Afterthoughts : This Past Month
Wow, what a month. So much happened. So much was set-up to happen soon. The month that contains my birthday was a solid package of events and news and fun. On with the update.
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"Today I settle all family business"
Thu Sept 1, I've said it many times over the course of this week, but today all business is settled. I do believe that this is the start of the library's reckoning. All those who have done wrong in that place are going to pay... dearly. The check has come, and no one has enough to pay it. Maleficent is now exposed to everyone for being a dope. Which makes me wonder how those at City Hall view her, if everyone at the library have lost all confidence in her leadership. The circulation full timers are likely to go to the branches, where they will rot. All of them say they hate the move, but too bad, suckers. This is how you pay for your sins. Not that they will come back reformed in any way. Certainly not. They will just poison the branches with their terribleness.
finally... the new hours schedule
I went upstairs to check on something and went into the office of the graphics guy. He had the new schedule on his computer and he was STILL WORKING ON IT. Fucking shit. This is the last day we're going to be open and they still haven't worked out the hours for the branches? This is so completely typical of these idiots. Always until the last minute. Why? Why I ask you?
As if to top off all the stupidity Maleficent decided that we needed to give patrons popsicles. I guess that's supposed to make up for having the patrons have to deal with a fucking year of construction and now six months (at least) of closure. It's just the way things are done here. Just the way that they live with themselves.
longest day schedule
My schedule today was packed. MicroManager scheduled me for twelve hours today, with no dinner break. She told me the other day about this no dinner break bullshit. I came prepared with a sandwich to eat before I finished the route and began my night shift. The good thing about starting at 9am this morning was that it did afford me more time to do the actual route, while still getting time for a lunch and a dinner. It wasn't easy, but I guess the Universe wanted to take me to the limit on this last day of these all day schedules. Next week I'll be getting off at 4pm from the route. I want to try and get some hours at the branches, to make up for what I've lost.
one last panoramic picture of circulation
When I walked into circulation this morning I took a panoramic photo of the entire place. Not as any nostalgia or anything, but to chronicle it just before it's torn apart. Bundy told me the marching orders for the full timers. He is going to Casa. Achee is going to Pacific Park. And Jr. is going to Montrose. She will make even more enemies there. Deep down inside I know that this is their payment for all the horrible things they have done in the name of MicroManager there. And of course this also means that MicroManager's base is gone. She will be alone at Central with Les. That is her punishment. I really believe that this is a reckoning. All debts are going to come due. All their sins will now cost them dearly.
In the late afternoon I checked my work email and saw that Maleficent sent out an email with the following: "We are 'closing the curtain' at the end of the day on September 1, 2016 so that our construction crews can move into high speed until we are ready for our big reveal." Fucking cocksucking shit! Closing the curtain, huh? I like how she didn't mention how the part timers are getting fucking hosed by this closure. She waits until today to give us the new hours for the branches. But do any of the part timers know where or if they will be working? NO! The three drivers are the only part timers at Central that know what the future holds. That's only because our job is needed more than ever now, and because no one else is able to do our job. No way the fucking admin people do our job. No way the pages do our job. No fucking way! This gives us some security, not that I think we're very secure. But, at least they need us to continue to come in every day. Hell, there's even talk of having someone do the route not just six days a week, but seven days a week. That's nuts! But it shows you that they ever know that we're going to be busy driving around. But the other part timers, like those who work in the children's room, were not told a thing about future hours. So they don't even know if they have a job to come back to next week. THAT is totally fucked up! Yeah, but no mention of that when fucking Maleficent says we're closing the curtain. Yeah, we are... some of us won't ever see the curtain open.
last Thursday night at the library
Tonight was my last late night! I'm super fucking tired of this long day shit. I'm going to miss the money I make, but at the same time I'm happy to not have to work twelve hour days, like today. Yes, the money is good, but I seriously think it's making me more tired than I should be. Still, I do want to pick up some hours at the branches. Which will close at 9pm, and not 10pm. This to me is much better, even if only an hour difference. Tonight I didn't care. I was only on desk for the last hour, and it thankfully went fast. Several patrons came up and said they were going to miss us. I won't miss the patrons. Well, maybe the pretty girls. I will miss my Saturday shifts with TheDesire. Those moments were the best part of working on Saturdays. Aside from that, it was all bullshit. Now, TheDesire will be at one of the branches. I'll only see her once in a while. Though, I do want to get some hours at her branch, so perhaps I could get to spend more time with her. For now I won't see her that often.
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Independence Hall replica / Liberty Bell
Fri Sept 2, I had the day off, so I invited my buddy Dane to get some Knott's chicken. I picked him up at the library and we drove down to Knott's. We weren't very hungry when we arrived, so we walked around the marketplace and then went over to the replica of Independence Hall across the street. It's pretty cool in there. We watched the presentation on the signing of the declaration of independence. It was good times.
Knott's family dinner
We walked around the marketplace some more and then I became hungry.
menu / chicken!
We chatted while we waited for the food to come on. Both of us had biscuits and a salad, and I also had soup. It's a lot of food before the chicken is even brought out. The chicken was brought along with mashed potatoes and corn. It was a LOT of food, and I could barely eat one drumstick before becoming totally full. I will say that the soup was really good. That alone could make a meal. The chicken was as good as I remember it. Everything else was really good as well. I definitely want to go back again for another smaller meal. Maybe chicken pot pie, which I nearly ordered.
After eating we walked around a little more, but then returned to the car to drop off the leftover food. There was a lot of leftover food. These days after eating I just feel like sleeping. We found a small patch of grass next to the car and chilled out there. We talked for little bit, but pretty soon the food digesting in my belly got the best of me and I passed out. It doesn't hurt that I had two lemon drops during lunch.
I woke up, saw what time it was, and hopped into the car. We left at around 4pm and I knew with the traffic it would take about two hours to get back to Glendale. Sure enough, that's about how long it took. We don't know what the future hold, obviously. My buddy Dane is not only homeless, now he's library-less. He spends his days at the library, and now he can't go there for six months or more. He told me that he's likely going to go to a couple of the branch libraries. But, the reality is I won't run into him as often as I used to during the time Central was open. I worry about him. This is why I invited him to Knott's today. I know we will still be friends, that's not going to change. But, but I do know that for at least the next few months I won't see him that often. That sucks.
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Renaud's / yummy croissant sandwich
Sat Sept 3, In a drunken stupor last week sometime I texted my buddy to say that we should take a day trip up to SLO today. When I sobered up we both agreed that SLO was a little far for a day trip. Essentially the time to get there would restrict what we could do and eat. But, we did decide to go to Santa Barbara, which is less than half the distance and would afford us some good food and more time to enjoy. So we started early and drove out to Santa Barbara for some breakfast. My buddy is really good at picking places to eat. We went to a place he suggested and had a light breakfast. Little places like this are so great, because they seem to get things right. My buddy was saying that it's usually packed, but we somehow avoided the big crowds.
Knapp's Castle in the distance
After breakfast we drove up the 154 to a little road called Camino Cielo that took us off the main road and into the mountains and to Knapp's Castle. Knapp's Castle was about a half mile hike from the main road. It's literally just some guy's house ruins. Still, it's super cool to go up there and to see the view of the Santa Ynez valley.
incoming fog
Once up there I took a bunch of pictures. What we noticed is that the fog seemed to be getting thicker and was rolling over the mountain. It was just so nice to be up there for a good twenty minutes without any other company other than my buddy. The both of us got quiet and just enjoyed the moment. The valley below us looked so beautiful. We joked that I should ask one of the pretty pages from work to come up here and model for me. THAT would be nice, I'm not going to lie.
Knapp's Castle
Of course the quiet can't last forever, and soon a pair of groups showed up, and we knew that was our cue to leave. The fog was super thick on the way back to the car. Where we had experienced clear skies was not covered in thick fog. It was so perfect.
Cold Spring Tavern
I wasn't feeling super hungry yet, but my buddy suggested we drive to the Cold Spring Tavern for some tri-tip sandwiches. I wasn't super hungry just yet, so we walked around the area in the back of the tavern. We wondered why the place seemed to be kinda quiet, because usually there's a lot of bikers and tourist coming here. Perhaps we just happen to come at the right time. Actually, everything today was just perfect timing.
tri-tip sandwich
My buddy was pointing out how they serve tri-tip on the weekends only, and that it's super good. Well, now I can vouch for it, because it was good. The sandwich is simple, the bun and the meat. But a little bit of BBQ sauce and au just made the sandwich perfect.
Mary Keck park
After the Cold Spring Tavern we returned to Santa Barbara and went to Mary Keck park for a nice little walk. Afterward we walked from the park to get some yummy ice cream. The ice cream was good, and of course there was a pretty girl behind the counter. Just nice. We walked back to the park after finishing our ice cream and called it a day, and drove back home.
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Eat n Park / TheGirl / the puppy / breakfast
Sun Sept 4, TheGirl invited me to have breakfast with her in Burbank before going to work this morning. Of course I accepted. This weekend has been about doing some fun stuff, and it's always nice to spend time with TheGirl. I updated her on all the "fun" stuff happening in Glendale. She was surprised, but then again not surprised at the state of that city. As soon as I arrived her dog, Cheyenne, pounced on me and licked my face. A guy on another table called out, "I wish my kids loved me that much." We all had a good laugh. Yeah, that dog does love me. The feeling is mutual. I had a nice Denver omelet with potatoes and side of bacon. I saved a strip for Cheyenne.
water bottles
Work was pretty slow today. Just a few questions. I'm glad it was quiet, but it also made for a really slow day. That, I didn't like. It's bad enough that I had some good times the last couple of days, but then to have to return to work for one day kinda sucked. And now I'll have tomorrow off.
A project I worked on a couple of weeks ago has come to fruition. Someone in the building had the bright idea of having a label made to put over bottles of water. This label basically said library water. I wasn't sure why they did it, but now it seems that they want to give people who sign up for a library card a bottle of water. Ah yeah. Not sure how those two things are related, but there ya go.
I had plans to go to Disneyland tonight. But then again, I was so tired that I really didn't want to go. But this goes to a larger question, do I want to renew my annual pass. It's going to cost me about $66 a month to keep this thing at the current levels. With my hours situation up in the air I wondered if it was a good idea to spend money I don't have. I haven't been to Disneyland since May. Nearly four months if I go in the next couple of weeks, as I planed. I was supposed to go with the gang next Sunday to celebrate something Little Page did. But since TheDesire asked me out to dinner, I could not pass up dinner. Disneyland and the gang definitely take a backseat to TheDesire. Pretty much anything takes a backseat to her. But then here I am. Wanting to renew my pass, but the reality is going there is much more fun with someone. I do like going alone, but now it would seem that I would have to go on a Sunday night or a Saturday morning. I guess both are viable, but it's also an expense I'm not sure I want to continue. Like I said, what with the hours situation. Not sure what to do.
what is the cost of getting what you wanted most?
Speaking of TheDesire... a week from tonight I'll be having dinner with her. In my dreams this means something more than just a pair of friends going out to dinner. In reality that's all it is. I consider her a good friend, but I know that part of that is because I also consider her someone special. I want to be with her. I want to experience her intimately. And that doesn't just mean sleeping with her. I want us to share a love. That's what I've always wanted in a relationship. Beyond that everything else is mute. That idea hasn't always helped me in my relationships. Certainly not with TheGirl. That idea only carried me so far in that relationship. She wanted things I didn't even consider. The same will be true for TheDesire... if she ever gave me a legitimate chance.
And that brings me to wishes and hopes. A week from today I might be granted my wish, and TheDesire might just give me a chance. And then what? Getting what you wish for isn't all its cracked up to be. I know that. I tend to listen to the little voice inside me that knows. Lately that little voice has been hyper sensitive to the idea of getting what you wish for, but it not being what you expected. I've always known that, but that didn't stop me from wishing.
Who am I fooling? TheDesire hasn't changed her mind. She isn't inviting me to dinner because she wants to give it a shot with me. She really is inviting me because I'm her friend. A good friend that didn't give up on her when she was in a bad place. A friend that didn't try to take advantage of that vulnerability. A man who heard what she said, that she only wanted to be friends, and didn't balk and walk away. I stayed her friend, as I do wish so many of the women that I have loved... precisely because I do love them. I wanted to believe in magic, but there is no magic.
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Mon Sept 5, I went to bed late last night, because I knew I could sleep in this morning. I slept until 10am, but didn't get out of bed until 11am. I mean, why should I get out of bed?
I renewed my Disneyland pass
I had my doubts about renewing my Disneyland annual pass. But then I thought about how I do like going there, and that the holidays are coming up. I can see myself going there quite often between now and the end of the year.
Tomorrow my new schedule starts on the route. I asked my buddy if he would like to drive on Fridays, while I took over Tuesdays. He said it sounded like a good idea. I'll see if MicroManger will go for the idea.
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if there was a doubt, read the signs... we're closed
Tue Sept 6, TheGirl mentioned how I was going to be waking up with the chickens this morning, and sure enough I was up and it was still dark outside. I had everything lined up for this morning, but of course my aunt jumps in the shower before I do and pushed my timetable back a few minutes. Thankfully having everything ready helped. I arrived at work and saw a bunch of signs on the front door. Not that it kept dummies from not going up to the door and asking when the library was opening. Over a dozen people came up to the doors. Read it and weep, suckers! Meanwhile, inside the bathrooms are closed off. Everything is closing up, and it's near go time to move out of circulation. The full timers were doing that today.
traffic and cause... some dope broke down
On my way to Pasadena I really thought that I would just fly there, but then the whole freeway was packed with traffic. What gives, I thought. The traffic started right by the 2 freeway, and didn't end until I passed Figueroa. The cause of the traffic jam? Some guy on the side of the road. Fucking shitty drivers! Move!
over twenty-five bins coming back from Pasadena
When I arrived at Pasadena they were surprised to see me. You see, no one from Glendale emailed anyone from Pasadena to tell them that we were changing our schedule. Because why should we, right? It's not like it's a courtesy to let someone know that you will be changing things around. Fucking idiots. Of course since Pasadena wasn't closed the entire weekend there were a lot of bins going back to Glendale. At least twenty-five bins.
Unholy Trinity having a meeting - not good
Thanks to traffic I was running a little slower today. Well, also having ten bins for Casa didn't help. But, I kept chugging along. I made it to Brand a few minutes after I expected to be there. When I got there I noticed in the video surveillance monitor that the Unholy Trinity were having a meeting in the auditorium. I'm sure that they were talking about the stupid makerspace. Which, is a colossal waste of time. Either way, them meeting isn't a good thing.
I took my break at Brand, and when done I got my my merry way to the last of my stops. It turned out that I didn't have much time to spare. I booked it to my last three stops and got back to base and finished just in time.
oh we are definitely closed
Speaking of back to base, when I got there I had to tell at least a half dozen patrons that the library was closed. When they asked when the library was opening I would say, "Not today... six months... at least." I relished telling people that. Does that make me wicked? I'm just tired of these dopes.
posted photo / TheDesire "likes" it
Before finishing up work I got a notification from IG that TheDesire liked my last post. I posted a picture I sent her via text yesterday. A picture I took at Knapp's Castle on Saturday. She likes my photographs, but I wish she would like me as much (or more). I hope for so much on Sunday, but what I know is that I will have dinner with a woman that I adore, and would love for the rest of my life. If she let me.
I got home just past 5pm. This is the earliest I've been home after working at Glendale in over a year. My aunt wasn't home. I checked the security footage and noticed that she had just left with my cousin's husband. Most likely going to buy groceries. I ate something and waited for her to show up. In the meantime I started exchanging texts with Talia. Since last time I was cockblocked I figured that I would let it be known that I wanted to have sex with her. So I just told her as much in my texts. She still has this idea that we're going to get married. I just want to fuck her, or any girl at this point. Well, not any girl. But still, I need to fuck. It's been too long. Will it actually happen? That remains to be seen. There's always something that ruins the deal. She may say yes right now and then it changes. Oh well, I'm giving it a shot.
When I went to Knott's chicken dinner I bought a bottle of their boysenberry punch concentrate. I figured it would go well with a little vodka. Well, tonight I was able to test out that hypothesis. Sure enough, it really hit the spot. Perhaps I overdid the punch. Next time I'll add more water and vodka. Or just add more vodka. Of course my mind went right to thinking about TheDesire when I had a buzz on me.
I'm overthinking this upcoming dinner on Sunday with TheDesire. Obviously in the back of my mind I'm hoping it means something else, but reality is that I know it doesn't mean anything romantic. ARGH! Why must this girl be on my mind? Why must she be so desirable? Why must she be so beautiful?
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for my part... banana bread
Wed Sept 7, I arrived at work and found a little present on my desk... banana bread. It was from my coworker that was thanking me for helping her with the podcast a couple of weeks ago. It was truly my pleasure. This is go time at work. The big fundraiser is just a few weeks away, and I'm going to be working at full tilt. I'm not big on bananas these days, but it's a good thing I know a monkey that will LOVE the banana bread.
I still have this idea that I want to ask my coworker out to lunch, or something. She looked really cute today. Of course I'm waiting for after Sunday. In the back of my mind I still have some stupid hope for Sunday's dinner with TheDesire. But, I also like this other coworker. I mean I adore TheDesire, and would really like to court her. However, it's always good to have options. Still, I know in the back of my head that I'm hoping Sunday turns out to be what I wish it to be. And I know that I'm hedging my bet with my new coworker if it doesn't.
Chan, with my dinner / puppy with TheGirl
Dinner with TheGirl tonight consisted of food from a restaurant we want to go, but since we always have to have her dog in tow we can't go there. One, because even though we could go and eat outside with the dog. There is booze allowed outside. So, we wouldn't be able to get a buzz on. Who needs that? Ha! TheGirl mentioned how she doesn't like hanging out with TheHusband. And just like with TheChisel, I wonder to myself that if she doesn't then why the fuck is she always telling me she's doing such and such with him. I really won't ever understand that about people. They don't like someone, but yet they spent time with them. I don't spend time with people I don't like.
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oh... this is great
Thu Sept 8, As soon as I arrived at work I should have known this was going to be a tough day. The front area was blocked with a huge trash bin and a truck. Later that truck was replaced with another trash bin. This made loading the van that much harder, since I had to park behind the trash bin where it wasn't easy to load the book bins. Just why?
circulation desk now cleared out / furniture clustered up
When I went inside the library the cleared out front desk looked so stark. In all the years I've been working here it's never looked like that. The furniture was all clustered up in what is left of the main reading area. The children's room was in the dark, the bathrooms were unavailable, and everyone at circulation was all weepy. All I could think of was that this was the beginning of the reckoning. I said it before, all sins will be paid for now. Which makes me wonder what sins I'll be paying for during all this. Because I'm certainly not innocent. But my crimes pale in comparison to the crimes of my coworkers. And yes, they will pay.
Yesterday I received an email from Snow saying that the Sunday Disneyland thing was postponed. I took the opportunity to ask her for hours. I told her that it wasn't formal, and that's why I didn't use work email.
Dinner with TheDesire is only a few days away and she's been pretty quiet. I will text her, and even though she is does eventually text me back, it's slow. I don't know, I might be wanting something that she can't give.
view of the van from my lunch spot
Soon I'll be showing the new guy the route. For now, I'm still on my own. I ate lunch in the park. It was such a nice day out. I needed that rest since there were so many bins to deal with today. I didn't count, but the van was packed. As days delivering go, today wasn't horrible. Thankfully the weather was nice and even with a lot of bins to carry it was still good times. But, I do see a steady increase over time now that Central is closed. It's only been a week, but I can already see the uptake to the branches.
some people don't know how to read
When I finished up the route I some idiot parked in the van's parking spot. The spot had been clear these days, but of course this dope still parks there. Just as I was calling parking enforcement the guy comes towards the car and I tell him that he can't park there. "Oh, sorry," he says, "I was in a hurry and there was this open parking spot right here." I tell him, "Yeah, it's open because it's RESERVED." I told him to be more careful next time and he got out of the spot. Of course it made me go over my time, and clocked out fifteen minutes later than usual. What a fucking dope.
When I came back from dealing with the parking situation MicroManager told me that the new driver starts on Thursday. I get to train him on Thursday, Friday and the following Tuesday. I hope this guy is a good guy. We shall find out soon enough.
I found out from my coworkers that they hired a new person at San Marino for the soon to be vacated librarian position. I'll probably find out more about this tomorrow.
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new librarian that will soon work at San Marino
Fri Sept 9, I arrived at work after a long commute and prepared for work. The freeway was a mess this morning. They were doing something on the 134 and the CHP ran a traffic break that slowed traffic to a crawl. When I arrived at work I was tired and ready to just go to bed. But, no chance there.
I went in and got the desk ready for the day. The boss came down around that time and told me that they had hired a new librarian. She told me her name and since my computer was on the desk and opened to FB she typed in her name and showed me her page. While she was typing she told me how they wanted to go with someone internal, but that she was so good that she blew them away. As the page was rendering the boss says, "She lives in South Pas and the beautiful... and single." It was a not too subtle informative statement. So, if I WANT to ask her out I should. At least I THINK that's the message.
Meanwhile I'm still trying to make a play for this one coworker that I'll name Dee. She's cute, I've shown her picture here before. I find myself quite attracted to her, and would like to ask her out. Despite the age difference. I've been trying to cultivate something with her, without out and out asking her out for drinks or dinner. H was talking to me about dinner with TheDesire this weekend and she goes ahead and spills the beans in front of Dee. She says the word romance in associated with the dinner. ARGH! I so didn't want that to come out in front of Dee. Now she's gonna think I'm interested in someone else. Then again, even if I was, it doesn't mean I can't pursue Dee. Also, nothing is going to happen on Sunday to make me think any different about TheDesire's feelings towards me. Well, of course unless TheDesire tells me she's invested in me. Then all bets are off.
going to see Nightmare Before Christmas at the Hollywood Bowl next month
An email showed up in my inbox this morning announcing a show next month at the Hollywood Bowl featuring the Nightmare Before Christmas, with the original cast performing live. I forwarded it to TheGirl and she wrote back that she wanted to go. I wanted to ask TheDesire, maybe even ask Dee. But TheDesire once told me that going to the Bowl was something that a couple does, and that she couldn't go with me for that reason. Asking Dee to this is such a big step. Also, I like hanging out with TheGirl, and she is perfect for this thing. It's going to be a chilly night, but a fun night, I'm sure.
quick sewing job
Yesterday, while looking for my thermos, I ripped one of my canvas bags. I went home and sewed it up (pictured above). It's not a pretty sewing job, and it would have been much easier if I had a working sewing machine, but it will do.
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Tesla coil at Griffith Observatory
Sat Sept 10, I don't work on Saturdays now, but I certainly don't want to let my aunt know that just yet. As a result I need to not be home. Thankfully my buddy Dane asked me what I was doing today. I told him nothing, so we made plans to hang out. We went to get some cold cuts at the 99 cent store to make some sandwiches later, and then went up to the Griffith Observatory. We've been there many times, but it's still cool to go up there. We got to see the Tesla coil on.
having lunch in a nice spot in Griffith park
We got a little hungry, so we went back to the car and I drove down the road to an area in the park that has some picnic benches. We ate and talked and talked and talked. We pretty much just talked after that, until the sun started to go down and we had to leave. I was just happy to have a day of leisure. Dane mentioned going to Hollywood, but I wasn't interested in doing much more walking. I just wanted to chill, and chill we did. I'll take him to Hollywood next time we hang out.
gasoline station picture taken with original iPhone
My gas tank was near empty because I forgot to refuel this morning. I should have filled up on Thursday, but I didn't have enough cash in my bank account. Not until yesterday payday. I forgot to get gasoline in the morning, so I got some before driving home. I remembered that I wanted to do some experimenting with my original iPhone. I want to take some pictures with it on my next trip up to Carmel. I don't know, I think even though the sharpness isn't up to par with today's cameras, I think it took a nice picture.
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checking the set-up for today's Opera Talk
Sun Sept 11, I hit the ground running at work. Mainly because there were issues with the audio/video system and there was going to be an Opera Talk today. There was even talk that maybe I would become the liaison for the future opera talks since my supervisor is leaving soon. Well, either way, I got the system up and running. How I got it working is that I got one of my male to male plugs and made it work. Woo! Once again I save the day. Damn right! The rest of the shift was pretty standard, slow even. Fine by me, I don't like fast.
I got off work at 5:15pm and dinner wasn't until 7:30pm. But, as always after work, I was damn hungry. One of the patrons I talk to came by, and I told him about my plans for tonight. He invited me to get to a quick bite before dinner. I agreed and told him the story of TheDesire asking me out to dinner. We speculated what it meant. It could be a wonderful thing (not likely), or it could just be a friendly dinner (more likely). He did mention how TheDesire isn't getting any younger, and perhaps pressure is making her desperate. Desperate enough to go out with me. Imagine that. Ha... Never happen.
Little Pine / TheDesire taking a picture of something on the sidewalk
I arrived a little before TheDesire did, and sat outside the restaurant waiting for her. I instantly knew that she had arrived by that sight of her fancy car. She drove past the place. She stopped, drove down to the next street and turned around. She then texted me to asked if there was parking. Sure enough there was a spot in the restaurant's parking lot. I told her so and she parked there. She and I went in and we were seated. I didn't expect the place to be so candle lit. It made for a nice romantic setting. Despite the fact that she wasn't my date, I was the luckiest man in the room, with the prettiest girl in the room. I had my plan on what I was going to order, but TheDesire had other plans. When our server came up she ordered a bunch of stuff, and said that we would eat together. Now I ask you, she likes to eat with me and yet she won't date me? Sharing a meal with someone is one of the most important things we do with the person we like. It's a sign of liking someone. Inside me, deep down, I believe that TheDesire would be with me if not for the Armenian thing.
I digress... We ate and ate. I only focused on TheDesire the entire night. When she arrived she told me that she had hurt her right arm, and as the night went on I could tell that she was hurting more and more. After we finished dinner we sat outside on the bench until I mentioned that her face had changed. She said, "Is if obvious?" I told her that I noticed that her faced had changed. I walked her to her car, but all I wanted to do is kiss her. Kiss her with all the passion I could muster. All the love that I feel for her. She drove off after I offered to drive her home, because she was in pain. She said she was OK to drive.
chandelier tree - Silverlake
After TheDesire drove off I started to walk back to my car. When I reached the corner I was confronted by a tree in the distance that had lights on it. But not just any lights, chandeliers. It was quite pretty, and I'm sorry that my photos can't do that thing justice. It would have been nice to cap off the evening with TheDesire here, under that tree. Furthermore, it would have been the culmination of a dream to kiss her under that tree as well. Sadly, that wasn't meant to be. It's just another example of how I'll die alone.
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gloomy Monday morning... like my mood today
Mon Sept 12, When I woke this morning I didn't want to get out of bed at all. I half blame the whiskey I drank last night. Mostly I blame my foolishness for hoping in dreams and wishes. Like the line in that Twilight Zone about the boxer who can't believe in a child's wish goes, there ain't such thing as magic. There is no wishing, no magic.
I was actually busy at work today. Pseudo supervisor doesn't usually show up on a Monday, but she showed up today, because we're thirty-two days from the big fundraiser. Not that I did a lot of work, but at the same time I did have about four little mini projects that I worked on today. One of them being going to the a store down the road to pick up some things for the fundraiser display. We then went to get some food. Busy, but then also not busy. If that makes any sense.
happy puppy tonight
TheGirl mentioned to me tonight that she asked one of her coworkers about stuff in the bible pertaining to Adam and Eve. Apparently TheGirl is declaring herself an atheist now. I say good. Fuck all these religious types. Of course the woman in her office that is all churchy is a gossip, and will throw people under the bus. Typical of these types that claim they are forgiven by some divine bullshit in the sky, which justifies them doing anything. Hate that shit!
As I drove home I thought about how TheDesire didn't tell me what happened with her arm, and now that certainly means that I don't really matter to her enough to update me. Just another confirmation that I'm a fucking fool. I was a complete fool to believe last night was going to be the beginning of something good for me with TheDesire. Nothing is going to change. Because, what do I really have to offer her? I'm a good guy, but aside from that I'm pretty much no better than anyone else. So why would I think that TheDesire would want to be with me? I'm a damn fool.
finally... a response from TheDesire
TheDesire finally responded about her injury. I was the last thought of the day. Not in a good way, mind you. At least I think everything else came first. Why the fuck do I even still care for this girl? She's thrown nothing but road blocks at me since I've known her. I know she's flattered by me liking her, but it's never going go to anywhere. So there isn't a good reason to continue this shit. I keep saying this and I keep going back. I just keep making the SAME mistake over and over and over again. I'm fucking masochist.
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Tue Sept 13, With the will I drive every Tuesday instead of every other Tuesday issue still not resolved, I had a day off. And I went to Disneyland! I hadn't been there since May, which is the last time it rained. And I mention that because it was overcast today, and it rained. It actually was raining for the first couple of hours that I was at Disneyland. I went to Disneyland not just to finally go after so long, but also to buy a gift for TheGirl. It was her birthday on Friday, and I wished her a happy birthday, but I didn't give her a card until yesterday, and I plan on getting her a gift tomorrow night at dinner. But, I can't unless I get a present. So this trip to Disneyland was for business and pleasure.
rare self-portrait / new sign / "traffic jam" / drive... 55
It was nice to go today, since the park wasn't packed. The rain was an added bonus. I went on the Autopia first thing. It was cool driving the little cars, even though I had to drive through traffic to get to Disneyland. There was a moment when one of the drivers was having trouble pushing the peddle down on the car. They would go a couple of feet and then stop the car for about ten seconds. I caught up to the traffic jam created by this idiot person. Thankfully I was on the first car in the line. That meant no one was in front of me. Woo! Thankfully the rain also stopped a few minutes before I drove. Last time I was here the Autopia was being renovated. Today I saw the extent of the renovations. The new sponsor is Honda, so every car now has a Honda emblem.
yummy corn dog / new ketchup and mustard that's not Heinz
I was getting hungry, and I wondered if I should get some of the special Halloween treats they have in the park. Last year I had a hog dog with pulled pork and cole slaw on top. It was damn yummy. But, instead I went with the old stand-by, a corn dog. The dog was yummy, but I did notice that they changed the brand of ketchup and mustard they use at the park. It it used to be Heinz, but now it's this other brand I've never seen or heard of before (shown above). Neither of them were bad, but I do like me some Heinz. Oh well, change is in the air.
Tiki room queue / Dole whip float
After checking out a couple other attractions I went to the Enchanted Tiki Room to take some pictures to some day hopefully redo the cue area in my back yard. The Tiki room being more of an inspiration rather than an actual copy of the cue area. While there I bought myself a Dole whip float. So yummy. I can't go to Disneyland without getting one of the holy trinity of snacks: a churro, popcorn or a Dole whip. Sometimes I get more than one of that list, but I don't think I've eaten all three on the same visit. I've needed a nice Dole whip.
After the Tiki room I looked at my watch and it was getting near my curfew. This was the time for me to get this shopping done and get something for TheGirl. After looking around the shops on Main St. I went back to Frontierland and got her a blouse I saw earlier in the day. It was the best one I could find. I also got Cheyenne a doggie chew in the shape of a Mickey Mouse waffle. Mission accomplished!
I could then go home in peace. But of course the peace could only last for a short while. During the night my aunt comes into my room and says to me that she knows I'm still drinking. Ah yeah, I'm still drinking. I'm still in pain! She says to me, "You know, the people at work aren't stupid... they're going to," and that's when I cut her off. She was trying to say that my work would suffer because of my drinking. Ah, what? Sure, if I was staggering down the street then I could justify that statement. But I work, I pay my bills, and I come home to drink. I don't go out to a bar and then drive home at 4am. I'm at home now before sundown, and I'm still getting flack for drinking? On some level she is correct, I do drink a lot. Last week I drank nearly every night. I told myself on Friday that I don't need to drink every night. Not even every other night. Just Wednesdays and Fridays and/or Saturday night. I was already thinking of how much I've been drinking and decided on my own to slow down. But then my aunt comes in the room and also says that maybe I should consider getting professional help. Ah, what? That's some major bullshit. I told her I wasn't going to talk about this. I wanted to leave and never come back.
After my aunt went to her room I waited a little bit and drank the rest of the booze I had in the house. Fucking shit! How does she not get that her actions MAKE me WANT to drink? So dense. While drunk I texted Talia that I wanted to sleep with her on Saturday. I mentioned going over to her house on Saturday, but kinda in a non-formal way. But tonight I asked her what time would be good. She said 10am. Good, I can get out of the house early and not come back until the evening. I've stuffed a bunch of condoms into my bag for Saturday. I may even pop a blue pill to fuck longer. We'll see how it goes.
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coworkers eating lunch in the lounge
Wed Sept 14, The time of the big fundraiser is closing in, and there is a lot of work to be done before then. So it's unusual for me to not have some work to do today. But after finishing up something in the morning I suddenly found myself with nothing to do. Pseudo supervisor was in the office, but then left to have lunch with a possible sponsor. So I was kinda free to do whatever. I did what I could to get some things done and pass the time.
My desk shift was busy but nothing crazy. Lot of questions and answers. On a side note, one of the monitors told me that they were told that their shifts were going to be one hour less instead of the previously stated half hour less. It used to be they worked 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Three hours, and they want to cut their three hours to two hours. That's fucking nuts. Who would want to work a two hour shift? It's just not right. Fucking bullshit! I wish I had some clout at that place to be able to fight for them. But, I suspect that someone high up is telling the librarian to cut their shift to two hours to save money. This is yet another bullshit excuse. Not that the city shouldn't be financially responsible. But, cutting two people's shifts by one hour would not equal that much in the overall scheme of things. Yes, it's 1/3rd less times two people, which does make a dent. But with so many employees this makes their contribution to the total budget almost nothing. And this despite the fact that they are hiring new clerks. My buddy went out for one of those clerk positions (more on that in a moment).
so-called "Rider" postion
Talia and I were texting today, and she was saying how she wanted to ride me. I can't say I don't like that kind of talk. So we made plans to see each other on Saturday. She told me she wants to ride my dick, which is what I like to hear. Now, I'm not sure what is going to happen on Saturday, but for now I'm a little excited at the possibility of finally having sex with someone in over two years. It's been too damn long. I want love, but since that's not going to happen any time soon I'll take sex in lieu of love. I can't remember the last time I had sex with Talia. I think it must have been ten years ago. It has to be, because I was going to CSUN at the time, and I stupidly stopped sleeping with her because I was in love with the Silmarillion. Of course THAT didn't go anywhere, because I wasn't Armenian. Sound familiar? Of course Talia is half Armenian, which makes no sense that I really like Armenian girls but really only one of them has liked me back. Fuck.
Anyway, the library had interviews for clerk today. My buddy was among the candidates, and I tried my best to throw my two cents worth to tell the circulation boss that he was a good worker. He had his interview originally set for 3pm, but he would be at work at 3pm, driving the van in Glendale. He told me that he might just call out sick today, which did. That meant more work for me tomorrow, but he's my friend and I know I'll have the new guy with me tomorrow to help with the bins. The other day he called to try to get this interview time changed to later, but the circulation boss would only move it to 4:30, no later. He gets off work at 4pm, and it would take him nearly the entire half hour to get to San Marino, to say nothing of coming in sweaty and in work clothes. No way, he thought, so he called out sick.
It's funny because his interview was in the boss' office, because the conference room that it was originally going to be in was overtaken by the city council, who were having a meeting in the community room tonight. Later my buddy told me that it was crazy to have it in the boss' office, since the table is so small. Ah, yeah. It has four chairs around it, but it's really tiny. It made for an intimate interview, to say the least. No word on when they tell him the results, but hopefully soon.
happy puppy
After all that drama my buddy went to dinner with his family, and I went to TheGirl's place for dinner. I told her to pick me up one of those yummy chicken breasts from Trader Joe's for dinner when she asked me what I wanted for dinner tonight. The chicken is usually super yummy, but tonight it was super rubbery. Not only that, it had the skin on it, despite the fact that it is labeled "skinless." It made for a jacked up meal. Well, only the chicken portion, the rest was yummy. I also gave TheGirl her birthday gift, and the little extra gift of a chew today in the shape of a Mickey waffle I picked up for Cheyenne at Disneyland yesterday. TheGirl liked the shit I got her and Cheyenne loved the chew toy. Within a few minutes we noticed that the toy was not making the squeaky sound. It turns out that Cheyenne chewed it up so much that the thing that made the sound was all messed up. I think it lasted ten minutes. Oh well, she still liked chewing on it. I think I'll get her another chew toy next time I go to Disneyland. Good times.
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main entrance is now gone
Thu Sept 15, Today was day one of showing the new guy the ropes. Not sure how long I'll have to show him the route, but it will be interesting to see how fast he picks things up. And of course the first day of the route starts with not being able to even get to the books in circulation. The construction crew is destroying the place. Somehow we managed to get the books and get situated. This took the better part of an hour, and that meant we started late.
Finally we were on our way to Pasadena. The guy told me a little about himself. How he drives trucks, works at the hotel as a night manager, and how he's worked security and as a bouncer. He's lived, that's for sure.
former circulation desk, now gone
The rest of the route was quite unusual. We had to deal with the construction. With everything being different. With a ton of books that haven't been checked in yet. It was just nuts. I mean circulation is gone. We've had to move operations to the stacks.
a mountain of book bins
Today was all about just getting the job done under adversity. We had a mountain of bins to deal with. But, new guy didn't really flinch at the work. He told me how on his other job he works delivering ice in huge blocks. Still, since Central has been closed the number of bins going out has increased.
Today wasn't so much about showing the new guy the details of the route, but rather just getting the job done. It sure wasn't easy, and I have to say that I'm not sure how I would have been able to do it without the new guy helping out. I'm not sure how much I actually taught this guy the route, since today was just about doing the route. Oh well, we'll do this again on Tuesday.
The good news of the day... my buddy got the job in San Marino. Now, as he says, the Bastardos will be at two libraries. This is nuts, but great! He still has to go through the background check process, but after that he starts work. Good times!
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Fri Sept 16, Day two of showing the new guy the ropes was much easier than day one. We had to deliver the freezer that they brought over from city hall to city hall today, but that was easy. Following that and Pasadena we returned to Central with not too many book bins. There also wasn't that many bins going out, because my coworkers didn't have much time to sort the books this morning. But, then suddenly my other coworker is saying, "Here are more bins for Casa. And it was like a clown car where clowns keep coming out of a little car, but intend it was bins. Twenty-four bins in total went out for Casa today. Much of that is because there was no delivery on Wednesday, and we are just barely catching up at Central with checking in books from earlier in the week. I've never delivered more than a dozen bins to any one location, so today was definitely unprecedented.
The route was MUCH easier today than yesterday. Even with twenty-four bins for Casa, the rest of the branches didn't get much more than three or four, tops. At Casa I finally got to see Curvy page after not seeing her for a year. Fuck! Curvy page lives up to her name, that's for fucking sure. She's a vision, or as my buddy says a "Unicorn." He ain't wrong. One thing about the new guy is that he does like the ladies. I do have to say that the girls that work at the library are pretty. TheDesire is the most pretty, in my mind, but that's not to say that there aren't other girls who are just as pretty. For some TheDesire isn't even the prettiest, but I'm biased. Still, new guy loved the ladies of Glendale. At the end of the day he mentioned how there needs to be a calendar called "The Girls of Glendale." He isn't wrong about that. He finally got to see TreasuryGirl today as well.
One of the things I like about the new guy is that he "gets it." He asked me yesterday, and again today, if he should "Follow my pattern" of the route. He was asking if he should come back to base at a certain time, and not early. Because, as he said, "I could knock this route out in no time." I told him that yes, it would be a good idea if he returns to base at 3:30 to make the time jive with what I do on the route. I like that he just asked. This will give us a true consistency through all the drivers. I know we COULD finish the route earlier, but as I explained to new guy, "If we constantly finish the route earlier they will figure we don't need that time and will cut our hours." He got it after that that it's best to follow my leader when it comes to route times.
Aside from showing him the route I was able to get new guy some time in front of Syco, and in the process I was able to find out that I can post my availability on the work schedule website that the branch managers use to schedule people. Now I can post when I'm able to work in a formal way, and not just say to them in person, because they're not going to remember the details of that later when they are scheduling the branch hours. As soon as I got home I got on the computer and put my available hours online. I have to make moves like this to trump Herr's dummy mentality that she somehow "owns" me because I started working at Central. As the new guy said today, "If we can work 25 hours a week we should be able to get hours up to that amount." He's damn right, but of course I lost fucking nine hours with this new schedule. This is why I need to get some hours at the branches. Because I'm sure not going to get any at Central.
Chandaka is four years old today!
As I've stated before, tomorrow I'm going over to Talia's in the morning to fuck. But of course my family wants to celebrate my birthday. I mean come on! I don't give a damn about my birthday. It's just another day on the calendar. I rather celebrate Chan's birthday, which is today, mind you. Hims four years old. Anyway, they asked my aunt if we were busy and I guess I have no choice but to say I'm available in the evening just to get this over and done with. I'm too old to celebrate or care about birthdays. I kinda like the gifts, but at the same time I never get what I want. All I wanted at the start of this week was to kiss TheDesire. To have her change her mind and tell me she wanted to give us a shot. I didn't get that, did I? Everything else is mute. Everything else is just something I don't need.
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Talia, post coitis
Sat Sept 17, I'm forty-five years old today. It's kinda crazy to even think of such a thing. I've never thought of myself as being any age. Not to sit here and say that I'm timeless, for some shit like that. I'm certainly not timeless. For all my "specialness," I'm still just an ordinary human. Perhaps more ordinary than most. If that makes any sense.
I had texted Talia about sleeping with her today. She knew it was my birthday, and she was happy to oblige. I drove to her house after having 3/4ths of a breakfast my aunt made. I only wanted to eat that much because I didn't want to be bloated when I had sex. I worked it out perfectly. I drove over to Talia's house, water and condoms in tow. I arrived, and within a few minutes we were in her bedroom. Her room is a fucking mess, and it smelled a little like urine. Human urine, not dog urine, like the living room does. Still, I'm a horny guy and pretty soon she's inviting me to lay down on her bed. The both of us knew that the transaction that was about to happen was already agreed upon. It was just a matter of making it happen. Within a few minutes we were both taking off our clothes, and I was kissing her breasts. I do miss the touch of a woman. Within a few more minutes I was slipping a condom onto my hard-on and Talia was riding me. I fucking hate condoms, but there's no way I'm fucking Talia without one. She rode me pretty hard for less than ten minutes, but more than five. She came, and then rolled over and said she was exhausted. Meanwhile, a few minutes of fucking isn't going to get me off. I trained myself to not come in five minutes. Not even ten minutes. The little time that Talia rode me was like an introduction to a book. It's not the actual book. I then climbed on top of her and tried to feel something. I can only say that having to deal with her fucking sticky pussy made fucking her an uphill battle. I tried to focus on her body, which wasn't great, but at least it was feminine. Still, when I had her legs on my shoulders all I could do was focus on her stinky pussy. That's why I left her the last time we fucked, a decade ago. I could not fuck while wanting to vomit. Talia's pussy really stinks. And it's funny that she is clueless to it. I know that my dick smelled like pussy when I went home. I didn't even come when my body just gave out and I couldn't pump any more. Talia said it was OK, but of course when I asked her to blow me she balked. She wants to supposedly be my wife. And even though I'm not a blowjob loving guy, I still want to be able to come without having to fight the urge to vomit at the same time. Suffice to say it wasn't that good.
Talia slept after she came. I was awake, watching reruns of Ironside on the television with a fucking hard-on all the time as I watched her sleep. I finally just decided to jerk-off. I had a thought that I would come on Talia's tits, but she was asleep, and didn't accommodate that idea. I ended up just jerking-off with her sleeping next to me. She woke up after I had already gone and pissed and put on my jeans. I told her that my family was coming home at 3pm, and that I had to get going. She asked me if I wanted to fuck next week. I lied to her and said that I was working next week. I don't know that to be true, but I don't want to come back here again. It's stupid that I came here in the first place. What happened today was so base and horrible that I don't want to ever come back to Talia ever again. I saw a condom package by her bed and it made me feel like I had paid for sex with her. Not that she doesn't have the right to fuck whoever she wants. I certainly came here on false pretense. However, I'm not so desperate as to bring myself down to this level. I brought myself to his level today, but I need SOMETHING after failing so horribly with TheDesire last Sunday. I absolutely LOVE TheDesire, and having her reject me over and over again has made me doubt myself. Her rejection of me has caused the start of an existentialistic crisis in my life. One that caused me to blind myself enough to think that I could rekindle some sort of sexual spark with Talia. There is zero sexual energy with Talia. She is a mess. She is nuts, and she is also just fucking horrible. I have to commit to never seeing her again. Ever!
Johnnie's pastrami
After the fiasco with Talia I went to treat myself to some yummy food. But it's as if the bad mojo followed me to Johnnie's pastrami. The service was terrible. I ordered pastrami with cole slaw on the side with a Coke. The sandwich sat on the pick up counter for about two minutes. My waitress didn't move, and finally the guy making the sandwiches grabbed my sandwich and handed it to me. The waitress then forgot to give me m slaw, and was wondering out loud who had ordered the slaw. Finally she gives it to me and forgets to give me a fork. I was nearly half done with my sandwich by the time she gave me a fork. The pastrami didn't taste the same as it did before. It was still good, but I'm wondering if perhaps I've been spoiled by the likes of Brent's in the Valley. Even The Hat was better than this pastrami today, and I've always held that this pastrami was one of the best in the city. Maybe not any more. I had thought of going to Father's Office for a burger, but I thought about how I was craving pastrami. Oh well. I left there with a desire not not sit at that waitress' station ever again. She was bad.
family celebrating my birthday
I went home tired, wanting to take a nap. But, nearly as soon as my head hit the pillow my family was knocking on the front door. They came over to celebrate my birthday. We ate and then ate some cake. Good times, and not much to really write about.
As soon as my family left I put my PJs on and went to bed to took the nap I wanted to take before they showed up. I passed out for two hours, I was so tired. Now I'm here typing this up thinking of a lot of things that happened today. How TheDesire texted me about her play. How she won't change her mind... ever. And how I'm an idiot for telling myself there's some sort of hope she might. How I need to focus on my projects, like I keep telling myself over and over again that I will. Only to then return to being a dope with hopes and dreams. The thing is, I am who I am. And I'm going to continue being a dope with hopes and dreams. Especially hopes.
TheGirl texted me asking how my day went. I said fine, and added that the family came over. She said they were early for my birthday, and I corrected her. She felt super bad that she forgot it was today. She thought it was on the 19th. I didn't take offense, but it is kinda strange that in years past she has made such a big deal about my birthday and this year nothing. Well, now that she knows she goofed she will likely make a big deal about it. She called me tonight to ask where I wanted to go for dinner on Wednesday. It's my week to buy, but she wants to buy and go wherever I want to go. Cool. Now I have to think of a place.
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Sun Sept 18, I haven't had sex in at least two years, and probably close to three at this point. Sleeping with Talia yesterday made me use muscles that I haven't used in a LONG time. My whole body was sore, but especially my pelvis and arms around my shoulders. I'm really not in fucking shape... literally. I need to get back in shape.
I joked today that I should wear a fireman's helmet on Sundays, because it feels that all I do for the first hour is put out fires. I think I might have to start showing up at noon instead of closer to 1pm. I need that extra time to prepare for the stupidity that always seems to come down the pike on Sundays. Today it was the reservation computer going down and not allowing anyone to login to the computers. Of course I was on the problem, but the patrons don't think that's it's fast enough. Still, that fire was put out when I had to deal with the A/V system that is shit. Half of the controls are still controlled on the podium, and half are on an iPad. Soon they will all be controlled from the iPad, but for now it's still half and half. Which makes for some "interesting" situations. ARGH!
new, lovely, Nest cams
After putting out all the fires work settled down and actually got quiet. But that wasn't until nearly 3pm. After coming back from my break I found time to deal with a project the boss asked me to work on. Someone was nice enough to give the library money to buy four Nest cameras. The Boss asked me to install them, but this is a busy time. However, it wasn't busy after 4pm, so I took some time to install the first of four total cameras.
view from behind Reference desk, via Nest cam
I have to say that the cameras are quite nice. The image above comes from my phone, but it's super sharp when I set the cameras to broadcast in full HD. Still, there is a problem with the fact that these cameras are in the library. But, as long as I have access to them I think I'm OK with that idea.
burrito for dinner
I went out to dinner with one of the patrons that has become a friend of mine. The food was just OK, but it was good to talk to him about my failure last week with TheDesire. Not that I was proud that I failed, but I knew that I would fail yet again. My friend knew that I would fail. But that's OK.
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yeah... man up and just be like sharks
Mon Sept 19, I like this post that I found on social media. Sharks may not complain about Mondays, but I do. They are the worst. Even though I work on Sundays, I don't have to wake up early for that shift. Mondays, it's about waking up early and getting out the door to fight traffic. It's total bullshit. Still, I got a "LOL" from TheDesire when I sent her this post.
yummy tamale from Tommy's
I have been craving a tamale from Tommy's for nearly a week now. Last week I rushed home, to beat the traffic. But, today I NEEDED to get something to eat before going over to TheGirl's for our Monday visit. I picked a tamale quite simply because I was craving one. Not sure why I was, but I was. It really hit the spot. Not too much food, not too little.
Visiting TheGirl tonight, she gave me booze for my birthday present. Belated. She got the date wrong last week, and thought it was today. She wants to make it up to me by treating me to dinner this week, despite the fact that it's my turn to buy. I'm not sure where I want to go on Wednesday. But, I better make a good choice.
TheDesire once again declaring she's happy
I had an text exchange with TheDesire in which she declared that she is happy... at work. Of course the cynic inside me wants to say that what she says is one thing, but what she means is another. I hope, for her sake, that she IS happy. That's what I want for her, to be happy. Sure, I want that happiness to stem in part from being with me. However, I'm not going to begrudge her being happy on her own.
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the clouds in the distance this morning were nice
Tue Sept 20, Day three of showing the new guy the ropes, and finally today was more like a regular day on the route. Not entirely, but still. Today was a blur, and I can't honestly remember anything significant that happened. I finally got to show the new guy the route the way I usually do it. Not entirely, but yeah.
I was thinking back to Saturday and being with Talia. It was not satisfying at all. Having to end the session with her passing out and me having to jerk-off to get off left a bad taste in my mouth. What also bothered me is that not once did Talia kiss me with any passion. I was really trying to get into it, and I kissed her. But each time I would try to really give her a passionate kiss she would just give me a peck kind of kiss. Ah, what the hell is that? This isn't a playground, and we're not behind the tree giving each other little pecks on the cheek. We're having sex, and I wanted to French kiss her with some passion. But she's ever been one to kiss me. And I didn't even think about it until today how messed up that was. I told her via text that I would have sex with her with passion. But did she reciprocate? She rode me for a few minutes and then passed out, exhausted. No thanks. Never again. I was fucking despite to go over there again. But you live and learn. Though, it was nice to kiss and suck on her breasts. But come on, when it came down to fucking it was awful.
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T's legs looked really nice today
Wed Sept 21, My coworker T's legs looked really good today. She was in the kitchen making some cupcakes for today's retirement celebration for one of the other librarians. I turned around while eating lunch and her legs just spoke to me. They looked really nice. Pervert me had to snap the above photo and of course comment on it here.
my supervisor is retiring
My immediate supervisor isn't Pseudo supervisor, it's one of the librarians. Well, soon he will be retiring and the library threw him a party. It was good times. After a rocky start with him years ago, I think that he's OK with me, and I'm OK with him. The party was modest, but nice. Even LM dropped by for a visit. It was nice to see LM after so long. It's crazy that we were intimate. Now if only MicroManager would retire. The wrong supervisor is retiring!
TheGirl, Cheyenne and Chan
TheGirl mentioned how since she forgot the exact date of my birthday not only was she treating, but that we could go anywhere to eat. She told me she was going to leave Cheyenne at home and that way we could go anywhere for dinner. Well, I went ahead and checked my social media saved links for a place to eat. I found a place that is on the same street where we usually eat, but that we can't go because we have the dog in tow. As soon as I arrived at her place TheGirl says that she thought she could leave her dog at home, but that on second thought she couldn't. OK. That meant plan B, which is a bar/restaurant that always has slow service. I ordered a pizza and some booze. The pizza is just barely passable. I really wanted to try my plan A option, but oh well. It wasn't meant to be. Still, I had enough booze before going to dinner, sitting outside TheGirl's place, and at dinner that I wasn't worried about where we ate tonight.
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new sidewalk has now been torn out
Thu Sept 22, Earlier this week I noticed that they were working on the sidewalk down the street, and also demolishing the one in front of the library. This seemed strange to me since I knew they had just finished putting in that sidewalk. But sure enough, the picture above shows they cut and then demolished the new sidewalk that had only been in place for a few weeks. I offer the following as further proof.
sidewalk as seen September 2nd
I took a picture of the sidewalk nearly three weeks ago. Check out the spanking new sidewalk... before it was torn out earlier this week. Pay attention to the fact that the sidewalk is all new. Contrast that with the previous photo in which the entire new sidewalk has been demolished. I wonder if this is part of the whole rumor that the steps had to be redone. Perhaps the grapevine miss understood and it was just the front sidewalk that was going to have to be demolished, and not the stairs. Time will tell, but the crews working on this are working on the sidewalk for a few blocks, not just in front of the library. Which makes me think that someone didn't coordinate the efforts of the library contract with the new sidewalk project. Just dumb, but typical of how things are done.
new location for circulation... in the stacks
No new guy with me on the route today. He's worked too many hours this week, and with the hours he will work on Friday at Brand he will go over if he drives me with me. That's OK, I liked going back to my old routine. And it really was like going back to the old routine. There were a lot of bins, but not like last week where we had a two day backlog. The picture above is of pseudo circulation. We're in the stacks, right between all the work being done on the lights and the movers bringing back the non-fiction books. It's crazy to navigate between these guys, but I've had to do it. This period of transition is all about being adjustable. It has not been easy. Things seem to change every day, and then change back, and then change again.
Like I said, it was nice to go back to my old routine. I had time to actually eat lunch. And I finally saw TheDesire at Casa, where she works now. She looked so pretty today. I mean I know she's pretty, stunning even. But today she was all made up because she was getting her ten year anniversary pin. She's been working there full time for ten years. I would have liked to have gone to the ceremony, but I was driving. Jebus, I do like that girl. While talking to her she kept moving positions in her chair. At one point she was almost lying on her side, and her butt was right there in my face. ARGH, she is so attractive. And I'm so attracted to her. It's just not right. It's just the Universe mocking me.
back to the lawn
Ahhhh, it was nice to return to the lawn at Brand for my break. With new guy in tow I haven't had that long break period since we've been go, go, go, the entire time. It was still an adjustment, because I took a shortened break, only forty minutes instead of an hour. Because of that I finished the route a half hour later than usual. But then again, I haven't finished the route on time since the library closed. There have been too many mitigating circumstances that have pushed the time back. Like one of my coworkers said today though, "Milk it." I'm certainly not "milking it" by working a half hour more.
TheDesire, holding cake after her 10 year anniversary celebration
Back at Central I brought the books back and then went downstairs to return the van key to the boss. TheDesire was in the new lounge cutting up her cake. She handed me a HUGE slice and I started to eat it. But, it was not good. The actual cake was dry, and the frosting was super light, not like regular frosting at all. Overall I did not like the cake, and I barely made a dent into the large piece she gave me. I ended up tossing most of it. I have to say that TheDesire seems happy these days. I was worried that perhaps she was taking anti-depressants and that those were making her "numb." But it seems like she's not taking anything, and she's actually happy. Perhaps that life coach actually helped her see things the right way, and helped her appreciate what she has. She even said that in the last month she has come to appreciate her job. That's good. I'm happy for her. Too bad the life coach didn't tell her to give me a damn change. Oh well.
Before I left I talked to the boss to see who was driving on Tuesday, my buddy or me. He said, "Oh yeah, I talked to Vagabundo and he's going to drive Fridays." He continued to say that I would drive Tuesdays. Of course he didn't tell me what he added when he told Vagabundo about it, which was to say that this will be the pattern until MicroManager comes back from her injury. I heard someone say that she was coming back tomorrow, but new guy and several other people have said that there's no way she can come back so soon from a dislocated shoulder injury. Apparently it's still sore long after it's been placed back into the socket. Believe me, I rather MicroManger never come back, but I know she will. But, the longer she's out the more this new driving pattern is made reality. She may want new guy to drive on Fridays, but she also doesn't like change. Knowing her we predict that as soon as she comes back she's giving Fridays to the new guy. Vagabundo for his part has said that he will try to get hours at the branches and of course now he has the option of San Marino. I hope he exercises both options.
7:15pm and I'm at the Getty Center entrance
After dropping off the keys, chatting a little with TheDesire I went and talked to one of the IT guys. I then drove home. There was a big accident on the 134, and instead of heading towards my route when I take when I'm going over to TheGirl's, I headed south towards Los Feliz. Thinking I could go around and hit the 101 in Hollywood. But that route turned out to be a total clusterfuck. I hardly made any progress. In short, I kept bypassing routes hoping that the next one would be better. I ended up going all the way to the 405 via Sunset and I didn't get home until 7:30pm! TWO HOURS, it took me TWO motherfucking hours to get home tonight. Thankfully I was on the phone with my friend, and that helped me not notice how long it did take me. I almost should have just stayed in Glendale at that point and waited out the traffic. It was a dumb move on my part, for sure. Just like so many of my moves these days.
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the library
Fri Sept 23, I got to work and found pseudo supervisor in the office. We're getting close to the big fundraiser, so of course she was there today. This meant that I had actual work to do. And I did. I was hustling getting a bunch of ads done. I like having actual work to do. What's best about that is that I was busy today.
LM posing with me at supervisor's retirement party
LM sent me a picture that we posed for on Wednesday during my supervisor's retirement party. I texted her to send me the photo, and she sent it today. Awww.
sexy patron
A sexy patron that comes in once in a while came in quickly today. Lisa is a little older, but man does she have a kicking body. This picture of her doesn't do her justice. I've tried getting her to go with me to get coffee or something for years. She disappeared for a while, but she'll pop back into the library here and there. Like today. I know I don't have a chance with her, but it's still nice to see her.
I worked an extra two hours today, installing the Nest cameras. I only got to do one, but it was better than nothing. I wanted to get a nice burger for dinner, but of course no dice there. Traffic was such a mess. I got off the freeway to go to Big Boy in Toluca Lake, but the parking lot was packed and I couldn't find any other spots anywhere close by, so I said fuck it and decided to drive home. The fucking commute took me over an hour. I don't like these damn one hour commutes home. I'm not used to them. I'm used to getting home fast, since I was getting off work at 10pm there was no traffic. However, now I'm hitting traffic right as it's getting really bad. I have to figure out a way to avoid all that traffic.
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Carpinteria bluffs
Sat Sept 24, My schedule is going to be hectic until the end of October. I have things planned for every weekend in October, including the fundraiser, and my trip to Carmel. So there's little chance I can hang out with my buddy until November. Knowing this we decided to go up to Santa Barbara again. We first went to the Carpinteria bluffs. I decided upon these at the last minute, but it turned out pretty good. My buddy suggested we start early, like 7am meet-up time at my place. But when 7am came and went I sent him a text and sure enough he had overslept. Sometime I almost did. We started out a little later than we had planned, but it was still OK.
carne asada tacos con arroz and frijoles
Since neither of us had breakfast, after the bluffs we went into Santa Barbara proper and at a Super Cuca's Taqueria. The food was so fucking good. I ordred the taco plate, and my buddy had nachos. The tacos and the meat were damn good. But it was the rice that won me over to this place. The rice looked and tasted like my how my Grandmother used to make it. All I can say is that it was damn good food.
yummy paleta / patio at Super Cuca's Taqueria
At Super Cuca's they had a freezer full of paletas. I quickly looked through it and found they had romepope flavor, which basically means it tastes like vanilla. I haven't had one of these in a long time.
Santa Barbara courthouse, exterior
My buddy and I headed to the courthouse after eating. The courthouse building is really nice. It was built in the style of the old missions.
courthouse interior / outside detail/ clock / more exterior
We continued to explore the courthouse and eventually went up to the clock tower.
panorama view from courthouse watchtower
The view from the clock tower was amazing. And on a nice day like today you can see the Channel Islands quiet easily. The photo above is of the hills. Looks a lot like Los Angeles, but not. Santa Barbara is nice, and I'm growing to really love it as a visitor. I think because it's small, and the weather is generally nice. Also, a lot of coeds walking around. In addition to that, the city isn't all built up. On purpose, I would think.
Santa Barbara library - empty
After visiting the courthouse my buddy and I went across the street to the library to check it out. What we saw was a bit of our future at Glendale. One desk, with one person on it. I counted very few employees, and very little in terms of books. The whole place just looked super open and sparse. My buddy and I watched as a guy helped out a patron that had not checked out her video properly using the kiosks. But of course. I can say that from my experience at where I work that self-checkout only works for kids, or tech savvy people. Most of the population can't figure out these machines. But does that keep libraries from buying them? No. And that's modern libraries failings. They REALLY don't understand that part of the appeal to going to a library is finding someone what knows books. Someone that will use that knowledge to help them find a book. Look, I'm not saying it's rocket science. It's certainly not. However, libraries are the guardians of knowledge. Since the time of the library at Alexandria the idea of libraries is to have as much knowledge as possible at the ready for anyone that walks in the doors. But in the last few years libraries have faced budget cuts and ever increasing pressure to somehow show their worth that they have bent their core mission to satisfy caprices city officials that don't understand that a library's worth can't be measured in dollars or circulation numbers. No one can quantify the improvement in a person's life because they had access to free books from the library. But, as long as we have idiot managers we will have this need to "improve" the library to be something that is abhorrent to the mission of all libraries. End rant.
Last stop on this trip we went to Shoreline park. My foot was still hurting, so we made the stop short. Still, it was nice to walk around with the breeze hitting my face. It was a nice long day, but afterward we still went to get ice cream on State street. I was so full of gas that I could not eat another bite, but I ordered a pineapple and coconut sorbet. It was OK, not as good as the ice cream they have. But my stomach was getting to the red zone of gas pressure at this point. After ice cream it was time to get moving and get going back home. The drive was good. I like driving to Santa Barbara. It's just far enough to not be the same city, but also close enough to be there in about an hour and a half. When I got home I was exhausted. I was finally able to fart all my gas away. ARGH, I hate dealing with gas pain. All-in-all it was a damn good day. Now, on to the marathon that will end with my trip to Carmel in a month.
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Sun Sept 25, Not much to report from work today. One of my least favorite programs was scheduled today, so I went into work early to preempt any problems that might happen. I wanted to have all my ducks in a row so I wouldn't have the problems I have in the past. Well, not only was the program leader reasonable today, she was actually not loud or obnoxious. The day went well, though I was busy since pseudo supervisor came into work today.
I had an idea that I wanted to go to Disneyland after work tonight, but the heat prevented me from wanting to go. I think I'll go next Sunday, when the weather liars say it's going to be MUCH cooler.
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someone left a cupcake on top of the fridge
Mon Sept 26, I nearly overslept this morning because I was drinking last night while watching Star Trek TNG. I drank quite a bit. I thought more about the story that came to mind the other day about the struggling writer that decides to sell out. I like this idea, because it allows me to say some of the things I've been writing notes about for a possible novel for the last few years. I don't know, how long have I been talking about writing a novel? Too many years.
new girl's website
Pseudo supervisor and I were talking about the new librarian at San Marino. She found her website and told me to check it out. She's done a little writing, and of course it turns out that new librarian is an English major and does photography. I wonder if that means we'll get along. I guess time will tell.
sunset in Toluca Lake
I went over to TheGirl's and talked about me going over to check on Cheyenne on Saturday while TheGirl attends her son's wedding. She didn't say I would have to be there all day. But then again I don't know what time I'll go over. I'm pretty sure that I can go most of the day, but need to figure this out on my own. I figure I'll go in the late morning, maybe run some errands, and then return and stay until something like 8pm. She plans on returning home at around midnight.
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new offices upstairs are nearly done
Tue Sept 27, I half expected the new guy to be on the route with me today. But when I didn't see his car in the parking lot I figured he wasn't showing up today. And he didn't. I'm OK with that. Les told me that new guy is scheduled to take the driving test on Thursday. When he passes that he can drive. Which means that in less than a week he can be driving. The upstairs this morning looked like there has been a lot of progress made. But looks can be deceiving. I have now openly wondered if they are doing a good job, since they are clearly rushing to finish by their new deadline. I just don't know if they are doing a GOOD job.
when you stack bins too high they tend to tip
I hope he doesn't pick up some bad habits that one of the other driver might have shown him. This morning I arrived at Pasadena and when I got out to get the bins out I noticed one stack of three on its side. We tend not to stack them that high, unless we need to. Like today I stacked one side three high because I ran out of room. However, there was plenty of room for more bins on the left side of the van. This is why I don't understand why he made that stack three high. It was bound to tip over, as they did. Again, I hope new guy doesn't do this.
Les sent me on a wild goose chase. He told me to go to Vroman's in Pasadena to pick up some books. Of course he failed to know that they had already been picked up yesterday. Whatever, man. It killed some time for me. Still, just another example of his failed leadership.
Brand lawn for a much needed nap
I woke up this morning with a tickle in my throat. Nothing too major, but I did feel a little more tired than usual by my afternoon break time. I went to my spot under the tree and just passed out. Usually with the heat I don't pass out so easily, but today I wasn't feeling well and I passed out in a few minutes. The heat was bad today, but it was actually worse in the stacks back at Central. They have zero ventilation and zero air flow. It had to have been ten degrees hotter inside than it was outside. And it wasn't cool outside. I hope that I feel better tomorrow, but if not I might just use my Saturday at TheGirl's place to simply rest all day and get better.
Last week Mo was talking to me about how he has heard about my lothario reputation. I wouldn't call my status of that of a lothario, but rather more of a libertine. I'm not very good at seducing women, but I am interested in encounters with them that are casual in nature. Of course I say this but I don't really practice either of them. But my reputation proceeds me, as Mo has pointed out. So Mo suggestions I try to bed Shay. Actually, I think if it were up to him I would be bedding all the girls he wants to bed but can't. Hey, I would like that very much. However, I'm so not a Don Juan. I can't seduce any woman, let along the tough nuts at Glendale. Still, he isn't wrong about Shay having huge tits that need to be handled. But then he's also right that Little Page is super cute, and that Snow needs it. Snow looked good today. While at GV one of the girl's from admin came to take a picture of a bunch of us. I'm not sure how I got to be in the picture, but there I was, arms crossed, looking tough. Can't wait to see it online. Should be funny.
more water gets on the countertop than in the basin
I finished the route a little later than usual, but that's because of all the damn obstacles. I didn't want to go home so early to fight the traffic, so I agreed to empty the book drop. There were only a few books in it. I finished up and went to the bathroom one last time before hitting the road. I mention this visit to the bathroom because I wanted to show you a picture of the countertop. The fucking sick faucet heads are so close to the edge of the sinks that it is nearly impossible to wash one's hands without splashing the water all over the counter. I just said fuck it and washed my hands not caring if the whole counter became covered in water.
After having to deal with evening commutes that were up to two hours long on Thursday, I had enough of that shit and decided to take to the streets. I took the same route that I do when I go over to TheGirl's place. But then I kept going and went on the freeway close to where the 134 and the 101 meet. I made it home in about forty-five minutes. MUCH better than last week.
new librarian, from her FB page
After talking to my pseudo supervisor about the new librarian I checked out her FB page. Specifically her photos. The one above is the only one that I could find that shows her entire figure. I have to say that she does look nice. And the fact that she is willing to pose for someone shows that she is either working through some inhibitions or doesn't have any. Time will tell how we interact. An email from work yesterday mentioned how she is starting work on October 13th, which means she is just about two weeks away from starting. I wonder how that first encounter will go.
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coworkers at the reference desk
Wed Sept 28, I woke up feeling kinda sick this morning, with a sore throat and listless. I felt a tickle in my throat yesterday, but by the evening I was feeling well. But, today not so much. Still, I didn't feel THAT bad, and I was able to champion through most of the day. Not much to talk about at work. Just busted through a bunch of my assignments today. I had them all lined up in a row, so it was just a matter of having the boss say "do this" and I did it. Woo! It's just over two weeks before the big night. I think part of the reason why I've gotten sick is because of all this work.
Chan! / food!
TheGirl said that the other night she and Cheyenne were walking past Dog Haus and Cheyenne looked towards the place as if she wanted to go. So, this week's dinner was at the Dog Haus. I've had some hit and miss dinners there, but tonight I ordered a chili-dog. How can they fuck that up, right? They didn't, but I've had better.
Chan playing with Cheyenne
When we got back to TheGirl's place she took control of Chan and had hims play with Cheyenne. It was cute to watch TheGirl control Chan. I often wonder what Cheyenne thinks Chan is. I'm always carrying him. She sees that Chan moves, seems to have some sort of life. She must know he's not alive, since he doesn't have some of the traits of being alive. But, at the same time Chan moves and seems to have life. Oh well.
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stripped bed
Thu Sept 29, As I've said in a previous entry, I'm not feeling well. Last night I stripped the bed of the horrible sheets that my aunt put on them. She told me later that she thought she was getting cotton sheets, but that in her confusion she bought the ones that weren't cotton. These sheets were slick, and it felt like the mattress was wrapped in plastic. I hated it. Last night I couldn't' take it, so I just threw the sheets off the bed and went back to sleep.
new guy with testing guy before taking his driving test
On Tuesday Les told me that new guy was going to be taking his driving test today from around 9am to noon. Les wanted me to come in after noon and do the route. I told him that I had a better idea. Why didn't I just go to Pasadena in the morning and when I came back I could just leave new guy the van and I could walk to city hall. Les liked the idea and that's what I did. Pasadena would have been slammed tomorrow by today's and tomorrow's bins. I didn't want to do that to Pasadena or my buddy (who drives tomorrow). I made it back just in time for the testing guy to show up and take new guy for a ride.
walking to city hall
They went on their merry way, and I went on my merry way to city hall. It didn't take me long to get there and come back. I mean, it's only a few blocks away. And even though I had time to kill I still went at a good pace. I came back and then drove my car down to Adams to pick up the books for the rest home lady, but there were no books there. I talked to my coworker and we found out she hasn't put any books on hold, and the ones that she does have on hold haven't come in for her yet. Mystery solved I went back to Central and found the new guy in the dock area. He told me that he didn't pass his driving test. But then said, "Just kidding." Come Monday he starts driving.
new shelves that will soon contain fiction books soon
Today was the last time driving with the new guy on the route. Like I just said, on Monday he takes over that day, and we settle into a new routine. I went upstairs at one point and noticed that they were already putting up the new shelves for the fiction book collection. I have openly asked my coworkers if they think that this fast pace is good for the overall contraction, because I mention how doing something fast doesn't always mean you're doing it well.
creepy hallway at rest home
Towards the end of the route new guy and me went to the rest home I visit once a month to get the books she had. I pick up and drop off books once a month to this one lady that I've never met before. But, today I met her. The books weren't ready, so they just sent me up to her room. New guy said the whole thing was depressing. It was pretty sad to walk through the halls of this place. Just being in the lobby is depressing, let alone going up to the rooms. Both of us said we don't want to end up living in such a place. I have to save my pennies. I have to get rich before I get old.
At the last branch stop Krishna asked me if I was available to work a couple of hours tonight. I jumped at the chance. I still have to make up for the hours I've lost with this new schedule. Krishna asked me to work from 7pm to 9pm, so there's no way I can making up for what I've lost with that. But, it's a nice start. This is what I wanted to do, work after the route. I could really use the money.
my coworker looked so nice tonight
I got to work with one of my cuter coworkers tonight, and with Krishna. I got to see first hand how Krishna is a bossy boots. And oh is she ever. It was non-stop bossing around. My worker that I worked with is one of the cuter coworkers I have. Tonight her fucking body looked so good. But not only is her body gorgeous, she's a saint for putting up with Krishna and Mala. I stress it enough how difficult it was to not check out my coworker tonight. Her body was speaking to me, in all its gorgeous femininity.
nearly empty branch library
The actual work tonight wasn't much. Krishna basically told me to find some books, and to take care of the desk. I helped ONE patron the entire two hours I was there. No one came in. The only people at the end of the night were those using the computers. Oh, and Dane. He goes in there in the evenings and leaves just before closing. It was good to see him after so long. The last time I saw him was the weekend that we hung out and had lunch in Griffith park. I can't even remember how long ago that was. We chatted after work, but I didn't stay long since I had a long day that started at 8am.
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Fri Sept 30, After feeling pretty good last night this morning I felt lousy again from this cold. I've have felt pretty lousy all day long. As I write this I'm still not feeling 100%, but I do feel better than I did this afternoon at work. Yes, I went into work today. It was not my Friday to work, but from here until the end of the big fundraiser I'm working on Fridays no matter what. Actually, it's only this Friday that is added, now that I think about it. I just hope this cold runs its course fast and not slow. I would hate to have this cold during the fundraiser, let alone during my Carmel trip.
Talia text saying she's a failure
Today Talia texted me the above text saying she was a failure. She's been fighting in court for a while for custody of a departed aunt's children. The court see her, and has obviously investigated her, and has deemed her unfit. Knowing how Talia is I can't say I don't disagree with the court. Since I've knowing Talia she has not been one to follow the societal norms for bathing and hygiene, to say the least. There were often times when we were going out that she would tell me that she had not showered in days, sometimes weeks. It was certainly one of the main contributing factors for me not wanting to continue a relationship with her. I mentioned it in a previous entry that her vagina smells. She doesn't get it though, despite the fact that the smell pretty much is all over the room. But some people don't notice things like that, I've noticed. At work there are two ladies that smell of super urine, but do they ever try to seemingly do anything about it? No. I smell a little like urine and I want to just go home and make sure I take care of that. But these fools don't. I didn't mention Talia's dog during my last visit, but the poor thing needs a bath. It smells of urine as well, and the whole house just has this stench about it. I'm sure Talia shows up to court unbathed, with that stupid rag she puts on her head, thinking the judge doesn't have a good bullshit detector.
Talia's room
And then she said it. To quote Talia, "Oh cute she still thinks my house not clean." Well, the judge ain't wrong there. Case in point, I took the above photo a couple of weeks ago when I went over to her place to fuck. I know, I was pretty desperate. Anyway, the picture is of her room. Note the mess. How can Talia be honest and not see that as a fucking mess? Like I said, I've known Talia for a long time and since I've known her she's always been a hot mess. A pretty, in the early days, hot mess. But a hot mess none the less. I always want to tell her that I agree with the judge, she shouldn't adopt those kids. They will not be well with her. But she insists on appealing and appealing the judge's judgements. You probably know what I'm going to say. If I were the judge I would do the same thing. Deny her the kids. She shouldn't even own the dog she does.
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Wrap-up, This entire month has rushed by seemingly at lightning speed, and yet it has felt like a really long month. Maybe because so much has happened this month. The major constant is change. This month was some sort of set-up for the changes to come, but also full of changes. October should be interesting. I can't say that this was a bad month. Any month in which I don't have to deal with MicroManager much is a good month. And, any month that contains spending time with TheDesire has to be at least a B, and that's what I give this month.