Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Time is definitely speeding up. I'm trying my best to keep up in this journal, but time is flying by faster than I can even perceive it. That being said, here's the update.
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Pie n Burger
Sat Sept 1, TheGirl suggested we go out to Pasadena to get lunch. I slept in after waking up at 5am. I showered and picked up TheGirl and we went to Pie n Burger. The place was packed, which meant we had to wait. There was a whole thing with having to wait. The waitress saw us walk in and sit down and didn't mention that we had to "sign in" to get a table. Meanwhile, she was also waitressing and taking a lot time to get things done. The group in front of us was waiting for a table that I saw people get up from. The dopes walked up to pay. I asked them where they were sitting. They pointed to a table at the end. I asked the other party if they were next, they said they were. But they waited for what seemed like ten minutes while they, "cleaned off the table." I saw that they cleaned it off in about a minute, but they still made that group wait. Then it was our turn to wait, despite the fact that I saw them clean off the center of the counter. Our wait was another five minutes after the family was seated. But whatever, the burger was super good. Pie n Burger was on another recent list of top burgers in town. I saw the list about two weeks ago. Bill's burgers, by me, also made the list... again.
Chan being escorted by TheGirl
I had to share this picture of Chan being carried by TheGirl. We went back to her place. I thought puppy would be so into playing roughhouse. But it was warm in TheGirl's place, so Cheyenne was pooped. She just licked my face a little bit.
no one is interested
The library has this so-called "recording studio" that absolutely no one uses. They offer "classes," but no one shows up. The online scheduling literally points out that no one has made an appointment to use the "studio." It's not even fair to call it a "studio," because it's more like a fucking closet. They call it the "Sound Space," but I call it the Closet Space. The best part for me is that these dopes thought that anyone would want to record in a closet. Fucking idiots.
what's a sidewalk?
Every damn day I work at the Glendale library there's some dope driving up on the sidewalk. This one was from the other day, but I didn't have time to post it. I just love how far on to the sidewalk this dope goes. He's nearly on the grass. There's talk that the new museum means changes to this part of the parking lot. The plan is to take out this driveway and to make it grass. It would mean an end to these dopes driving up on the sidewalk. Finally.
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the view from IHOP table this morning
Sun Sept 2, My aunt has been showing signs of slowing down a bit lately. She has her good days, and her not so good days. If she doesn't get a good night's sleep she is slower the next day. Today she obviously was not having a good day moving. She struggled to get into the car this morning. When I saw her this evening, walking to the house, she was moving better. But still, I do see a general slowing down by her these days.
new librarian
The new part time librarian showed up today to "shadow" us at the desk. She started this past Tuesday, and it looks like she will be working with me every other Sunday. Oh, and she'll be working the Monday morning shift. I obviously saw her on cam the other day, but today seeing her in person I got the full breath of her. She seems nice. She is attractive, I have to say. We spoke about how the male patrons will "like" her right away. P and I were talking about how the new librarian will get a fan base fast. No doubt. The question will now be, will I be one of her "fans?" I don't want to fall into the old trap of pursuing a coworker. It's a big much already. I think it's best to just commit to being single. Ha. I say that all the time.
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bookdrop today
Tue Sept 4, Yesterday was Labor Day, which meant there should be a lot of books in the bookdrop today. Well, to look at the stupid sorting machine you wouldn't know that we had a holiday weekend (pictured above). There were no more than fifty books, and that's a REALLY generous estimate. Compare this to the next photo of the bookdrop a few years ago.
bookdrop 2013
The picture above is of the bookdrop back in 2013. Notice a difference? Fucking sorting machine... good for nothing. They wasted so much money on this thing, and now they're budgets are running "short." Bullshit, I say.
this chair needs to burn along with these dopes
When I arrived at Pacific Park library last week I was given the task of taking a chair to Grandview. I wasn't going to make a special delivery to Grandview on Friday, so I waited until today to take it. Well, of course when I get there Krishna says she has no idea why she was sent the chair, and promptly tells me that I should just take it to Central. Oh I'll take it to Central. All chairs will now just go right to the trash for all I care. Fucking idiots. They couldn't check to see if Krishna actually WANTED the chair. No, they just assumed. Which of course means they made asses of themselves. Fucking Pacific Park dopes!
When I went home today I rested and then waited for my buddy to call. But, I started drinking and the next thing you know I'm cleaning my room and hanging these pictures I had on the floor for the longest time. I like these frames being up on the wall instead of on the floor. I need more pictures on my wall.
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LaFlor, from way afar
Wed Sept 5, I arrived at work and when I started to go upstairs to get some things done up on the second floor I noticed LaFlor in the distance. She looked so good to me just standing there. Sucks that I only see her every other week at work. Wish I wasn't such a coward. I should ask her to get some dinner. But I won't.
wine with dinner
Not sure what the magic is that makes the Wednesday night dinner with TheGirl so great. Whatever it is, Wednesday is the best day of the week. TheGirl and I just have a damn good time. Tonight we went to get burgers. The wine was yummy and the music was jumping from my portable speaker. Thankfully where we go there is never anyone sitting in the back patio. Most dopes sit in the from patio. This meant that I could play some tunes. Nice! Wine and music, for sure.
Cheyenne and TheGirl after dinner
There was a point where TheGirl mentioned the music from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies. TheGirl went to Disneyland with her daughter and went on the new Guardians attraction in DCA. I quickly found the music on my music app. The music was certainly a fun addition to the night.
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nice and cool this mornings
Thu Sept 6, The weather is finally turning cool. Although, as I write that I see that the weather is going to turn warm again this weekend. Still, THIS morning it was nice and cool. I almost thought of wearing a hoodie. IMAGINE that! Going to dinner with TheGirl last night I actually wore a jacket. It was a light jacket, but a jacket nonetheless. I can't wait for the weather to finally turn cooler and for it to rain on the weekends. It's closer.
absolutely terrible burger
I brought my lunch to eat with me today, but honestly it was just pasta and I wasn't in the mood for more pasta today. My aunt is on this pasta jag, where she has made not only spaghetti but also two other types of pasta for me to eat. In the fridge the other there were were three containers of pasta. I grow tired of food quickly, and having pasta all week long just made me not want to eat it today. Instead I went to get a burger. Boy, fast food has gone downhill. Not that fast food was ever that great. But, back in the day Carl's Jr. was usually a couple of notches above say McDonald's. Many, so many, years ago they introduced the $6 burger. It was supposed to be a restaurant style burger for less, and it was pretty damn good. Economic forces naturally made the burger more expensive to make. They quality of the ingredients was less and the price kept going up. Not a good combination. I don't mind the price going up if the quality stays the same or isn't such a dramatic drop. In the case of Carl's it's the worst of both scenarios. It's not only more expensive to eat there now than before, but the food is not even mediocre. It's downright awful. The burger I had today was an abomination to food. I don't even think that grey mass is meat. I've never seen meat like that. I didn't finish it, though I did eat quite a bit of it since I was hungry. I was certainly not satisfied with any of it. The place was also filthy. The table where I sat was dirty and looked like no one had cleaned it in weeks. Even that nasty damp rag that is most likely actually spreading germs would be better than nothing at this point. I'm never coming back again.
part of AD's email of death this week
AD sent out her usual shit email of death at the end of her week. Which of course always ends on a Thursday. I point this out because the start of this email makes it sound like she NEVER has a shortened week. The truth is, AD ALWAYS leaves early every week. EVER... FUCKING... WEEK. I like how she's writing as though the only reason why she's getting out of Dodge early is because it's her birthday. What a fucking tool. From the point that she didn't get hired as the library director AD has been on a campaign to revise history, the history of her crimes. Fuck you!
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alley in Alhambra
The curator of the gallery at Brand asked me on Tuesday if I could go out to Alhambra to pick up something for the newest gallery show. I find her attractive, so of course I said yes. The delivery itself was whatever.
Emma wore that dress that clings to her body and drives me crazy. As I look back at older entries I notice that I have been infatuated with Emma for a while now. And I seem to keep repeating that I blew my chance with her last year. That's debatable. All I know is that I am infatuated with her body. Obviously attractiveness is subjective, and there are those who would say that Emma's figure isn't much to view, because she's thin. She is thin, quite thin. In short, I want to be intimate with Emma.
delivery truck blocked my way
I didn't arrive at Brand until 4:25pm. I would normally be heading home at that time. But, just as I was about to leave a huge delivery truck came up and parked in the driveway. I had to wait nearly half an hour for the truck to clear the dock. That mean that I didn't leave Brand until past 5pm. When I arrived at Pacific it was closed. Which is partially OK, since it meant that I didn't have to deal with the dummies there. They didn't have a chance to give me some other "special" delivery. I had my fill of special deliveries today. Way too many of them. I barely made it back to Central and finished up just before 6pm. Oh the wonder of having to do so many special deliveries.
preview of Monday and the rest of the week
After I got home and rested I, for some crazy reason, checked my work email from San Marino. I found the weekly notes that the boss sends out and it showed me a preview of what I already knew what was going to happen. They put the new librarian on the desk with me on Monday. Now, to be fair she seems good. They obviously have me on the desk that morning to continue showing her the ropes. I need a nickname for this new librarian.
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stock quote
Sat Sept 8, A while back I bought some Kodak stock on the idea that they were going to introduce some crypto currency and their stock would go up. Well, the currency still hasn't come out, and the stock has been falling and falling. I bought it when it was around $5.25, and as you can see it's about half that now. Thankfully I sold a while back, so I didn't lose that much. I'm new to this stock thing, so I'm glad that I only lost a few bucks, and not hundreds or even thousands. Still, it would have been nice to make a few bucks. Like with my Weight Watcher's stock. I'm not going to make a lot of money with that stock, but it's certainly a gain and not a loss.
I was talking to my aunt today. It wasn't my choice, but she came into my room asking when I was going to finish something to do with the new A/C unit I installed a few weeks ago. It needs to be finished so that it's done. She claims that the "heat" is coming in through that unfinished part. Ah, what? The whole house is drafty and had less than stellar insulation, and yet the heat is coming in through these tiny little holes. OK, lady. I told her that I get ONE day a week off, and that I don't want to do anything on that ONE day off. Then she goes on to say, "Well, you SAY that you have one day off." Wait, WHAT?! In short, she accused me of saying that I work six days a week. I will take a lot, but THAT statement made me angry, and I told her that I didn't appreciate being called a liar. She pulled back her statement and said she was just saying that she didn't realize that I worked six days a week. Talk about a load of shit. I'm literally out of the house six days a week. Every fucking day except Saturdays. See, this is what I have to put up with. I'm fucking sick of it.
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stupid chairs are stupid
Sun Sept 9, Worked really sucked today. I don't even want to think about the details of this shitty work day. Suffice to say I really don't want to work Sundays anymore. But, what keeps me from bolting is the fact that I need the money. But really I would threaten to quit if I wasn't given Sundays off. That is, if I decided that I REALLY needed to leave Sundays and suffer the economic consequences.
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Mon Sept 10, After work yesterday I picked up my aunt from the market and we got some fast food and headed home. I ate and watched a bit of the football games and then went to my backyard to chill. I was texting my friend and the next thing I know I'm feeling really tired and my head starts to hurt. It wasn't that late, but I basically passed out for about an hour. When I woke up I had a headache and I had no energy. I decided to just go to sleep. I fucking hate working on Sundays. It's always some shit show. Yesterday was not the worst, but it was certainly another reminder of how much I don't like this place compared to when I did. I thought about asking for Sundays off, by giving some excuse about my aunt. But I NEED the money. It's not a lot, and really it's not even $100 for the day, but that adds up during the month. And I need every dime I can have. I can't start eliminating income without finding a few source. For now I need to figure out a way to deal with Sundays. I somehow have to care less and less about everything at work. Because, fuck work.
TheGirl and Cheyenne
I went to TheGirl's place tonight, for the usual Monday visit. But, yesterday was her birthday, so it wasn't just any usual Monday visit. I gave her the gift of music. I bought her a year subscription to a music service online. The one she uses now was on the free subscription, which means after six songs the music is interrupted by a commercial.
TheGirl drinking wine with her family
She told me that she went with her family to get some food on Saturday. We may go to that same restaurant some time. We have been there a long time ago, when we were still dating. Sounds like she had a good birthday.
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coming soon
Wed Sept 12, I'm going to sound like a broken record, but tonight's dinner with TheGirl was nice. We were going to talk about buying tickets to an event we went to last year up in Descanso Gardens, but we were chatting about so many other things that we didn't even remember to talk about the tickets. There's still time, because the tickets don't go on sale until the middle of October. In short, we were having a good time eating and drinking. Man, wine makes for good times. But good company makes for good times as well.
Cheyenne at dinner
TheGirl did mention that she has noticed that Cheyenne has slowed down. She says that when on their walk puppy gets tired and when they're on the way back home that she can tell that Cheyenne is huffing and puffing at the end of the walk. I joked that she needs to get a little red wagon, but TheGirl said, "It might be time for that." That made me sad, because it reminds me that I have a finite time with Cheyenne, and I want to enjoy all those moments. I don't even want to think of the day that Cheyenne is gone. That thought breaks my heart.
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new bin placement
Thu Sept 13, Ever since Benedict's replacement has been driving I've tried to rethink certain things about the route. One of the main things has been bin placement in the van. The way the bins are packed these days there is more of a chance of tip overs. The picture above illustrates one thing I've changed with the bins. If possible, and it usually is, I will not stack the bins. I try to have them just one high, because they are less likely to tip over. Also, the way the van is configured there is an area in which the rails become perpendicular to each other and the side door area (pictured above) creates a lip that the bins get caught up if I hit the break hard. The bins above will counteract that movement just by creating a barrier for those bins to be caught on and not tip if I have to break hard. So far this has worked as intended. I like that the new guy has made me rethink certain things about the route. Such as on Fridays I now start by going to Adams Square first, since they usually have zero books.
sitting here since Tuesday
I picked up the big box containing a printer on Tuesday and it's still just sitting here. So is the tub that I placed on top of it. In the old days MicroManager would have had these things out of the office in minutes. She would ask why these items were there and would order someone, likely me, to take them where they should go. I don't know what these dopes do all day. They sure aren't doing their job.
On the advice of counsel I emailed San Marino to say that I wanted Monday off. I joke, but I did ask for the day off. Hey, I NEVER ask for days off. And, despite it not being a big deal that it's my birthday, my friend did convince me that it would be a good idea if I just took a day off for myself. Good idea, I thought. She mentioned I should go to Disneyland. Another good idea. I have hardly used my pass this past year, and it's going to expire in about a month, and I think I haven't been since February. That's money I'm spending but not taking advantage of. I know I went to Downtown Disney with TheGirl, and we didn't pay for parking since it's already paid for, but still. That's not the same as going to Disneyland. I do miss the days when TheGirl had her pass. Still, I'm going to Disneyland on Monday for my birthday. I need a good day off.
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I delivered that 3D printer last week
Fri Sept 14, I know this looks like the same picture I posted in yesterday's post, but it's different. For one, one of the boxes in the back is gone. No, it wasn't delivered, it was placed in the delivery truck. The mail in that truck has been there since I don't know when. But, what I want to point out this time is that grey box with the graphic on it. It's a 3D printer and THAT thing I delivered LAST WEEK! Last week and it still hasn't been taken downstairs, or upstairs, or whatever. What a bunch of dopes.
THIS is what they had me go back to graphics for
I didn't have much of a load of book bins today. Because of that I was WAY ahead of schedule today. It was looking like I was going to be done by 3pm even. But, then I received a text message from Jade saying that someone in administration was asking that I go back to the graphics department to pick something up. Mind you, this comes a day after these idiots upstairs insinuated that I DON'T go to graphics every time I drive. They sent out an email saying basically, be sure to stop by graphics today, there's something important there. Ah, excuse me. I'm not like you idiots that skirt your work all day long. I actually hit all my stops. I cross all my Ts. Just stop trying to insinuate that I don't. Anyway, I went back to graphics for the items above. Two stupid piles of the events of the month. Ah, we're nearly half way done with this month. Also, the last batch had a bunch of mistakes that someone in graphics and I were talking about this morning. I told her how these dopes were saying I didn't go to graphics every time I drove. She backed me up and mentioned how she sees me all the time. And then she went on to rail against the library dopes for blaming graphics for their mistakes. Oh yes, that happens. So many times in the past those administration dopes will send something that hasn't been proofed and then when they find out their mistake they want to blame the graphics people. Ah, graphics just prints what the library staff should have already proofed. Whatever! Those administration dopes prove every day that they are lucky to be working for such a terrible organization.
all lies
I almost thought that AD wasn't going to send her stupid email of death this week, but she did. There's a lot of bullshit, but I'm picking these two items from her longer email. One, mosquitos. I love how pretty much every kind of bug has been "plaguing" the library. There were termites, and cockroaches, and now mosquitos. On Tuesday I noticed there was a lot of standing water in the grassy area in front of the old main entrance. I've written about this many times, and how that area of grass has nearly no drainage. But of course have these dummies done anything to mitigate that? Nope. It's poignant that a few weeks ago they had a big RV outside warning dopes about mosquitos and having standing water. But, it's like these dopes invite their own failure with their myopic brain trust. Because right outside the fucking doors there is standing water for days that mosquitos can lay their eggs in and of course bite people. Whatever! Second, the mobile hot spots. I've been hearing about these things for nearly TWO years. I like how dummy AD they're be "rolling" out pretty soon. Yeah, I've heard it all before. Tell me when they're ACTUALLY ready. Fucking turds.
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Emma bowling last night
Sat Sept 15, Last night was Emma's birthday party. Her birthday was earlier in the week, but tonight was the party. She looked really nice yesterday, but there was zero interest in going to her party last night. Not because I don't like her as a person, because I do. I've written how many times that I want to be intimate with her on this many pages? It would behoove me to make an appearance at her birthday party. But I have a higher priority... me. I was exhausted tonight, as I am pretty much every Friday. It also doesn't help that I don't want to deal with social situations these days. I've turned down so many invitations from my buddy and Misa and a lot of other people. Quite simply because I don't want to deal with people. How many times have I mentioned that I would like to be left alone. Of course today my aunt left me alone for most of the day, until she had to come and ask me a bunch of times if I wanted to eat and etcetera.
I will freely admit that this phase of my life probably isn't the healthiest that it could be, but it is what it is. I had a little idea that I could maybe force myself to go to Emma's bowling party last night and that perhaps some good things would happen. But really I as exhausted by the time I was going home. My buddy called just as I was arriving home and I let his call go right to voicemail. I'm sorry, but come Friday after work I don't want to hear from anyone. At least not until Monday, and really it can be never for all I care. I think that's why I've embraced texting, because I can just leave things where they are and come back to them when I muster some sort of energy to respond. I'm sure my buddy thought he had something important to say to me, but really he just wanted to know if I was going to Emma's party. I told him Thursday night that I wasn't going, despite the fact that I like Emma and considered going.
I'm sure my buddy thinks I'm a bastard for being this way. He wants to talk things out, but part of me just wants to not care. Things like this don't merit much thought. They're like a patron. A patron doesn't know what they want, but wants it right away. It's my job to find out what they want, but they sometimes don't have enough information to help me find out what it could be. Whatever! I will only put so much of an effort into things. I rather just relax in my backyard.
that face
TheGirl went out with her daughter tonight. She asked me to check in on Cheyenne. I was happy to do so. It was also a nice change of pace, since most Saturdays I don't leave the house. At first Cheyenne was happy to see me, but then she was ignoring me. Instead of roughhousing with me she just looked out towards the sliding door. I stayed with her for about forty minutes before a friend called me on the phone. Hearing an unfamiliar voice made Cheyenne angry. That was my signal to get going home.
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Chan and TheGirl back in 2012, Chan's birthday!
Sun Sept 16, Today is Chan's sixth "birthday." Six years ago TheGirl bought Chan from the Toys R Us store in Los Feliz. That day we were celebrating our birthdays, despite the fact that we weren't even a couple anymore. We went to the Griffith park trains and afterwards we ended up going to the toy store. There TheGirl bought Chandaka, and the rest is history.
My aunt and I go to IHOP every Sunday nowadays for breakfast. After finishing a not to great breakfast, I got up to pay and she got up. She had some leftovers in a box. When we arrived at my Godmother's place I noticed that she had forgotten to bring the leftovers at the IHOP by the house. I didn't even mention it to her, and she never mentioned it to me. But I noticed that she didn't take them with her. I wonder if she thinks I forgot them, when clearly I walked off to the register to pay and she stayed. Whatever, my crepes were pretty bad.
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going to Disneyland for my birthday
Mon Sept 17, It's my forty-seventh birthday today and on the advice of a friend I decided to take the day off and do something fun... go to Disneyland! FINALLY, I should add, since I haven't been there in months. Not good when I have an annual pass, and I'm paying to go and I'm not actually going. Dumb. After today I wonder if I should renew for next year.
I have hardly used my annual pass over this past calendar year. I think I might have gone about four times, maybe five. But really it's more like four times. Which mean that I'm not breaking even on my charges. Perhaps it's time to let this go.
on the roof of the parking structure
I made good time to Disneyland. I didn't leave the house super early, but early enough that I would avoid some of the traffic going to the park. I think I did, though there is still a lot of construction on the 5 north and southbound. I easily navigated the parking lot. That is until I ended up on the roof and one of the parking attendants waved me to go down a new row. When I reached the end of that row I was yelled at by another attendant that told me I was in the wrong place, because this particular area was for "reserved parking." Ah, I told her, no one told me. I was just told to drive down that way. At that point I was ready to bolt, because I felt that these dopes didn't coordinate and it almost ruined my experience. Thankfully I didn't bolt, because I did end up having a good day after all.
I made it! I'm inside the park!
Despite the parking problems I finally made it inside the park. After the parking mess everything at the security gates went fast and I was in the park pretty quickly. I haven't been at the park in such a long time. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I only have about a month before my pass expires. I shouldn't renew, but after today I feel like I might. If you were to ask me after the parking lot if I would renew I would have said no. But once I was inside the park my mind changed. However, if I do renew I have to make an effort to come here at least every three weeks.
Haunted Mansion
I got on the rail road and when I saw that the lines for the Haunted Mansion were short I jumped off. I missed last year's Halloween overly of the mansion. There was no way I was going to miss this year's. While on the ride there was a little old man, that might be me in about thirty years, coming up the stairs from the handicap entrance. I helped him with some light from my cell phone. Once we got inside the stretching room I knew he was a veteran of the park, because he knew exactly where the elevator doors were. When I mentioned it to him he said that he must have gone on the ride at least two hundred times.
yummy corn dog
I became hungry early on, but when I went to get a dog it was closed. I was able to get on It's a Small World pretty quickly. After that the corn dog place was open and I had a yummy corn dog. Oh it really hit the spot.
I walked around the park a little more, not knowing exactly where I was going. I was texting my buddy, so I ended up walking to the Autopia area, but I didn't want to go on the ride because it had a bunch of people. I figured I would stand in the shady area next to it. That's when I looked up and saw so many parts of former attractions that are still around, like a vestigial tail, a remnant. Towards the top of the picture is the old PeopleMovers track. Some of those stairs were the ones that lead up to the old Skyway ride. Alas, both of those attractions are now gone. I sure wish they would return the PeopleMover though. I loved that attraction. It was one of my favorites.
train station
first cocktail... a lemon drop
It was late enough in the day, but not too late, that I was getting thirsty and hot. I decided to head off to one of the hotels to get me some booze. Oh it so hit the spot. I had three cocktails. I not only got my drink on, but I cooled off from the warm weather. I wish I could do this more often. I do like drinking at Disneyland more than anywhere else.
fire dragon tacos
I was feeling pretty good from the booze, but then I was getting hungry. I remembered I wanted to try some "street" tacos in DCA and thought why not now? I walked over there and ordered them up. They were pretty damn good, and certainly hit the spot. I wish I could stay longer, and eat and drink some more. Alas, I had to go home. Overall the beginning of the day was not OK, but I'm glad I didn't just go home there and then. Today's little trip down to Disneyland was pretty cool. I really need to come here more often.
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kinda cool this morning
Tue Sept 18, I love that the weather has finally turned cool. Not cold, because it's not cold. I can still go to work and not wear anything above my shirt. Nevertheless, the cold weather is coming. And come a couple of months from now I'll be up in Carmel and it will be close to freezing when I visit. For now, I will just have to deal with the cool weather in the mornings here.
wrong boxes
The route today was pretty standard. But, before I could get back to Central I received a text message from Kvon to say ask me if I could take some boxes to Pacific. What am I supposed to say? No? I told him, "If I have to." But before I could take the boxes to Pacific there was a debate if the boxes in the hallway by the old main entrance were the ones that I had to take. Thankfully one of the people from administration came down to check what was in the boxes. It turned out they weren't for Pacific. Then the guy from administration told me, "Oh wait, I have some other boxes that probably go to Pacific." How do these dummies live life outside of the library? I delivered the boxes, the right boxes, to Pacific... eventually.
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this soup has no taste
Wed Sept 19, My aunt made some soup yesterday, but I didn't have any until this morning for breakfast. I didn't know what to expect. It was absolutely tasteless. I couldn't even finish the soup it was so bad. I took a napkin and put most of the soup in it. Thankfully it was pretty dry soup. I tossed it when I went outside and I then went to get something to eat before going to work. I won't eat another bit of this soup if she offers it to me.
useless meeting
I booked it to work because I had a staff meeting to attend. Of course it was a useless meeting that lasted all of five minutes. I didn't even pay attention to the meeting at all. Totally useless.
Chan styling his new hoodie
Here's a picture of Chan styling his new hoodie. Whoever designed this little monkey did such a great job creating a cute stuffed animal.
TheGirl and Cheyenne at dinner
There isn't much to say about dinner with TheGirl tonight. It was great as it always is great. We went to get hot dogs. The weather is getting to be cooler, and it's nice to sit outside on patios. Soon the weather will get cold, but for now it's perfect.
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books not sorted
Thu Sept 20, I show up to work today and find that there are some books outside of bins. Apparently whoever was doing this last night didn't have time to finish their work. I have no idea how this is the new normal. In the past MicroManager would have whipped some poor sucker to finish the sorting. And she would have done some of it as well. But now, it's whatever. I ended up sorting these books into bins, because no one else cares. Hell, I shouldn't care, but I'll just end up having to take them tomorrow anyway. So I'm not hurting anyone but myself if I don't take them today.
AD email of death
AD has been acting a little different on her emails lately, as I have shown on this journal. But, I think AD must feel pretty good now, because she has gone back to her old ways. Case in point, the above email. She sent it at around 1:30pm on a fucking Thursday! Of course she wishes us all a good weekend despite the fact that it's hours before the last worker will leave work today. AND ITS THURSDAY! Some of us work on Friday. Some of us work on Saturday (not me thankfully), and some of us work on Sunday. So shut up about your "weekend" that lasts as long as your week. AD is a huge dummy that continues to throw it in our faces that she gets to leave on a Thursday afternoon after having a hard week of meeting where nothing gets done. Oh, I should say some things get done, but nothing good. I'm so tired of the shit show this place is now.
tired self-portrait
I rarely take any self-portraits, but I felt that I needed to today. I felt tired, and when I went to wash my hands in the bathroom I felt I looked tired. I know that I'm coming down with something, and it's making feel that much more tired. ARGH! I hate being sick, but tis the season.
what is this shit?
The above photo is taken from the library's social media account. I texted Misa that I thought this and every photo on the library's social media posts look to me like a bunch of jerks waiting in line at the DMV. I added that the social media posts, "Tell no stories." By that I mean that the typical post from the library just have people milling around. The text says something, but the photo is of nothing but dopes standing around. They could literally post a photo of a different event and say that it's from that day's event and no one would know the difference. Just terrible.
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drama today with Crowelly and Finn comic
Fri Sept 21, Every Friday I still post on San Marino's social media. Sometimes I don't have any idea what to write, but at the last minute come up with something. This was the case today. I finally had an idea based on a song I heard the previous day. But, when I tried to create the panel the app I use on my phone kept crashing just as I was trying to write the caption. I thankfully took my computer with me. I then downloaded what I needed off the internet and created something super fast. Just in time for me to go to work. But, of course that can't be the end. In my hast I didn't see that I had missed part of the set up line and I had to quickly download another app to try to complete the damn post. I ended up downloading two apps, the first one being a total failure. The second one wasn't perfect, but it did the trick. The results are shown in the picture above.
these bins were from yesterday
When I arrived yesterday there was unfinished sorting. Today there was more unfinished work. The bins in question aren't even that full. Someone could have finished sorting these up in about fifteen minutes... tops. Whatever!
The new other driver has been doing great. He has not given me any drama. However, there may be drama next week, because he said that he was going to take next week off. I can't beat the guy up for taking time off, but of course the boss didn't tell me yesterday. I'm sure he didn't even try to get coverage for those two days. Idiots.
I feel you, LBJ
I'm sitting in my room, relaxing after a long day, when I hear the footfall of my aunt as she walks up to my room. I dread this moment, because she NEVER has any good news for me. It's always something bad. Tonight it was the back room sink not working. She insists that my cousin's husband is sabotaging the sink in order to have her then crawl for him for help. I seriously doubt this hypothesis of hers, though there is always a chance that she could be right. She has zero evidence for it, of course. But that's how she "rolls" these days. She has an notion, and that's good enough for her. I don't have the energy to fight her too much on it. Also, what if she's right? I do allow for that, despite the fact that I can't imagine my cousin's husband cares all that much. My cousin's kids, on the other hand, MIGHT do something to that sink. They've clogged up the toilet in the past, and not said anything after they did. Hmm, I should tell my aunt that. My point was to show the above picture to illustrate how I feel after talking to my aunt.
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TheGirl / chilaquiles
Sat Sept 22, TheGirl invited me to breakfast this morning, in "payment" for looking over Cheyenne last week while she was out. It's my pleasure, and she knows it. But a nice meal with TheGirl is always desired. I'm sorry to report that I wasn't feeling very well this morning. Yesterday I woke up with a bit of a sore throat. The same with this morning, and I was tired and achy. Those are never good signs. Still, we made the best of my illness and had a nice breakfast. It's only too bad I couldn't enjoy it more since I wasn't feeling well enough to totally enjoy it.
After breakfast I drove home and just went to bed to rest. I spent most of the day in bed, hoping that I could rest off this illness. I felt achy and tired and a little irritable most of the day. I hope the rest will help me feel better tomorrow, because like everyone else I really dislike feeling sick. I can't say I felt all that great at the end of the day when I went to bed early.
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Mon Sept 24, I arrived at work this morning early. I sat in my office doing my thing before the library opened. When the clock turned 10am the person at the reference desk does an announcement saying the library is open. I expected the new librarian's voice to come over the PA, but it was the boss. About ten minutes later my other coworker was calling me from the reference desk. She informs me that the boss wanted me to cover the desk. She would, but she has to do her story time. About five minutes later I come out to replace my coworker. She informs me that the new librarian hasn't arrived. She also tells me about the previous Tuesday hoe she arrived late and then left early, claiming that she wasn't feeling well. Wow, I thought. She's not even two weeks into this thing and she's already missing shifts.
The boss came down around 11am to ask me if I could cover the Monday desk shifts, "Until they could hire a new librarian." I asked her, "Does that mean she's gone?" "Yes," the boss said, "We're firing her. The new girl didn't last two weeks. For some reason she just didn't jive here. She first told them she could work any day, and then when she got the job she said she couldn't work Fridays or Saturdays. That's something TheLamp later mentioned was something that was not OK. She felt THAT alone should have been enough to fire her.
Well, I hardly knew her, and now she's gone. Time for the grind to take another librarian and introduce her to what is likely one of the most dysfunctional libraries they'll ever visit. Whatever the new girl was she was nice to me. I have freely said that it might have been because of the fact that I'm a guy. Could be. Still, it's a shame and reflects on both San Marino and this woman. Because in my mind neither of them come out clean in this whole thing. It's just sad.
pointless Mala email
Mala seems to be grasping for straws with the above email asking the dopes in the library if they have "learned" anything from using that stupid useless mockery space. It's such bullshit that they want to pad their numbers by then touting to the world that the mockery space actually teaches people anything. Oh, and here's the proof. This dope that works here learned how to sew. No. No one is going to learn anything from that stupid mockery space. They can eat shit.
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forty bins at Pasadena today
Tue Sept 25, With no delivery yesterday of course there would be a million books coming back from Pasadena. Actually there were forty bins coming back. I told the guy at Pasadena that there wouldn't be any delivery tomorrow as well. He told me he was going to make a "special" trip to Glendale tomorrow. It's not right, but we do what we have to do.
oh this is a mess
This is a good example of the mess that some of the branches gave me today. However, Grandview was the worst of the bunch. I mean this just looks like they threw a bunch of books in a pile. Fucking idiots. I spent some time redoing the bins and was able to sort much of this mess. These dopes can't so anything correct.
more social media fails
Here is yet another social media fail from our friends at Glendale. The caption asks to post what we are reading. The picture, however, is not of a novel or such. The book is a the SCORE from a movie. I guess technically you could be reading sheet music, but I don't think that's what they meant when they asked, "What are you reading?" Fucking idiots.
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Pasadena driver's note
Wed Sept 26, Jade sent me an email today that showed a note from the Pasadena driver (shown above). I love that he gave my supervisor this note reminding him that the next time there's not going to be a delivery that something as simple as a phone call can save him some grief. But of course it can't be perfect. Jade would go on to tell me that Kvon didn't actually get handed the note, as was the Pasadena driver's intention. He had to leave and so Jade scanned it and emailed Kvon. Bullshit!
TheGirl and Cheyenne, chillin' after dinner
Not much to say, expect that the wine and the company made for another great Wednesday night dinner.
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Thu Sept 27, Just as I was leaving for work my aunt appears in my side mirror. I stopped the car thinking she had something important to say. Nope. She just wanted to "remind" me to go to the bank to get a statement for my godmother's bank account. Where she is staying needs a bank statement in order to try to get some benefits back. Mind you, my cousin talked to them last week and at that time they said they would "work" on it. They told my cousin yesterday that they haven't even called the state concerning the benefits. But of course now I have to rush. Yeah, no. I know all too well that there is no rush. My aunt still thinks they will immediately do anything about her benefits the second we give them the statement. Things don't work that way. I have a full day ahead of me, I don't need ANOTHER thing on top of my already packed agenda today.
two buses blocked my way today
When I returned from Pasadena there was a huge bus in the loading zone. I didn't think anything of it, though I thought that they no parking sign was for yesterday, not today. Turns out it was for both days. OK, whatever. The bus driver of one of the buses stops me as I'm going into the library and tells me that I can't park there, because another bus was coming in five minutes. OK, I told him, but I have to do my job. He says, "I'm just saying, bro." I was going to just go ahead and move the books, but then I thought to myself, "You know what... fuck this shit. I'm going to milk this." After that I drove off and parked the van for the supposed five minutes. Of course it wasn't five minutes, it was more like forty-five minutes. Whatever! I don't care. After the bullshit these dopes pulled this week I didn't care if I took extra time doing the delivery today. Fuck these dopes!
TheDesire is looking really nice these days
While moving the bins in and out of the van TheDesire came into circulation. She was dressed in a "little black dress," and she was looking good. I checked her out on Tuesday and she was looking nice. She really looked nice today. She cleans up well. Ha, ha. But really, I had a bad feeling TheDesire would not work on her figure after the baby. But, it seems that she's been working on it lately. Damn. She's going to be leaving the library soon and I'll likely see her once in a blue moon. I wish she would take me with her to her new job.
urgent, not urgent pick-up
One of the guys up in administration has been eager to have me go to graphics to pick some things up this week. I'm not sure why he has this bug up his ass about me picking things up at graphics. I literally visit graphics EVER FUCKING TIME I WORK a shift. ARGH! It's like they don't believe I go all the time. It's so frustrating.
some of the bins for just one branch
This is a photo of most of the bins going to Brand today. There were two more not shown in the photo. I knew in advance that today was going to the worst delivery of the week. And sure enough, there was a ton of bins going out.
pea soup a la Andersen's
My coworker, that recently returned from being in Brazil for nearly ten months, made some pea soup, a la Andersen's in Buellton. She used their recipe. It was actually better than the one at Andersen's. She even gave me some homemade croutons, along with some cheese. She's so thoughtful, and a good cook. Yum! I need a nick name for this particular friend. Hmm, maybe her middle name.
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zero books in Grandview's outgoing bins
Fri Sept 28, I don't want to dive too much into the route details today, because I'm tired. Suffice to say there weren't that many bins after the huge amount of bins yesterday. As a matter of fact, Grandview had ZERO books in their outgoing bins. That's NEVER happened before on the route. Crazy. But that's a good example of how many books I had to deal with on the route today... almost none. I only had one bin total going back to Central for the branches, and two and a half for Central. I needed an easy day after two other days of huge stacks of books on my previous days this week.
from 2004
The photo above came up on my photo feed today (late last night actually). I took that photo of my Grandmother in our backyard WAY back in 2004. Little did I know then that she would be dead in five month's time.
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the happy couple
Sat Sept 29, About a couple of months ago my buddy Jon asked if I would take some engagement photos for him and his lady. Of course, I love to, I said. There isn't much to say except today was the day that we went out to the Santa Monica Pier. Here are a few of the photos I took.

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former part-time librarian
Sun Sept 30, Last week was the new librarian's first Sunday shift. And it was her last. What happened is that last week she had a bad day. But then, as I mentioned in the following Monday entry, the new librarian didn't show up. After that the boss said she was going to fire her. They didn't fire her, they let her resign. So, now the library is back to square one.
No one in this whole situation is clean, in my book. Whatever this woman is she didn't come into a good situation at San Marino. The boss totally abdicated her responsibility to train a new employee, and basically left it to TheLamp. To the point that this new woman thought that TheLamp was her supervisor. Terrible.
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Wrap-up, I don't know where this month went. Every day I woke up I thought it was another day, and until it has come to the end of the month. And now here I am writing about the end of another month and I can't believe it's been that long, but it's felt quite short. That being said, it's hard to give this month a grade, since I honestly can't remember much. But, any month in which I get to go to Disneyland, and it also happens to be my birthday, can't be all that bad. I give this month a solid B.