Issue #283 - March 2025
The New Normal is Bullshit

Afterthoughts: This Past Month

February is the shortest month of the year, but this February felt long.  Here's the update.

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open door, huh?

Saturday, February, 1, When my aunt and I eat at the dining table, and it's cold, she will close the door to not let in the cold from the living room. At least that's her excuse.  So I was wondering this morning why my aunt left the door open, when I had the stove burners on in the kitchen in order to warm up the kitchen and the dining room.  She was literally letting in the cold air.  Every fucking time we eat in the dining room she will close that door.  Today she leaves it open.  To me that means she only closes it as a show, a performance.  Everything about my aunt is phony.

Case in point, we have been hosting some cars that belong to my neighbor's friends.  They had to evacuate due to the fires, and needed a place to park their cars.  It's the least I can do.  My aunt said that my cousin asked who's cars they were and my aunt lied and said they belonged to friends of mine.  Because my aunt thinks that if she tells them the truth my cousin will apparently go crazy.  My aunt is always thinking people are judging her.  A few months ago someone came to the house to help her with her health coverage.  The lady from the agency asked if she could use the restroom, since she was about to make a long drive home.  My aunt wanted to deny her the bathroom, because she was afraid that the lady was going to check out the house and judge it.  Like who cares.  We live in a modest house, but it's an honest house.  And it's clean.  We're not hoarders.  But whatever!

I was on someone's IG after they were playing around at the library

Earlier this week I was running up the stairs at Central when I encountered a patron filming something for social media.  It was so funny, because it was a father running around the corner of the stairs trying to surprise his daughter.  I thwarted that idea when I came up behind the little girl and ran up the stairs.  I think I scared the father more than he was going to scare his daughter.  It would be nice if I gained some followers with this encounter.


I now use my old iPhone SE as an iPod when I'm at work.  The other day I found an old picture on one of the phone apps of Daisy, who I used to work with at San Marino.  I thought she was so cute.  Alas, I had zero chance with her, or any woman for that matter.  Anyway, here is that picture that I took in the circulation office.  Not sure when I took it though.

Earlier this week the new collections developer, Solomon, sent an email out announcing that floating was going away at the end of February.  I told him that it's wonderful, adding that, "Our eight year nightmare is now over."  Here is the email Solomon wrote explaining the end of floating.

Hi, everyone:

For the past several years GLAC has employed a floating collection system in which items automatically change locations based on check-in.  While initially intended to improve patron access and reduce delivery needs, the system has led to several challenges including less than optimal space management, collection integrity issues, and operational challenges.  In the weeks following my start at GLAC last July, I made a thorough investigation of the pros and cons of floating for our system, including an in-depth review of literature dealing with the experience of other public library systems with the practice.  The result was the attached document - a formal recommendation to GLAC administration that we discontinue floating system-wide, implement a transition plan, and establish updated procedures for collection management.  All of this should improve space utilization, collection integrity, and overall library operations.  (Please don't feel obligated to read the doc, but it's there if you're interested.)

Once I had approval from administration to move forward, I met with all of the folks who have an active role in collection development - librarians who order materials, their supervisors, and Branch Managers.  We discussed the ins-and-outs, and feedback was positive, so we were on track to move to the next steps: setting a firm "shut-off" date and informing all staff.  But there was a good deal to tend to with the renovated spaces opening, shifting here at Central, the holidays, etc., so the matter was put on hold and I undertook an analysis of the potential impact on resources (human and financial) of discontinuing floating, at Hala's direction.  I recently submitted those findings to administration and secured approval to set an official date for turning off floating: Friday, February 28.

I don't anticipate this having a have a huge effect on most of us, day-to-day, but I plan to convene a Collection Development meeting before the start of the new fiscal year to assess how things are going. In view of that, I'll be very interested in any feedback you have in the coming days, particularly having to do with any changes that you observe - positive or negative - once floating has been turned off. So that I can track these effectively, I ask that you send any such feedback directly to me in an email, preferably with a subject line including the word "floating."  Teams messages disappear all too quickly, and I'm afraid conversations sometimes disappear just as quickly from my mind.

Thank you for your attention and your help!  Please do let me know if you have any questions.


Link to recommendation paper

Now the question is going to be, what comes next.  Yes, floating sucked.  But what is the alternative. The proposal to end floating didn't say what was going to take its place.  I guess that's for another paper, and another time.

I don't know why my aunt can't leave me alone.  She always likes to bother me in the evenings.  The exact time I need my alone time.  She never reads my discomfort when she walks into my room.  Why can't she just leave me alone?


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Sunday, February, 2, I didn't get a chance to mention this in my journal last time, so I'll mention it now.  On Thursday Kerri and I closed up shop at Casa Verdugo.  There was a point where she bent over right in front of me (like in the picture above, which is a recreation) and I got a view I had not seen before.  Kerri has a big behind, but I love it.  I'm mesmerized by it.  This is the first time I remember her bending over in front of me.  I mean I was a foot away and boy was it so easy to linger on the view.  Sigh.

My aunt asked me to get her some muffins at the market.  I never see any at the Pavilions that I frequent, so I figured I could make a special trip to the Gelson's.  While there one of the workers was walking around, and boy did she get my attention.  She was a marvelous thick Latina.  I need to make Gelson's a stop every week.  Not just because of the girl, but they do have these little loaves of bread that are about half size.  They call them bachelor loafs, which is perfect for me.  See ya next week, thick Gelson's Latina.

every dummy is in my way today

Not just today, but especially today, I felt that every dummy in the world was blocking my way to the market, to the bank, to everything.  I fucking hate that dummies are always in my way.  My aunt does that to me as well.  It's incredibly frustrating.  I sometimes just want to punch everyone that's in my way.  I want to bulldoze every dope on the road.  I want to take a bat to the back of some dope that's in front of me.

I need to remember that ever time I reach out to someone it's because I'm an idiot, and there is no need to reach out to anyone.  I don't know if that's a good sentence, but that's how I feel.  I need to really limit my interaction with everyone.  I do this at work by putting my AirPods on when I'm in circulation.


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more donations

Monday, February, 3, I grabbed a bunch of clothes this weekend, and I went to the donation bin again this morning.  I still have more clothes that have to go, but I wanted to get some grocery bags from work.  That way I don't waste my bags.  I have a lot more clothes where these came from.  I have at least five hoodies that I want to put in the bin.

TheNewCute's former desk

I was up at Brand having lunch today when I thought about TheNewCute, and how now that she's gone I am not so late to finish the route.  I used to spend a lot of time at Brand, because I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.  Five months after she left, I'm back to the old normal, before she worked at Brand.

I don't want to say I don't miss her, because that would be a lie.  It just doesn't hurt anymore to not have her around.

sandwich for supper tonight

I'm trying something different today for supper after I leave work.  I made myself a sandwich to eat instead of going to McDonald's.  The food there isn't good for me, and it's not even that tasty.  And a sandwich is cheaper.  I do want to mix things up and maybe make some burritos.  Oh, I just had a thought to maybe make some chimichangas.

new position for solar lights

In cleaning things up in my room I found a pack of solar lights.  I figured I would install those lights.  I found one of the old solar lights from the front patio was not being used properly., so I moved it to the planter for the avocado tree in the front (see above).  I think this is a better position.  I want to get more lights in the front, and have them be on the fence.  We'll see.


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Tuesday, February, 4, I once again felt so sleepy last night that I went to bed early instead of jerking off.  When I got home it was just past 6:30pm.  I got my things ready for the next day, and then started to write in this journal.  By 8:30pm I was feeling sleepy.  I tried fighting it, but I was in my comfy chair and I passed out.  I think I slept for about thirty minutes.  When I woke up I tried to finish writing in my journal, but I was still sleepy.  I got ready for bed and was in bed before 10pm.  Good thing is I didn't drink.  I keep telling myself that I need to curve it, and I have.  I finished one bottle last week, instead of the usual two.  But now I have to see if I can have one bottle last two weeks, or even three.  Hell, a whole month.  That's a stretch.

wash room cam

Something was up with my aunt last night and today.  She was up early cleaning out her underwear in the washroom sink.  If this had been any other day but a Tuesday she would have made me late for work.  As it was it was quite annoying that she was in the bathroom precisely when I wanted to take my shower.  ARGH!

Mandarin Plaza in Chinatown

For this week's Tuesday Adventure I went to Chinatown.  Originally I had planned on walking as far South as possible.  Maybe even get to the Last Bookstore, which I think is on 6th street.  I didn't even make it South of the 101.

wishing pond is in bad shape

It was cool, because I got to visit the Italian-American museum as well as the Chinese-American museum.  I took a lot of pictures along the way.  Chinatown has changed a lot over the years.  The plaza on Broadway wasn't new when I was a kid, and it certainly isn't new now.  It felt really worn today.  The wishing pond looked awful.  Many of the figures have been destroyed.

I don't have much to report about work tonight.  The shift went well.  There was some traffic on the way home, but I got home in about thirty minutes.  When I got home I was happy to see that the hub and SD card I ordered arrived.  I plan on doing some more video and photo editing on my iPad, but I didn't get a chance.

One of the nicer Latin MILFs showed up today.  She is nice and curvy, especially in her behind.  Today she wore black tights.  I do like the think ladies these days, and she had a nice round behind.  Such mockery.

I don't know what got into me.  I reconnected with Olga over that social media post with the man trying to scare his daughter.  She is the one that found that post and sent it to Misa.  Who then sent it to me.  I reached out to Olga and I was thinking of asking her if she wanted to hang out. The last time we hung out we made out.  I somehow blew it, because I think she wanted to have sex.  But the make out session was all that happened.  So, as I said, I thought about asking her out to something.  Then I remembered that I'm just repeating the mistakes of the past, and I just said forget it.


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Wednesday, February, 5, I received an email from the florist that I ordered flowers from last year.  Last year I sent the flowers to Talia, but not this year.  Not after I broke off talking to her because of her nuttiness.  Her birthday is coming up in April.  I will not be acknowledging it.

pamphlet madness

Grimace took it upon herself to send every branch a bunch of DMV driving test preparation pamphlets.  She went overkill with the pamphlets, because she sent so many out to Chevy and Adam's square.  Those two are some of the least visited locations in the system, and she easily sent twenty pamphlets to Adams. I joked with someone from Adams that twenty pamphlets is like a lifetime supply for that branch.  I didn't say anything to her, or try to alter the amount.  It's not my business.

still at half staff

Jimmy Carter's tribute ended days ago, but no one at the library noticed that the flag was still at half staff.  I noticed it last week, but I got wrapped up into doing my thing that I completely forgot to put it back to normal.  Well, I saw it again today and I went ahead and put it back to full staff.  These dumb dumbs are so clueless.

I've been donating things to the donation bin up from the library.  It's my intent to get rid of a lot of the clothes I don't wear.  I want the space in my room.  My closet is packed with useless things that I don't want or need.  To be sure, it's also packed with things I do want.  Today I grabbed a few paper bags so I can stuff them with clothes I have.  I don't want to use up all my bags from home.  We also never use those bags at the library.  They were a remnant of the old curbside pick-up days during Covid.  So no one is using them now.  Oh, I think I should also take some to the branches to have if someone asks for a bag.

destination cards

I wasn't running super low on the destination cards for the branches, but I got curious when I went up to Chevy.  Curious enough to check the back office to see if they had more of the destination cards.  Sure enough, they had at least ten.  I don't know how they are acquiring these tags.  I certainly don't give them any.  Desiree thinks that it's Antonio that's taking them from Montrose and putting up at Chevy.  Well, He's not going to hoard any on my watch.  I left them two.

hummingbird eggs

The other day one of my coworkers posted a couple of pictures of the hummingbird at Brand.  Today I went to check her out.  Sure enough, I found her and her eggs.  So cute.

sweetheart dinner, eh?

February is known for Valentine's day.  But if you are perpetually single like me, it doesn't mean much.  I've been getting a lot of ads for Valentine's day related stuff.  Picnics, as well as visits to wineries, and the aforementioned flowers for the girlfriend.  Well, I have no one and that fact isn't going to change any time soon.  Time for me to shut out the world.

Cheyenne at dinner

The forecast called for rain, but it wasn't raining by the time I reached TheGirl's place.  Our initial options for dinner were Isabell's or Panini at the Burbank mall.  But, since it wasn't raining when we left, TheGirl said we should go to Don Cuco's.  Don's it was.  Cheyenne is still hungry, and loves the carne asada.  I love feeding it to her.  We went on a short walk and checked out some of the new construction along Riverside drive.  The location that used to house Claim Jumpers is being worked on.  Last year we noticed a permit for alterations and a liquor license.  What used to be the Claim Jumpers is now going to be two different restaurants.  That's how big that old Claim Jumpers used to be.


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quiet library

Thursday, February, 6, The shift at Casa Verdugo was quiet today.  Storytime in the morning was busy, but not the busiest it's been.  We had thirty-one participants.  More people showed up for the playtime afterwards.  As I write this it's twenty past four, and there are thirteen people in the library.

found snack

I forgot my snack at home today, and I was feeling a little hungry.  But, when I got to the break room I found that there were some cheez-its.  Thank the Algorithm.

bad drivers everywhere

When it rains it pours dummies on the road.  I encountered these two dopes just after leaving work tonight.  As you can see both dopes don't know where the lines are on the road.  I know it's raining, but still.  I somehow managed to stay in my lane.

a mountain of lentil soup

I got home and found that my aunt made a mountain of lentil soup.  She is bereft of ideas, and I think that my recent weight loss has prompted her to cook more.  She wants to fatten me up, I believe.  It's not going to work.  I'm not going to eat this mountain of lentil soup in a day.  If it goes bad, that's on her for making so much.

weather liar is curvy

I got home and found that my aunt made a mountain of lentil soup.  She is bereft of ideas, and I think that my recent weight loss has prompted her to cook more.  She wants to fatten me up, I believe.  It's not going to work.  I'm not going to eat this mountain of lentil soup in a day.  If it goes bad, that's on her for making so much.


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new side mirror

Friday, February, 7, Tony got an email on Wednesday that the new mirror was ready to install.  I don't know why the guy from the garage didn't tell me that the mirror was ready.  Anyway, Tony went on Thursday and they installed the new mirror.  Now it's my job to overcompensate and not get this new mirror broken.  They didn't just replace the mirror, they replaced the whole assembly, cowl and all.  I best be careful.

new rules for the upstairs bathrooms

I went upstairs to open the bathrooms when I saw a new sign on the doors.  Apparently someone thought it was a good idea to lock the upstairs bathrooms thirty minutes before closing.  It is a good idea, because it prevents dummies from trying to stay in there.  In the past some of the guards have not been too careful, and have left people to stay in the library after hours.  Not good.  At least this way someone can't hide in there.

nice view

I was up at Brand having lunch when Stephanie stepped into the kitchen.  Boy, did her body look nice in her dress today.  Especially her behind.  I know it's nice from all the other times I'e ogled her.  Maybe it was her shoes that made her butt lift.  Awesome.


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Saturday, February, 8, I was set to jerk off last night.  But as I got ready, I found myself getting super sleepy.  To the point that I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I tried fighting it, as I turned on my Mac mini.  Which I exclusively use for watching porn.  The main upside to me going to bed early was me not drinking.  But, I also didn't jerk off.  Sad.  I'm not sure why I've been so sleepy this past week.  This is at least the second time that I've found myself so sleepy at around 10pm that I either pass out in my chair or I am forced to go to bed early.  I guess it's part of getting older.

clean my Mac

For the longest time my Mac Mini has been super slow.  I would constantly get the beachball of death spinning and spinning.  A few weeks ago I thought about buying this program that makes Macs run better.  I downloaded it early this morning, after I figured I would just stay up, and installed the program.  I ran the program and it cleaned out some stuff.  Thankfully it didn't find any malware.  I also changed some settings.  Tonight will be the test when I get ready to jerk off.

Side note, how many times have I mentioned jerking off in this entry?

my old jacket

The advantage of cleaning out my closet is finding items I haven't used in a long time, but can certainly use.  Like my old faux letterman jacket.  I've been wanting to get a new jacket, but I don't need one since I can use my letterman jacket for now.  It does need a wash, but it's nice and warm.  See, cleaning out this is good.  I need to keep going.

thick Latina from Gelson's recreation

During breakfast my aunt told me that she really liked the muffin I got from Gelson's last week.  She also told me that she wanted a sourdough loaf from Amazon Fresh.  So I'll have to make a stop at Gelson's on a regular basis.  Which is fine, since I want to see that thick Latina again.  The girl pictured above is not the Latina from Gelson's, but her body did look a lot like this one.


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piss jug

Sunday, February, 9, I got up needing to take a piss.  I get to the dining room and I see that my aunt is in the bathroom.  Fuck me!  Of all the times to be awake, the damn Algorithm put my aunt in the bathroom when I REALLY needed to go.  This meant that I had to get my piss jug out.  Yeah, that's how bad I needed to go.  It's good that I have that option, but I shouldn't have to do that.  I wish we had a house that had at least two bathrooms.  I don't know how we managed with eight people living here back when we first moved in.

I mentioned in another entry that I went to Gelson's last week and I saw a nice thick Latina working there.  I showed up today to get my aunt a muffin and the thick Latina wasn't there.  There was another thicker Latina, but she didn't have as nice a face as the one last time.

suggested reels

I got on IG today and as I scrolled down there were suggested reels for me, and every one of them was a curvy lady prancing around.  The Algorithm really knows me.  Keep up the good work.  I only wish there were more ducks and puppies as well.

ripped sheets

The other night I got into bed and noticed something strange about my sheets.  They were ripped.  I wish I could say they tore when I was having sex with a lady, but that hasn't happened in this bed in a LONG time.  I don't know what could have caused my sheets to rip, but they're now ruined.  Bye-bye.


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Monday, February, 10, The route today was pretty chill.  As I think back over the years I've driven the delivery van there has been a steady decline in the amount of book bins I deliver to the various branches.  At this point the amount is probably close to only 1/3rd of what I used to deliver.  So the route is MUCH more chill than when I first started.


There was a thick Latina prancing around the parking lot this morning.  She came into the library, and I bumped into her as I went to take pictures of the construction next door.  I really do like the thick girls these days.

My back tooth really hurt today.  I could feel it hitting my bottom jaw when I was having lunch.  I know what has to be done, I need to go to the dentist.  But affording the dentist is another thing.  For now I'll have to live with it until I can't.  I know, it sucks.


I went over to TheGirl's this evening and she gave me some Hi-Chew candies.  She went to little Tokyo this weekend and she got me a variety pack.  I didn't have the heart to tell her I just buy them off of Amazon.  And I get to pick the flavor I want... pineapple.  Still, I was grateful. When I got home I opened the package up.  TheGirl knows I don't like mango, but she saw that the other two flavors are what I like.  I poured out the candy to separate the mango and take it to work and leave it there.  I poured out the candies and found eighteen mango, three pineapple and three kiwi flavors.  Fucking variety packs!  So all that and all I get is six candies.  Fuck you, Hi-Chew.  Why can't the variety packs have an even number of flavors?  It's like this at Costco.  The variety packs will always have the flavor I like the least in the most abundance.  How is that variety?  Fuck variety packs.


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Rubin's Red Hot in Sherman Oaks

Tuesday, February, 11, I often think about the state of the former Rubin's Red Hot hot dog stand that I drive by nearly every day.  Sometimes it seems like there are people doing things there, and there is some progress.  But then I will see a sign that says "For Lease," and I wonder what's happening.  Today it just looks like someone is going in and doing little things like ground work.  Sure doesn't look like they will be open anytime soon.  It's been nearly twenty years since it closed in 2006.

"High Prismatic" at Metro station on Bunker Hill

I had the notion to try going downtown again.  This time I thought I might go to City Hall and check out the observation deck.  I parked my car in Chinatown and walked to City Hall, but when I got there I found that there was a protest going on.  That meant they put barriers in front of City Hall.  I knew they wouldn't let me in, so I kept walking.  One of the other stops I wanted to make was the library.  So I walked down there.  Then I wanted to check out the new metro station in Bunker Hill.  It's supposed to be really pretty, and it turned out to live up to the hype.  I took the metro to the new station at Spring and 2nd street.  From there I went to the old Grand Central Market.  One of my old stomping grounds.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to eat, but I knew I wanted to eat something before work.  And then that's when I ran into Wexler's deli.

the MacArthur park

For years I have heard about Wexler's deli.  They said that they modeled their pastrami sandwich after the famous number 19 from Langer's.  Well, today I FINALLY got to try Wexler's version, which they call the MacArthur Park.  In homage to the neighborhood where Langer's is located.  I can't say that the sandwich is better than the one at Langer's, but it is a good sandwich.  The pastrami is nice and tender.  The slaw was yummy, and the bread was good.  It was certainly a good portion for the money.  I don't remember what the Langer's 19 cost, but it ain't cheep.  The MacArthur Park was $20.  Not bad for a sandwich these days.  Especially a deli pastrami.  I think I got value out of my $20.  Brent's pastrami and Langer's are still the best in my opinion.  But this isn't a bad sandwich.  I would get it again, if I were downtown.


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where did the sign go?

Wednesday, February, 12, I went upstairs to open up the upstairs bathrooms and I found that the signs that were there the other day were gone.  What gives?  During the morning huddle I asked about them and my supervisor said that she put them in the inside door, because it looked better and that way people would be more apt to see them.  Ah, what?  I'll have to check again another day, but I'm sure they are not posted correctly inside.  I commented, "Why not put them both inside and outside?"  I got some runaround answer about how the one sign inside would suffice.  Typical.

TheGirl at dinner

TheGirl and I already knew we were going to be going to Isabella's for dinner tonight since we heard the weather forecast that there would be rain tonight.  It actually didn't rain much tonight.  Still, we went to Isabella's because their patio is enclosed.  And that helps because it was a chilly night.  We ordered Cheyenne a yummy meatball and fed it to her.  She loves the meatballs at Isabella's.

Chan was cuddling with Cheyenne after dinner

After dinner the four of us returned to TheGirl's place.  Chan decided to cuddle with Cheyenne.  I'm not sure what Cheyenne makes of Chandaka.  She must know he's not alive, but she also sees him animated.  They looked so cute cuddling tonight.


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Thursday, February, 13, In getting ready for work I usually watch the morning news.  Mainly for the traffic and weather... ladies.  Today the big topic was, of course, Valentine's day.  I don't have a Valentine, so it was a little annoying hearing them harp about where to take your Valentine, or what gifts to give them.  I'll never have another Valentine in my life, this I know.  It's just my lot in life.  I've said it many times, but it's still true - no ladies like me.  No ladies want me to pursue them.  I've steeled my resolve that this is my future.  And I'm OK with it.

oh jeez, an accident on my route to work

The weather liars said that the worst of the rain storm was going to happen today.  I believed them, but I was still late for work despite leaving at 8:20am.  I would think that forty minutes to get to work would be enough, but today it took fifty minutes to get to work.  The important thing was that I got there safely, but Waze messed me up.  I think if I had stayed on the freeway I would have done a little better.  Waze had me get off at Woodman and go down Moorpark.  Fine, I've used Moorpark as a detour many times.  But, today it seemed that everyone was using that as an alternative.  I know that Waze is a shared app that uses information from various drivers to see where the traffic is and find good alternatives the the traffic.  Today all the people that were using the alternative clogged up that alternative.  At one point it rerouted me to turn on Laurel Canyon to get back onto the freeway.  Because originally the app wanted me to take Moorpark all the way to Cahuenga and take that onto the freeway.  Which is what I ended up doing.  When I ignored Waze and continued past Laurel Canyon, due to the amount of cars waiting to turn, Waze wanted me to turn back and take a side street to get onto Laurel Canyon.  I saw several cars before me turn on the street that Waze wanted me to turn on.  No thanks.  Sure, I was late, but I think next time I'll just stay on the freeway.

I used to work with a girl named Karla at San Marino. She still works there.  There is a guy that she met while working at San Marino named Kyle.  The both of them have hung out here and there, but it never got serious.  I found out a few weeks ago that Kyle is engaged to my new coworker at Glendale.  The new literacy librarian, who happened to work at Burbank until she got this job.  Katie is the one that informed me, but it wasn't until today that I asked Katie if the Kyle at Burbank was the same that I worked with at San Marino.  She confirmed that it was him.  Karla doesn't know that he's engaged.  Apparently no one knew that Kyla and Jane (the literacy librarian) were even dating.  Karla sure didn't have an inkling, because her text messages to me are about how she wants to tell him how she feels.  That was a few weeks ago as well.  Just before confirming that it was the same Kyle Karla told me that he was distant in his text messages.  Where he used to text her every day, he had gone quiet.  Never a good sign.  Even before Katie confirmed it was the same Kyle I had a feeling, because the pieces fit too well.  His name is Kyle, and Karla told me that he was working at Burbank.  Where Jane was working until a few weeks ago.  How many people are named Kyle and are also the children's librarian at Burbank?  I don't have the heart to tell Karla.  It's also not my place.  Kyle should tell her.  He's just been ghosting her, and that's no way to act.  But, that's what he has chosen to do.

Wexler's for lunch today

On Tuesday night I ran out of work so fast that I didn't take my sandwich leftovers from Wexler's.  I figured that I could skip a day with the lentil soup and butter chicken and eat the sandwich for lunch today.  It really hit the spot.  I think it tasted a little better today, after reheating it in the microwave.  I added a little mustard, something that wasn't even given to me as an option at Wexler's, and it really made it taste good.

curvy patron in the library

A curvy patron came into the library today.  She wasn't wearing anything provocative, but she did look nice in just a pair of jeans and a winter jacket.  There was a couple of times when she bent at the waist while checking out the new books, which are directly in front of me at the front desk.  Even the guy that was sitting at the table next to the new books gave her a glance when she bent over.  So nice.

On Sunday I went up to the roof to spray some leak proofing material on the area where I thought the leak on the outside roof was originating from.  Well, I either didn't get the root of the leak, or I didn't get enough of that spray on the right parts of the roof.  I'll have to wait until the storm passes to go up there again.  Most likely on Sunday or Monday.  I haven't heard when the next storm is arriving.


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flooded Pacific Park library

Friday, February, 14, I arrived at Pacific Park to find that there were tables used as barriers, because there was flooding.  The drain outside was clogged, and the water accumulated and entered the library through the doorway.  I was told that the drain was filled with leaves.  Because why would anyone think ahead and check the drains?  Especially since it hasn't rained in months, and I'm sure many of the drains haven't had any water going through them in many months.

Lana's office at the fire department

The girl at the fire department, Lana, annoys me.  I've been successful in avoiding her when I go to the fire department.  Today was her Friday off.  Woo!  The other day I rolled to the fire department in the noon hour, which meant she was at lunch.  Missed her again.  Nice!  And then last week she was busy, so I was able to get the mail and go.  I may try to show up at the fire station around noon and never see her again.

GLA meeting

I was running early on the route when I got to Grandview.  Gitmo was there with two women from the Glendale Latino Association.  They were composing an email, and I just had to put in my two cents.  I helped them with a couple of lines, and for my efforts I got a quarter of a bagel.  Noah's bagel to be exact.  And boy, that was a fucking tasty bagel.  There's one by my house.  I think I'll go by there some time.

space heater at Casa Verdugo

The Casa Verdugo branch, where I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, was really cold this week.  I'm never cold, but even I had to put my jacket on while in the library.  Vivian called facilities every day this week, but they can't get the heat to work.  Today I showed up to see that public works had brought us two space heaters.  We won't have a heater at the desk, because reasons.  I guess I'll just have to continue wearing a jacket while working at Casa.

For the last few weeks my AirPods have been randomly disconnecting from my phone.  I went online to see if there was a reason for this, and a solution.  But, I couldn't find anything to do with my exact problem, so I just lived with it.  Today I think I licked it.  I turned off the bluetooth on my iPad and I didn't have much problem disconnecting.  We shall see if this helps with the problem.

One of the security guards at Central is going to retire.  Actually, he was supposed to have already retired back in December.  But, the people upstairs asked him to stay until the end of January.  The other day Eli told me that they asked him to stay till the end of February.  Now they want him to stay until the end of March.  I honestly don't know why they are making such a big deal about his staying.  He is burned out.  Then again, who isn't burned out in that place?  I joked with him that he might as well just stay until the end of 2025.  But I also told him he doesn't own this job anything, and that he should just call out and not come back.


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Pollo Loco

Saturday, February, 15, I ordered some Pollo Loco for breakfast this morning.  The cute girl, Abigail, was there today.  So was a nice thick girl.  Abigail is pretty, to the point that I almost forgot myself today.  I forgot that I'm not in the game anymore.  I'm not going to pursue a relationship.  But it goes beyond that, I don't even want to think about attempting to court a woman.  I don't want to go down that road.  I want to turn that idea off in my mind, to the point that I don't have to think about it beforehand.  I want it to be automatic.


After breakfast my aunt told me about an ad that she saw on TV.  They were advertising a pain relief patch, but it contains no meds.  Ah huh.  I checked online.  It's a patch that has some "circuitry" that is "designed" to focus the woo force to help take the pain away.  Sure.  These dopes are selling each patch for $150!  That's some expensive woo.  No thanks.

closed Tuesday

So many places are closed on Tuesdays.  This makes choosing a place for my Tuesday Adventures harder.  There are a bunch of places I wanted to go, like several museums.  So many of them are closed on Tuesdays, or don't open until later in the day.  I have a curfew for my Tuesday Adventures depending on where I am.  The day I went to the South Coast Botanic garden I left there a little earlier than if I was downtown.  Downtown is only a few minutes from Glendale, Torrance is not.

A good illustration of being closed on Tuesdays is the place in Chinatown called the Kroft.  It's a food joint that I've seen on social media a lot.  Looks like they have some good food.  I thought of going there this past Tuesday.  I walked by it and saw that it was closed on Tuesdays.  I get it, Tuesdays are slow.  Casa Verdugo is slow on Tuesdays.  Still, it sucks that my chances to see some of these places is lower, because of the fact that they are closed on Tuesdays.  Like that pizza joint I wanted to try, Lasorted's and even Goldburger is closed on Tuesdays.

I want to go to Bill's burgers this Tuesday, because the guy is ninety-six years old now.  And that man makes a great burger.  I just hope I don't show up to find out they close on Tuesdays.

Adam 12 in Glendale

The other day I saw a video on social media that had a clip from the TV show Adam 12.  They filmed a part of an episode in Glendale, on Glendale ave.  The sequence shows a van trying to get away from the police by getting on the eastbound 134 freeway from Glendale ave.  The perps choose to take the connector road to the 2 freeway going northbound.  Only problem is, the connector hasn't been completed, because the 2 freeway wasn't even finished yet.  Good one, Adam 12.  On a side note, what is LAPD doing in Glendale?


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circulation at Central

Sunday, February, 16, I was asked to check the bookdrops today, because the usual guy went out of town this weekend.  I got the books out of the bookdrops, and then checked everything in.  Easy, peasy.  I was scheduled for three hours, but I was able to do it in just under two hours.  I was surprised how many people were out front of the library, and how many wanted to come in.  When I walked in there was no signal.  Some dummy didn't set the alarm.

I was asked to check the bookdrops today, because the usual guy went out of town this weekend.  I got the books out of the bookdrops, and then checked everything in.  Easy, peasy.  I was scheduled for three hours, but I was able to do it in just under two hours.  I was surprised how many people were out front of the library, and how many wanted to come in.  When I walked in there was no signal.  Some dummy didn't set the alarm.

Valerie Perrine in the movie Lenny

Valerie Perrine in the movie Lenny was proclaimed by Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce to be the shiksa goddess.  I saw something on YouTube with her in it and I went to a website that has actresses in their nude scenes.  I remember her in the movie Lenny, and how Lenny calls her the shiksa goddess.  I remember calling TheGirl that once.

To quote the website TV Tropes dog-org, "... Shiksas represent the exotic outsider to the insular Jewish community.  Jews looking to break free of the bonds of Jewish society might do so through association with shiksas.  A gentile partner might also be a status symbol in areas where Jews are still discriminated against."

I don't have much else to say about that, other than it's funny how many people will proclaim that we are all the same.  But these artificial lines are drawn everywhere.  My background was never a big deal.  My mother didn't have a full genealogy to tell me what my background was.  So I consider myself a citizen of the world, a human above any ethnicity.  I do know that I'm Latino, but as the library proclaimed I wasn't Latino enough.  OK.


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adding some salsa to tasteless refried beans

Monday, February, 17, This morning my aunt and I were having breakfast.  We both had refried beans for breakfast, only I added a little salsa to mine.  This is because my aunt never seasons anything, and of course, refuses to add anything to the beans that would make them taste good.  My aunt in Mexico once made refried beans with bacon.  They came out incredible.  This weekend we watched a video where the guys on the video made refried beans with lard.  My aunt was like, "That's too much grease."  They put like two tablespoons of lard, hardly a lot of grease.  Also, it adds flavor.  She also claimed that her beans tasted really spicy.  Ah, no.  I think her tastebuds are shot.  She thinks things are spicy when they are not.  She can't judge taste correctly.  A couple of years back I brought her something with chicken and she thought it might be pork.  Pork and chicken don't even look alike, let alone taste the same.  Shake my head.

I said a while back that I think my aunt was making a lot of food in order to have me eat.  This is because I think that she sees that I'm eating less, and getting thin.  Well, I said it wasn't going to work.  There are still potato quesadillas in the fridge that she made like a week and a half ago.  I'm in no rush to finish them.  She needs to learn that she needs to stop making a mountain of food thinking I'm going to eat it.  There is some salsa that she made for enchiladas or chilaquiles, but she made a lot of it.  I used some of it, but then she made more food.  There are worst things than having an abundance of food.  But neither of us eat that much, so she just needs to cool her jets.


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there she goes

Tuesday, February, 18, I didn't have big plans today, except going to Bill's Burgers.  For my morning adventure I went over to Lake Balboa, which is an artificial lake built about two decades ago.  I figured I could go there and kill some time before going over to Bill's by birdwatching and walking.  I was about 1/3rd of the way around the lake when I noticed a lady on rollerblades.  She looked nice, with a big bubble butt.  I walked off the path and went towards Balboa blvd, and then walked back to the walking path.  It was approximately half way around the lake, and that's when I encountered her again.  She said something to me as she skated by.  I didn't hear what it was, but she definitely said something.  I joked later that she probably told me to get out of her way.  Or something like that.  I figured I would see her again as I walked back to my car, but she disappeared after that.  I don't know what to make of it, but I'm sure she just wanted me to get out of her way.

I had a thought that I should go back to the park next week to see if I bump into her again.  I'm pretty sure if I do she won't be there.  The Algorithm has other plans for me.  Like never getting laid again.

burgers sizzling on a grill from the 1930s at Bill's Burgers

Bill's Burgers in Van Nuys is one of the great burgers in this city.  Bill's has been on a lot of top ten lists for best burgers in Los Angeles for years now.  The burger is simple, but it's tasty.  Some say it's because of the grill he uses, which is from the 1930s.  Whatever the reason, it's a good burger.  Bill is ninety-six years old now, so no one knows how long he has left.  I wanted to go before he passed, so I made it a point to go some time soon.

Buster Keaton

Before going to work I stopped off at Forest Lawn to check on a thing having to do with my Godmother.  I know that the actor Buster Keaton is also at Forest Lawn Hollywood.  Since I had some time before going to work I figured I could look for his grave.  I thought he was close to my grandmother, but it turns out he's not that close.  Still, I found it thanks to the find a grave website.  It's pretty unassuming for such a big star.  He used to live out in the Valley just off of White Oak in Encino.  It's funny how some stars have huge graves and grave makers, but then some don't.

The city posted a full time library assistant job today.  It's specifically meant for the bookmobile.  People immediately asked me if I was going to apply, and I said no.  There's no good reason for me to apply, because I guarantee that they won't hire me.  My coworker Grigor seems to think that I have a better chance than he does, but I submit that I have zero chance.  Until someone gives me an indication that I have better than a zero percent chance I'm not applying.  I don't want to waste my time going to interviews I have no chance of passing.


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the girl from the ARC

Wednesday, February, 19, There's a cute Armenian girl that works next door to the library at the Adult Recreation Center (ARC).  She often walks by the van as I'm loading it up with bins.  She never says anything to me, or even acknowledges me.  That's fine.  Today I noticed her hair was darker.  I like the darker hair, but I'm sure she couldn't care less what I think.

street maintenance

I went over to the Perkin's building to go to Treasury, as is my normal routine on a Wednesday morning.  As I drove up I found that there was a construction crew working on the street.  They've been working on Glendale ave. for weeks now.  I think they're installing a new pipe.  They closed off all the parking along the Perkin's building, so I had to go around the block two times to find a spot.  That took time, and of course that made me late.  Good job.

The route was busy.  At the end of the day I had a lot of bins for Central.  Ten to be exact.  And that's not counting the bins for Link Plus and the branches.  Oh, and Krishna had me pick up the giant connect four game for the bookmobile event on Saturday.  I hate that thing.  It's so big and stupid.  No one ever plays it, but these dopes trot it out every chance they get.  Boring!

Cheyenne at dinner

TheGirl and I haven't talked about Cheyenne's health lately, but tonight we did.  TheGirl mentioned that Cheyenne is slowing down, and that her tumor has grown.  TheGirl would know, she lives with her every day.  So we once again talked about timing.  Cheyenne is still playful.  When I go over to TheGirl's place she still jumps around like a little kid.  We want to balance out her life still having quality with not wanting her to suffer.  It won't be that easy to navigate these waters.  I told TheGirl and the suffering will only be short.  That for now we just enjoy as much time as we have with her.  I know, it's not a good answer, but, it's the only one I have.


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desk in the back office

Thursday, February, 20, Vivian had to leave early today, which meant I would have to be on the desk for five hours in the evening without a break.  At least I'm able to journal this as I sit here waiting for 7pm.  In lieu of an evening break Vivian had me go to the back before lunch to cut paper and basically enjoy some time off the desk today.  I was OK with that.  Boy, did that time fly.  Next thing I know it's lunch time and then I'm back on the desk from 2pm to 7pm.

trying to journal, but everyone is showing up

I came back after lunch and decided that I should write this journal.  I pulled out my iPad and keyboard to start to type and of course I noticed a patron by the printer looking at his phone.  I knew he was going to have printing issues, and sure enough one of the pages was not formatted correctly.  Of course he has to come back to the desk multiple times.  Thankfully after he printed out his items he left.

I'm still trying to journal and more people are walking into the building.  Not going to sit here and say it's busy, but it's just busy enough to interrupt me from journaling.

Starlight Bowl in Burbank

Tonight the news had a small report on the Starlight Bowl in Burbank being closed due to wind damage from the winds from last month.  The winds damaged the roof of the bowl, and many trees also fell.  Here is the official statement from the city of Burbank.

Burbank, CA (February 19, 2025) - The Starlight Bowl, a cherished cultural landmark nestled in the hills of Burbank, sustained significant damage during the windstorms of January 7th and 8th. City officials are currently assessing the extent of the damage and outlining the necessary repairs.

As a result, the Starlight Bowl's 2025 summer season will be reimagined, with programming relocating to alternative venues throughout the city.

"Our community was incredibly fortunate in the face of the recent LA County environmental disasters, but we are taking the substantial wind damage to the Starlight Bowl as an opportunity to reinvest in our public assets. We will not only renovate but create a new and improved Starlight Bowl" said Burbank Mayor Nikki Perez. "While I am deeply disappointed that this year's programming will not take place at the Bowl, I look forward to a future where the venue is renovated, revitalized, and safe for generations to come."

City officials are working to identify the resources needed to restore the venue while also planning for long-term improvements.

"Although we won't be able to host events at the Starlight Bowl this season, our commitment to cultural arts remains strong," said Marisa Garcia, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department. "We will bring live performances to the community through alternative parks and venues across the city."

The Starlight Bowl's signature summer concert series, including the annual fourth of July celebration, will be re-envisioned during this transition.  Additionally, in 2025, the City will collaborate with residents and stakeholders to develop a sustainable vision for the venue's future.

TheGirl and I have now been to the Starlight bowl for the last few years.  I guess we'll see what happens.  Hopefully they can still put on a show.


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Friday, February, 21, I think with so many things it's not about having a plan at the start of some endeavor, like becoming a Vulcan.  But that you figure it out slowly in pieces, and small moments of revelations that you go, "Oh that's how that works."  Like the idea of not looking at women, and just treating them like just another person.  Because there's no use in wasting my time fantasizing and hoping that there would be something there.  Because that ship has sailed, and I'm both undesirable and just not that good at courting women.  Like I keep saying, what they want I ain't got.

van tire

For weeks the tire pressure light has been lit on the dash of the delivery van.  Today I was at the city garage and checked the air in the tires.  Sure enough, all of them were low.  One was only at thirty-five PSI, for a tire that is supposed to be at ninety PSI.  Not good.  After I filled the tires with air the light on the dash blinked and then stayed on.  ARGH!  I think that means that one of the sensors is busted.

I've been arriving at the garage across the street from work at about 7:55 am to 7:57am these days, due to traffic.  Yes, that's still technically on time, but sometimes I get to work five minutes after 8am.  Late.  So, I've decided to change my morning alarms by moving them four minutes ahead.  Hopefully that will give me that little bit of cushion to get to work on time without always having to rush through dummies on the road.  I'll see how this change affects my schedule.

I'm not going to apply for the bookmobile library assistant job.  Some people tell me that I'm a shoe in for the job, but I don't want it.  The job is a trap.

Because so many things are closed on Tuesdays I find that the list of places I can go is limited for my Tuesday Adventures.  So I've been thinking that perhaps I should go on a Saturday adventure once a month.  Like I would like to go to the Lomita railroad museum.  But of course it's closed on Tuesdays.  Like a lot of things are closed on Tuesdays.  It sucks planning something and then finding out that the place I wanted to go is closed.  Everything seems to be open on Saturdays.  One such place is the Point Fermin Lighthouse.  Which is open on Tuesdays, but they don't open until later in the day, and I need to be on my way to work by at least noon.

My coworker Rory is a good guy, but he's a bit of a dummy.  I was finishing up the route today carrying a lot of things into the library from the van.  At one point I had to open both of the side doors, because what I was hauling was big.  Of course the stupid doors close right as I'm in the middle of getting the stuff through.  Rory sees me struggling with the doors, but doesn't even flinch to help me with the doors or the book cart that's now stuck in-between the doors.  He just stood there, and didn't even offer to help.  I pushed the doors open again and got the items into the building.  Thanks for nothing, Rory.


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Saturday, February, 22, Days after the posting of the full time bookmobile job I was the one that drove the bookmobile today.  I'll be doing it for a while, I figure.  Sure, they're going to hire someone for that job, but I know I'll be doing this until September.  Because it takes the city so long to hire anyone.  I don't remember when the city is closing the process, but it's soon.

I went ahead and checked.  The job applications have to be done by next week, March 3rd.  OK.  That's fine.  I'm still not going out for it.  I like the bookmobile gig, but at the same time it's a bit much.  It's chill when it's chill.  But then it's also hectic since one has to scramble to deal with the inequities of the car, the computer that we've been given, and the time restraints.  Because we did this on a Saturday we had A LOT more people than in the past.  There isn't much that can be done about the bookmobile itself, but for sure we could get a better computer.  I had to use the web version of Sierra, which is the program we use to check out books.  That's not OK.  We can't print out receipts for some reason.  It's just dumb.  Also, I've said it before, I don't think they will hire me for this job.  And that's OK.

yummy pizza

I had originally thought of going to this new pizza joint in Silverlake to get a pizza for my aunt and me.  Well, on the way there I got hungry and so I made a detour to Hail Mary pizza in Atwater Village.  It was a good choice, since it was closer.  Maybe when I have more time I'll check out the other pizza joint.

warm weather coming next week

The weather liars have been saying for the last couple of days that we are in for a bit of a heat wave in the middle of this coming week.  Supposedly it might even get into the upper 80s to the low 90s in the Valley.  Jeez!  There is time enough for that in the summer, not in the winter.  Be gone, warm weather.  The good news is that by next weekend it should be cool again, and maybe even rain.


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Sunday, February, 23, I had this plan on going to a synthesizer museum in Highland Park, and then going to get a burger at a place called Yellow Paper Burger for my Tuesday Adventure this week.  But of course the Algorithm fucked me over.  Yellow Paper isn't open on Tuesdays.  Where have you heard that before?  Also, the museum charges $60 plus $20 per person to visit.  Yeah, no.  I would be there for an hour and a half, tops.  I'm not paying that much for such a short visit.  Maybe I should go back to Balboa lake to see if that rollerblading girl is there again.


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no only on time, but early

Monday, February, 24, I mentioned in a previous entry that I was moving my morning alarms earlier by three minutes.  Thanks to that, I arrived really early to work this morning.  Ten minutes early.  I'll keep the alarms as is for now, because today may have been a fluke. It all depends on traffic, and it has been getting worse every day.

the front of the library

Michelle is one of the people that work on the library's social media posts.  She needed my help with recording a video that shows her walking from the front of the library to the Reflect Space.  Well, I helped her, but the video wouldn't upload.  She said she would try again tomorrow.  Hope it works.

stupid Tesla driver

All over town Tesla drivers are a menace.  Case in point, the car above that is in two lanes at the same time.  If I wanted to turn right I would be blocked by this dummy.  For cars that supposedly drive themselves Tesla drivers sure do make terrible decisions on the road.  It's rare to see a Tesla not making some dumb move on the road.

pretty lady

As I drove up to Brand today I spotted a pretty lady laying on the lawn.

Vagabundo was telling me today how Gitmo told him that the budget was in bad shape, and that he might have to cut Vagabundo's hours.  Well, the acting director sent us an email about this very subject.  Here's part of her email.

Your feedback has been enormously helpful as our finance administrator, Armineh and I work to develop our General Fund "ask" for the next fiscal year which is due on February 28th. We do not yet know if any service level increases will be approved - we are asking for additional staff and staff hours to help close the gap. Asks which I know have occurred in the past and were not granted - but I am ever the optimist and hope that this year, after all of your hard work year after year, will be the year we receive some increases. However, if we do not, I am also working on other strategies to offset the increased workload. Strategies I cannot share at this point in time, but ones which I will keep you apprised of when/if I can share the information.

Doesn't sound good to me.  Maybe the city will give the library what the director is asking, but probably not.

book truck never there when I need it

My coworker Tony takes one of the book trucks downstairs with him, for some reason.  So when I come back from the route I'm almost always short.  I end up having to borrow one from the Link Plus group.  It's very annoying, and I wish we had three book trucks instead of two.  We used to have a larger book truck, but that thing broke.  You wouldn't think something like that would fall apart, but the welds aren't good and that's where it fails.


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peacock at the Arboretum

Tuesday, February, 25, I wasn't sure where I was going to go on this week's Tuesday Adventure.  I ended up thinking that I should just return to the Arboretum, because I saw online that some things were blooming.  It turns out that I misread the website, because it said "What's blooming."  And showed a picture of magnolia trees.  Oops.  Still, it was good, because I got my steps in today.

chicken pot pie

After the arboretum I went to Moffett's Family Restaurant and Chicken Pie Shoppe, which specializes in pot pies.  I ordered the lunch special, which consists of a pot pie, mashed potatoes, and peas.  The pie is small but packed with chicken.  There is also a beef version.  Maybe next time.  I was running close to my curfew, but I still went to eat at Moffett's.  The pie is good.  I think I'll try to get over there some time and bring some pies home to my aunt.

I've said it many times, I can't do any work on my iPad when I'm at work.  For some reason the Algorithm makes it that when I'm on a service desk, and I want to get some other work done, I'll never be lonely.  Other times I will sit there doing nothing for an hour.  But if I slid my iPad out of my bag... boom!  Never ending patrons.  Oh well, I'm still going to try and get some work done while on the desk.

It was 76 degrees today, and yet I already feel that it's too warm.  I can't imagine how I'm going to survive this summer when the temperature is north of 90 degrees.


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Wednesday, February, 26, I rolled into work and went to the wall to get the van keys, but they weren't on the hook.  I called my coworker Tony and he tells me that the bosses told him I wasn't driving today.  Supposedly I was going to work at Chevy Chase today.  Ah... this was the first I heard of this.  I quickly checked my emails and my text messages.  Both nothing.  I told Tony I would be driving.  It was just strange that they said that to him, because Chevy is not a place that needs coverage today, or any day.  Also, being that it's a Wednesday I would tell the bosses that I can't work past 4:30pm.  I never heard anything about working at Chevy today.  I think Tony might have dreamt it.

I was up in Treasury today when Marie went out to the bathroom to clear out an eyelash from her eye.  When she came back she was standing less than three feet alway from me.  I really wanted to reach out and kiss her at that moment.  I love her body, and how its abundantly feminine.

the ladies at dinner

TheGirl suggested we go to Olive Garden for dinner tonight, since it had a recently installed patio.  I was a little hesitant, but it turned out to be good.  For my appetizer I ordered soup, which was meh.  For my entree I got a lasagna, and that was pretty good.  TheGirl ordered salad for her appetizer, and she had me try some.  That was also good.  I was surprised that I actually liked the food at Olive Garden.  This is the first time I have eaten there, but I think it's going to be on our rotation now.

Early in the day I was talking to Krishna about a possible schedule for me to work some Saturdays driving the bookmobile.  The plan would be that I would work the bookmobile a few Saturdays between now and June.  On those weeks that I work the bookmobile I would not work on Tuesday at Casa.  Fair trade.  I like working the bookmobile, but not enough to go out for the job.


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Thursday, February, 27, I talked to Krishna earlier in the week about the many bookmobile events she wanted me to drive in the next few months.  I told her I was fine with that, but there would have to be a swap of days, since I can't go over forty hours a week.  Today she told me the schedule until June, at least.

This change in my schedule means that I will have a few Tuesdays off between now and June.  Which means I can devote more time to going to certain places for my Tuesday Adventures.  Nice.

How many times have I said it in this journal that my aunt just doesn't get it.  She continues to cook on Thursdays, despite the weekend being around the bend.  I show up tonight after work and she mumbles something that I don't understand until I look in the fridge and I see a food container with enfrijoladas.  Of course they are mangled.  The one thing I did half understand when she was talking is that she didn't add any salt to the beans.  Just great.  I added salt to the beans.  I really just want to smash the plate of food on the floor.  I ate a couple of enfrijoladas, and they were flavorless.  Adding salt and salsa helped, a little bit.  ARGH!  She also put two enfrijoladas in one of my food containers that I use for lunch.  She may have said that to me, but I honestly can't tell what she says half the time.  The other half I ignore.  Her putting that food inside my lunch container almost made me lose it completely.  How fucking dare she put something in that container knowing I already have food for my lunch ready?  I really wish she would just leave me alone and get out of my way.


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Friday, February, 28, I've made up my mind that I'm not going to apply for the bookmobile job.  I was talking to someone from the city that works for another department.  He mentioned that he had been leapfrogged three times for a job that was given to someone who was under-qualified.  If they ask me why I'm not applying I'll say the same thing I said when they asked me why I took my name out of the running for the previous open job... there is no advantage to me going on in the process.  In short, fuck you all.

full van

I had a full van today, due to the fact that a couple of the branches had this bright idea to clear out their shelves and send all those books to Central.  Since floating is still in effect today, any book that is checked in at Central belongs to Central.  I delivered seventeen bins to Central from the branches.  And that was only the float stuff.  The regular delivery was an additional six bins.  In addition to those were five branch bins, and two Link Plus bins.  I was pooped after work.

mini corn dogs for dinner

I come home after suffering from a bad commute and my aunt asks me what I'm going to have for dinner.  This fucking set me off.  I told her, "There's food in the fridge, I'll see."  I walked away and mumbled, "What the fuck do you care?"  I wasn't in a bad mood until she asked me that question.  What the actual fuck does it matter to her?  I wish she would leave me alone.  I have plenty of food in the fridge.  I think she wanted me to say I would eat her tasteless enfrijoladas.  Instead I ate some mini corn dogs and tots.  Fuck her.


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Wrap-up: Fuck 2025!  Did I say fuck 2025?  We are just two months into this year and it's already a terrible year.  I'm glad that I'm doing OK.  For some reason this month felt like it was a long month.  Short weeks suck, so why wouldn't short months suck too?  I would have to give this month a C grade.  It wasn't the worse, nor was it the best.  Some good things did happen, which you can read above.  But, the overall vibe was meh.

iPhone Project 52: February 2025

02.02.25 - 06/52 - Arcadia


02.09.25 - 07/52 - Fairfax District


02.16.25 - 08/52 - Fairfax District


02.23.25 - 09/52 - The Valley


Other Photography Thursday: February 2025

02.06.25 - Lomita


02.13.25 - Arcadia


02.20.25 - Chinatown


02.27.25 - Arcadia


Vox: Voice Entry


Etcetera: I'll just leave this here

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Read previous installments in the Elsewhere archive