping
Thursday, January, 21, My aunt has been having trouble sleeping lately. She told me this morning that she hasn't slept in three days. I don't know what her deal is with this insomnia. This seems like a new thing.
What's also probably contributing is he sleeping during the day. Somehow she got into this pattern of sleeping earlier and earlier in the evening. There are some days that I arrive from work only to have her go to bed after finishing up dinner. That's about 6pm. Of course she's going to wake up in the middle of the night.
book bins leaving Brand
I posted the "schedule" my coworker and I are supposed to use for checking in books at the branches. I told my coworker that the schedule is bullshit, and that we would just check in the books when the quarantine period has passed. So today I figured I would concentrate on the books at Brand. It was a good amount of books from the bookdrop, and funny enough most of them were going back to Central. I worked diligently, but not super fast. I finished up and went on my merry way. I figured I would do the two busiest locations today and tomorrow. Today being Brand, and tomorrow I'd concentrate on Montrose. Part one of that missing, accomplished. I have no idea what that schedule was about, but it shows that my supervisors are totally clueless.
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oh, this is bullshit
Friday, January, 22, I didn't go up to Montrose yesterday since I wanted to concentrate most of my time with other branches. Today I went up to Montrose and in addition to the books I had to check in I found that they had delivered the new service desk. Let me just say that it's an abomination. Just stupid.
Here are the many things that are wrong with this desk.
1) It's too short. The desk will rise up, but that rise up bullshit is a gimmick. If a service desk is the correct size there is no need for gimmicks like a rising and lowering desk. Grandview has a similar desk and I never found that the workers there needed the desk to be at multiple heights. It just needs to be at one height.
2) It's too small. The old service desk was nearly twice the size of this desk. Granted, you could make the argument that it was too big. But, this desk is too small. As you see it right now in the picture above there isn't anything on it. But there will be a computer on each side. That makes that work area smaller. There are two holes on each side of the desk, meaning that one is for a computer and the other is likely for things like a phone and such. I just thought of something I didn't the other day, there is no room for a printer. Granted, the old printer was in the back, but it would have been nice to have a custom desk that would allow for an area to have a printer, and credit card machine, and a cash register. Oh, yeah, I just realized that as well, there's no room for a cash register. I guess they'll have to get another desk to use behind this desk that can have those necessary items.

3) The bookdrop in the middle is a good idea. It gives equal access from both entrances. The old bookdrop was closer to the parking lot side of the building. Meaning someone coming in from the street side would have to go all the way to the other side of the bookdrop to drop their books. Not a major thing, but placing it in the middle is better. Too bad the bookdrop is so tiny. It looks like only four books will fit. OK, I'm exaggerating, but not by much. There is a similar sized bookdrop in Casa. Wait, actually now it's gone, but I worked there when they still had a similar sized bookdrop and it got full fast. The only good thing is that workers have easy access to the bookdrop. They'll need it since they'll constantly be trying to keep it from filling up.
4) The old desk had doors on the side of it, which prevented patrons from going to the back of the desk. Now, it's all wide open. There are zero obstacles to keep patrons, mainly children, from going behind the desk. The old desk wasn't perfect, but it at least had doors to keep dopes on their side. I know that those in charge are clueless, but I thought that maybe they would understand that the old desk had its merits. Certainly there was a need for a new desk, but this isn't it. This desk seems to be floating in the middle of nowhere. It looks pathetic in that space, floating in a sea of nothing. As a patron, I would question the thoughts of those in charge immediately after seeing this desk for the first time.
I'm sure I could think of more that's wrong with this desk. But, I'm just glad I won't be working at that desk. It's completely stupid and useless.
I ended my day back at Central getting some little things done. I was given the task of printing out some new signs for the outside telling patrons what the curbside pick-up was closed. Ah, it's been three weeks since we stopped doing curbside, what took them so long to get this sign going? Whatever, I took my time printing out the signs and posting them. I also posted them at Montrose. They wanted me to post them at Brand, but messed up because they earlier said someone that was going into Brand would do it. Then they changed it on me, but it was too late. I didn't see that second email until just before I was leaving work. Next week.
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rain this morning
Saturday, January, 23, I woke up to the sound of rain outside. It's so nice to hear the sound of rain falling outside. It's no wonder that I used to have a CD of rain sounds playing before I go to sleep. Now I just use my phone. I do love it when it rains.
My aunt came to me at one point during the day to ask what I wanted for lunch. I told her I could go to Mick's subs and pick up some sandwiches. That's always a good move. She asked me to get her a chicken sandwich, and I went on my way. When I arrived the place had a sign saying it was temporarily closed. Fuck, maybe someone got Covid. OK, time for plan B. I hadn't planned on having to have a plan B, but here I was. I've been wanting to get some Numero Uno pizza since it reopened a few weeks ago. The only problem is that they don't open until 5pm. That makes it harder to order from there. Because we're usually done eating by then. But, today I could order from there, since when I arrived at Mick's it as about 4:45pm. I figured I could wait until 5pm to order the food, and it should be done within fifteen minutes. I ordered up the food, but I was wrong on the timing. They didn't say it would be ready in fifteen minutes, but rather thirty minutes. OK, no choice. I figured I would go for a short drive up Ventura to kill some time. Maybe I could find a nice photo to take. No such luck with that. But, as I drove up Ventura, I remembered that the 99 cent only store was close by. I figured that I would go there and see if they had bird seed. The store was pretty big, and it had a lot of stuff, but no seed. Dammit. I've now been to three different 99 cent stores in a week's time with no luck. Oh well, at least I killed some time. I arrived at the pizza joint and picked up the food.
When I arrived home I told my aunt that Mick's was closed, and that I went to get pizza instead. Well, technically I got myself a pizza and I got my aunt a chicken sub. She didn't like it. Then I told her I could eat the rest of the sandwich tomorrow. She only ate about half of the sandwich. I asked her if she wanted pizza, and she said yes. I served it to her and she tells me, "I think the other pizza is better," meaning Pizza Hut pizza. She's nuts. Pizza Hut is meh pizza. No way is it better than Numero Uno. I don't know, for some reason her saying that pissed me off. She didn't even finish the slice I served her. Fucking bullshit!
my stimulus finally showed up
My stimulus finally showed up. Now I have to figure out what I want to do with the extra $600. I bought my duvet last year, so that's off the possible list. I still need a new chair though. I really want to just save the money for when I have to file my taxes and I'll end up owing money, like I do every year now. I think I'll just have it in reserve for now. A chair can wait. I've waited for a new chair for over a year.
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me laying in bed
Sunday, January, 24, This was a kinda strange weekend in terms of dealings with my aunt. We only had one meal together, and that was breakfast this morning. We were just not in sync. Which is fine by me, but I think that my aunt isn't in a good place emotionally. She is alone in this house most of the day. I leave for work at around 7:15am every morning. Lately I don't even see my aunt in the morning, because she's asleep. I don't see her until I get home from work. Some nights that's around 5:30pm, other nights it's later. Like the nights I visit TheGirl. So I get that she's lonely. I think that's why she's always in my business. But the thing is, she also needs to take better care of herself. She can't think that she can do all the house chores in one day. She's not capable of that anymore. She needs to take it easy. She needs to be more realistic. But she is stubborn to the core. Not letting things get you down is a good stubborn. Not realizing that it's best to change the way you do things is a bad stubborn.
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Monday morning
Monday, January, 25, I woke up and felt a strange something in my mouth this morning. Like a tiny little piece of sand. But it wasn't sand, it was worse. It was a tiny piece of tooth, a tooth which is currently disintegrating in my mouth. It's been like this for a while, but this morning a big chunk fell off of the tooth. When I say big it's relative to the size of the tooth. It might have been like a grain of sand, but it left my tooth with a big gap. It's getting worse by the day. Pretty soon most of the tooth will be gone. I hate that the right side of my mouth is a graveyard of teeth. That side is almost completely gone now.
My coworker Tony mentioned on Friday that his raise kicked in, even without him asking for it. He said that it was $.75 per hour. Not bad. But it's less than my increase, which was over a dollar an hour. I didn't tell him how much they gave me. He did say that he was going to contact our supervisor to ask for more money. I think he deserves it. Actually, we both deserve to be made full timers after this. I'm sure they won't do that for us, but it would be nice if they did.
new security camera in wash room
A few months ago I bought a few pair of security cameras, but I only installed one of them in my room. I had the other just sitting in a box. But this week I figured I would at least install it in the laundry room. From that installation I noticed that my aunt spends a lot of time in that room (shown above).
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so-called "accomplishments"
Tuesday, January, 26, Today was the day that they decided to have another stupid all staff meeting at Glendale. ARGH! What a waste of time. But, since I'm getting paid for this time it actually turns into easy money. As per usual the meeting was just another pat on the back show and dance. One of the slides displayed during the meeting was entitled "accomplishments." Nearly all of the so-called accomplishments were things that happened months ago. Some of them nearly a year ago. But I like that one of the accomplishments was answering phones and email from home. Big deal. These idiots want to consider doing their job as an accomplishment. I suppose for this bunch simply doing their job is a major accomplishment.
TheNewCute and I were texting while the meeting was going on. She was on screen for a few moments, while sitting on her couch (shown above). My coworker told me that she's a nice girl, and told me that I should try to find out if she has a fella. I told him that I already found out that she does have a boyfriend. Oh well, he said.
One of the things that did come out of left field today was the news that the Adam's Square library is going to close. The lease is up at the end of March, and the city is not going to seek to renew the lease. Probably a good idea, but nothing is that simple. The city really didn't have a choice since the legal help office next door is taking over the space that was the library. They didn't have any details, but DrDeath said that they were looking for new locations in the Adam's area. Quickly thinking of what's around there doesn't make me too excited about where the library might relocate. But I love that these dopes didn't think to look BEFORE the least was nearly up. They knew about this last year, for sure, but it's not until now that they mention the fact that Adams will close soon? Dumb.
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Chan has crackers
Wednesday, January, 27, My aunt made some lentil soup earlier this week, but it needed something extra to complete it. That something was oyster crackers, which I bought at the market before going to work this morning. Here's Chan with the crackers.
the ladies
TheGirl and I ordered once again from that place right up the street from her place, the Morrison. They have pretty good food, I will say. And since we order off their happy hour menu it's relatively inexpensive. Couple that with some yummy Fess Parker wine and you have the formula for a good time.
TheGirl mentioned how her son is day away from moving into his new house. She plans on someday retiring to his house for part of the year, the other part of the year being spent up on Big Bear. That's not for some time, but she plans on being a good grandmother.
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mountain of meatballs
Thursday, January, 28, >When I got home I found that my aunt had cooked up some meatballs. Some motherfucking meatballs! ARGH! She warmed some up last week and it was a struggle to finish those. I don't know why she has to make a boatload of stupid meatballs. On top of that she warmed some ravioli. ARGH! I don't want this food. I told her not to make anything and she goes ahead and makes this boatload of food. Now I'll have to eat this food. And of course if I don't eat it fast my aunt will accuse me of hating it. Well, I do. Not that it tastes bad, but I just don't want a mountain of meatballs.
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huge leak just as I got off the elevator
Friday, January, 29, One of the administration people asked me to check on the possible leaks when I arrived at work this morning. I didn't have to look much father than right in front of the elevator as I exited on to the first floor (see above). There was a big leak right in front of the elevator. I took the above picture and went around the rest of the building to see where else it might be leaking. There was one other spot (not pictured) in the main reading area that had a good sized leak. Not as bad at this one above, but significant. All the other places where it usually leaks were actually not bad. The children's room was leaking slightly. And the same with the hallway next to the children's room. I love how they can't fix the roof because it's under litigation.
yummy Chipotle for lunch
With nothing but meatballs in the fridge I decided that I would just have some take-out for lunch today. I usually get a burger, but I'm tired of burgers. I figured that Chipotle would be good, and I wanted to have something a little different this time. Instead of having the medium red salsa I asked for the hot red salsa. It was nice, but I think I like the medium more. I went up to Montrose and had my lunch there. It was good, but I was super full. Still, I had to get going. I had planned on checking in as many of the books I could today. I don't have much work these days, so on a day like today I can go a little faster and finish everything that needs to get done. My plan was to check in all the books that needed to be checked in at all the locations I visited. Mission accomplished. I finished up in some cases because there weren't that many. In other cases because I had already put a dent into them yesterday.
outdoor dinning is back
Los Angeles lifted the no outdoor dinning Covid rules starting today, and some restaurants didn't wait too long to get that dinning up and running. The above picture is of the restaurant in Montrose, and sadly I didn't have my camera ready for to get a picture of people actually eating outside. But, suffice to say that people are eager to go out and eat. I hope it helps to save some of these restaurants that have been struggling to stay open while only able to offer take-out.
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need this
Saturday, January, 30, Last night around 8pm my stomach started feeling bad. I was starting to get cramps, and I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. When I went to use the bathroom my poop came out with a burning sensation. I had never felt like that. Suffice to say, it was not pleasant. To cut to the chase, I went ahead and took some Pepto. Over the next few hours I basically farted out my butt. I did feel better, and by the time I went to bed I was much better. If this was caused by the hot salsa that I ordered with my Chipotle burrito yesterday then I know that I will never again order the hot salsa. I can't think of anything else that could have caused this.
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thinking of getting this picnic basket
Sunday, January, 31, Just before going to sleep last night I had a thought about the things I want to do once the stupid pandemic is under control. One thing TheGirl and I want to do is go to the Fess Parker vineyard in Los Olivos. Under the current circumstances we would not be able to eat there, so we would have to have a picnic. And by that I have this want to buy a picnic basket.
waiting for the cycle to end
I was doing my laundry in order to be ready for work tomorrow. For some reason my aunt was hovering over the washing machine waiting for the cycle to end. I thought she wanted to wash something herself, but then she didn't put anything in the washer after my cycle finished. She put my clothes in the dryer and then walked away while I was outside enjoying the little sun there was out today. She checked the clothes a few times before taking out the dry clothes and folding them. I'm not sure why she got involved with my laundry, but I did appreciate it.
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Wrap-up, Where does the time go? We're already a month into this new year and in a way it does feel better than 2020. We're still dealing with this Covid shit, but at least the vaccine is finally getting out there. Slowly, for sure, but there is at least light at the end of the tunnel. I don't expect to get the vaccine until past Spring, at the earliest. I do wish I could get my aunt the vaccine sooner, but the process is mind numbing. I can't imagine being her age and having no family to help someone get the vaccine when they are forced to go online and set an appointment. Anyway, that has nothing to do with the update of this month. It was a fair month, nothing too bad. For that I'll give this a month a C grade. It wasn't a fail, but there is definitely room for improvement.