Afterthoughts : This Past Month
It's definitely 2018 now. No thinking back to last year, since that's long gone in the rearview mirror. On to the update.
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been so long since I walked this walkway in the parking structure
Sun April 1, I haven't been to Disneyland in over a year. I think the last time I went to the park was back in February of last year. I've been wanting to go since that time, but many factors have kept me from going. On Sundays I usually take my aunt to visit my Godmother. I worry about my aunt, and so I've been sacrificing going to the park in order to find her on her way home and pick her up. But now that the days are longer I figure that I can go to the park and have a good time without worrying that my aunt will be walking home in the dark. That means I pretty much have until I have to decide if I want to renew my pass again in October.
new parking structure being constructed
I've seen pictures of this, but it wasn't until today that I saw the new parking structure being built. It's strange because just a little while back they built some small buildings in this area, and now they're gone. Oh well.
tram area has changed a little bit
The tram area has been changed a bit as well. I don't usually like taking the tram, because of the long lines for the security check. However, today the lines looks much smaller. In general it felt like there weren't too many people in the loading area. I decided to take the walkway. They changed the location of that too, slightly. Mainly because of the construction. I hope at the end of all this construction they return the walkway to the old shorter way around. But, with all the security that they have to employ I doubt things will be that easy. There was a point in which I could have walked down the old walkway, but the signs showed that I had to go the new way. I saw some dopes crossing the street to use the old walkway. When I was going back to my car I noticed that the old walkway was closed close to the park. Which meant those dopes had to go the long way. Fuck them. Idiots.
I'm actually here!
I can't believe I'm actually here! It feels like I was just here yesterday.
new walkway by Hungry Bear
The Hungry Bear restaurant has always been a favorite of mine. The food is usually pretty good, and the view was always nice and secluded. Now with the renovations done to this area of the park due to the new Star Wars land the restaurant is less secluded. I do have to say that the new walkway is kinda nice. But it does make a once secluded area of the park a little more accessible to dopes.
new look on the rivers of America
I got on the riverboat and got a good view of the changes made to the "Rivers of America" because of the new Star Wars land. The area looks pretty good. I don't always like changes to the park, but is a necessary change that actually came out great. I didn't get to ride the train in order to check out what the experience is now like.
the castle!
I had a curfew of 3:45pm for myself, since I was hoping to find my aunt on the way home. And also because I didn't tell her that I had the day off. I did some walking around, but the crowds were just too much. I wanted to buy Chan a hoodie, but decided against it. But then when I'm at the car I regret not buying him the hoodie. ARGH! I was then hungry. I was in a bit of a hurry, and I wasn't super hungry, so I decided on a hot dog. The dog hit the spot. I posted about how T's former fella was now playing piano at the park. Well, I saw him today at the same piano. I wanted to say hi, but then again I didn't. What good would it do? Also, he was busy. They were playing musical chairs by his piano, and obviously he provided the music.
I wasn't in the park for very long today, but it was cool. I had to make sure I was home at a certain time. Also, I was just tired. Tired of dealing with idiots that can't walk. Which made me think about what I like about the park, and that's just being there. I don't have to go on a bunch of rides to have fun. I like going there for the ambiance and the food. I think that in future trips I'll make sure to focus on the food and the booze. For sure next time I go to DCA and get some booze in me. THAT makes everything better. I do want to go back often, seeing as I paid good money for over a year and barely made any trips to the park. It's time to make up for that.
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coworkers not busy this morning
Tue April 3, I was walking up to the administration when I noticed two of my coworkers not doing anything on the desk. I guess that means there's no work to be done. No checking in of books. No RFID. Oh, and that must mean the RFID project is done. Funny how no one says anything about it. Yeah, right. Fucking RFID project isn't done. These assholes now don't have a "leader" now that Leech has been promoted. Of course I'm being sarcastic. What a joke.
half empty bins
I'm not sure who sorts the bins the night before I drive but whomever it is does a fucking awful job. I used to take time fixing the bins. However, that was a sucker's move, so I don't do it. If I get a van full of half empty bins then I'll just go along with the flow. I don't want to deal with this shit.
note left for me
When I reached Grandview I noticed a lot of books going out to Central. The librarian there mentioned that they don't have the room on the shelves to have so many books, so they were sending them back to Central. This is the main reason why float doesn't work. It's not the only reason, but it's the main reason. I don't know why these dopes think that they are smarter than the accumulated knowledge of libraries through the years. Because float is an idea that must have been tried in the past, but it failed like it has failed here at Glendale because of this main reason. But it also fails because whatever these branches are some of them actually do have some specialization for that part of the community. Which means that uniqueness goes away due to this fucking float idea. But, whatever is the wrong move is the move these administration does will make.
Every time I go to Pacific it seems that Krishna is asking me for a "favor." She even voiced it today when she said, "I'm always asking you for a favor." Yeah, I'm the "favor" guy. But how about, "Do me the favor of letting me sit on your face." Now how come Krishna never asks that favor of me? Ha!
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La Flor
Wed April 4, La Flor looks really nice today. The photo above doesn't do her justice. I do wish I could get a bead on her to find out if she was amenable to me asking her out to dinner. I guess the only way I'll find out is by asking her out.
no one at the circulation desk
There was a moment when I walked by the circulation desk and no one was there. This is some bullshit that when I was working the circulation would let happen. This is a disgrace. But, I don't give a damn any more.
TheGirl texted me to say that a friend of her's that deals with real estate and properties all the time called her landlord and said some things that made the land lord agree that TheGirl could stay for another year. I mean, talk about saying the right things. From what TheGirl says this guy knows his stuff. And he put the fear of god in her, because she was like a puppy when I arrived at TheGirl's place and she was still on the phone with her landlord. The landlord was saying how she was happy to have TheGirl stay, and that she was going to being the place up to code. Basically anything to keep TheGirl from having this friend of her's to cause her (the landlord) trouble. So for now TheGirl has a place to live. I told her that it's still probably a good idea to keep looking for a place. She agreed.
TheGirl and I then went to dinner with thinking that today was a victory, even if it was a small one. She's going to continue looking for a place. But at least this gives her a fighting chance to find a place that's comparable to her current place.
TheGirl and Cheyenne
TheGirl mentioned that she thought Cheyenne was slowing down a bit, because in the past our roughhousing would last longer. And then tonight Cheyenne was full of energy. However, I do have to say that I have noticed that Cheyenne has slowed a bit. TheGirl said that on their walks Cheyenne does seem to get tired sooner than in the past. Dang. Cheyenne isn't a puppy any more.
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tree trimming
Thu April 5, The tree trimmers were out in front of the library today. Of course they blocked the area where I usually park the van when I load it up with the bins. There's always some bullshit going on there that is an obstacle. Achee mentioned that they have plans on taking that driveway and putting grass there. I saw the plans a couple of months ago. And while I think it's cool that they're expanding the grassy area, it's going to make my job that much more difficult. Oh well, they never think of the route as something they have to worry about.
drywall is nice and repaired
A couple of weeks ago the dummy administration mentioned that the drywall would likely have to be torn out, because of the water damage. They feared that mold would grow. Well, they must have thought that was not really a possibility since they were patching up the holes they made to vent out at area. See, there's a so-called gala on Saturday, and I'm pretty sure they wanted to make sure that area didn't look like it was still under construction. Hence the quick patch-up job. Good job, again, dummies.
Benedict's drawing
Benedict drew the above picture, apparently because he took some test for a job. That's just the first of many things he has to do in order to possibly get a new job. He should know, he was hired during this era when anyone that wants to get a city job has to go through some hoops. Like taking a test. I didn't have to take a test when I was going for this job. But, that's now a thing. My buddy had to go and take a test. But, whatever. No way they hire Benedict.
bookmark contest winners
I know that Benedict claims that he does all the work, but he didn't have to pick up all the book marks from the print shop And there were quite a few of boxes of various and terrible bookmark "winners." Why don't they open the contest to actual artist, and not scrub kids who can't draw and end up writing a line with the barely legible word "books" underneath? Hate this shit.
Maleficent sent out an email stating that Krishna got one of the two branch manager jobs. Called that one. I didn't get TheDesire also being made branch manager prediction, but the Krishna move you could read with braille. Now it remains to be seen if the other branch manager job is given to one of the current librarians or an outside person. My money is on an outside person. I joke to people that the new hire will likely be friends with AD, but it's only a half a joke. She will know this person in some way. Maybe they worked together, or went to school together. Whatever. It's going to come out that they know each other in some way. I hope that Krishna doesn't forget the little guy, meaning me, now that she's so high and mighty.
more books being picked up
I know that Benedict thinks he does all the work, but they do as me to do extra things picking up books from a book store across the street from the library. This was only three boxes today. And hey, I had to stay until later. Oh now, I made more money thanks to that delivery. Woo!
Cerberus not really working
Cerberus has never been much of a "work horse," shall we say. But the sorting machine does even less these days. Especially when it's down most of the time, and the outside book drop door still isn't available. What a waste of money.
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Fri April 6, Not to much to report today. They had me go out to Pasadena for a special delivery and then when I got to Brand they had me take some donations to central. There will be more books next week, but for sure I'm just going to take them straight to the recycling bin. It was a pretty standard route today.
There was a point where my buddy was saying last night when we talked that he doesn't give a fuck. Well, truly I don't give a fuck. I just go in to work and do the work. I'm really trying to not even complain about the bins being a mess. Or like today at Brand. They asked me to take a bunch of boxes filled with useless books. Well, I didn't flinch. I told them, "Sure," with a smile on my face. Misa was trying to maneuver it so that Benedict had to take them on Monday. But these jokers don't want anyone showing up to their precious library on days it's not open. So I just said fuck it. Misa did me a solid and tried to get Benedict to make a special trip, but it doesn't look like it worked. That's fine. All those books are going to end up in the recycling bin.
I did get to a nice place today though. I honestly didn't care if Benedict was made to take those boxes. If I have to do all of that extra work my time card is going to reflect that time... and perhaps a little more. The other night I realized that all this plotting and fighting gets me nowhere but tired. I'll just let things come as they may. I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots at work. And frankly, I don't have the energy to battle them.
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King Tut exhibit!
Sat April 7, WAAAAY back at the end of November I bought my aunt tickets to the King Tut exhibit. Well, today was the day of the exhibit. There were so many people, but it was a pretty cool experience.

The exhibit was pretty damn cool. I'm glad I went and that I took my aunt. She's getting older and slower, but the thing is so am I. So it fits. The items were incredible. It's hard to believe that these items are about three thousand years old. When I looked at them some of the items looked like they were made yesterday. Some looked like they were only a few years old. When you think about how everything was it really focuses your mind to the fact that these items were supposed to last for eternity. They have that quality to them that despite being not made of metal they have a sort of permanence. Certainly the conditions they were stored in the desert helped preserve them. However, even the pyramids are monuments to this idea of eternity.
I could not help but be in complete awe at times when I thought about these objects being made three millennia ago. If I'm lucky I might have seventy to eighty years on this Earth. Nothing but a blink of time in the history of these objects, let alone the Earth.
Of course there's always a girl that I fixate on when I go to things like this. There was one there today that was just super nice looking. I definitely have a type that I like, and it's usually Latina of a certain height, with dark hair, and a nice particular kind of figure. Funny enough, TheLamp kinda fits that mold. This girl at the exhibit did look a lot like TheLamp. But I digress and sigh.
After the exhibit my aunt and I were seriously hungry. I took her to Mendocino Farms, because it has some good food. Sure enough, she liked it. I know the score. It was incredible to see some dummy kids run around and find their parents completely ineffective to control them. Whatever, I had a good meal.
screen cap from Minish Cap
I've been playing some old video games on my computer... games that I never got to play in the past. I made my name in the game "Chan," but of course. I sent TheGirl the picture above.
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here we go again with the early arrival
Mon April 9, My cousin's kids showed up at 7am again today. I drank quite a bit last night, so I didn't appreciate having my cousin's kids show up so early this morning. ARGH! I guess this is just a Monday thing, because during the rest of the week they don't arrive as early. My aunt has this idea that my cousin's husband doesn't want to be home, so he forces the girls to get to our place early. I don't have any evidence either way, but I have to say that her hypothesis is not a bad one. Of course, the reality might be something completely different, but all I know is that there is no reason for them to arrive forty-five minutes before they walk over to school.
To be fair the San Marino library is oriented a strange way. The address is on Huntington, but there is no door on Huntington. You get to the main entrance after going to the south of the library and entering through a patio area. The point is, it seems like a daily thing that patrons will come up to the wrong side of the building.
quarter pounder with cheese
McD's has supposedly changed to freshly grounded beef for their quarter pounder burgers. I ordered one today and it was pretty good. Not that it was super great, but not bad. I could definitely tell that the beef was juicer and was a little more flavorful.
TheGirl's status with her place continues to change. Just when it looks like she's going to stay there's another development. I do wish I had the means to just fix all this.
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empty boxes heading to Brand
Tue April 10, When I arrived at work today I was confronted by a bunch of empty boxes waiting to go to Brand. These boxes are definitely going to be used to send more books to Central. I so wish these dopes would just call a book broker and have them pick the books up, instead of sending them to fucking Central. I'm so tired of these stupid donations.
full boxes
And then when I got to Brand and of course there was a bunch of books waiting for me. Of course Benedict didn't take any yesterday. Part of it is that he's just not going to do it. Another part is that those dopes at Brand don't force him to do it. They say they will ask for him to do it, but not force. Anything short of forcing him to do it and he'll just ignore it.
Library worker day
Back in San Marino they were buying pizza to celebrate National Library Worker's day. Of course I'm not there.
Brand junk
These fliers and hand outs and bookmarks are of stupid Brand events. The dopes at Central haven't put many of them out. That's because no one cares. Ha! I nearly threw them away in the trash. But, what do I know. They can stay there for all I care. I sent a text to Misa with the picture above attached and told her she's wasting her time bundling these things up for Central.
neighbor's backyard project
As I was about to get home I noticed that one of my new neighbors was building something in their back yard. Now, this house used to be a little ranch house. But a few months ago they tore most of it down and built a new house in its place. Now this same neighbor is building another structure in the back yard. It's a two story job, which is something the front house doesn't have. I remember I had a school mate that used to live there. The property was pretty big, and obviously the new owners want to maximize their property by either having that extra room back there as a guest house, or they plan on renting it. I think they're going to rent it out, but what do I know?
glow sticks
The other night I bought some glow sticks online. I have an emergency kit, and a few nights ago I decided to go through it. Well, I found that the kit had some good stuff, but not enough of it. I ordered more food and some little tablets that burn and are used for cooking. What I also felt I needed was something that could be used for light. Seeing that candles might not be a good idea after an Earthquake. Today my glow sticks arrived. I immediately took some and put them in my car. I put the rest in the emergency kit. I hope I never have to use them. It's good to have them... just in case.
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my closet
Wed April 11, I bought a new mirror for my closet so I could shave with an electric shaver in the morning. But, it doesn't stand on its own. So I had to nail it to the door. Which means I now get a view of some old "friends." The "ladies," you might call them. Pictures I posted up on the back of the door in my closet that I cut out of magazines. I think some of these pictures have been up for nearly twenty years, and now I get to see them when I shave.
working it on Wednesday
Pseudo supervisor texted me to say that she wasn't coming into work today. I decided not to goof off. I decided to get some actual work done today. I especially like it when she's not around. She has me working on a newsletter, so I decided to get some work done with that today. I think I was able to get some good things done. I honestly feel that I would get more work done if I didn't have to share an office with Pseudo supervisor.
TheGirl and Cheyenne at dinner tonight
TheGirl's drama with her place made tonight's dinner quite necessary. Especially the booze. TheGirl has a friend that knows real estate quite well, and he's been acting on her behalf to keep her from moving. She will still need to move, and the sooner the better. But, for now it seems that she's going to be staying in place. I told her she still needs to look for a place, but with this action it looks like she will have some time to look.
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Thu April 12, Benedict called out "sick" yesterday, which of course meant that I had to do his work today. I kind of don't mind him doing this, because it shows him to be unreliable. But, it also sucks to have to do his job and he still gets paid for a "sick" day. That's if he hasn't already exhausted his sick days this year. I can't imagine he hasn't. Well, today I went into city hall and two people told me that they saw him walking on the grounds. One fellow employee mentioned that Benedict was coming back from a test for a job in HR. It's one of at least two tests he has to take. It's a way of making the pool of candidates smaller. Of course I told my coworker that Benedict missed work yesterday, but he wasn't so hurt that he missed the text today. What a fucking tool.
There were a lot of bins today, but at the same time there wasn't as many as I thought. There was no way I was going to take all the bins today. I have two days to deliver stuff. Also, Benedict should't benefit from his bad actions.
Not much happened today, aside from dealing with a lot of bins today. It was a long day, but I have to say that I milked it as well. I had to also go to Pasadena today. But there was no way I was going to kill myself to get everything done today. The days of sucker me are long past. If it gets done then cool. If not, that's cool too. Fuck these dopes. They don't back me up. They don't force Benedict to do his job. They just sit there doing nothing while this guy gets away with bullshit. Fucking tools, all of them.
TheGirl and Chan in Big Sur, circa 2013
Back home tonight I checked my photo feed on one of the services I use to store my photos. They will post pictures from the past on this day. Today pictures from my trip to Big Sur with TheGirl WAY back in April of 2013. The above photo is of Chan, and his Big Sur cap. Chan didn't even have a shirt. I do believe we bought hims a shirt on that trip. Ah, the fun we had.
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empty library
Fri April 13, I took the photo above a couple of minutes before opening, but I post it when talking about how empty the library was this morning. Why? Because minutes after the library opened it looked exactly the same. I asked a few people to tell me if they noticed fewer patrons at the library. The security guard confirmed that there are fewer patrons showing up these days. Well, why would people come to this slaughterhouse of a library?
Emma looked really nice today
I went up to Montrose and of course Emma was there working. I bring her up because she looked REALLY good today. Emma is not voluptuous, but I've always found her to be pretty. Today her body looked so good. I have wanted to sleep with Emma for a while now. She asked when I can go out and have some drinks with her. But she's in a relationship now. If I had a chance before I don't want to go that way and be "That guy" again. But, the way she looked today I wanted to be with her. TheRose was there today as well, but all I could do is stare at Emma's body. There was something raw about her today.
Keyvon continues to say that he wants to get me on the slaughter desk. I did have a thought of telling him that he should make me a full timer and that would mean he could have me on the desk. I didn't, but I think that the next time he brings it up I might have to put that idea in his head. The library has two job positions that they want to use for something. For sure I can't take the librarian position, but the old MicroManager position could be morphed into a full time position for me.
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waiting in the waiting room
Sat April 14, I wanted to sleep in this morning, but I had to take the car in to get an oil change. They wanted to sell me a bunch of "preventative" repairs, but I told them the truth... that I had had just paid my taxes and I didn't have the money for these "preventative" repairs.
my barber and Chan looking on
I went to get a haircut today. I love taking Chan with me, because my barber treats him like he's a real monkey.
Talia posing for me in 2005
Back in 2005 I went to the Getty Center with Talia. Afterwards she posed nude for me in the front yard of one of her neighbors. The house we went to was supposedly abandoned. Sure enough, we used to go up there all the time, and I never remember seeing anyone there. Talia was pretty cool back then, because she would get naked in front of me at the drop of a hat. I still remember the first time we went out I took her to LACMA and she took all her clothes off in my car in the parking structure of the museum. Crazy.
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jacket I bought online
Mon April 16, Last night I had a drink or two. I had this idea that I wanted to find the jacket that James Dean wore in "Rebel Without a Cause." I did a search and found a close facsimile, so I bought it (pictured above). I can't wait to wear my new jacket.
Cheyenne and her paw
Of course TheGirl's housing saga continues. Now it very much looks like she's going to be getting a new one year lease. I don't know about it, but she can't find another place at this price. And she loves the neighborhood. Well, not exactly her immediate neighborhood, but the surrounding neighborhoods of Toluca Lake and Burbank. Where she is she calls a dump. I mean it's not great, but it's also not North Hollywood. Well, if TheGirl does stay here then it's one less problem she has to worry about. I still advocate for her looking for a place throughout the year. Because you never know. In fact, I can't imagine the landlord will just roll over and will not make it difficult on TheGirl.
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chart showing gains
Tue April 17, I checked my investment account and it looks like I FINALLY made some money. Every time I look I see my account in the red. Today it as in the black (in this case green). My buddy told me to buy some things, and I tried my hand at picking something to buy. So far, so good. I'm on my way to my first million.
oh yeah, that's not right
The picture above is of some photos posted in the hallway by the bathroom. Of course a few of them have fallen down on the ground. Mainly because the bullshit artists have used tape and pins to hold these things up. Just before they "installed" these photos a guy from the city came and installed a rail above this wall so that things could be hanged from that rail. It's meant to be for hanging stuff. But these dopes wanted to use tape instead. Good job. Now nearly every time I walk by this hall there's a photo on the floor.
criss cut bacon fries
I had tuna salad for lunch, but I wanted something warm as well. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a local fast food joint had something in the window advertising a new thing, western bacon criss cut fries. I had to try them. I have to say, they were really good. Anything with bacon could be said to be automatically good. I liked that they were warm and yummy. I needed that to contrast the cold tuna salad sandwich.
now they're giving me their trash
Casa literally gave me a trash bag full of stuff. I should have just taken the shit straight to the trash can. All I can do is laugh at this sort of shit.
yeah, it's all trash
And talk about trash, this is all the junk that I brought back to Central today. Oh it's all trash. It all needs to go straight into the trash. What a fucking pile of shit.
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seems like there's more traffic these days
Wed April 18, I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but it feels as though there's more traffic these days. TheGirl mentioned she thought the same thing, but I don't honestly know if it's true. I guess my commute doesn't take that much more time lately. But it does seem like the segment from where I get on the freeway by the 405 and when I reach the start of the 134 does feel like there are more cars. Of course there could just be more cars. But it could also be that these dopey drivers are just driving like idiots. Case in point. I reached the 134 today and it was wide open. Now there was no accident on the 101, yet it was super slow. I'm thinking idiot drivers are idiots.
Chan outside the restaurant
TheGirl said that she wanted to go to her favorite Mexican restaurant, because she, "Needed a drink." I certainly always need a drink. I try to order something different here every time. Sometimes I've been rewarded, but other times I have not. Tonight it was just right. The enchiladas I ordered hit the spot. Of course the booze hit the spot as well. TheGirl told me the other day and tonight she updated me on a possible move for her. The entire staff of the bank where she works is possibly jumping ship and going over to another company. I don't know how that's possible, but they are in talks to move banks. The new office would be right by my house. This would mean a MUCH shorter commute for TheGirl. She's crossing her fingers this happens.
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of course a crash on the freeway
Thu April 19, I was nearly late for work earlier this week, so I decided to get a jump on traffic today. Well, of course my best laid plans were thwarted by some dope slamming his car into some poor sap. I was only five minutes late, but I had to put down I was fifteen minutes late, because they don't do that five minute stuff. I do love that it was a Tesla that slammed into the back of another car. Here I was thinking those cars had safety features that wouldn't allow it to crash into other cars. Either the system was turned off or it didn't work.
four bins just for Central... they should feel honored
Grandview gave me four bins full of books going back to Central. They were all float bullshit. Floating does not work. But try to tell the dopes like AD that it doesn't work. My buddy and I mentioned it years ago when we first heard they wanted to float items. We said it wasn't going to work in practice, and sure enough it doesn't. But these dopes continue to have it. Then the branches have to send books back to Central and the other branches in delivery because their own shelves are packed. What a fucking mess.
I have attractive coworkers
I have many attractive coworkers. One of the nicest is a girl my buddy calls "Big Eyes." I don't have a nickname for her so for now I'll just call her that here. But it's not her eyes you see in this picture. Not that I had a chance with her, but I do remember hanging out as a group a few years ago. I bought her a drink that night. I should have asked her out that night. Ha. I'm sure I would have been turned down.
blurriness not caused by me
AD sends out her email of death each week. This week she sent two, because dummy forgot to send it out last week... thankfully. The photos she attaches to the emails she sends are like postage stamps in size. I blew the photo above to nearly four times the original size. That's why the fucking thing looks so blurry. AD is a complete dope. She can't even get photos right.
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Cerberus doesn't do anything
Fri April 20, I talked to my buddy last night and I told him that Cerberus does absolutely zero these days. Case in point, I told him that I could enter the sorting room and take a picture of the machine. I furthermore guaranteed him that there would be no books in the bins. I didn't have zero books, but it only had about four books. Might as well be zero.
I arrived at Montrose where TheRose was working, as well as Emma. TheRose and I had a nice interaction yesterday and today. Her body is killer. But this part of the journal is about Emma. I think part of the excitement I felt about seeing her look really nice last week spilled over into this week. I say that because I checked her out and got a hard-on. I don't go around getting hard-ons every time I see an attractive girl. But I did with Emma today. For some reason there's something about Emma that is hitting the right buttons with me these days. Like I said last time, I do want to sleep with Emma.
one of two giant boxes
I was told to go down to the basement and take a pair of boxes to Casa today. These boxes are pretty damn big. Big enough that they take about half the space in the van. But, today I didn't want to have to make two trips. Being a Friday the smaller amount of bins going out in delivery facilitated me taking the boxes on the route, instead of making a special delivery in the evening. When I got there the librarian there told me that there should have only been one box delivered. She said that the second box should just go back to Central. So, of course I took it back. What a waste of fucking time.
of course
But it gets better. When I arrived at Central a coworker told me that I had a phone call from Casa, but that he told them that I had gone home already. When I checked my email later I found the email above from the Casa librarian. As you can see, it turns out that the two boxes are parts one and two of a shelving unit. This means that I'll have to re-deliver the second of the two boxes next week. Fucking bullshit!
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Sat April 21, A few weeks ago TheGirl mentioned that she wanted to drive down to Downtown Disney to get some drinks. Today was the day. The whole lot of us booked it down there... of course that included Chan.
Hearthstone lounge
TheGirl wanted to go to Trader Sam's first thing when they open. But, we got a late start waiting for her daughter to show up. When we arrived at Disneyland it was already past noon. I still had a feeling we MIGHT be able to get a seat. But, little did we know that today was part of the Dopey Dapper Day weekend. That meant we were fucked. The line was about twenty people deep, and knowing that place it would be quite a wait. This is how we ended up going to Hearthstone. But that's my favored place anyway.
another photo from Hearthstone
Since I wasn't driving I had a Manhattan and two straight whiskeys. We then went to eat at Earl of Sandwich which is soon to be closed so they can build a new hotel in its place. I won't miss many things in downtown Disney where the new hotel will go, but I will miss the Earl. They do have some great sandwiches.
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one of the more attractive girls at IHOP
Sun April 22, On Sundays i go to my local IHOP with my aunt for breakfast before I go to work and she goes to visit my godmother. Some of the girls that work there are quite nice. I've already mentioned the girl at the cash register that's super cute, and to me is the cutest girl in the building. But that's not to say that there aren't other attractive ladies. I'm sure I come off as a creep to them, like I see how guys at the library come off as creeps when they talk to the ladies there.
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later days
Mon April 23, I received an email from the past, in a sense. Years ago I used to use Flickr to post photos. There was a nice little community of people posting pictures. But, that was years ago and nowadays people post much faster on Instagram. All the positives of Flickr were awesome. They had high quality uploads and unlimited storage (for a price). But then Yahoo took them over and pretty much ran them into the ground. After that other services took over and many of the people I knew on Flickr fled. Now it's been sold and they're asking if I want to get my stuff off their services or continue on with the new company. Nah. Later!
There was a point today where Pseudo supervisor said she was going to have some meetings. I figured I would get out of the office and do my work upstairs. But, I didn't feel well today. Instead of working I fell asleep for over an hour after lunch. Pseudo supervisor didn't miss me, since she was busy with her meetings. At least I hope she wasn't looking for me. Oh well. I was not well.
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Tue April 24, I can't remember the last time I called out sick, but I did today. I thought I would wake up feeling better than yesterday. Boy was I completely wrong. I woke up feeling awful. My chest was full of phlegm and I had zero energy. As I write this it's nearly 8pm and I'm feeling better. Though, I'm still coughing up phlegm. About a half hour ago I had a strong coughing fit after watching something funny online. I thought it was just because I laughed, but the laugh must have dislodged something to the point that it needed to come out. I was also running a fever earlier, but not so much now. The rest has done me good today, for sure. I'm wondering if I will feel well tomorrow.
my buddy talking to TheWish today
I spied on my buddy while he was at work tonight. In the picture above he was chatting with TheWish. I have been encouraging him to ask her out for dinner. Just because things didn't work out with TheWish and me doesn't mean it won't work out between them. I think it would work out better. TheWish is pretty damn nice. She's not a dope. I hope he makes his move.
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Wed April 25, I felt pretty lousy last night just as I was going to bed. I was running a fever and I was achy. I didn't know how I would feel this morning. Sure enough, I felt bad. Not as bad as yesterday or last night, but I'm not well yet. I told work I would take the day off to recuperate. As I write this it's just past 11am and I'm sitting here nursing a fever. I took some ibuprofen about twenty minutes ago, yet I'm still running a fever. Hmmm. What's up with that?
It's 12:37pm now, and I can report that the pills have kicked in. I'm feeling way better than I did this morning.
Mala email
12:57pm - Misa texted me to say that Benedict has arrived at stupid Brand saying that because I "Decided" to take yesterday of that today's delivery was too much to take their bins with him. Whatever! This stems from Mala's email (shown above) that makes it look like I went to the Armenian Genocide rally. Good, let Benedict think I took the day off to march. Fuck that guy.
broken door stop at Casa
1:28pm - My buddy sent me a couple of pictures from Casa (shown above). Apparently that's the broken door stop that Benedict broke while moving the bins through the back door. Mind you, he could just use the ramp on the side, but for some douche reason he always goes through the stairs in the back. Probably to avoid seeing anyone.
it's Talia's birthday today
I texted Talia today to wish her a happy birthday, and she texted me back later in the day since she was at school. I kept it short with her.
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dead lawn
Thu April 26, After missing a couple of days dead with a bad cold today I returned to work. Not quote 100% yet, but certainly feeling much better than I did even yesterday. And forget about how I felt on Tuesday. I felt horrible.
On my way to work I received a phone call from Mala. Before I answered it I speculated as to why she was calling me. I wondered if she was checking up on me to see if I was indeed going into work. It wasn't that. She told me that she wanted to know if I could be the photographer for the day during all Nazi day, aka staff development day. She wants me to take everyone's portrait the day of the event. Oh geez. Not really looking forward to this. However, I do see an upside to this. I can FINALLY have some pictures of some of the people that I talk about here. Like a certain girl I haven't mentioned, but that is currently on my radar. More on that later.
Thankfully the route today was pretty standard.
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Fri April 27, I stayed up late last night and just before going to bed I was looking on FB when a video came up. It was a live feed from South Korea showing the leader of the North meeting the leader of the South. This is a historic moment.
the view from the driver's seat
Driving today was pretty good. I didn't have a lot of bins today, thankfully. But, I did have some special items I was supposed to pick up, like book carts and donations. With Keyvon continually talking about moving me to the desk I do have to wonder how long I will be driving. I hope to continue for a while, but there's no way to know what Keyvon might do. The other day he mentioned that he wanted me to move me to the desk. I countered that he should make me full time and then have me anywhere he wants me... be that the desk or driving. He countered by saying that he is working on it. But that it's not easy. Certainly not. But I think I'm worth it. If I don't make this move then I'm just going to be seen as the driver. I can't do it forever, that's for sure. I would love it if they moved me up, but I can't hold my breath.
to take or not to take
Back on the route after lunch I had my first special delivery of the day, to pick up a pair of book carts from Casa. But, the email I received said that "If" such and such wanted the carts I was to take them from Casa to Central. When I arrived at Casa no one knew which carts I was supposed to take, despite the fact that the email clearly said that they would be labeled. Sure. And, since no one new, I couldn't take them with me. Dodged that one.
power outage
When I arrived at Brand the power was off. Apparently all the lights went off only a few moments before I arrived. I was to take some donations with me, but because of the fact that they moved all the donations to their elevator. It's a big elevator that is often used as an extra storage space. With the power off of course I didn't have access to the elevator. Another one dodged!
terrible donations
I did end up having to take some donations to Central (shown above). I love that these dopes don't just toss these damn books. Terrible. The best part is that the donations above were going to Snow. Yeah, she's really going to want this steamy book. Like I said, they need to just go to the recycling bin.
About an hour before I finished the route I was feeling mighty down. I was running out of energy while racing to the finish line. This was a short week, but me being sick earlier in the week made sure I had little reserved energy by today. I went home and went right to bed and passed out for about an hour. It was only when my aunt came in asking me what I wanted to eat that I woke up and had to get out of bed.
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view from the desk today
Sat April 28, I usually have Saturdays off, but not this Saturday. It's easy money working on the children's desk at San Marino. There are hardly any questions to answer. Yes, I would love to be resting today, since I'm still recovering from being sick earlier this week. However, making some money is good too.
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yummy Disneyland food shown online
Mon April 30, While checking out social media this morning a thing came up about some special food at Disneyland. The above image of a huarache came up, and it's made me want to go there this weekend. I should have gone yesterday, but I was still not feeling well enough to go driving off to Disneyland after work last night.
go ahead... pay up
I went to the ninety-nine cent store yesterday after dropping off my aunt at my godmother's place. When I walked out I noticed that the shopping carts were all locked in place. Apparently to use the carts one has to pay a quarter. Hmmm. I wonder if this is to make money or to keep the carts from driving away by themselves. Or both. I watched a woman go up to the carts and see that it would cost her money to use the cart, so she walked away. Sucks.
It may sound kinda crazy to start thinking of a trip, but these things must be thought out WAY in advance. Last year by the middle of May I already had my reservation for November in Carmel. I looked at some places to eat if and when I go. I REALLY want to emphasize photography on my next trip up North. I REALLY want to get things done right. Take some extraordinary photos, for sure.
I haven't seen TheGirl or Cheyenne in a week. Me being sick last week prevented me from going over to TheGirl's place on Wednesday. Cheyenne let me know she missed me. She pounced on me as soon as I arrived. I missed her as well.
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Wrap-up, This month was pretty standard. There were some cool highlights, such as going to Disneyland for the first time in a long time and going to see the King Tut exhibit. Being sick the second to last week of the month did bring things down a bit. I haven't been this sick in a long time. I blame it on leaving a fan on at night. No more of that... ever! It seems that every time I've done that I wake up feeling sick. As for the month, I would give it a B- for the good times that were tempered by the illness. On to May!