Afterthoughts : This Past Month
This month has been a bit of up and down. That's not always a bad thing.
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police chase from last night
Fri, June, 1, Last night I heard helicopters circling around the house. It was more than one, which made me think that it was a police chase. Sure enough it was (see above). This guy was fleeing the police at the breakneck speed of six miles an hour. The crazy thing about this chase was that some ordinary (but extraordinarily stupid) citizens were not only filming the chase, some dopes where actually running in front of the car being chased. One dope got out of his car and tried to kick the suspect's car. Another idiot tried to open the suspect's door. FINALLY the police moved in and took the suspect into custody. What a strange chase, to say the least.
cute nerdy girl
As I walked up to the library this morning I spotted this cute/nerdy girl that I've noticed at the library before. She has a nice figure, so I believe. It would be nice to be able to talk to her, but when would that opportunity arise? Time will tell.
the oh so busy sorting machine
I know I post a lot of photos of the stupid sorting machine I have dubbed Cerberus, but there a point. I want to continue to chronicle the failure that is this monstrosity. This fucking thing cost these dopes $800,000! And what does it do all day? NOTHING! Look at that picture above... There isn't a single book in any of the bins. How is this OK? How can they declare that the machine is "working" when it's clear that it's not? All this machine is supposed to do is a rough sort, nothing else. And it can't even do THAT function. It is a monument to the failure of the "leadership" of the library that this thing is just a huge paperweight.
a close-up of TheDesire's eyes
I was talking to TheDesire about a career choice she has to make soon. She has a couple of interviews with the county library system next week. In short, she has options. She wants to have this ammunition to know where she stands here at the library. I would rather she not leave. However, seeing is I once cared for her, I only want the best for her. If that means she leaves this place, so be it. TheGirl left, and despite the fact that she doesn't like her current job so much, she also understands that things might be worse. To return to the topic, TheDesire was talking to me today while she was giving me a bunch of free comics to distribute amongst the branches. That is when I realized today that despite all the changes to TheDesire, I still get a thrill when she talks to me. I still feel that certain rush of chemicals to the top of my brain. She batted her big brown eyes at me today and it was nice.
once again, the bathrooms at Central are busted
It comes off as a running joke, but the joke is on anyone that goes into the library and expects to use the restroom at any time during their visit. Because this bathroom problem isn't something that ever gets resolved. The bathrooms at Central are constantly getting clogged. I think it's partially funny that the bathrooms are constantly being "worked one," but they are never actually fixed. I was told by one of the maintenance guys that there is one pipe for both the men's and women's room. Also, patrons apparently flush the craziest things down the toilet. Even still, we didn't have these kinds of problems before the renovation. Yes, the old bathrooms would get clogged, but this is now a weekly occurrence. In the old building it would happen very infrequent. Now, it seems as though it happens one every one to two weeks. But so the dummies upstairs do anything about it? Do they ask why this continues to happen week after week? If they are they aren't asking to the point that the construction firm that did this awful renovation comes back and finds a way to fix this continuing problem. How is it OK for a public building to go days without having bathroom facilities? I would love it if there was a big event this weekend and some of the city big wigs would come in and try to use the bathrooms only to find they are being directed to the building next door.
the clueless Pacific Park crew
I arrived at Pacific later than usual since I had to go out to Sun Valley for two stops. When I arrived the Pacific crew, which consists of nearly all new people, including the new manager, were standing around much like you see in the picture above. There was a patron standing in front of them clarifying his request for a certain form that he wanted, because he was going to file suit against someone. The new manager was on the phone to Central just as I was walking by she says to the patron, "OK, they're going to check and call me back." I stood behind this fiasco and asked one of my coworkers what was going on. She told me that the guy just wanted a certain form. I told her, "Why don't you just google it?" It was like they had never considered such a thing was possible. One of the new girls, pictured in the center in the photo above, was sitting at the computer as I told her what to do. She put the term into the search box, "USC 43 1983." No good results. I told her to put the word "form" in between the USC and the 43 and boom, the second link was the form he needed. Meanwhile these dopes couldn't find it. They didn't even consider going online to search for it. They were too busy calling the other bunch of dopes at Central. Meanwhile, the new manager mentioned how she had been "Bounced" around from person to person at Central. Yeah, because no one can do their jobs there. I loved being able to have the answer for these dopes, because it showed them up. It exposed not only the new staff at Pacific, but also the new manager. Someone told me that her previous experience was running a library at a military base. I'm not going to knock that, but at the same time she needs to know that civilian patrons are a bunch of douches. They want what they want now. Someone that hasn't been in the public sector trenches is going to get chewed up by patrons that are unjustifiably entitled. In short... FAIL!
sign up for a horrible "workshop"
And this is what the bathroom money is going towards... wastes of time like this mockery space music "workshop." These dopes have spent so much money on stupid things like 3D printers that could have been used to fix this damn bathroom problem that, it's not even funny that they continue to throw more money out the window trying to promote the empty mockery space. This is another testament to their idiocy, or there embezzling.
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HDR photo I took today
Sat, June, 2, I have this idea that I should try high dynamic range photography. Tonight I went out to my backyard to try to see if I could work the whole HDR photo thing. The above photo is my first attempt at this stuff. This is not good. Hopefully I'll do better in the future.
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Sun, June, 3, For what is now probably a yearly thing, my aunt and I go to the local IHOP to have breakfast before I drive her to my Godmother's place and I go to work. I know I've mentioned the attractive women that work there before. Today I had this thought run through my head... "The Women of IHOP." As is the normal when you get a group of humans together, and at least half of them are female, you find a spectrum of beauty/attractiveness. This restaurant is no different. It also doesn't hurt that all the women are Latina.
my computer was on when I arrived at work today
I really didn't want to be at work today. I could say more, but that would be redundant at this point. I turned off my work computer when I left on Wednesday evening. I told my buddy that if the computer was on when I arrived today that I would suspect that the management turned it on in order to check up on me. He pointed out how sad that prospect was. Yes, it is sad. However, it is my new reality.
dopes could have burn the library down
I went into the community room today in preparation for an event at the library and found that the three coffeemakers were all plugged in and TURNED ON. I'm surprised the building was still standing. I turned them off. But, for a moment I thought " Fuck this place," and considered leavening them as they were. Because, this place was once a place that gave me a chance. That was a different era, to say the least. Today this place is not a place that I need to go above and beyond for. The people in charge have dammed it to a downward spiral.
the phone next to me didn't work
The phone system at my San Marino job is something out of when there were "party lines." The phone next to where I sit on the reference desk showed some error. Do you think I made an effort to fix the error? Well, what do you think? Exactly. I let it be. There was a point in which the telephone seemed to help itself. But, I was wrong. I answered one phone call and the phone seemed to die again. "Oh well," I thought to myself. I don't care.
view from my back yard
Tonight I went out to my backyard and stayed outside until past 10:30pm. As a matter of fact I'm writing this while sitting outside. It's chilly, but nice. I've had a good amount of whiskey. But that's not the only reason why I'm still out here. It's cool outside, but warm inside the house. Here are a few observations I have from sitting here in the dark. One, I don't like where my aunt placed the bench in our backyard. She placed next to the wall. But I want it where I can see the night sky.
super bright street scene
Two, the city must have installed new street lights whew I wasn't looking. I say that because the street looks super bright (as seen above). I was sitting on the backyard when I looked towards the street and say how bright it was. I thought that perhaps there was some sort of city crew working on something. But I couldn't hear a thing. I went out to the front yard and saw nothing but the empty street. I also saw how super bright the new street lights are (look above). I could play a baseball game on my street now.
shitshow that is AD's latest email of death
AD's emails read like a nine year old wrote them. She makes so many grammatical mistakes. I don't think it's this email, but in a recent email she wrote "Her and I's." She actually wrote that. Also, notice how EVERY fucking sentence she writes ends in with an exclamation point. What a fucking tool.
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oh fuck this shit
Mon, June, 4, My cousin's kids have this nasty habit of showing up way early. I've mentioned here more than once. Today, almost like clockwork, they showed up before 7am AGAIN. I'm patient, but this kind of shit REALLY gets on my nerves. Good thing this is the last week of school. My aunt and I won't have to deal with this until after Summer. Still, we shouldn't have to deal with this inconsiderate bullshit.
it's summer reading time
Today at my San Marino job was the start of the Summer reading program. I wore my shit and go to work on Pseudo Supervisor's projects. There was a point after lunch in which I was asked if I could cover the children's reference desk on Wednesday mornings for the next few weeks. I said that I could. What else am I supposed to say? No? Yeah, right! Not under the current environment at the library. Whatever I am I said that I would do my job 100% still. Just not 110% anymore. This is still in keeping with that.
Pseudo Supervisor mets with the boss on an almost daily occurrence. She told me today that in a recent talk with the boss she was told that the city manager informed the head librarian that the city council is considering going with a private firm to run the library. Now I don't want to bore you with the details of how other cities have gone private, and that at the end they end that association, because it actually ends up costing the city more in the long run. But, these dopes don't know about that. They only know that the private company is promising they will save the city a bunch of money. It's not true, but I can see these dopes buying what they are selling. In the long term private libraries end up costing cities more. But, I digress. This is not a good sign. For this coming year we might be safe, but who knows in a year's time. The city dopes may think going private is a great idea. Because right now the current crop of council members have this idea that the city spends too much money. Meanwhile they have projected a $23.5 million dollar surplus to the city coffers. How is that spending too much? I understand wanting to be fiscally responsible, but what does having that much money in the coffers, with a projected surplus for the next year as week, do? Why are they saving this money? For a rainy day? How about paying their part of the unpaid pension liability? Nah.
old man coworker just could not just leave me alone
I had a late lunch today, because I was doing work for Pseudo Supervisor. When I went to the lounge there was only one person there. Of course he had to start in with the twenty questions routine. I fucking hate being asked questions while I'm eating. It drives me crazy.
look how clean my desk is right now
As I got ready to leave for home I wanted to take a picture of my desk... correction, where I sit when I'm at work. Do you see how sparse it is now? I want to keep it this way. My work is not a second home. It's where I make my money, nothing more.
tried something new for "dinner"
I drove by a fast food joint last week and saw an ad for some new French fries topped with various meats and sauces. Tonight I decided to try the, out. I have to say that while the sauce was good, my fries were supposed to have chicken. But, I only spotted three tiny pieces of chicken. I may order these agin, but I will add that the burger I bought with the fries was awful. I don't even think it was real beef. This is why I usually order chicken from this particular fast food joint.
Tonight's visit to TheGirl's was abbreviated, because she had to go out to Burbank to pick up some "safety vests" for some office training.
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Tue, June, 5, It's as if my life is a Mobius strip, forever repeating itself. I didn't think my cousin's kids would show up early today, since they arrived early yesterday. Well, I would be wrong. They showed up early again TODAY. I'm so fucking tired of this shit.
van is packed, to say the least
I had a ton of items going on the van today. Not only did I have summer reading items, but they also threw in some new office chairs for good measure. I couldn't take everything, but I certainly tried to pack the van as much as I could (as seen in the photo above).
Snow's email
Snow sent the above email pertaining to the summer lunch program that wrecked so much havoc during the route last year. Thankfully she saw what was happening and decided to take care of the lunches herself. Whew! That is a load off my mind.
Jade's email
Jade sent the above email reminding me that Grandview is closed for termite fumigation. As you can read above, dummy Benedict went. Later Jade mentioned that Benedict was saying that no one told him about the closure. Lies. Krishna sent us an email, and THEN also sent an email to the entire library. What a big dope.
so many boxes
The summer reading program starts tomorrow at Glendale. Hence so many boxes going out to the branches today. This set was going to Montrose. I like how these dopes sit on these things and don't send them off earlier in the month. Just stupid.
Benedict's email
As I mentioned earlier, Snow let the delivery off the hook for picking up those summer lunched that I hated delivering to much. But then stupid Benedict goes ahead and writes the above email to Snow. I hope she never contacts him. He has so few allies, and I seriously doubt that Snow sees Benedict as someone she can rely on. That's why she got rid of him at Casa.
AD's "reminder" email
AD sent out a "reminder" to hurry and RSVP for the "big" dinner for Maleficent. Yeah. Right. I'll get to work on that. Right. Away. This is some major bullshit. I'm sure this is happening because no one is signing up for this stupid dinner.
this all smells of despiration
But it doesn't stop there. AD sent out yet ANOTHER email about Maleficent's dinner. Because, of course, no one is buying tickets to this shit show, and it's do to the "interface." Yeah, right. That's the problem. More like no one I know is willing to fork over $50 for some cocksucking dinner with a bunch of dopes. No thanks. I rather throw my money away by tossing it into a fire. Get bent, dopes. My wish is that no one show up. But there are some dopes that have to sho up no matter what. Just leave me alone, stupid AD.
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oh no, not this shit again
Wed, June, 6, For the third day in a row my cousin's kids and their fucking husband have shown up before 7am. I wish there was a way to put up a barrier around my house to prevent my cousin's kids from coming within earshot of my house that early ever again. It's just inconsiderate.
LaFlor in profile
LaFlor looked really nice today. Today they had her in charge of a movie screening. It's funny, because there were only two kids in the movie with her. One of them left before the ending. There was a point in the day in which LaFlor came into my office and asked me to make an announcement on the PA. She and I were in the office alone, since Pseudo supervisor was out today. I thought that perhaps this should be the moment when I asked her out to dinner. But, as you already guessed, I'm a chicken, and I didn't ask her. I should have. She looked so pretty standing in front of me at that moment. Boy, if I continue to be a big fat chicken I'll never be with a lady again.
creeper... enough said
When I went out to the reference desk for my shift TheLamp informed me that there was a guy walking around being "creepy." I didn't know exactly what that meant, until I saw him. Oh and sure enough, he was the very definition of creepy. Just look at the photos above for reference as to how creep this guy was. Pay particular attention to the photo on the right. Oh man, THAT to me spells out creepy. At first sight I knew this guy was no good. After helping a patron I decided to take it upon myself to call the police.
The police arrived and since he was wearing a very similar outfit to what I was wearing the police thought that it was me that was the perpetrator. After fixing that mix-up they went to talk to him. I told them that I would hope they would be able to "do their thing" to get him to understand that he was unwanted at the library. After a twenty minute talk they assured me that he wouldn't return.
However, I saw him still lingering across the street. I had a bad feeling about that, because I figured that he might return. But then I thought that since the police talked to him that he would move on. Yet, he ended up returning to the library, where the boss came down and ran after him. He ran out the door. I hope that's that for this creepy guy.
After all that creeper nonsense at the library today it was nice to, in a sense, come back to reality. I was on the circulation desk getting the two stuffed toys for the social media feed. While there I took the stuffed shark and pretended that the shark was biting TheWish. A little while later, after taking my photos, I went back to the circulation desk and while I was there TheWish bit my shoulder.
TheGirl and Cheyenne at dinner tonight
I could go and list some details about tonight, but suffice to say... TheGirl had a really nice dinner tonight. We both voiced that we are special to each other. Anything else I can't remember, and doesn't matter.
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Thu, June, 7, The route tired me out today. There was a point in which I was ready to pass out at the wheel. I was so low energy. I can't say that it was the heat that made me feel this way, since I've dealt with hotter days. But for some reason I simply didn't have any energy today.
tis Venus
When I got home I went out to the backyard to just chill. While laying down in my bench I turned my head and saw a very bright point in the sky. I'm not expert, so I wondered what I was seeing. It turns out that it was Venus. But, even before I looked that thing up on my mobile device I would try to figure out what I was staring. I just remember that Venus is the second brightest thing in the night's sky. With that little knowledge I told myself that I was sure it was Venus. I took out a sky app and sure enough, it confirmed that what I was seeing was Venus.
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oh these chairs need to burn
Fri, June, 8, Of course when I go into work this morning there are still a bunch of chairs that I didn't get to yesterday. I decided to make a special delivery today in order to get these things out of the way. Also, Krishna was poking me about them, saying she wanted her chair at her new location. The fuck? A chair is a chair, just sit on it. Geez. Whatever, I spent the early morning moving some of the chairs into the van and then taking them to Pacific. Well, then I made a mistake.
Krishna's chair
I texted Krishna about a chair she said needed to go back to Grandview. Well, that text turned into a call where she said that not only did she want that one chair (pictured above) but two more chairs. Ah fuck! Now I would have to a make a special run out there. Not only THAT, but she then said that all the chairs from Adams were to go to Grandview as well. Double fuck! Now I had THAT as an extra delivery. Just great.
at Grandview super early
I was early to Grandview, of course. If I had known I was going to be here at this time I would have added those books to drop off in with chairs. I was already tired and I hadn't even started the route.
I returned to Central and started to pile stuff into the van. That's when Benedict came into the circulation office and mentioned how people at the branches think he's an angry guy. And that he doesn't interact with them on purpose. And then he mentioned how he's only two years into the job and is already feeling burnt out. Lastly he mentioned if I wanted to drive another day he could accommodate that. It's a thought. I would like to free myself of another day at San Marino. But I'm not sure my body would be able to handle driving four or five days a week. That's a tough haul. These assholes should make me full time though. But, they won't. Dammit!
Somehow I finished the route early. Probably because I didn't linger at any one stop. Which was good, and perhaps something I need to incorporate more. I just had an idea that I would have a say, seven minute timer set. I could start it when I arrive and that would be my limit. I lingered a little after my shift ended to talk to Jade. Mainly because I was just so tired that I wanted to rest before heading home. There was a point yesterday when I was just out of it. Today I had to deal with an all day headache caused by what is most likely tooth pain. I say that because it was only on my right side of my face, from about the cheek to the top of my head. I took some pills in the morning, but by the afternoon it had come back stronger than before. I put some took pain reliever as soon as I got into the car at the end of my shift and it helped. But not entirely. It wasn't until I went home and just took a nap that the pain lessened. Though, as I write this I can feel a little throbbing on my face again. Fuck!
I moved the bench my aunt put out in the backyard to a better location. I like this new location. It's nice. Hence me spending more time out there. Enough that I go back there and take a nice chill pill. The weather has been super nice in the evenings. Which also makes the backyard desirable. Time to start buying some cushions to make that bench a little more comfortable.
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ribeye steak / Manhattan
Sat, June, 9, I woke up not feeling all that well this morning. I woke up with a headache/toothache. It was really bad. To the point that I thought I might just cancel all the plans I had today. But, I took some tooth pain paste and rubbed it all over my top right jaw. It really helped, but it didn't take the pain completely away. It wasn't until after I had a drink at lunch with TheGirl that I felt a little better. At lunch I ordered a ribeye with mashed potatoes. It was damn good, but I didn't come anywhere near finishing it since it was so huge. It was good times. I only ordered one Manhattan since the one was super strong. I should come back here for drinks.
I came home after lunch and went right to bed. I took a couple of pills for the tooth pain and went right to bed. I slept and slept until about an hour before my buddy was coming over. I wasn't feeling super, but at least my tooth and head didn't hurt.
Moroccan fried chicken / Merguez sausage wrap
I don't remember the last time I hung out with Vagabundo. I do remember that one of the last times we made plans was to go to dinner with Misa as well. That was many months ago. I just don't want to do anything these days. I want to come home and chill. I deal with dopes all day, the last thing I want is to deal with more dopes on the road and in general. It's not a good thing to be so antisocial, but it's my reality.
My buddy did show up, and thankfully by then I didn't have a headache at all. He found a really good place to eat just up the street from me. The food was on point. I'm glad I didn't feel so sick any more after taking some pills and resting in the afternoon. It would have sucked to have felt so sick at dinner. After dinner my buddy showed me the pictures from his recent trip to Alaska. It's gorgeous up there. So amazing.
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the ladies of IHOP
Sun, June, 10, I think it was last week that I wrote that women from the IHOP by my house are attractive. Adding, that in any population of women you will find attractive women. Today when my aunt and I went to IHOP we seated close to the kitchen area (pictured above), which gave me a vantage point to the ladies. There is one that I've mentioned here before that is still the most attractive of the bunch. But the middle one in the photo above has a behind that is like the famous old Betty Grable photo.
LatinaLawyer showed up today
A girl I've mentioned here before, previously known or not known as LatinaLawyer, showed up today after a long time absence. She's cute, and I've considered asking her out or something. Today she showed up, and at the end of the night I noticed a big guy sitting at her table was lingering with her. Yeah, that's her fella. Nice knowing you, LatinaLawyer.
I can't stop looking at her body
I have such a fetish for my coworker, still with no nickname, that I find it very difficult to turn away when she walks around me (pictured above). I joked with her today about a website where you can rent a friend. I told her that if she wanted to rent me it wouldn't be as expensive as the website. What I really wanted her to say is yes. Even if it was a joke. I just wanted it to be real for even a fake moment.
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on the children's desk, again
Mon, June, 11, I was asked yesterday if I could cover the first hour and a half on the children's desk this morning. Being a terrible employee I naturally said yes. I'm not sure why they need me to "cover" the desk, because the mornings are not busy at all on the children's desk. Oh well. Just as long as I get paid.
this is a total dick move
I went over to TheGirl's place, as is the tradition for a Monday night, and when I got there some dope put their trash can in front of one of the potential parking spots. This is nothing less than a dick move. Because, if I were a dick I would take this trash can and empty its contents all over the street, and burn the actual bin. But, it's lucky that I'm not that kind. But, I did take a picture of the scene... and now I'm posting it here. Because, it was a dick move.
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not so busy slaughter desk
Tue, June, 12, When I went upstairs to validate my parking ticket and get the mail I saw that there were some big items that had to go out on the delivery today. I went downstairs again to get a flatbed truck. On my way down I looked towards the slaughter desk and noticed that there were four people on the desk, but no patrons. That's the state of the desk these days. It used to be that the desk was actually busy. These days, thanks to the backward policies of the people in charge, the circulation numbers are down. And they will remain down, and will spiral down more. That's the new reality. Fucking turds.
all this went to the trash
Back in the days when MicroManager still worked at the library she would often direct me to simply throw donations straight into the trash. Because, why would anyone want some old books? But these dopes were actually going to send these ratty old books up to Brand. Mind you, a few weeks ago dummy Benedict and myself hauled about twenty-five to thirty boxes down from Brand. Now I'm supposed to take them donations. What, so they can just turn around and send them right back down to Central? No thanks. I took the middle-man out of the equation and took them right to the recycling bin. They didn't even make it to the van. Fuck that shit.
street barriers
About a week and a half ago I was asked to pick up some barriers from the city lot. After talking to dummy Benedict about how he skirts work, I figured I was the one that would have to go and pick the barrier up this week. I thought about going on Thursday, but then I didn't remember if they wanted the barriers this week or next. Because of that I decided to go ahead and pick them up today. These idiots. I told them last year to just store them here at the library, so that they would have them, "Just in case." But did they listen to me. Nope. They never do. Well, they can eat shit. And they can cram these barriers up their ass.
packed van
The above picture is of the van just as I arrived at Grandview. Mind you, I still had about half the route left to deliver, and the van was STILL packed with junk. While I was at Grandview, Krishna looked as if she wanted to say something to me. But, she couldn't talk because she was on the phone with someone that might soon be working at the library. I gathered that from what she was saying to the guy. About how he was a good worker when he volunteered back at her old location. Oh, and she mentioned how eager she was to have him start work. Krishna is many things, but I do have to say that even now I do find her attractive. I do love her big behind. She did have a chance to talk to me when she walked up to me when I was watching the kids play chess. But, she didn't say anything. Oh well.
The rest of the route went fast. I threw the extra delivery at these dopes and returned to Central. Keyvon was in a good mode. I don't think I have much of a future at this job. It's nothing but a dead-end. I need an exit strategy.
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Wed, June, 13, I'm going to be on the children's reference desk for the next few weeks. At least in the mornings. Thankfully it hasn't been busy on the desk. I'm not exactly sure why I'm covering the desk in the mornings. Since on both Mondays and Wednesdays the desk is not very busy. Oh well. What do I care?
some porn movie covers
One of the regular patrons came in today with a big bag of stuff. He told me it was for me. I took a look and noticed that the contents of the bag was porn movies. I couldn't help but laugh. Above is just a few of the movies in the collection. I dare say there are about thirty movies in the bag. I placed them in my storage area in my office. I'll have to take them home when I get a chance. What a thoughtful gift.
In the afternoon I went on the adult reference desk and of course started my shift. I had little moments with TheWish. She's good for my buddy to ask out, but he still hasn't. I know, it's difficult. It took me a YEAR to ask her out to dinner. A fucking year! That was too long. And now he has to make the move. She's a great girl, no doubt. I hope him the best in asking her out.
the ladies at dinner tonight
TheGirl wanted to go to dinner to a restaurant I don't think we've been in in about a year. It's close to the movie studio. It has a tiny "patio" seating area. But, the times are good and she got a cool $100 from someone at work and she wanted to spend it on dinner tonight. Very nice. The weather was perfect.
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one of the front doors isn't working
Thu, June, 14, When I arrived at work today I talked to the security guard. He told me that the front doors, which are automatic, weren't working. Sorry, to clarify, one set of the two weren't working. This isn't something new... to be sure. But it's just another thing that I can chronicle here for posterity.
TheDesire's thighs are looking nice these days
While I was packing the van with things, TheDesire came out of seemingly nowhere into circulation. She had LP in tow. I mentioned earlier this month how, whatever history has happened, I still look into TheDesire's eyes and I kinda melt. Today her thighs were so in my face. She isn't back to her pre-baby body, but there are, shall we say, "remnants" of that body. The other day she was on the slaughter desk talking to someone. She was bent over the desk, and of course she's in mid lean when I walk by on my way upstairs, and her behind is in my face somehow. I didn't ask for it, but there it is... daring me not to look. I looked quick. No lingering. But, it was, at that point, seared in my mind.
is this a library or a flower mart?
When I arrived at Grandview I noticed that there were a lot of flowers everywhere. It looked like a flower mart, not a library. It turns out that the flowers were for Maleficent's dinner tonight. Speaking of Grandview, I never see Krishna there. But then when I arrive at Adams she's not there. Where might she be going? Not going to lie, it would be fun to bed her.
a bunch of boxes in delivery for Pacific
At the end of the fiscal year these dopes want to spend their budget money. Of course that means I'll have to deliver the spoils. These boxes are just part of the delivery I had to make today to various branches today.
new parking spot and new city vehicle
A few weeks back AD mentioned how they had made two of the parking spots in the South parking lot only for city vehicles. I wrote AD back when she mentioned this in an email. She never responded. Now I come to find another van in the spot. Of course it's not the van I drive. It's some van Snow is using to deliver the summer lunches. Just great. This is why dummy AD didn't respond to me. Because she had no intention on having the delivery van park there. Snow already staked her claim for that spot. Fucking shit.
the view skiywards from my backyard
I've been spending some time in my backyard these days. My aunt moved a bench out from under some junk and now I can sit out there. It's been nice weather. And the views have been nice as well.
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scene from Maleficent's retirement dinner
Fri, June, 15, The above is a scene from Maleficent's retirement dinner last night. No, I didn't go. TheDesire sent me this picture after I texted her and asked how it was going. She was part of the committee to organize the event, so of course she had to go. I think she would have gone anyway. Mainly because she's trying to get some assurances from Maleficent about her own future at the library before Maleficent leaves in a couple of weeks. But perhaps it's too late. There's talk about how AD might not be qualified for the director job.
Which does bring me to two things that came up yesterday while I was talking to someone in administration. One, that AD went out for the library director job in Santa Clarita. She's hedging her bet, because she must know that she isn't qualified for the Glendale job. Whatever you want to say about her perforce, the reality is that in other similar jobs at the library the city requires at least three years experience at a supervisorial level. AD has been there just short of a year and a half. The city would have to bend the rules for her. That's not something that isn't likely to happen. The library bends the rules all the time when it wants someone in a certain position. But, we shall see. The other thing that came up as that I was nearly given a chance to go to Maleficent's dinner. The head reference librarian mentioned that she was willing to buy me a ticket to the dinner. But, she said she knew I was working that day. Nice. Dodged that bullet. Ha!
common sight these days... a packed van
The van was packed again today. Today it was more boxes of I don't know what.
Snow saw that I was taking the boxes to the van and was gushing thank you to me for taking them today. I told her how I wanted to take some yesterday, but that the van was packed with other boxes yesterday. She was all smiles. At least the boxes didn't weigh a lot. They were mostly air. Still, they took up a lot of room in the van, as you can see above.
While I was at Montrose Emma was dealing with soaked books. Some dope went ahead and poured a bottle of water into the book drop. I look at Emma and think of what a dope I was to not have made a move on her last year when she was single. There's something about her these days that I see and is just nice. Meanwhile, TheRose is a sight to see. The ladies were talking about the wet books and I was talking to TheRose. She has an amazing body. Complete mockery. And as if to complete the mockery, I had my soup warming in the microwave while talking to TheRose. She does this bend over move across the desk that was just so in my face. I don't want to be THAT GUY, but at that moment instinct took over and I had to look at her behind as she bend at the waist. Fucking glorious.
I had lentil soup for lunch today, but I was feeling hungrier than just soup. I went and bought some chicken strips. They were good, but man were they small. I thought about a burger, but I eat too many burgers. Still, it was nice to chill in the park with the warm weather. There was a day camp thing going on in the park. Of course there was some girl with a big behind prancing around in my face every time I would hear a sound and turn around in that direction. After a while I just focused on my lunch. Either more women are looking great physically or I'm just all horned up and like every girl I see, because I can't discriminate.
I finally got my check
When I got home I found a nice check in the mail from the PARS system. Back in late April I signed papers to get this money. I was wondering if it would ever show up. I plan on putting the money in my IRA account as soon as possible. Now if the other PARS money, from another account, would show up as well.
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the many faces of LaFlor
Mon, June, 18, I don't have much to day about today. Work was work. I worked the children's desk again today. I have zero idea why they need me at that desk. But, who am I to complain? Also, if I say something they might think I'm complaining. One good thing is that I did get to interact with LaFlor this morning. She's not wrangling the kids, because school is out now. So it's nice to just have a chance to see her. I told her I should take a picture of her selling the 4th of July fireworks show tickets and post it on social media. She agreed and I took the opportunity to take as many pictures of her as I could in a short, and unsuspicious, amount of time. The above is the result. I don't just need to ask her to pose for me, I need to ask her out to dinner.
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it's way too early
Tue, June, 19, I woke up super early this morning. A little past 5am. I laid in bed thinking that it wouldn't be a good idea to try to go back to sleep. I stayed up and pretty much just chilled. It was just nice not to have kids running around in the morning. I took my time getting ready for work today. It was nice.
so-called "automated" parking structure
They're "fixing" the automated parking lot by replacing some of the curbs on the Maryland ave entrance. I'm not sure why that means that they have to have some poor sap standing by the automated ticket machine. But, for whatever reason they have these poor dopes standing there, handing other dopes their ticket. What a waste of time.
IT guy / his email
I was walking upstairs when I saw the I.T. guy in the "copy" room working on something. A couple of weeks ago they mentioned how we would have "mobile printing." My buddy and I called bullshit. Of course the so-called mobile printing didn't work, and hasn't been working. My buddy mentioned that his coworker at Casa tried to print from his phone. Of course it didn't work. As a matter of fact, a printer that was uninstalled last year appeared as one of the options for printing. Like, how? That was some BS. The guy never got the mobile printing working. Today the I.T. guy sends out an email a little after I saw him in the "copy room" saying that the mobile printing should be working now. I'm not sure who this is for, but whatever. They spend thousands of dollars on these niche things that so few people will ever use. Again, whatever! They can eat shit.
packed van... again
Of course the van was packed today. Over the last couple of weeks I've taken quite a few supply boxes to Pacific, and today was no different. Their stuff took about 1/3rd of the van space. ARGH! I'm sure some of this stuff was ready yesterday, but of course Benedict didn't take it. Emma mentioned to me via text that Benedict was bitching about the bins being too packed yesterday. Of course. Hey, I know I've said similar, but I know that the way Benedict probably said it wasn't so diplomatic, shall we say. I told Emma about how Benedict mentioned that he plays the angry guy in order to have people not talk to him and give him work to do.
When I was the water and power building the security guard mentioned that he could see Benedict walking up to the building. I immediately went upstairs so he couldn't see me. But I saw him. This answers the question of whether her got a second interview.
getting a little close there, dude
I was having lunch in the park when I noticed that lawnmower guy was running around the park. This usually means that he's going to be driving by me over and over again. Today was no different. However, today this lawnmower douche drove SUPER close to me. And then he stopped and asked if I was leaving. I still had about eight minutes on my lunch, so part of me didn't want to leave. But this guy was super pushy, and so I just went to the van and stayed there for the remainder of my time. It was such bullshit. Next time I see this guy mowing the lawn I should drive farther up the street and sit somewhere else in the park. Fuck!
every stop had two delivery bags today
Every branched I visited had two of the mail pouches in their delivery. It's a small thing, but it's just another one of the dumb things Benedict doesn't do on the route. He doesn't cross his Ts or dot his Is at all. If he does get the GWP job I can't imagine they will let him get away with the shit he's done at the library. That's if he even gets that job.
a whole lot of fire mail... naturally
Naturally dummy didn't go and pick up the fire mail. This is what the result of his wrongdoings every Monday on the route become... a handful of mail for me to take. Whatever! He's not going to change, ever.
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dummy at the pump
Wed, June, 20, I needed to gas up before going to work this morning. I went to the gas station I usually go to, because it's inexpensive, and saw that there was a spot for me. But of course, as seems to be the way of things now getting in my way, this guy drives up and takes the left sided pump. The other left sided pumps were being used, so of course he has to take the one pump that was open. OK, that's fine. But even from across the street I could see that his gas cap was not on the left side of the car, it was on the passenger's side. This fucking idiot burned me, and then has to stretch out the hose. Meanwhile, he could have just used the pump I ended up in front of... a RIGHT sided pump. Fucking morons. I so hate that this sort of cockblocking, for lack of a better word, keeps happening to me these days. I'm sick of it.
I don't have much to say about LaFlor, except to say that I so need to get off my ass and ask her out to dinner already.
TheWish appeared on social media
Earlier in the week I texted TheWish about a picture I saw on social media featuring her at her other job. It's hard to see above, but she's on the right side of the picture. Today I just had to talk to her about it.
a blurry TheWish
I told her that now that she was on the other library's social media that it was time that she appeared on the San Marino feed. The picture above is from the playful moment I had teasing her saying I was going to take a picture and post it online.
scenes from dinner with TheGirl
Dinner with TheGirl today was at a hot dog joint. The night was so nice. It's been really warm during the day, but the evenings have cooled down quite nicely. Tonight was no different. It was near perfect weather. I had quite a bit of whiskey before we arrived at the restaurant. My dog was pretty good, perhaps the best of the dogs I've had there. There's another one that's topped with pastrami that's pretty good, but this one, which was chili dog topped with coleslaw was damn nice. I approve. As always, good times.
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forever boxes
Thu, June, 21, When I got into the van this morning I found a bunch of boxes that were leftover from Benedict's drive yesterday. Fine, no problem. These boxes I don't have a problem hauling, because they are for a good cause. I won't go into it now, but for once I didn't mind seeing some random boxes in the van.
Keyvon sent me an email asking if it would be possible to drive Mondays and Wednesdays. He didn't give a time table for needing to know, but he wanted to cover the subject in case Benedict jumped ship. Which is possible since he did interview for that GWP job. Of course Keyvon knew that this day might come, and might come soon. But did he, or anyone else, in the library think for more than a second that Benedict might not leave any time soon. He literally said to so many people at circulation at the beginning of the year that he wanted to quit as soon as possible. Here we are nearly at mid year and these dopes haven't made one move to try to line up a "back-up" for the both us. One that would just slide in whenever Benedict quit. No, that idea is too much for them. They rather rely on having no plan.
When I arrived at Montrose I checked my phone and noticed that Benedict not only called me, but texted me. He said to call him as soon as I had a chance, so I did. He told me that he wanted to give me the "heads up," that he got the job at GWP. Color me surprised, he actually got the job. Now he's GWP's problem. But of course it's also now my problem since these dopes have not set up any kind of contingency plan for this eventuality. I wished Benedict the best, because knowing his worth ethic, he's gonna need it to survive more than a week at GWP.
And so here the problem I was just talking about with my buddy the other night, and that I just wrote about in the previous paragraph, is a reality. Naturally Keyvon emailed me later asking if it were at all possible for me to drive Benedict's days. I don't see how that is possible, unless they make me full time. Which I seriously doubt they would. So, here we are.
The rest of the route was nothing to write about. It was pretty standard. I wonder what will happen now. I only want to ask San Marino if I could take a "sabbatical" while Glendale gets its shit together. However, at the same time Glendale has not earned that privilege. What with their slow and backwards thinking.
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a vote of no confidence for AD?
Fri, June, 22, As you can read on the email above, AD was not made interim director of the library. My buddy and I have talked about this seemingly forever, and now here it is in black and white. I told my buddy one night a few months ago, "What if Maleficent doesn't back AD for the new job? What then?" Not only that, but of course AD isn't qualified for the job. She doesn't have the minimum qualifications. She's barely a year out of being a branch manager. How could she think that in less than a year and a half she could go from branch manager to assistant director to director? Not in any world I know.
I saw Benedict in circulation. Yesterday he told me not to make a big deal about his news, and not to tell anyone. Fine. But, then he turns around and is telling everyone. So much for not telling anyone. I figure that he will send an email to everyone at the library saying "suck it," or something like that. This isn't going to end well. Like I said in my last entry, he's GWP's problem now.
random stuff
I was outside and I noticed that the children's side elevator was FINALLY being fixed. Oh, just two years too late. What a bunch of dopes. I love how they'll spend thousands of dollars on stupid mockery space bullshit, but they take nearly three years to find the money to repair an elevator. Fucking idiots.
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beginning of propaganda article in the paper
Sat, June, 23, My buddy sent me a link to an article in the paper about Maleficent's retirement. Of course it's a shit show of propaganda and lies. Let's just start from the start. Tears of joy? Oh sure, tears from all the dust in the air that I inhaled while the renovation went on. Tears from the unfinished building that was open before everything was done. Like say, the computer lab, that didn't open for nearly two more months after the fucking "grand opening." Or that the fucking new elevator has periodically not worked over the last year. Or that of three elevators in the building, the newest breaks down all the time, the one in the back continues to just chug along, and the one by the old entrance has been busted for nearly two years. Yes, that's the "culmination" of the renovation.

This whole idea that the library is now some sort of "hub" for the community is bullshit. And it's certainly not a technology hub. Adding a few sewing machines and some dopey/useless 3D printers doesn't automatically make a library a "destination" for anyone. If I buy a 3D printer and just let my neighbors use it I'm not suddenly a technology hub. I'm a place where some dope flipped the bill for a 3D printer and people will use it. But they DON'T use it. The mockery space room is nearly always empty. It's a money pit where they double down every time they look at the numbers and see that no one is interested.
If modernization means not having printers that work, then yes, the library is now modernized. Oh, and what about the RFID project that has yet to be implemented because the security gates don't have power, and the self-checkout machines are without power or a data connection. Because when the floor was cut open and these dopes had the chance to run all sorts of power and data lines to wherever they needed the fucking things to go, they didn't do it. I still remember the day when a guy who was to connect the self-checkout machines cried out, "Why didn't they run data and power lines to this spot?" That moment was priceless, because it showed how inept these idiots were (and are).
And let's speak of this "recording studio," aka the closet. This thing is useless for the purpose of a recording studio. It's not sound proof. It's super tiny, and literally the size of a closet. The equipment is barely better than the old cassette recorder I have in my closet. And the idea that you would record in the same room that you're mixing is laughable. It is useless.

This particular section is damming, especially in light of the news that the DVD budget has been cut. The excuse for cutting the budget is, to paraphrase these dopes, that everything is online now. No, it's not. There was even an article in the Times about how there's a fear that many old movies won't find a new audience because they are NOT online at all. And won't ever be online. I can't say that the library has the greatest collection of DVDs, but it once had a robust collection. Now the ideals of having things for the public to "discover" is out the window. One of the great things about going through a library is finding something you never had a notion of looking for but found. There is a "found treasure" moment that comes in walking around and browsing the aisles. With the ever increasing focus on sewing machines and 3D printers over books and DVDs there is a danger in losing that ability to find that "treasure" in the stacks.
This idea that Maleficent hasn't, "Backed down," is someone trying to say that she spearheaded some "initiative" to have DVDs and streaming video and music. Ah, no. These were technologies that existed and exist. If the library didn't adopt these things then it would be hunkering down in the past. She didn't just make the choice to use these technologies, they were realities that she either adopted or didn't. Patrons would likely come in years ago and want DVDs to check out. Also, she wasn't the director when DVDs were a new thing to invest in for the collection. Streaming is also a reality, and patrons ask for these things and if she didn't listen then she would be dooming the library even more than it already is doomed. But let's not say that she's some champion of technology, she was following a trend. One that was the prevailing wind. There is no fight in this so-called decision to not back down.

Plain and simple, the library is not being left in capable hands. From the administration staff to the front line dopes, no one has been "tested" in any way. They don't know how hard it used to be when there were two dozen people in line to check out and your coworker abandons you. They don't know what it's like to have to work in 92 degree heat, and have the person in charge not close the library because it has to be 95 degrees to close. They don't know what it's like to be bossed around by a self-aggrandizing micro manager that focuses her attention on you to do things, while ignoring the dopes that sit around doing NOTHING. They don't know what a library is supposed to be, and who its supposed to serve. These new "hands" only know 3D printers and concerts in front of the library. Because when you think libraries you think some band playing music full blast while people are trying to study. I say good riddance, Maleficent. I also say that the next idiot is going to somehow be much worse. I had this notion that Maleficent, as horrible as she is, was a governor on AD. Now AD's future is also in question. Which means that the city will most likely hire another dope like AD, or perhaps give the position to someone from another department that has no idea how a library should be run. The dark times are just beginning, in my opinion.
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new lunch pail
Sun, June, 24, I ordered a new lunch pail earlier this week. It finally arrived yesterday. It's a solid lunch pail, and bigger than the last one I was using. The old one was a good pail, but I need a bigger and more sturdier one. I think think one will do quite nicely.
these dopes never turn on the TV at work on Sundays
At work things were pretty much the same as every Sunday. Nothing big, nothing special. But of course my coworkers never turn on the big TV behind the circulation desk. Why bother? In the past I would go and turn it on. Since my little talking to I don't care enough to fix this. And so I just walked away from the TV and it was never turned on today. Fuck it.
some new sort of cash register
The picture above is a picture of the new cash register at work. They said it won't be "live" until they train the two people that balance out the register. That won't take but a few years. They're not the types that are very keen on change. A couple of years ago they were given access to an online scheduling application. They NEVER used it. They'll have to learn this thing. However, I don't have much hope that this thing will work very well. It looks like everything else... a mishmash of bullshit.
There's a girl I follow online that posted the above photo. She's gorgeous, but I've never seen her post a photo like the one above. She's stunning, if you ask me. It's a total mockery. Who is this girl? I don't know much about her, other than I think she liked one of my photos. I checked out her profile and found her to be attractive. Hence me following her. She owns a restaurant on the boarder of Burbank and Glendale, so I could potentially go to her restaurant and see her. I had to place this photo here for posterity.
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on the children's desk again
Mon, June, 25, Once again I was on the children's desk. I know they say they need coverage on the desk in the morning, but I honestly don't see why I need to be on this desk. But, at the same time I don't mind being on the desk since it means I can "hide" on the desk. Today I had to be there from opening to 2pm. It was only four hours, but it felt like it was much six hours. The only positive is that my curvy coworker was "prancing" around doing her story time.
using new utensils
Here's a picture of my lunch today. I didn't take it to just have a picture of what I ate. Rather I had it to show off my new utensils (in this case just the fork) that I bought along with my new lunch pail. the utensils are made of hard plastic, and are pretty good to use. I like them.
trying new burger
After work I need something to eat before visiting TheGirl. I went to McD's and saw that they had some new burger with bacon (shown above). I have to say that the burger was pretty good. It had a little mustard sauce on it that made it good. I'm not going to say it was SO great, but it was good enough.
those puppy dog eyes
I don't have much to report from my visit with TheGirl tonight, besides us both being sleepy. TheGirl bought a six pack of wine, so we are going to take a bottle with us on Wednesday when we go to dinner. Woo hoo!
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Cerberus is SO busy
Tue, June, 26, This is Cerberus, the sorting machine that's never busy. Why is it never busy? Good question. Because not only did these idiots put it in the wrong place in the building, but now that circulation is down thanks to their stupid policies, there is even less for this machine to do. The city paid $800,000 for this monstrosity. At the rate it scans books that means that the city paid about $96,000 per book scanned. OK, I'm not sure how much the cost of each book scanned is, but the point is that this machine has hardly checked in any books. I dare say that there is no way that this machine has scanned more than a couple of thousand books in the time that it has been operational. Fucking waste of money.
finally fixing the side elevator
They are FINALLY getting around to repairing the old elevator that's near the children's room. Mind you, this thing broke down BEFORE the renovation. BEFORE! We are a year out of the renovation and these dopes are finally getting around to fixing this elevator. I'm not saying this is something easy, but it looks like they doing the same thing they did with the old elevator that went to the basement. That is, they are running new hydraulic pipes to the machinery. Again, not sure why they couldn't do this before. I will point out that the pipes they placed looks SO ugly. Someone pointed out that if they had done this during, say, the renovation, they could have hidden the pipes in the new construction. Whatever! Fucking idiots.
enough with the three point turns!
The area in front of what used to be the old library entrance still contains a narrow sidewalk. These idiots that drive in this berg have this tendency to not just go around to find a parking spot, but rather make some half-assed three point turn. Their turns almost always include driving up on the sidewalk, like you see above. I've taken many other pictures of dopes that do this, but this might be the worst of the bunch. The fucking car is practically on the grass! There is a plan going through the appropriate city authorities that promises not only to take away this half-assed sidewalk, but also the entire driveway. The city plans on putting a lawn where the driveway now sits. I say good. Fuck these idiots.
Emma looked super nice today
Emma looked REALLY good today (pictured above). I've been attracted to Emma since the day we worked together at Brand on some art activity with some kids. Not too many kids showed up, so we pretty much just got to talk. There was a moment during the clean-up that she looked up from the table and I turned around to look at her and when she looked up her face was radiant and beautiful. I had never seen her in that way before. since that day I've been attracted to her. Today she wore a really nice dress, and her figure, while thin, looked amazing. Then she threw an invite my way asking when I was free to hang out. I wonder if this means she's single again, or soon to be single. I would like to know, because I really need to kiss her the next time we hang out.
lunch with new lunch pail and utencils
I was able to use my new lunch pail today. I like that I can carry some of things I used to put in my large bag in the pail. Like my charger and utensils (as you can see in the picture). I think I might need to buy an additional charger just for this new lunch pail.
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what a piece of shit
Wed, June, 27, Pictured above is the RFID equipment that was installed at the library. They started installing it last week, but this is the first time I've seen it. The image in the left side of the above photo is the self-checkout machine. It has been placed on the absolute busiest desk in the library. It should have been installed on the least busy desk, which is directly to the right in this picture. Why would these idiots put it on the busiest section of the desk is beyond my understanding. The upper right corner picture is of the new security gates. They are clear. And there is now an added gate in the middle of the arrangement. There will be nothing but crashes there, forever and ever. For some reason the RFID field isn't very wide. The old gates obviously spanned the entrance with their magnetic field. But, technology has gotten better, but instead of these gates being more unobtrusive they are closer together. Way to go, RFID jerks. You made things worse than before. Whatever! Then we come to the lower right hand picture, the RFID pad. This thing is about an inch thick, which makes me wonder if they didn't pick this thing up from the 90's store. There was more equipment, but I didn't photograph it. It's just too stupid for words. This entire endeavor is too stupid for words.
the new curves
Once again I started off the day on the children's reference desk and ended it on the other reference desk. In between pseudo supervisor had me working on her "ten" project. Pictured above is a new girl that showed up to the library today. As with any place, there's bound to be an attractive women around. As I said, she's new. In the last couple of years women have gone to wearing what was considered workout attire everywhere. The reason is that it's comfortable. Women obviously have curves, and I've heard many a woman tell me that their jeans don't quite fit correctly. TheGirl used to have a pair of jeans that she liked, but they would be tight on her hips, but not so tight on her waist. She said that even though she liked those jeans that they just didn't fit correctly everywhere. The workout attire solves that, and as an added bonus to all us men the outfits are nearly skin tight. This girl has a nice figure, to say the least. Could I possibly end up talking to her? Time will tell. LatinaLawyer has come back for another round of studying. She's really attractive, but I feel that I should focus on LaFlor. LaFlor is super cute, I think, and does have a better figure than almost all these patrons that come in.
scenes from dinner tonight
TheGirl and I went to dinner at the local burger joint. She brought some wine, and we had a good time. I bought Cheyenne some water bowls, because every time we go out the poor dog needs something to drink and TheGirl often forgets to bring a bowl. This way she can have her own bowl. I bought four bowls. Tonight the talk was slightly on work, but mostly on TheGirl's trip up to Solvang this weekend. She's going with her daughter. Of course Chan wants her to bring hims something.
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boxes Benedict refused to take with him yesterday
Thu, June, 28, Not that there needed to be another example of Benedict's horrible work ethic, but here we go. The above box is part of a program in which the library boxes up some books and sends them to veterans as a thank you for their service. I usually hate having to haul random boxes of donations around, but this is for a good cause and I don't mind it when it's for a good purpose. I ended up carrying these boxes today because Benedict refused to take them with him. Syco point blank asked him to take the boxes pictured above. Did he do it? Nope. Emma tells me that he took the box in the photo above and took it off the cart and placed it on another cart. When asked to take it he said no. On a couple of other stops I was told the same thing, that he just out and out refused to take them. What a fucking tool. If he thinks these antics are going to fly on his new job he has a lesson coming. I he hated the library so much, who were absolutely lax in disciplining him, what is he going to think of the water and power department? I've been told they time you on everything. Including your breaks. And yes, he will make more money, but the job isn't going to be as cush as he had it at the library. Fucking idiot.
hideous looking pipes
The repairs on the east side elevator continue. The pipes look hideous. But at least the stupid elevator will be working soon. It only took three years for them to repair it.
Maleficent final good-bye
Maleficent had her big retirement dinner last week, which at $50 a pop was not meant for the masses. Today's "party" at the library was for the masses, but I still didn't attend. I had a good excuse, since I was at my other job. Misa attended, but of course she can't remember any of the details when I asked her what happened. I also asked Misa to take pictures, but she said that when she was about to take a picture another coworker asked her, "What are you doing?" She explained that she was taking the picture from her texting app, and that our coworker asking made her balk and she didn't take any pictures. Not sure why she couldn't just take a picture with her camera app and later text me the photos, but whatever. Thankfully, other people had cameras and weren't afraid to take pictures of the hanging, er, the party. From what I understand more grunts attended this good-bye than did the dinner. Earlier in the day I ran into someone from administration. She reminded me that despite July 2nd was Maleficent's official last day, that she would actually be gone today. She was taking a vacation day and this Friday was her Friday off. This person encouraged me to come up and say bye to her. In Maleficent's office. We don't have that kind of relationship, for sure. I said, "Sure," but had no intention on going up there. Just like I had zero intention of going to this party yesterday.
big bright eyes
Pacific Park used to have a cute girl working there about a year ago. She went off to sThe girl pictured above is a girl that used to work at the Pacific Park library. Every time I would show up she would flash me a huge smile and her eyes would open up to the size of saucers. It was a thrill, to say the least. Last year she went off to college. I tried to keep up with her, but things get busy. Today she stepped back into the library life. I went up to the children's room to drop off the boxes that dummy Benedict didn't deliver yesterday. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone bouncing in my direction. It was her. The way she stopped and said hi I thought she wanted to give me a hug. I balked though. Not that I'm not willing to give coworkers hugs, despite the harassment policy. However, I was sweating like a pig, and that made me hesitate. Still, that was a nice moment to see her and have her tell me she's come back to the library.
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cup of coffee
Fri, June, 29, Friday traffic was light, and that meant that I arrived even earlier than I usually do. I ran into the old delivery driver and he invited me to get some coffee. I told him I didn't drink coffee, and he said that he could order me something that might change my mind. I have to say, the drink was damn good. And the former driver was right that I would have more "energy." I usually feel like super sleepy at lunch, but not today. And I'm usually exhausted by the end of the route. But, not today. I can't say I'm going to be a coffee drinker now. For one thing, the cup of coffee that he bought me and one for himself came out to $8. Even though his was a larger size, that still means he probably paid at least $3 for my coffee. Oh that's not right, and way more than I can afford to start spending on this stuff. Still, it tasted damn good.
While I was upstairs in administration I ran into Mala. I was walking by her office and as I passed she called out to me. She wanted to talk to me about the route. FINALLY, finally she asks me about the route. Here we are, days away from Benedict leaving, and it JUST NOW decides to talk about this. I have known Benedict was leaving for weeks. I even spoke to my buddy about it. But have these dopes thought to have a replacement ready for him? Nope. And now here we are. Monday is supposedly Benedict's last day, which means he should be driving on Monday. But being an asshole I'm sure they don't even know whether he's going to show up or not. Knowing him, he won't. I came to find out later in the day that Benedict called out for tomorrow, Saturday. He claimed he needed to attend a funeral. Yeah, right. Fucking idiot. Here we are. They could easily remedy this, but they won't do the right thing. The managers are a bunch of jackasses, and can eat shit.
TheLamp emailed me to say that she wanted to have another meeting on Monday about the upcoming RFID project. I had wished that Glendale would have made me full time by now, or at least given me a hint that I would possibly be full time some time soon. That way I could walk away from this stupid project. But, I guess I best buy some stock in the whiskey I drink, because I can imagine that I will need to drink a lot more while doing this project.
Friday event at the library
My buddy Vagabundo was working an event at the library tonight. During the night he texts me saying that Mala was asking him to drive on Monday and to train the new guy. He didn't want to do it, but didn't know how to tell her. Fucking idiots! One, they should make Benedict drive that day. Then I could train the new guy on Tuesday. Two, I specifically told them not to bother the other past drivers. And three, this is on them. They need to eat this route thing, because they knew Benedict was leaving and didn't do anything for months to try to find a replacement. Now they're scrambling and it's going to fucking suck dick. Fucking morons. Lastly, they should just make me full time driver. I sincerely wish they would do that already. It would be a good way to walk away from San Marino. At least the guy they picked to be the new driver is someone that I know will be a quick study.
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Wrap-up, It feels to me that this month was all over the map. Taking a quick look at my entries for this month it really feels that this month can't be categorized as one thing or another. Benedict leaving happened late in the month, and while I'm glad to be rid of him, the way the dopes at work have handled this just tires me out. I like that I rediscovered my backyard. I've spent more time in my back yard this month than I think I have in the last ten years. Maybe longer. I like it back there. I do want to fix it up, but I still don't have the energy to do so. The ladies dominated this month, for sure. I'm longing for something physical with a woman. It's been too long and I am wanting to be intimate with a nice lady. I'm seemingly looking in all the wrong places, of course. Last month I had that now infamous meeting with the bosses at San Marino. They asked if I was OK. I'm happy to report that I have not reverted to being that stupid dope that gives more than 100%. They have lost that dope forever. In that sense this month has been the continuation of that lesson learned. This month I've put into practice the lessons screaming at me from that meeting. For that, and because this month was actually really interesting, I'm giving this month a solid B grade.