Issue #118 - June 2011
  Half Survived, Half to Go

If April was/is the cruelest month, May turned out to be rather mild in comparison.  That's not to say that May was an easy month to deal with.  There was certainly personal drama, as well as work drama.  It was WAY better than April though, and for that I'm thankful.

Updated IMAGE_171 with more than a couple of pictures.  Please check it out, and tell your friends about my photos.  Thanks! Now, on to the update.

Afterthoughts : This Past Month

The end of April was a welcomed day, because April turned out to be a horrible month for me.  May started out well enough, but ended with me in a sort of relationship limbo.  Read on and find out what I mean.

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May 1, I saw the news about Bin Laden's death as I walked to the Gold line station in Pasadena through the window of a restaurant.  At first I felt nothing, and then a wave of emotions hit me and I found I couldn't hold all of them back.  As I walked to the station I took a deep breath and remembered that horrible day, and how the horrible seed of destruction was planted into the minds of these men who flew airplanes into the World Trade Center.  I thought about all those people that died because of an idea based on something as useless as religion.  It took ten years for Bin Laden to be served up his death the way he served up the deaths of thousands of people.  But at least he's dead.  I'm not sure what will come of this, but I'm incredibly glad he's dead.

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May 5, Day 11 of a 13 day straight work marathon.  I guess the Universe has decided that I'm never to see my house again.  Work asked me to stay an hour more, so I worked nine hours today.  But I'm making the "big bucks," right?  Right?  And on top of everything else it's Cindo de Mayo.  But I don't have the bread to go out and drink tonight.  :(

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Girlfriend on a leash, at the Griffith Observatory

May 7, On day 281 The Girl reintroduced me to her daughter.  We went to the Griffith Observatory and spend most of the day together.

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May 9, 7:57am: When I had a working car I would wake up for work at around 6:30.  Now I wake up at 5am.  That extra hour and a half of sleep makes a huge difference in my disposition.  I've been without a car for a little over two months.  In that time I've grown more mentally tired than ever before.  The early wake-up calls and super long commutes have taken their toll on me mentally.  Ironically my physical fitness had never been better.  All the walking I've been doing has helped me lose weight and get more stamina.
8:37am: Waiting to start work and already I'm tired.  Is this what my existence has boiled down to? A constant stream of work and long commutes? I think I rather not be around if this is the pattern the rest of my life is going to take.
6:35pm: On the bus now, my belly filled with two Famous Stars.  If I waited to eat until I got home I would starve.  This way $3.30 saves me from passing out on my way home.  It sucks having to spend any money on food when I know there's food at home.  But self-preservation supersedes logic when your hungry.

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May 14, My day off is TOTALLY wasted by my Aunt's insistence that we go to some store in Chatsworth looking for a cheap refrigerator.  Only to find that the prices at the store aren't all that cheap.  I have a full tally of the wasted say on my journal, an entry entitled "TOTALLY wasted day."

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The world is gonna end?  NOT!

May 15, Nearly a week before the supposed last weekend on Earth these dopes showed up on the train to pass out their dumb pamphlets.  I wanted to punch some sense into these idiots, but I didn't.  Words, punches, nothing I could go was going knock some sense into them.  What a bunch of dopes.

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Tower of Terror

May 18, Disneyland with the girl (3rd trip) Our third trip to Disneyland might have been the best because it was the first in which we were completely on our own.  She got me to go on the Tower of Terror, and I got her to go on the Finding Nemo ride.

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May 21, Of course you will remember years from now that the Earth was supposed to end today.  Of course it didn't.  Because such an event would mean that some dummy did some calculations and predicted the end using a fairytale for "evidence." I honestly hate these dummies, because ultimately some idiots believe this stuff and start "living" their lives with only one thing on their minds.. The end.  That means they aren't living.

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May 23, Up until a few days ago I would have told you that I was more mentally tired than physically tired.  Not anymore.  I'm now more physically tired, a perpetual tired state that doesn't ever lessen to a totally relaxed state.  I hate always feeling tired.  Even as I write this I'm on the bus fighting to stay awake.
6:41pm - The Universe shone on me today at work because after lunch I was told to go down to the loading dock and sell some books.

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May 29, Feeling super tired.  I'm tempted to have a drink to take the pain away.  I don't like booze, but I love its effect on me... a numbing effect that helps me not feel anything but joy.

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Santa Monica

May 30, For Memorial day The Girl and I went down to Santa Monica's 3rd Street.  But with all the extra walking I've been doing my right leg began hurting and we had to cut the walking short.  After returning to my house we watched the movie "Network."  A personal favorite of mine.

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May 31, The Girl and I celebrate ten months together.  And of course the Universe can't leave things alone.  Tonight we had a talk about a "choice" she has to make.  To go back to her former situation, or stay with me.  I think I have everything to offer, but that apparently compelling evidence isn't enough.  Or isn't even a factor.  Logically I shouldn't be worried about this.  However, when it comes to the emotions of a woman logic is never a factor.  In short, I went from being completely confident that she would stay with me, to nearly knowing 100% that it's over.  Crazy, huh?  That's life.  I'll know more by this Friday.

Editorial : Rejoicing at Bin Laden's death

You can't fault people for feeling happy after hearing the news that that Mother-fucker Bin Laden was dead.  Deep inside all of us is a pain that anyone that remembers 9/11 will carry.  We carry the death of the people on the planes, the towers, and of all those lost in the struggle to find this man.  Ultimately there are a great majority of us that can't deal with the grays in life, and found it easy to cheer after the news was made known, because the magnitude of this event has been built up for nearly ten years.  Our pent-up frustrations that started on 9/11 were released by some people in a jubilant celebration on the streets.  But those who see the larger picture understand that this is but a moment.  What we really have to do tomorrow is not celebrate, but dismantle the system that was created to scare us into wanting this man dead more than anything else.  We have lived in fear of what this man represents/represented... which is fear.  Starting with Bush we have lived under a cloud of fear, partially stemming from reality, but mostly from a motive to have us look over our shoulders every second, while we're being robbed of our freedoms right before our faces.  Perhaps now we can move away from those tactics and quietly rejoice that perhaps it's time to stop living in constant fear.  Nevertheless, I understand why there were so many people cheering at the death of Bin Laden.  He was a complete and total shit stain.  While he sent others to die for a "cause" he lived a good life.  Someone on TV said they would have loved to have seen his face when he saw those Navy SEALS right in front of him.  He must have thought that day would never come.  But as it does to all men, death came to Bin Laden.  His influence in the last few years will be debated, but one can not debate how important his death is.  It means we can move on.  It means justice was served.  Yes, justice.  It wasn't swift, and his death won't bring all those who perished on 9/11 back.  But he won't exist any more.  He will not go to heaven or hell, he will just no longer exist.  And I'm OK with that, because in those last moments I hope he suffered even a fraction of what his actions made those people in the World Trade Center suffer.  He lived long after the attacks, and with a bullet to the head death probably came swift.  I hope it wasn't swift.  I hope it was painful.  I know I shouldn't say that, but it's an emotion I can't help but feel.

Etcetera : iPhone Project 52/2011 May pictures

Now that the 2010 iPhone 52 project is done I've decided to continue with that same theme and post more pictures featuring the many qualities and apps on my iPhone for 2011, not just one particular app like last year.  I decided to post one picture using different apps on Sunday, and continue showcasing the ShakeItPhoto "fauxlaroid" app on Mondays thoughout the year.  Enjoy.











Read previous installments in the Elsewhere archive