Afterthoughts : This Past Month
At the beginning of this month I never thought we would all be in the situation we are in now. I've been making the best of the situation, but as I look back now March 2020 was a total fail. Read on, and see what happened.
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chilaquiles for breakfast
Sunday, March, 1, My aunt said she hoped that I could take her to get her haircut in Van Nuys today, because her hair was too long. It's also much more difficult for her to take the bus, because of many factors. One, she gets tired faster and doesn't like to walk to the bus and back. Second, she has a limited time, due to the fact that she needs to be back home in time to take care of the girls. So she asked if I could take her today, and I was like sure. Then she says, "Let's go get breakfast, but I don't want eggs." Ah, what? That's all there is for breakfast at any restaurant. But, I thought fast on my feet and considered a few places, but finally decided on Jinky's. My aunt took a long time to get ready, so by the time we left the house it was nearly 11:15am. Most places on a Sunday are PACKED and it takes a long time to get a table. We got lucky at Jinky's, which was busy, but not so busy that we had to wait more than ten minutes. My aunt ordered a chicken teriyaki bowl that was really yummy, and I ordered some chilaquiles. They hit the spot. They made them just how I like them, a combination of still crunchy and soft. I only wish they had more sour cream on top.
my aunt getting a haircut
After breakfast we went to Van Nuys and to where my aunt gets her haircut. She forgot the business cards so I could see where we were going, but she knew so I just followed her directions. The place is in a storefront that's been broken up into smaller stalls, like an indoor arcade, but like unofficial. Crazy place, but they cut her hair super fast and for only $14. That's a good price.
Kubrick exhibit at the Skirball
After my aunt got her haircut the both of us went to see the Kubrick photography exhibit at the Skirball Cultural Center. It was a pretty cool exhibit, but not super extensive. They had some really cool photos that really point out his sense of style and humor. It's a good thing I got to check it out before it closes on Saturday. I missed the Jim Henson exhibit last year, but not this. Coming later this year there's going to be a Star Trek exhibit as well. Must check that out later.
Talia back in 2007
As I say all the time, I checked my photo app and showed me some photos from hanging out with Talia back in 2007. I remember how we went to the Counter in Santa Monica. I guess I go to the Counter a lot. Back then the Counter was new to the area, but there wasn't one in my neighborhood yet. Hence going to Santa Monica. This was during the time that I was sleeping with Talia on Thursdays. Of course I was going to treat her to a meal once in a while.
breakfast chimichanga at Disneyland!
Emma texted me today to say that we should film some stuff before going to Disneyland on Saturday. She mentioned that she has to be back home by 5pm, which is fine by me since I have work on Sunday. But, then she mentioned food. Where are we going to eat? Not sure, but she thinks she can get reservations for the Lamplight Lounge. She likes that place a lot. I have yet to warm to it, but it's nice. I know there are some yummy looking food items that I want to try, so I'm game. But, since we plan on going really early we shall be hungry early on. I went online to check out where we could find some breakfast. I found that they sell breakfast chimichangas. Breakfast... chimichangas! Oh, I must have one.
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the Morgan website
Monday, March, 2, In lieu of going on my Thanksgiving weekend trip last year I want to take some sort trips up the coast, to like say SLO or Cambria and such. But I'm still hesitant because of my aunt's health. She's good right now, but I worry about her. But I also need to get away for a couple of days and relax and take some pictures. I would love to take pictures of Cambria with my Polaroid. Would be super nice if Emma would go with me as well... even if only as a friend.
oh yeah, that's going to be "fine"
I came home tonight and my aunt was asleep. She said she was tired from cooking today. She made me some breaded chicken, but no side dish. So now sitting here at my desk, writing this, thinking how I can make a meal out of one item. Geez.
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long line of dopes
Tuesday, March, 3, The route today was pretty busy today. When I arrived at Montrose there were a lot of people waiting in line to vote (see above). What gets me is that this location is super popular, but they only have about six machines available to use. But... big BUT, the Chevy Chase branch has fifty-six fucking voting machines. Some of these dopes should go there and vote. They will take two minutes to get in and out. Fucking morons also could have just MAILED IN THEIR BALLOTS. ARGH! More and more the stupidity of people is confirmed. ARGH!
TheNewCute as the Cat in the Hat
Someone at Central was checking out something on their phones when I noticed that TheNewCute was in one of the social media posts. I asked my coworker to see, and she was like, "I'll send it to you." Last week TheNewCute dressed up as the Cat in the Hat. I could comment, but she's just too nice. I asked her for her phone number in order to text her a question that Vagabundo had. Of course I didn't HAVE to ask her, but I wanted to have her number. Mission accomplished! Woo, hoo!
work email
Kvon sent out an email AGAIN today about coverage for auditorium gigs. There is NO WAY I'll do that again. I just love that they keep asking dopes to cover, but they keep asking the same four people. Clearly we have other things to do. These dopes will NEVER learn.
people apparently didn't get the message that you can vote early
The news tonight showed that there are people waiting for hours to vote tonight. I'm not saying the voting process was perfect this year. I noticed some scheduling and logistical problems, but at the same time I thought that overall the new system seemed to work out... for me anyway. I was able to go to work and drop off my ballot. THAT was great. But I also noticed that a lot of dopes didn't know where they could vote. Both my jobs are voting centers, but it seems that people didn't understand that the library isn't running the show. The polls are run by the county, not by the individual libraries. People kept asking library staff questions we aren't qualified to answer. Today I saw one dummy come into Brand and ask one of my coworkers THREE times if he could register to vote today. Three times my coworker told him that he didn't know, because he didn't work for the county. Three times this idiot asked the same question, finally going away frustrated. No idea if he got his answer. Maybe don't be such a baby and you can get your question answered. The county made it SO much easier to vote this year by many means. But of course dummies STILL can't fucking do anything right. Fuck these dopes.
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ah, what?
Wednesday, March, 4, I was checking to see if Emma had uploaded a video yesterday when I noticed how the automatic closed captioning on the video was REALLY off (see above). I sent the image to Emma and she was cracking up how wrong the captioning was.
9:26pm, last night
Voting yesterday was a big story, because so many dopes waited until the last minute to vote in the elections. Instead of mailing in their ballots, or going early (voting was allowed for eleven days), these dopes decided to all go after work. Because there are fewer facilities due to the extended hours, there were long lines at many voting locations. Back in San Marino I checked the security cameras and saw that the voting went on past 8pm The imagine above was taken at 9:26pm, and there were still some people voting. These dopes will never learn.
my uncle's Facebook page
Today would have been my uncle Gil's birthday. His death is something that comes to mind from time to time. I still think he's going to be on the other side of a FaceTime call. But he won't.
wine at dinner
Today we went to a place where we've been many times before, but they recently changed some things on the menu. TheGirl ordered some cheese sticks to be brought out, but the waiter didn't hear her or forgot. Either way, we didn't get our bread sticks. Bullshine! TheGirl later said that we need to expand our choices of Wednesday night dinner spots. She suggested even going up to downtown Burbank. I might suggest going up to Studio City and such. We have done that in the past, but I think TheGirl is tired of the same old places every week. Certainly I'm not a huge fan of the place we went to tonight. Like I said, we've been there many times, but I've only ever had one good meal there. The last time it was OK, but it wasn't all that great. This time I ordered a sausage pizza and it was flavorless. How the FUCK do you top a pizza with sausage and make it flavorless? They did also dump some kale on top, which was just terrible. It also didn't add any flavor to the pizza. Total damn fail. If we never come back to this place it will be too soon. TheGirl is right, we need to try other places.
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the shit continues to roll downhill
Thursday, March, 5, San Marino is going down an interesting hole these days. The latest strange move is making the social media posts go through a single person in the city. I got an email from my supervisor giving us the new guidelines for the social media posts. The library has three Facebook accounts, which will now be narrowed down to one. The Instagram posts will have to go to my supervisor and then be passed on to the city's analyst for him to post. I'm not sure why they have to little faith in us posting stuff that wouldn't be potentially offensive to people. Actually, I couldn't give two shits about this. I stopped posting things to the library's social media a while back. I was bored with it, and frankly I didn't want to do it anymore. So yeah, the city can go fuck itself with these stupid rules. I was already done.
There is an element in the city that is like a poison running through everything that the city does. It is slowly killing what made the city good, in my opinion. I don't live there, but I've worked there for over a decade and I just see these moves as some asinine moves of people who don't know anything of value, but know the price of everything. Eat shit, I say.
Here is the rest of the email.
We received word from the city that there will be BIG changes to our social media policy. They will affect us in the following ways:
1. The library is only allowed to have ONE Instagram and ONE Facebook account. Sadly, this means that we can no longer post to the YA Instagram, Children's Facebook, and YA Facebook. We can still generate content for those accounts, however, the content all has to be posted from ONE account.
We are working on a statement to "close" the accounts mentioned above. The statement will redirect followers to the active accounts.
2. We can no longer post ourselves. Robert, our Analyst, is now the sole poster of all accounts. You will still generate content to be posted. After you generate it, you will send the graphics and write-up to either Tera or myself who will review it and then send it to Robert for posting.
Angela, Eric, and Denise - send your posts to me
Patricia - send your posts to T
Starting today, please do not post yourselves. Start sending your posts to us via email for review. Again, you should attach your images and provide the write-up in the body of the email. If the post needs more detail (ie, Facebook event), please provide all of the information you think is necessary. We will contact you if anything is missing.
3. The city wants all of our logins. I believe between T and I, we have most of the logins. We may reach out to you if we cannot find one.
This is a big change and will come with some adjustments. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if anything doesn't make sense. Above all, please do not stop making content. Even if it's harder to post, we will still post!
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not updated since Tuesday
Friday, March, 6, It's only been a couple of days and already the library's social media has suffered. The screen cap above is of the from the library's social media page. The last picture was posted on Tuesday, Election day. That was four days ago at this point. I figure this move by the city just turned my coworker off to posting. Or, what's more likely is that the city didn't approve of the entries my coworker created.
Emma at Montrose
TheDesire said she wouldn't get to Montrose until past 6pm, but I usually get off work around 4pm. I told this to Emma and she asked if I wanted to meet up with her before so we could have drinks. I was game, and it was a good thing since I was also hungry. I had a pair of margaritas.
TheDesire, at some random sushi place
I haven't seen TheDesire since last year's "Teen Fair" at Central. Emma thought it a good idea to invite her out, since we don't get to see her often. TheDesire brought her son, who is adorable, but tonight he was quite fussy. We had plans to eat at this one restaurant in Montrose, but when we arrived TheDesire's son just ran down the street. He pretty much did that all night. Thankfully Emma and I had had some food at Joselito's, so I was good. I was also full of margaritas. Ha ha, good times! TheDesire says that next time we go to her place.
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chilaquiles from Lamplight lounge at DCA - delicious!
Saturday, March, 7, Emma and I went to Disneyland today, but there isn't much to report from today's trip. We went to the Lamplight Lounge for breakfast since the food and wine festival was super packed with dopes. We HAD planned on eating some of the food there, but the lines were just too much, and neither of us wanted to wait. Lamplight it was, and I'm glad. I had heard that the chilaquiles there were good, but boy I wasn't ready for how good they really were. They were magnificent... some of the best I've ever had.
Flo's V8 in Black & White
Mark Twain in Black & White
TheGirl's daughter's boyfriend broke up with her today
During the day TheGirl sent me a text message saying that her daughter's boyfriend had broken up with her via text. Yesterday TheGirl went to Magic Mountain with her daughter and she mentioned to me that she sensed something was wrong with her daughter. Well, she was right. Apparently there has been some troubles in paradise, to paraphrase her. TheGirl's daughter and her boyfriend had been together for ten years. TEN YEARS! They started dating around the time TheGirl and I started dating. According to TheGirl, she had sensed that things were not going well. TheGirl never thought much of her daughter's boyfriend, and now he's out of the picture. I hope TheGirl encourages her daughter to just be for a while. No need to try to jump into another relationship right away.
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Sunday, March, 8, The story I heard today's that the reason why they haven't hired anyone for the part-time librarian, because no one qualified has applied. Well duh, they don't pay enough.
I'm so tired of working these dopey Sundays. Sundays are a real downer for me. I'm so over it. There was a woman that came in and said that someone on the Saturday crew told her she could use the computer for three hours today. Well yes, if she had arrived at 1pm, when we open. But this dummy came in at 2pm. The public computers shut off at a quarter to 5pm. There's nothing I can do to override that. I told her, and she wasn't happy, but I reminded her that at this point she was losing time by arguing. She didn't bother us again for the rest of the time.
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it's raining
Tuesday, March, 10, It rained today, but for the most part I was able to escape getting wet. That is until I reached Brand, and the skies opened up. And the worst part was that I was right in the middle of loading their items from the van. It really started to come down as I struggled to get the book bins to the book truck. When I got inside the library I mentioned how the rain opened up, and Misa just started mock crying, saying I was a big baby complaining. I don't know where that remark came from, because I was just saying that it was raining. But I still got the mock crying from Misa. I then said, "I should have known better than to think you all would be sympathetic." After that I went about getting their stuff into the library and I left without saying a word to anyone. What a fucking load of shit. I plan on making that my quickest stops on the route on Thursday. I need to have everything ready to chuck at them and then leave immediately.
I was talking to TheLooker before I left work today, we were trying to make plans to hang out and get drinks. We are also trying to figure out when we can go and take some pictures. After I left I thought that instead of just going to take photos once that this could turn into a series of photos featuring TheLooker.
some sort of pasta thingie
When I got home today my aunt said that she didn't have the time or energy or something to fix something to eat, so she made this pasta thing (shown above). It was whatever. She was telling something about it being made with chicken broth, or whatever. It didn't have much of a taste, so for all I know this stuff wasn't even cooked all the way.
good list of "I want"
I found this list on social media this week, and it pretty much speaks to my own personal to do list. Certainly the more sex and more travel are top priorities, because I already love life. Woo hoo!!
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last payment
Wednesday, March, 11, I made a final payment on one of my many credit cards today. It's such a great thing to finish paying something off. Late last week I made the last payment on the first house mortgage. I plan on putting more money towards the second mortgage now that I've paid this bill off, as well as another bill that I paid off last month. I like being able to FINALLY pay off some bills. Some of these bills seem to be never ending. I never get to see the end of paying. But now these are three bills that are out of the way. Damn nice!
the ladies
TheGirl and I went to our usual burger joint for dinner tonight. It's the first night after daylight savings started, so it was pretty bright out. We ordered up some wine, but when it arrived it was not our usual brand, and it really tasted bad. Seems like we can't catch a break this week. They brought us out another wine, which was MUCH better. My burger was good at least. They also gave us a free dessert for our troubles. I mean we are there all the time. I told TheGirl that I need to load up on Fess Parker Riesling.
Cheyenne gave me "shiner"
While playing with Cheyenne tonight there was a point where she swung her left paw at me and she got me right on my right eye (see above). TheGirl didn't even see my injury, but I could feel it. When I got into the car I checked and took the picture above. I'm glad TheGirl didn't see it, but I also wonder how she didn't, since it is pretty obvious.
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not too many patrons this morning
Thursday, March, 12, There were hardly any patrons when the library opened today. There is usually a bunch of people standing outside the library, but today there were much fewer. Later in the day the library had more patrons, but there was a lot of talk today amongst my coworkers about possibly closures. But then there were a series of announcements from around the U.S. about closures.
they had to close Disneyland!
Emma sent me the above entry from social media. Yes, Disneyland is closed until the end of the month. We had plans to go this weekend, but that's not going to happen now. Emma wants to do something in lieu of going to Disneyland... but what? I checked social media, most museums are going to close until April. This sucks.
DrDeath sent out the following email in response to the Covid-19 virus.
Here's direction from the City of Glendale that will soon be posted to the public:
All public programs for the month of March are to be cancelled. All private event room rentals with an anticipated audience of 50 or more in the month of March are to be cancelled. Non-essential outreach and travel is to be postponed.
Additional steps we are taking. We are:
* Cancelling coffee with the director on March 17 and our staff training on April 21.
* Removing nonessential "high-touch" items such as children's toys and puzzles from public areas.
* Expanding signage with information from the CDC on how to maintain good hygiene and best practices for washing hands.
* Discontinuing, until further notice, of the acceptance of donated materials.
There was talk of the library possibly closing, but I guess for now that's not happening. Other libraries, like the big system of the Los Angeles city library, isn't closing. But, they are not having large gatherings. No story times, and for me no memory lab appointments. I had an appointment for the 21st of this month, but that's been cancelled.
I checked my San Marino email late tonight and the following email was sent out this afternoon.
"Due to concern about the spread of COVID-19, all meetings and programs scheduled to be held at Crowell Public Library will be cancelled until at least April 30."
This is nuts.
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Friday, March, 13, Well, after saying that the library would stay open DrDeath dropped a bombshell today a little before closing. Here is his email announcing that the library will be closed due to the Cover-19 virus crisis.
"The City of Glendale, out of an overabundance of caution, has decided to close many city facilities, this includes libraries.
Thus, effective tomorrow, Saturday, March 14, all City of Glendale library locations will be closed. IMPORTANT: Saturday staff will still report for work, as will all staff scheduled to work on Monday. We will all be assigned to work on special projects and to answer phones, if we are already not working on such projects or assigned to phones. All our libraries will remain closed through March 29. Sunday staff will not report to work for the next three Sundays."
DrDeath's email has the amended date of March 29th, rather than March 31st, which is a Tuesday. This way we can open up again on a Monday.
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La Grande Orange in Pasadena
Saturday, March, 14, Emma and I had planned on going to Disneyland today, but with this COVID-19 response being to close everything down, we couldn't go. We figured we could just go somewhere and take pictures. I was pushing to go to downtown Los Angeles, but Emma wanted to go to Pasadena. I thought it might be best to just do that than go downtown. We ended up going to La Grande Orange, which I've been to many years back. It has changed a little bit since I went about eight years ago. We sat at the bar, with a little bit of the view of the metro train station behind us. It's a nice place, I'd love to go back there some time. But, I also like going to different places.
Emma and I had quite a bit of booze. She had a good deal of food, but I didn't eat anything the entire time we were at the bar. I thought about ordering something, but then nothing appealed to me, except more booze.
empty toilet paper shelves at Target
After drinks we ended up at the Target store in Pasadena, where we witnessed the empty shelves I've been seeing on the news lately. I mean there were zero packages of toilet paper left.
Emma posing on empty shelves at Target
Emma wanted to pose in the aisle, but she had this crazy idea that she would jump on top of the shelves, but when she saw they wouldn't hold her up she just stood next to them.
There was a point tonight where Emma says, "I need to find you a girlfriend." Oh how nice, I thought. I would still very much like to be intimate with Emma, but I know that's not going to happen. But she must think well of me as to want to set me up with a lady. So yeah, that's a thing... a nice thing.
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North Woods Inn
Sunday, March, 15, TheGirl and I planned on going out today a few weeks ago. Way before this Covid-19 stuff was even a thing. As we were leaving we found out that the Mayor of Los Angeles was saying that he was having restaurants close down, except if they have take out. But before that we were able to go to the North Woods Inn. TheGirl's daughter went online and told TheGirl that she had to go to Azusa, but TheGirl was saying how she remembered it being in San Gabriel. Turns out that there are two restaurants, one in Azusa and one in San Gabriel. Oh well, it was fine.
the bar
The place is pretty cool inside. It's dimly lit, and has sawdust on the floor. What places still have sawdust on the floors? This place does, and you can tell it's legit an old school place. I had checked online for what I potentially wanted to eat, and I thought I saw a brisket sandwich on the menu. It wasn't anywhere to be seen. I just went and checked online and sure enough, the brisket sandwich is only at the La Mirada location, which is where I thought we were going to go. Because of that I was thrown a curve ball, and in a pinch I ordered the pastrami dip. It was just OK. TheGirl was right about the baked potato being really good. She gave me a taste of hers. My sandwich order usually comes with a salad and some rice, but I wanted onion rings. They were able to substitute the rings for the other two items. But, when I got my plate it only had three onion rings on it. Hmm.
more of the dinning room
The so-so sandwich was made up by the delicious and inexpensive lemon drop cocktails I had. They cost only $10! That's a damn good price for REALLY yummy lemon drop. I will have to go to the La Mirada location for that brisket sandwich. It looks really good online.
It's a good thing I went out this weekend with Emma and TheGirl. The Mayor of Los Angeles is making restaurants close their doors to in house dinning. Only take out orders will be allowed. Bars were asked to be closed by the Governor. I had planned on hanging out with H and P from work on Saturday, but I'm thinking we won't be able to do that now. We shall see.
I had a thought about how for over a year I was living the cloistered life, going to work and then going home. The only time I went out was with TheGirl for our Wednesday night dinners. But I avoided going out with friends, finding any excuse to not go. This year I told myself that I would change that, and with Emma's help I have been going out. And I like it. Sure, there are times when I want to fall back on my old ways and just stay home. But, then I go out and have a good time and I'm glad I did. And now this. And now they're closing bars, restaurants, and fucking Disneyland! Everywhere I've been going lately, closed. This is some bullshit.
Here are some of my favorite COVID-19 related social media posts.
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they closed the library
Monday, March, 16, The word has been given, but not made official just yet, that San Marino is going to follow other libraries in closing their doors. Starting tomorrow we'll be closed to the public. I wonder if I could take a day off next week, seeing as I still have some hours left over from the fundraiser last year. I know, STILL.
As I write this I'm on the reference desk, and I can see the city's website announcing that we are limiting the access to the library to only fifty patrons at a time. That will change. The word is that we'll be closed until at least April 30th, but this thing is fluid and seems to check all the time. I'm sure that date is not set in stone.
What with all this going on, and changing seemingly hour by hour, I'm starting to get anxious about all this COVID-19 stuff. I'm feeling more and more powerless as time goes on. I worry about the possibilities.
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ever changing date
Wednesday, March, 18, Emma texted me in the morning to say that DrDeath was going to send out an email around noon telling us that we're going to be told to stay home. She doesn't know for how long, but she claims that the city will still pay us somehow. She mentioned something about "classes." I have no idea what she seems, since as I write this I don't see any emails from him. I sure hope that Emma's claim that we're still going to get paid is correct. I had a bad feeling about San Marino closing, and losing that money. But I thought that at least Glendale remained open. Now it looks like it's going to be the other way around. Glendale is a huge source of my income.
In San Marino news, they have now moved up the date of opening from April 30th to March 31st. I don't know how realistic that is, but time will tell. All I know is that throughout this whole thing the officials at San Marino have been more than a step behind the curve. They have been three steps behind.
DrDeath sent out an email telling us that the library is going to be closing down, to all employees. They're going to want us to "work from home." I'm not entirely sure how that's going to work for everyone, especially me.
Well, I found out how it's going to work for me, anyway. I'm still going into work. Since I'm "special" delivery driver I get to still do the route and work. They need someone, or should I say a pair of someones, to go around and check on the closed library branches and clear the bookdrops. Well, I guess I should say it's a bit of a privilege to be the dope that goes around while everyone else is at home. Ha ha!
Chandaka and Genovia
Chan got to visit his lady, Genovia (see above). TheGirl brought out Genovia and of course Genovia was wondering why Chan hadn't contacted her. For shame, Chan.
Indian food
Ten years ago today TheGirl and I went out to our first lunch together. Yeah, that's how it all started.
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"Safer at Home"
Thursday, March, 19, Tonight city officials from Los Angeles, Long Beach and Pasadena, along with the county, have ordered people to stay at home.
As the city's website says, "Residents of the City of Los Angeles are required to stay inside their homes unless they are engaged in certain "essential activities." On those occasions when you are out of your home for necessary tasks, stay at least six feet away from others."
This is what we can do:
Go to the grocery store
Go to the pharmacy to pick up medications and other healthcare necessities
Go to medical appointments (check with your doctor or provider first)
Go to a restaurant for take-out, delivery or drive-thru
Care or support a friend or family member
Take a walk, ride your bike, hike, jog and be in nature for exercise - just keep at least six feet between you and others in the community.
Walk your pets and take them to the veterinarian if necessary
Help someone to get necessary supplies
This is what can't do:
Go to work unless you are providing essential services as defined by this Order
Visit friends and family if there is no urgent need
Maintain less than 6 feet of distance from others when you go out, as possible
Travel to or from a job outside the City, unless to perform essential activities
Travel to or from a vacation home outside the City
Visit loved ones in the hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or other residential care facility
I sent my boss at San Marino a text after hearing about the new order and she said that the hatchet lady said to still go into work on Monday. Yeah, right. They always make the wrong decision, because they're worried about I don't know what. I suspect that by next Wednesday they will tell us to stay home. Dopes.
very few bins today
Last night, as I bought dinner for dinner with TheGirl, I received a phone call from Mala asking if I would still drive the route tomorrow (Thursday). I was a little hesitant, but I also need the money. She said she wanted the other driver to go with me, to learn the codes for the libraries that have security. Predictively the branches didn't have many books, and neither did the book drops. The library extended due dates until I don't know when. There were few books today, and I suspect there will be fewer books tomorrow.
partial list of online courses
Glendale is using online courses in order to keep paying us a salary. We are to do some learning online and the hours we work on a given class will count as work hours. I like that. I thought I'd be doing that today, but I'm still on the route. I like that it's an option to be able to still get paid while all this is going on. I don't know whose idea this was, but it is a good thing that they're doing. I criticize the dummies upstairs a lot, but this time they came through. Or someone came through.
Calvin & Hobbes
At the beginning of the year I changed my lock screen on my phone to reflect the optimism I felt for 2020. I looked at the screen a few minutes ago and remembered the optimism I felt for this year. For a little while this year I was out and about. I was taking photos with my new camera. I was going to Disneyland. I was just having a good time. Now here we are. Those good times, just a couple of weeks ago, now feel so far in the past. The new reality is this... staying at home... don't touch your face... stay at least six feet from people... don't go to work... we ran out of toilet paper. It's still a "Magical world" out there. It's just that we are being asked to sequester ourselves from the world for the greater good. I understand, but it doesn't make it any easier.
I have something to say
I have a few things to say about this Covid-19 thing.
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the "roll of honor"
Friday, March, 20, In a twist of fate I got to be the only person in the library today. I did the route by myself. I was the Bastardo Omega Man. But in a way I wasn't. The route was filled with sightings of people out and about. I've never seen so many people walking around everywhere. I almost NEVER see people walking their dogs at ALL times of the day. Well, until today. These idiots are the reason why I heard rumors from two different people that the state is going to deploy the National Guard next week to prevent dummies from leaving their homes. Good. These morons have been standing in lines at grocery stores all week, and there's no way I've seen them stand at least six feet apart. More like six inches. If that!
Before going into work I went to the market close to work, because I was nearly half an hour early. I went and grabbed a huge sour cream, a can of wine, some cup cakes, and made myself to the front of the store, only to see that there was a huge line. I immediately put all the items back. Fuck this shit! And once again, no one was six feet apart. Idiots!
As you can see from the picture above, I got to be on a special list of people at the library. I was one of seven people that are allowed in the building. The other driver and me are the only non full timers that are on that list, because we are doing the work of the library. Today I WAS the library. All by myself.
I know it's said that we're going to be reopening by the end of the month, but realistically this isn't going to happen. The way this is going they keep pushing people to stay at home, not gather. When I came into work on Tuesday I walked into circulation and all my coworkers were there. They were not observing the six foot distance limit, which is nuts.
As I went around today I noticed the cleaning crews going around. One of the parks guys came out of Adams and told me that they were told to go into the buildings and disinfect all the surfaces. I'm glad they're doing that. Another guy mentioned that the virus lives about three days on surfaces, so why bother disinfecting, since no one is in the buildings right now. Yeah, but I AM. I rather they disinfect everything.
new video up today
Emma posted a video that we filmed a couple of weeks ago, when we climbed Tarzan's Treehouse.
more covid-19 memes (below)

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Saturday, March, 21, I knew I was going to stay home today, so I jerked off last night, and drank a bottle of wine. Of course I was not going to wake up early this morning. No way! But I did wake up around 7am, but I went right back to sleep. I didn't wake up until just past 10:30am, because I needed to use the restroom.
I have a decision to make about going into San Marino this week. Part of me doesn't want to go there. I still have a bunch of hours from the fundraiser back in November. I have to "use" them before the end of June, so I think this is a good time to throw them out there.
all gains... gone now
With everything happening around the world it's no surprise that the stock markets around the world are falling. I hate to report that all the gains I made over the last year are now gone. Well, all except for $34.50. I'm sure that will be wiped out soon. I think in the long run the investments will be fine. But, for now at least I'm back at even. Who knows how bad this gets though.
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It's super nice today
Sunday, March, 22, The weather has been really gorgeous these last few days. Which does make it harder for dopes to stay indoors. Not me, but dopes. Well, today I went and sat out in my backyard. It was super nice, until the clouds walked in and it started raining. It was nice taking a nap on the bench, but it was getting cold and I went inside.
I told San Marino that I'm not going in to work on Monday. I have some hours that I'm going to put on my time card from the fundraiser in November. I'm going to use this opportunity to get them out of the way, and to also not go into work under these conditions. Meanwhile the library is saying they are going to do curbside book pickup. I guess it's a way to justify us being in the building.
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pretty much
Monday, March, 23, It was good to stay home today. I don't need to be exposed to this thing. Also, I noticed on the security cam that my coworkers weren't complying with the six foot rule. ARGH! I'm glad I didn't go. I plan on going in on Wednesday, but there's no way I'm interacting with anyone.
Talia called me today, and we talked about how she won't be walking for her graduation at UCLA. They are talking about making it a virtual graduation. Of course she didn't like that fact. I know it's not set in stone, but for now this is what it is. I told her that when all this is over then we can celebrate her graduation.
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empty streets
Tuesday, March, 24, When I arrived at Central and found so few books in bins I figured the route today would be SUPER chill. Wrong. Yes, there were hardly any books, but there was still a lot of driving today.
the view from DrDeath's building
I received a text from one of the guys in administration saying that DrDeath wanted me to go to his place and pick up some things that he ordered and then distribute them to five people around the city. I ended up going from Los Feliz to South Pasadena. I don't know how many miles I drove today, but I was all over the place today.
I delivered small tripods along with lavalier microphones for the people who are going to use them to record better videos. I'm sure they'll still be a hot mess, but at least now they'll sound better. Ha ha! We shall see how they do with the equipment they got today.
It was funny to go to some of my coworker's homes. DrDeath lives in a tiki style apartment building that's actually pretty neat. It has a nice front. Only Krishna lived in a house, the rest were in apartments. I have to say, it's crazy how close most of the live to the library. It's like, wow, you could walk to work. I think three of the people I delivered stuff to today could get to the library in less than ten minutes. DrDeath on a good day could be there in fifteen. But, I will say, when there is traffic he could take more than twice as long as that, because he's coming from Hollywood via Los Feliz. Not an easy drive in the morning.
It was good seeing some of my coworkers, despite the reasons for my visit. I sure hope we're all OK at the end of this. I know I'll feel better when things return to normal.
wandering aunt
Despite all this crazy Covid-19 stuff going on my aunt found it necessary to to the store. I saw her leaving on the security camera, and I almost immediately called him. Of course she didn't answer, because why would she. Later I came to find out that she didn't take her cell phone with her. I mean come on! I wanted to murder her! She knows that we're not supposed to leave the house, especially her. ESPECIALLY HER! But no, she wanted something, "Sweet," she said. ARGH! When I got home I wanted to beat her up, but at the same time there's nothing I can do. She's a grown woman. She wants to go out into danger, well, that's her business. I don't like it, but what can I do? I can only remind her to TAKE HER FUCKING PHONE WITH HER. Just dumb.
An online friend (we've never met in person) that I made on my diary website posted some pictures online today (viewed above). I asked her many years ago if I could photograph her, and these photos are very much in line with what I wanted to take. Oh well, maybe some day.
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a new video has been uploaded
Wednesday, March, 25, Emma uploaded a new video yesterday. Check it out. I do remember that this was from the last time we went to Disneyland. We went to Tom Sawyer's island, and recorded our little adventure. Emma is glad that we recorded a lot of content on that trip, and the previous trips. I don't know when we'll be back to Disneyland, but I do miss it.
TheGirl and Cheyenne, after ordering food
With all the Covid-19 restrictions on eating out these days, TheGirl mentioned we should get take-out for dinner tonight. We met at Bob's Big Boy so I could order what I wanted. But the funny thing is that we ended up having to call from the back parking lot (shown above). I ordered a pastrami burger, and it really hit the spot. TheGirl ordered a Big Boy hamburger. TheGirl doesn't like take-out, because she says that the food isn't as warm when she gets home. This is true, but I didn't care. I polished off that pastrami burger tonight. And the fries. TheGirl served up some Fess Parker wine and we were set.
There was a point tonight when I was getting a lot of text messages from work and I just shut down at that point. I'm not even on the clock! I know these are extraordinary times, but still... I'm at home, not on the clock. My buddy sent me a text about wanting to talk, but I didn't even see it.
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Thursday, March, 26, Today, instead of my regular route, I ended up driving around the city posting signs at what are called Little Free Libraries.
Glendale city hall
A little free library is basically a little box with a door where books are placed for anyone to give and take. The idea is that they are filled with books, and a person can walk by and take a book. People are also encouraged to leave a book.
A few years ago the library installed several of these little free libraries all around the city. Mostly in parks. In addition to that some people also put some of these little free libraries in front of their homes. My task today was to go to ten of these little free libraries and post a paper announcing that the city would put can goods in the little libraries instead of books.
boxes full of can goods
After putting signs up at all the little free libraries around town I was tasked to go to the Salvation Army to pick up some can goods. Of course these can goods are going to be going into the little free libraries. Double of course, this means that I'm going to have to stock these things. Oh well... work is work.
TheGirl and I were talking about how lucky we are to still be working during these trying times. And yeah, I'm lucky that I still have the route, and that I get these special assignments.
cute grocery clerk
Some of the little free libraries were clustered in certain parts of the city. Three of them were clustered by the western border of the city with Burbank. There's a Jons market there that I had thought of going to see if I could find some things I couldn't find anywhere else. The one thing I didn't want to find is long lines. I had some time and while doing this special assignment, so I went to the market to see what I could find. Thankfully there were no lines. Thankfully I also found tortillas. Thankfully I also found some peach slices, that my aunt wanted. Thankfully I also found my iced tea that I like. And I found pita bread and hot dogs. I also found a charming and attractive clerk. It's so nice in these terrible times to run into nice people. She was nice, and nice looking. I'm going to have to go back to that market. Not just for the items, but to hopefully chat this lady up.
One of the guys from administration asked me if I could met him in Pasadena to have me give him some of the schedule ledgers. There are two ledgers that have the information for all the bookings in the auditorium and the conference rooms. But, he can't call the booked people if he doesn't have the ledgers. Hence him asking me to meet him in Pasadena in order for me to give him the ledgers. I was quick to get out there, but after telling me he would be there in twenty minutes he said that he was going to be closer to thirty minutes. Fine by me. I joked that I would just to to the wine shop that's right there by Vroman's bookstore. And sure enough, I went in and bought a pair of bottles of Fess Parker's Riesling. TheGirl and I drink that when we go out. She had a bottle all nice and chilled last night for our dinner. I figured why not get a pair of bottles while I was out and about. And while I had some time.
Today worked out that way with the tortillas as well. I usually don't shop while I'm on the route, but today was different. I haven't been able to get many groceries because of people have been over buying items. I had a little wiggle room today, while I drove my car all around town. But now I know I have some places I can check out.
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little free pantry, formally little free library
Friday, March, 27, Today I was tasked with filling the little free libraries with food. I knew this would happen when I picked up the boxes of food from the Salvation Army. They claimed "volunteers" would be filling the boxes, but I knew I would be doing it. It's fine, because it means I'm working and making money. A lot of people are now out of a job.
On a side note about this idea of filling the little free libraries with food, I want to say that it feels like a good idea... buuuuutt. In going to these little free libraries I noticed that most of them are located in rather affluent parts of the city. There's one in a private residence that is located in a really nice neighborhood. Not to say that there aren't any people in need in any neighborhood, but I think that the food from the Salvation Army would best be used in more down and out areas of the city. Again, I'm not saying that someone in a nice neighborhood isn't subject to losing their job over this virus isolation. But it's more likely that someone in those neighborhoods have means. Anyway, it's not a bad idea to fill these little free libraries with food for the needy. Now the needy have to be told this is a resource. Although, now that I think about it, how much of a resource will it be after this week. The Salvation Army gave us eight boxes, but today I used five of them to fill the LFL that I visited. I asked about getting more food from the Salvation Army, but this is it. That donation was a one time thing. It's not like I'm going to be going back there and getting unlimited boxes of food to fill the LFLs with. So yeah, the library will get its publicity and after that who knows. As with everything we do at the library, we come up with some patch and we claim some sort of victory. "There, it's fixed." It's not.
fucking donations
When I arrived at Montrose I had my lunch first, and then went to the bookdrops to check out how many books there were. Sure enough, not too many returns. But, when I went to the front backdrop it was packed with stupid donations (see above). I don't have time for this shit. It took me so long to get all those books out of the backdrop. After that I took them directly to the trash in the back. A smaller amount of donations were in the back backdrop, those I just threw on a table. They were mostly tapes. I really want to put a sign saying "no donations." I think I might next week.
a moment at the Brand library (click for vidoe)
Going to empty buildings is strange. While I was at Brand today I stopped for a moment and just looked around. I took a couple of pictures, and while walking around I saw the record player they have in one of the corners. I went ahead and took one of the records and played it. I thought it would be louder, but it wasn't. Next week I'll be sure to bring my portable speaker. Then I'll be able to really crank it up.
Tonight my phone was blowing up with alerts from a bunch of agencies (see above). It's sad that so many dopes are STILL going out and gathering in groups. Stay home! I will say that driving around today I did see fewer dopes gathering, but it wasn't zero. Earlier this week I certainly saw a good amount of people still gathering. Plenty of young dopes. Many times I saw young people still gathering. Dumb.
Emma uploaded another video
Emma uploaded a new video. This time featuring our visit to Trader Sam's, and ordering a drink called "The Child." Emma says it's her favorite video so far. I will say that she's been getting MUCH better at editing and presenting the videos. Nice!
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Saturday, March, 28, I went out to my backyard today. I was too cold to really stay out there.
little food pantries video
I went on social media late tonight and found a nice little chestnut. It was a posted video of the little free libraries being filled and filled and filled again and again by DrDeath and others.
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backyard was still chilly today
Sunday, March, 29, This is the new normal. With the announcement that the "Social Distancing" order moved back to April 30th now. I say for now, because the end date keeps going pushed back. I get it though, it's not safe.
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antsy aunt
Monday, March, 30, My aunt has been cooped up for weeks now, though she did have that one day where she walked to the 7/11 down the street because she wanted something "sweet." Today she got antsy again and made some chicken. This after making a mountain of spaghetti and tuna salad yesterday. And that's after making a truckload of potato quesadillas on Friday. She is clearly losing it.
people are assholes
The news had a report about people littering plastic gloves and masks. Of course. These motherfuckers are not only hoarding these things, but they're also just tossing them on the street. This whole thing has brought out some of the worst in people. But I'm not surprised, people are horrible these days.
My buddy was telling me that the managers said they would have assignments for the various library "projects" that they're using to be able to pay us while we're out of the library. Last week they had us basically apply for the various team projects. Misa made a good point saying that they are making the people apply because they don't know their own employees. Absolutely right. If they knew us the would already have a good idea who can do what. But, since they're in their ivory towers all day, they aren't in touch with who works there.
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empty streets of Carmel
Tuesday, March, 31, When I was getting ready for work this morning I took some time to check on social media, and the above photo came up. It's of the empty streets of Carmel, CA. Boy, are they empty. I was dreaming of going back up there some time in the future. Some day we'll be able to move again.
aunt goes to the market
Against my better judgement, my aunt decided to go to the market today. I know I can't keep her locked up at home until July, or whenever they finally lift this stay at home order. But still, I worry about her. She wanted to go to the market, and I couldn't tell her no. Inside I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. When I got home she told me that the market wasn't packed. I'm glad. And she said everyone seemed to be heeding the six food radius rule. I'm glad for that as well. I hope she didn't interact with anyone sick.
little free pantry
One of the main things I had to do today was refill a few of the little free libraries. I started out with the one in front of City Hall, since that one quickly empties out. The other driver said he would check three of the city ones, since he was going up there to see if he could repair them. I was fine with that. I told him I would take the rest. After having lunch at Montrose I figured I would hit the little free library that my coworker didn't go to, because it's isolated. I visited all the LFLs, and I knew where to go. After lunch and checking in the books I went to a street named Hollister Terrace. I went up to the little library and put the new sign on the front. As I walked up to the little library the people inside the house waved at me and I waved back. Then a gentleman walked out and asked if I was from the library, and if I was going to fill the library with food. I didn't have any intention of doing so, but I guess now I HAD to. I told him I would put the sign up first and then put some food in it. He told me that he was a producer with NBC channel four. He ran back into the house and when I got back to the little library with the food he was ready to film me filling it up. I put a few items in the thing. It was pretty well stocked with food and books. He asked me what department I worked with, and I told him the library. I figured that was it, and I went on my merry way.
time for some music
I visited three more little free libraries before making my way to the Brand library. While there I took my little speaker and turned on the turntable like last week. I would hear the music better this time. I started checkin the books in from the backdrop with DrDeath called me. He mentioned that Telemundo wanted to interview me about the little free libraries. Hot damn, that's nuts, I thought.
Un Nuevo Dia
I was told to head to City Hall and park in front to be interviewed. When I got there the producer and cameraman were already waiting. The producer asked me three questions and in a mater of minutes I was done. All in all I think I did well to answer the questions. Good times. I asked the producer when I should expect to the segment to air and he said in about two days. Can't wait.
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Wrap-up, As if February being terrible wasn't enough, then came March. To get to the point, March 2020 has been a horrid month. Only grade it could get is a motherfucking F. Go to hell, March 2020! Yes, there were some nice things that happened, but this month in total was absolutely 90% horrible. The horrible feeling is that the worst is yet to come. I still worry that my aunt will somehow get it, and it will kill her. I worry about myself as well, what with my recent health issues. I've been careful, but one can only be so careful. All I know is that I'll never look fondly on this month. Well, never say never. If things go from bad to worse this month might become the "Oh, wasn't it quaint back then when we thought we would be OK if we just stayed home?" period of time. I hope not. Such as it is, on to April.