Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Oh yet another month that feels like the last one. On to the update.
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my aunt claims this is full
Thursday, October, 1, Yesterday morning I put out the trash can so my aunt wouldn't feel the need to take it out at all. That didn't stop her from telling me that I should take out the recycling bin, because it was "Full." You can see above just how "Full" the bin was. I put it out anyway, because I didn't want any trouble. I now wonder if my aunt is losing it. Calling a bin that is barely 25% to the top "Full" is bordering on having lost your marbles.
Last night when I got home I went into my aunt's room to say that I was home. She proceeds to ask me about some table cloth that she couldn't find. She says to me, in Spanish, "Did you take one of my table cloths and give it to 'TheGirl?'" Ah, what? I was livid. First off, anything I give TheGirl is out of my own pocket. I don't need to take things from my aunt and give them to TheGirl. Secondly, why does she feel the need to think that someone stole her things when she misplaced them? She does this all the time. A week or so ago she said my cousin's kids threw away the silverware that we were using when hey came over for my birthday. I mean, kids do really stupid things, but I seriously doubt they would throw away silverware. But to accuse me of stealing her stupid, ratty old, table cloth was just too much tonight. I lost it and told her I didn't even know what she was talking about. I needed to go to my room. As I'm leaving she continued by saying, "If you did give it to her it's OK." I yelled back that I didn't take it. I was fucking livid. I wanted to kick the living daylights out of something.
oh great, these are still here
The items above are some of the items that I brought in on Tuesday and yesterday. I'm not sure why these dopes don't check in these items. See, when you don't check in these items then the people out in the branches still get these hold notifications, that can only be cleared when these items are checked in at Central. But no. These dopes wait until I don't know when anymore to check them in. But hey, their ineptitude helps me out, because it means less work for me to do at the end of the week. Ha! Idiots.
hallway near "her" office
When I go to the Perkin's building in the civic center I used to often see a lady that I've mentioned here to before as "The Redhead." I haven't seen her the entire time we've had this Covid shutdown. That is, until today. I ran into her as I was exiting the basement area and passed the bathrooms. The office she works in is right across from the downstairs bathroom. I said, "Oh pardon me," and let her pass. She went to the drinking fountain. I wish I had the courage to introduce myself to her at that moment. I don't know what she must think of me, because she NEVER says anything when I've bumped into her in the past. She's kinda a vision to me though, and I'd love to at least get to talk to her once.
lunch at Brand
The way I'm doing the route these days I've ended up having lunch at the Brand library. I found someone in the lunch room, which is a tiny kitchen. It also means I'm not going to sit there and eat, because of social distancing. I decided to have my lunch in the atrium area of the house/library. It might be the first time anyone has had lunch in this room since Mr. Brand did years ago. Maybe.
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the President has tested positive for Covid-19
Friday, October, 2, Late last night just before I went to sleep Emma texted me if I had heard the news. News about what, I responded. I checked online and sure enough, there it was in black and white. The President had texted positive for Covid-19. Wow. I mean WOW! There is so much to say about this, but I don't know if I should just fill this part of my journal with that stuff. To cut it short I just wonder what happens now. What happens if he gets really sick? What happens if he recovers quickly? What happens if he recovers but has lingering issues? What happens if he dies? Will he now change since he's had Covid, or will he continue to say it will be gone soon? Will he continue to call it a hoax? Will he turn a new leaf? So many questions. All I know is that this year has been insane. It's like I'm living in a soup opera.
did the Simpsons predict this?
Once again, the Simpson's predicted this moment. How do they know these things?
pastrami burger
Earlier this week I went to this new burger joint called Broadway Burger to pick up some onion rings. Today I wanted to have an actual burger from there. A few months back the previous establishment closed down. During the pandemic I saw signs that said "coming soon, Broadway burger." I never thought they would actually reopen any time soon, but they did. The previous place had OK burgers. Nothing great, but nothing bad. Certainly not going to be on my top ten list, but serviceable. I will say that the burger I had today was better than the last alliteration. Not that the new burger is going to be on my top ten either, but it is better. The pastrami burger I had today had a good overall taste. I liked the assembly, to be sure. They didn't put a lot of pastrami on top, but I guess I should have expected that. Next time I'll just have a regular burger. There will be a next time.
I won't be seeing TheLooker as much after today
As I probably mentioned here in a previous entry, TheLooker got a full time job and is basically leaving the library. I'm happy for her, but not happy for me. I like my little amount of face time I get with her every three weeks. Alas, that's going to end now. Tomorrow is her last day that she'll be working the curbside and in general. She mentioned that she was still going to work Saturdays. Yes, that's fine, but I thinking of myself when I said it was her last day to her. I don't work Saturdays, nor would I work with her on some random Saturday since I'm not on her curbside team. So there ya go. I told her that the next time I would see her was when all this Covid-19 stuff was over and we were able to go out and have a celebratory drink. I must keep in touch with her. I know I have nearly no chance with her, but I have to keep trying. I must kiss her.
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Saturday, October, 3, My aunt always asks me on the weekends what I want to eat. Today I craved some pizza, so I got pizza. It's not the greatest pizza, but it certainly hit the spot.
new bright lights arrived today
The corner of my backyard is dark, because the lights that I bought for that area seem to be weakening. So I went ahead and bought some new lights. Now that area is super lit, and there is no way that Big Foot is going to be able to hide back there.
is it grape juice?
My aunt gave me a cup of some grape juice that is clearly labeled as juice. Tonight she asked me if I tasted a little bit of alcohol in the juice. No, I told her. It's juice. She was insisting that she tasted alcohol. She even watered down the juice, because she thought it had alcohol. SMH. She's lost it.
backyard time!
Here I am in my backyard. The weather has gotten super nice at night.
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Monday, October, 5, I had a couple of nightcaps last night and I ended up oversleeping this morning. I didn't think I had that much booze, but apparently I did. And of course this morning I was out like a light. My aunt woke me up. I'm sure she knows I was drinking. Oh well. When I got home tonight she asked me if I was late for work, and I wasn't. I made it there right on time. I'm usually there at 9am, but I made it at 9:30am. This is because I went to the market and the 99 cent store.
I was busy at the reference desk today. There were fourteen voicemails on the phone this morning. Thankfully eight of them were hang ups. The balance was made up of dopes calling for the curbside pick up and actual reference questions. I called the people back after lunch. I finished up my video and I went home. The day flew by.
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new bins for Taint Minus
Tuesday, October, 6, Krishna ordered a bunch of bins for this new Taint+ bullshit (Link+). The best part is of course they went overboard. Krishna texted me to take these red bins to the branches and to have them put the taint stuff in these bins. What a total waste of money. She bought a whole half pallet of them. I think she told Mala that she ordered fifty of the bins. What a dope. Set sail for fail!
can't see me
Today a bunch of dummies kept coming up to the back doors of the library. I ignored all of them by keeping my head down the entire time. There was a point where I just didn't want to see those dopes coming up to the door, so I took a screen that they have on the side and putting it in front of the back door (as shown above). I noticed there are more and more dopes out and about. I might have to do this again next week.
shelves are still a fucking mess
I posted something on here a few weeks ago about the state of the books on the shelves. How these dopes place the books in the wrong place. Today it was really bad. The above is only one example, but there were many more today. I don't know how these idiots don't see how badly they are fucking up this shelving. It's not rocket science. Whoever is shelving these clearly is a huge dope.
BS insurance
I got a call today while I was at work. I didn't answer it, because I didn't know the phone number. They left a voicemail, but I couldn't listen to it. However, the phone does a transcript. It's certainly not perfect, but I do like what it transcribed (see above).
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Wednesday, October, 7, There are more and more homeless on the streets of my neighborhood. Today I noticed another person sleeping on Haskell. I live is a fairly nice neighborhood. Not the greatest, but it's strongly middle class. To see this on my streets means things have gotten THAT bad. It's so sad.
I went into work today thinking I should make a video for next week. But really I couldn't get any traction going with my work. I pretty much just sat around doing nothing. At one point I just wanted to take a nap. I guess I could have, but I didn't. I was sleepy today because I stayed up late last night jerking off. Of course I like jerking off, but I think I have to limit it for the weekends. Because I didn't do anything today and yet I was tired.
TheGirl, at dinner
TheGirl mentioned we should go to a different place for dinner tonight. She said that Cheyenne spent all day with her at the office, so it was OK if we left her at home. I said OK, and we were off to a place in Burbank called Barrigan's. Never been, and after tonight I'll never come back again. The atmosphere was nice. The margaritas were passable. Nothing extra ordinary, but OK. But it was the food. I ordered some fish tacos, that were OK. The fish wasn't bad, but it also wasn't good. It was a wee bit on the dry side. I ate most of one tacos, but got full. The rice and beans, a staple of Mexican food, were tasteless. These motherfuckers need to cook their food with lard. When I got home I tossed my leftovers, knowing that I was not going to attempt to eat them later. Dry fish when reheated is only going to get more dry. No thanks. Still, the company was great, as always. And that made up for the terrible food. Good times.
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this fucking piece of shit moron
Thursday, October, 8, The route today was not that bad. It was pretty easy, thanks to the dummies in charge. One stupid thing happened today. I was at the Grandview branch when I was getting ready to leave. I thought about driving up the van to the gate and then opening the gate, in order to prevent some dummy from entering the parking lot in those few seconds that it would take me to return to the van. But I thought to myself, "What are the odds of that happening?" Turns out the odds were 100%. I went back to the van after opening the door and just as I was moving towards the gate this moron drives in, fulfilling my greatest nightmare prophecy. I honked at him and he does this U-turn and comes back to the exit. He paused at the curb and then drove away. I will never make that mistake again. Never will I give these fucking dummies an inch of space. So tired of everyone.
my aunt shopping for birthday gifts
This weekend my aunt said we should go to the store to buy my cousin's kids something for their birthdays, which are coming up on October tenth. Well, then she changed her mind saying that it was a "holiday" and that she couldn't go out. ARGH! All due to her TV guru. Then she wanted me to drop her off at the bus stop this morning. I told her that I was afraid she would fall and hurt herself again. She said that she needed to get those items, so we agreed that I would take her after work. Never mind that I'm tired and hungry when I get home. It's always about my aunt's priorities before anyone else. So, I get home today after work and she's "ready" to go. Then at the last minute she goes back inside the house. I took that time to bring in the trash cans. Then when we're 3/4ths of the way to the store she says, "Oh no, I forgot my mask." I watched her on the security camera. She was all dressed and ready to go at around 2pm. I got home at 5 o'clock. She had ALL that time to get her mask ready. But no. Luckily I had a spare mask in my messenger bag. We didn't have time when I got home for me to eat anything, so by 6pm I was getting mighty hungry. But my aunt kept shopping and shopping. I texted a friend that my aunt should be cognitive of the fact that I have been up for twelve hours at this point, and that I had gone to work and was tired. I don't know why my aunt didn't get moving on the shopping. She went to one store, then a second store, and then returned to the first store. The first time she went into store one she shopped fast. Then store two. That was long and then she went back to store one and THAT took a long time. I'm just glad this day is over. I'm pooped.
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Friday, October, 9, There isn't much to write about today from work. I was busy today, and that's a good thing, because I wanted to stretch out the route so that I could work until 5pm. Mission accomplished.
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I made breakfast burritos for breakfast today
Saturday, October, 10, Earlier in the week I bought some flour tortillas in order to make some breakfast burritos on the weekend. Well, today is the weekend and I asked my aunt this morning if she wanted a breakfast burrito. She said yes, which set me on my task.
All week I look forward to the weekend. In the past it was because it meant going out to Disneyland or some other fun thing. But now I just love not seeing anyone. I like just decompressing nowadays. I like sitting in my backyard and not being bothered. Though my aunt does come to once in a while to say something. But that's only for a few minutes. For the most part I'm just back there by myself. I wish I could just do more drinking. Nothing can be perfect.
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Sunday, October, 11, I'm already thinking about some thing for this coming week. Wednesday, TheGirl is going to go to dinner with her daughter for her birthday. Which means I'm flying solo that day. And it means I should come up with somewhere nice to eat on my own. I'm not sure where I could eat, but I want to figure it out before I step out of work on Wednesday and then have to scramble at the last minute for an idea. I kinda want to go to Ikea to buy a new chair. The chair I sit in now is all busted. It's broken, and had been broken for years now. I really need a new one. I went online a few months ago and saw a really good one for not too much. But, now I don't see it. Fuck me. I should have bought it long ago.
Lakers win the 2020 NBA finals
The Lakers won the longest NBA season ever. It was crazy considering there's a pandemic going on. What got me was the thank you they put out in the paper (see above). This is just part of it, but what got me was the first two lines. "You're the only ones that understand -- all of this was much bigger than a game." Amen.
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looking for a reservation
Monday, October, 12, When I arrived at work this morning I went ahead and uploaded my photos on to the cloud. While that was happening I turned on my work computer and checked my emails. There was a moment where I thought about Carmel, and that made me check on room rates at the place I've stayed so many times before.. the Fireplace Inn.
Fireplace Inn, Carmel
Actually, I was thinking of the place all weekend. I want to buy some more of those picture tiles to put them up in various locations in the house. One place I would like to place them is the bathroom. And one picture I want to put up there is of the Fireplace Inn entrance (shown above). I checked the rates for the last week in November. It's the usual $730+ amount. It's not too bad. I have $600 in one of my accounts. However, I still don't know if it's a good idea to leave my aunt alone. I REALLY wish someone could stay with her while I travel up north. If I don't go this November, and it looks like I won't, it will be two years since I've been up to Carmel. That's WAY too long.
I need to decompress. Frankly, I need to get away from my aunt for a little while. I need to not be around. She's always in my business. I need that time to be truly alone. Have to say, I'm not even sure how a trip would work these days. What with Covid still dominating our lives. OK, say I go up to Carmel. I have a room, that's fine. But, where can I go? Can I go taste wine? Can I eat at the places I love to eat? I would want to try a couple of places that I'm not sure could have outdoor dining. Not only that, but the weather would be a factor. November is not the warmest time of the year. It's just not the same. What about sight seeing? How is that going to work? I guess most of the stuff I end up doing is outdoors, but not everything. Oh who knows, I probably won't end up going there any time soon. Maybe next year? What would be extra nice is if I could go with a lady. Emma, for example.
Chan has a new mask
Chan has a new mask, courtesy of my aunt buying the wrong size masks the other day when we went to buy gifts for my cousin's kids. Chan is definitely styling.
I was texting Emma about some other thing when she mentioned that curbside pick-up is coming to Montrose "soon." Perhaps as early as two weeks. I just love how these dopes never tire of failing.
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my order
Tuesday, October, 13, I ordered a watch online over a week ago in order to give it to my aunt, so that I could keep better track of her. It was just over a week ago that she told me that she fell outside our house. That is when I knew that I HAD to get her some sort of device that would allow me to know when she fell down. Well, then today I got an email that said that my order had been cancelled. That's when I went back online and ordered a new watch. I choose the store pick-up to make sure that I would get it. That means tomorrow I'll have to get my ass to the Citadel in the city of Commerce.
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no Chan today
Wednesday, October, 14, TheGirl was going to have dinner with her daughter tonight, which means no Wednesday night dinner for me. That also means I didn't have to bring Chan with me. It's such a habit to bring hims with me, which means that when I'm at work and I don't have hims with me I feel like I'm missing something. I've said this before, I know. But there was a moment where I was at my desk and I looked over where Chan is usually sitting. For that moment I thought that I had forgotten him at home, or in the car. But yeah, I remembered that I wasn't going over to TheGirl's tonight.
pointless meeting with supervisor and supervisor's supervisor
The other day my coworker Tony showed me an email that had him having to respond to a meeting RSVP. He was going to have a meeting today to talk to Mala and Kvon about the route. I figured I wasn't invited because they had talked to me about the changes to the route. They didn't get to Tony yet, because he was out the week that they talked to me. Well, next thing I know I'm sitting at my desk when I get a text from Kvon asking if I was going to attend. I told him that I wasn't invited. He then sent me an email and said that I should follow the link, but there was no link. I finally just went online using their client and boom, I was in the meeting. What followed was pointless. After all that we're going back to just doing the route the old way. Ha, ha!
the Citadel
Since I wasn't going to have dinner with TheGirl tonight I figured that I would go to the Fossil store at the Citadel in Commerce to pick up the watch I bought yesterday for my aunt. Once I got there it took some time for me to be let into the store. But, once in they helped me out and I had the watch within a few minutes. After that I just went home and set it up. I still have some things I have to figure out, since it is different than Apple products. I have to see how I can install apps onto the watch. In due time.
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that's not really six feet
Thursday, October, 15, Second thing I did after putting all the stuff into the van was go to the post office. Which normally sucks, but with the Covid restrictions it makes it harder to deal with. The dummy in front of me today was not standing on the six feet sticker on the floor, meant to make sure that people maintain six feet of distance between each other. At least she wore a mask.
former location of the Montrose service desk
I was told about this earlier in the week, but it didn't become a reality until I saw it with my own eyes. The former service desk at Montrose is now gone. Gone and already forgotten by these dopes. I've said it countless times, the new service desk is going to be an unmitigated disaster. Mark my words.
I had heard earlier in the week that the old desk at Montrose was gone. Finally demolished. Today I got to see it for myself (pictured above). It's gone. Mala mentioned yesterday during that pointless meeting that there were delays in getting the work on the new desk to start. She said that they would probably start in December. If you take out your library to English dictionary, that means that it won't be started until late January if not March.
The good thing about our little meeting was that things went back to the old ways. Which means I got to eat my lunch at Montrose today in peace.
While I was still in Montrose I went ahead and checked the bookdrop and found four ballots. This isn't the only time there have been ballots in the bookdrops. There was an email the other day that there were several found in all locations. Part of me thinks dummies that can't figure out where to place their ballots in the proper place shouldn't be voting. But, that's not right either.
TheGirl at dinner tonight
As I wrote in my last entry, TheGirl and I didn't have dinner together yesterday. She asked if I wanted to have dinner tonight instead, and I was like yeah. We went to the Counter and I had a yummy burger and of course wine. We didn't have Fess Parker wine, but I'm going to get some next week. Except for the day nothing much was different about having dinner on a Thursday.
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big screen mac
Friday, October, 16, I can't spend much time in the circulation area because I'm supposed to stay away from all the other dopes at work. I'm OK with that. Today I went in the mockery space and used the giant Mac there to check my emails. I like using that computer, because it's a nice big screen. Only problem was that the keyboard and the mouse had dead batteries. Well, of course, no one has used those things in months. I was able to find a wired keyboard and mouse in the room. Thankfully. Still, I might have to bring a couple of wires with me to charge those things up. Either way, it was nice to use the big computer for this stuff.
my aunt leaving to get a flu shot
My aunt went to the clinic for a flu shot today. I'm glad she went. This flu season this year is going to be bad. Now it's my turn.
not slop for lunch
When I looked in the fridge last night I saw some slop chicken dish that my aunt made nearly two weeks ago. My aunt almost never seasons anything that she makes. But of course THIS time she over-seasoned the chicken she made for me. It was inedible. I took it to work once, and didn't touch it again until last night. My plan was to take it with me to work and get some food somewhere, and toss the slop in the trash. That way it looks like I ate it. I HATE throwing away food. I feel horrible that I have so much and others don't have. I justify throwing away the food by saying that it will just go bad in the fridge eventually, because I'm not going to eat it at all. It was already smelling bad when I put it in the dish for me to take to work today. Just awful.
Instead of that slop I went ahead and bought myself some fast Chinese food. Course, nothing can be easy these days. I was at the civic center complex getting ready to head out to the rest of the route when I ordered some food online so that I could just pick it up. However, when I reached the joint there was a line of people about eight deep. They were all waiting for their online order. To cut to the chase, I ended up waiting about forty minutes for my meal. I won't be doing that again. Nevertheless, it was better than eating that horrible chicken dish my aunt made.
Emma and I were texting and she told me later in the day that the teams for the curbside pick-up at Montrose had been set. The teams seem so random, since one of the administration people is going to be on one of the teams. But whatever. We shall see how they pull this off.
I get home tonight and my aunt asks me if I went to the market. I told her no, because I don't like going in the afternoon, because there are usually a ton of people there. She turns around and says that I told her I would go today. I said no such thing, because of the the crowds. I tell her straight up that she thought that in her head and thought I had said I was going. Fuck that. Then she bitches to me about some insurance payment she made like two weeks ago. She gave me the bill to confirm that it was paid in full, because it said something about splitting the payments into three payments. Weeks ago I literally told her that it was already paid in full. Now she claims that I didn't tell her that. Not satisfied with my answer that I told her that when she gave it to me, she says, "Well, if there's more to pay you can do it." Fine. I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room. Which is where I am right now, typing this. Fucking hate working all day and coming home to supposedly relax, only to be assailed by someone who can't remember to make corn bread with the one ingredient that she requested I bring especially for that. Idiot.
"Yahshua" juice
After insulting me my aunt brought me a glass of grape juice, which she drinks on Fridays because it's Shabbat. In the past I've downed the juice, because it does taste yummy. Tonight I poured it down the drain. I don't want anything she gives me. These days are eye opening. I don't want to come home after work these days. I don't want to come hope and continually suffer one indignity after another.
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TheNewCute with her bottle of Mexican Coke
Saturday, October, 17, A few weeks ago one of the librarians texted me that her computer needed to be reset. It happened to be a Tuesday, which meant I wasn't driving that day. I figured that since TheNewCute was at that location that she could reset the computer for me. I texted her and she said she had reset it. I then told the librarian that it had been reset. Then I told TheNewCute thank you, and that I owed her a Coke for helping me out. All these weeks later, I finally got that Coke somewhere near her. I had left it last week at the Grandview library, but that was right after she told me that she would no longer be working there, but rather working at Adams every other Saturday. So earlier this week I went and took the bottle from Grandview and placed it at Adams. TheNewCute sent me the above picture to show that she had received her Coke.
Can I just say how nice she looks in that picture? In her videos she is of course very cute, but she also has a far away look in her eyes. Mainly, as she says, because the becomes dead inside in order to do those videos. I get it. It's nice to see her smile. Especially since I don't even get a chance to see her smile when I'm in person, due to this fucking Covid.
I don't know if I have any sort of chance being more than friends with TheNewCute. I'm thankful that I have at least a fleeting friendship with her.
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credit score
Monday, October, 19, I woke up to find that my credit score had gone up seven points. I'm not sure what I did to have that happen, but I'm certainly glad that it rose.
I figured that the Dodgers were dead in the water. I was wrong.
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it would appear that it rained last night
Tuesday, October, 20, When I went out to drive to work my car looked like it had rained last night. It had sprinkles of water on it. The weather liars said that it would get cooler each day, until this weekend where they say there might be rain. Woo hoo! Good bye stupid hot weather. I'm so done with hot weather.
fucking lazy dopes did this
I drove the route today, but before I did I still had to get the bookdrop from Central. When I was putting the books into the Cerberus bins I found one bin that had about eight books in it, despite the fact that the bin right next to it still had about ten inches of space to work with. This happens because the person that put it in there is both lazy and stupid.
a blank canvas for them to ruin
Last week I posted a picture where the old service desk at Montrose had been taken out. This week I noticed that they covered up the floor that was under the desk with new carpet tiles. To me that meant bad news. This means that the new desk is going to be a clusterfuck. But why I expect anything but that? I expect them to build the stupidest little desk there in place of the old desk. Like I said, it's just going to be an unmitigated mess.
One of the sucky things about the route today was the fact that there were people at every branch. Which meant I couldn't just chill. That will likely change later in the week, when I normally drive. Today I drove because my coworker went on "vacation" this week. The curbside expanding to the branches won't directly affect me, because they are doing it on days I don't drive.
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don't see a thing
Wednesday, October, 21, I always worry that someone is going to monkey nap Chan if I leave hims in my car on days like today, where I'm working at Glendale but I'm going out to dinner with TheGirl. Today I did my best to hide Chan from anyone's view while in the car. I took my jacket and put it on the side so that it covered the window. The carseat would take care of the other view. And there you are, a covering to protect Chan.
the ladies at dinner
TheGirl and I never know where to go to dinner. We have a limited amount of places we can go due to the fact that we have Cheyenne with us. I don't care where we eat, since I'm more about the company. Tonight we went to the Italian restaurant that cant't seem to cook Italian food correctly. Tonight I wanted some fettuccine Alfredo. They didn't have that exact thing on the menu, but they did have something approximating that. Well, when it came out it was not that good. When I got home I tossed the leftovers in the trash. Like I said, it's not about the food though. Wednesday nights are about the good company and the wine. Those hit the spot every week.
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chips, chips, and more chips
Friday, October, 23, My aunt went to the market the other day. While there she bought me some tortilla chips. THIS despite the fact that I have a nearly full bag of Fritos, and a nearly full bag of tortilla chips she bought me at Costco. I just don't know where my aunt gets the idea that I need any more chips. It's just another little thing that helps drive me crazy.
That must be her plan, to drive me mad. Maybe all her actions are meant to make me question my sanity. Perhaps that her plan, to make me question reality.
taint plus is another fail
I was checking the mail upstairs in administration, and on my way back downstairs I saw a "bird's eye" view from the second floor down to the area on the first floor that had the books going out. As you can see from the picture, the number of items going out is minimal. My buddy and I were saying how great it will be when this thing is called a failure. No one is going to out and out call it a failure, but internally DrDeath has to know eventually that this has been another fail.
my interview
The interview I did WAY back in early September was FINALLY posted on the library's YouTube page. Yay! It's about time! Go ahead and check out the interview for yourself. Click the photo above to check it out.
oh, this is new
Some time during this week the city installed a new gasoline supply thingie. I'm not sure what's the official name, but in short it's made to keep track of the gasoline that goes into each car. It's different than the old one, of course. I'm already not liking that they took the number pad out. The numbers are placed more like on a keyboard rather than a pad. Hmm, this is going to get some getting used to for sure.
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gloomy skies this morning - I love it
Saturday, October, 24, It's so wonderfully gloomy this morning.
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Sunday, October, 25, I'm thinking ahead to next month and Thanksgiving day and what my aunt and I might have for dinner. I thought about picking up some dinner from a restaurant, but I think I'm leaning towards getting a yummy chicken pot pie from Linn's in Cambria (see above).
birthday time!
I'm sitting here waiting for my family to come over to celebrate my aunt's birthday. They said they would be here at 2pm, but as I write this sentence it's 3:35pm. My cousin is ALWAYS late. I fucking HATE being late to anything. See, it seems harmless to say 2pm and show up at 3pm, or later. But my aunt and I are starving. I mean come on.
3:52pm now.
4:04pm, still no sign.
4:20pm, they FINALLY arrive.
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Christmas tree at the 99 cent store
Monday, October, 26, I went to the 99 cent store this morning, before work, and saw that there were Christmas trees for sale. I thought about buying one, but I'm not sure if I should. First, is it a good tree? It's selling for $30, plus tax. Not a bad price, but still. I do wonder if it's a good idea to buy it. Part of me knows that I'm lazy and won't decorate it. Maybe I'll buy it next time, after giving it some thought.
Woke up feeling kinda tired, and as per usual on a Monday, not ready to go to work. I wanted to stay in bed all day. The weather isn't as gloomy as it was this weekend, which is a shame. However, it wasn't the gloom, or non-gloom that was making it hard to get out of bed. I stayed up a little later than usual jerking off last night. I told myself that I wouldn't drink on a "school night" any more. But, I was really in need of a drink last night.
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early morning, still dark
Tuesday, October, 27, By next week this won't be a problem (I think), but today I went into work and it was still dark out when I started going to work. It's also cold in the morning. I kinda love it more than I should.
dumb solution from dumb people
My buddy pointed out months ago that his station, station one, was the busiest of all the curbside stations. That's because the appointment system they used is set up wrong, and weighs the appointments to the first station. Of course none of the managers figured this out. But, on the last rotation one of the librarians figured this fact out as well. Good thing she said something about it to these dopey managers. The solution these dopes came up with wasn't to reprogram the appointment system to evenly distribute the appointments. No, that would be hard. What they did is just reassign certain spots to different stations. But of course the schedule shows that station one is still the busiest. Yes, it's less so now, but it's still busy. Also, the managers claimed that there would rotate the crew so that everyone works every station. Nope. They scheduled everyone to be at the same station all week. Perhaps they may rotate them on the next rotation, but I doubt it. That would take work.
There were a bunch of chairs put out last week, but no one could tell me why they were there. Well, today I found out. The library invited a bunch of dopes to bid on the children's room renovation. Can't wait to see them fuck THAT up. The meeting was short and sweet. DrDeath said some things and then they all went upstairs to view the children's room. The whole thing was over pretty quickly.
Dodgers win the World Series!
I just finished watching the Dodgers win the World Series and I have to say that I'm literally in tears right now. This year has been so horrible, so long, and so tough that little things like this feel so good. First the Lakers, now the Dodgers. Job done.
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did someone say Fess Parker?
Wednesday, October, 28, Work today was kinda of haze. I only look forward to dinner on Wednesdays. Everything else is just a blur. Work is bullshit anyway. I was so sleepy after lunch that I could barely keep my eyes open. I was asked to do a mock-up of some street sign banner that would hang from the street lights. Pseudo supervisor sent me an email explaining what she wanted, but I totally didn't read it. I started doing a whole other thing, and when she asked me if I had it she was light, "That's not like what I asked for." She then asked, "Did you read my email," and I said, "No." Ha ha. I was honest at that sleepy moment. I finally righted the ship and got her what she wanted. She needed to have it ASAP in order to present it to the new dummy boss. Whatever.
Finally it was time to escape and go over TheGirl's place for dinner with the crew. The crew being: TheGirl, Cheyenne, Chan and me. The little Wednesday crew, I guess you could call it.
We went to the Counter in Toluca Lake. I had my traditional two or three shots of whiskey on the drive over, and then we had some yummy Fess Parker wine. I was feeling GOOOOOD. Maybe TOO good. At one point after the food was served I laughed at something TheGirl said and I let out a fart. TheGirl didn't notice, but the other dopes in the patio area did. How do I know? Because there was a moment after I let out the quick fart that the people around me got quiet. There is usually no one in the patio when we go to the Counter. Tonight there were at least three other tables with people. Unusual. And of course tonight is the night I fart at the table.
Way back in high school I remember being in an art class and I farted. That time everyone noticed. I made some silly remark after it happened. I said, "Was that me?" Duh, stupid. I've been super gassy lately. Even more than usual, which is like come on range now. I've always been gassy, but now it's like double. Well, when I let one out tonight I could have reacted to it. Instead I was like, fuck it. So what if I did and the dopes around us noticed. When I turned around they were all gone. So whatever. I had a great time at dinner.
Chan and me in Toluca Lake viewing the Halloween displays
After dinner TheGirl drove us all down to the residence area of Toluca Lake to check out the houses decorated for Halloween. While there I posed with Chan in front of one of the houses (see above).
Here are a few more pictures of some of the houses.

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dropping off my ballot
Thursday, October, 29, I dropped off my ballot today. I have no doubt it's going to be counted. Also, FUCK Trump.
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Burger "Queen's" Big Fish sandwich
Friday, October, 30, I didn't find anything in the fridge that I wanted to eat today or yesterday. Yesterday I bought some Chipotle for lunch. It was pretty good. They are advertising some new steak, and it was good, but not great. I think I'll stick to the chicken. Today I didn't want to have that again, nor did I want to have another hamburger. So, I decided to have something different... a so-called Big Fish from Burger King. It was pretty good, but the size makes me question the name "Big fish." It was yummy though, so I think I'll definitely have it again.
There wasn't much going on on the route today. Jade texted me yesterday to say that he had a bunch of bins for me today. He wouldn't be at Montrose, which turned out to be perfect. I was able to have my lunch there without anyone being there. When I looked inside the bins I noticed they weren't books that were pulled for holds, they were fucking donations. I fucking just took those books from the curb, where I saw that they were donations, and took them to the trash bin in the back of the library. Fucking Jade.
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It's the Great Pumpkin
Saturday, October, 31, Happy Halloween! Yeah, "Happy." I watched Great Pumpkin last night, and I'll watch it again tonight. I'll have a little booze later and that will be my Halloween.
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Wrap-up, What can I say that's different than any other thing I've said in the last six months? Every day blends into the other, as I've said for months now. This month had some nice moments, but of course the virus still dominates. The virus and this idiot President. I grow more tired each week. I guess I'll give this month a C grade. On to November.