Issue #106 - June 2010
I was sitting here, enjoying my day off, when I realized I'm late with my update. So here goes.
In addition to the stuff here you'll find that I updated Fashion Patrol in Bliss, and added several pictures to IMAGE_171. Enjoy.
Afterthoughts : Academic Suspension
Academic suspension are the words that I was greeted with when I logged in to see my final grades in my stupid Library science classes. It means I can't take any classes for a year. I don't really give a fuck, because in my mind I was already gone. I knew that I wasn't going to do well in my cataloging class. I knew that a C grade would mean that I was not going to pass. I knew all these things. I also knew that I felt better knowing now and moving on than continuing down a path I wasn't sure I wanted to take. Check that, a path I felt I didn't want to continue.
So while my fellow students went back to school last week I'm here at home, rethinking everything in my life. I'm taking stock and going after my dreams. There's a good chance that I'll fail, but library school served only to frustrate me. To the point that I was feeling depressed. A depression the likes of which I have never felt before. If I went back, and I tried that class again, and once again failed, it would be devastating to me. And for what? To get a degree in something I hate? No thanks.
In lieu of attending school I'm not just sitting around, I'm getting other things done. I'm writing. I'm submitting my photography to different contests. And I'm working to make changes in my life. The changes I hope to make pertain to the little things. It's always the little things that matter. I know what has to be done, but like so many people I'm afraid when it comes down to doing it. The biggest change is to stop being afraid to fail. It's time to fail and learn from that failure. So starting now I have to make good decisions, follow my gut, and not be afraid to fail.
More Afterthoughts : This Past Month
May was a pretty crazy month. It started with me failing out of school. OK, technically it's not a fail, because I did get a C grade. But in grad school Cs count as fails. So the C student here, who always got by on smarts, couldn't handle grad school. I think it's because my heart wasn't in it. I think that if I wasn't juggling two jobs I would have been able to juggle school as well. But that would have only worked if I was passionate about getting this degree, and I wasn't. I was skirting by, trying to get by doing the least amount of work as possible. I rode that line and obviously rode it on the wrong side because now I'm out of school, as stated above.
The month has been like every month this year, work and more work. But then luck shone on me and I was invited to the opera Das Rhinegold at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center. Here are a few pictures I took that night.

Other than these two things my life has been just work. I hate it, and I've decided that since I'm not going to school that I best use this time to make some positive changes in my life. The first change is to prioritize those things that are important to me and get rid of what isn't. For example, women. I went back on my promise to not deal with them, and all it brought was heartache and drama. So now I'm going to really make this stick. Photography is important, and I'm going to make the big push to have my art work for me, and to create better photographs. I feel it's time to focus on the important things in life and leave everything else behind.
Etcetera :iPhone Project 52
My iPhone project continues, with more pictures taken with my iPhone and filtered though a photo app named ToyCamera. These pictures aren't intended to tell a story, just to be a showcase for this particular app and my photography using that app. Enjoy the May pictures.
Read previous installments in the Elsewhere archive