Glendale Central Library patron checks out 'reimagined' facility, offers his view of its pluses and minuses

For openers, kudos to the designer's upstairs "Reading Spa," which allows for a grand view of Central Park and environs.

Plus, a silver star for the two new entrances, which particularly aid patrons who can either park their cars near the main entrance on Harvard street, in the Maryland Ave. garage, or in the library's south-side parking lot. And, the air conditioning seem to work OK.

On the other hand, the water flow from the men's restroom taps is balky. Plus, an imbalance exists in all of the study carrels desk vis-a-vis their chairs; and on the interior's north side of the library, the views fro 15 out of the 16 carrels' side window panes no longer have their formerly salubrious, sunlight and traffic-noise-filtering tree foliage!

Also, many east-side parking patrons must now walk further on sidewalks to get to either of the library's entrances -- including those who may need help walking to and from the parking lot's white painted curb zones.

Of a special concern is the concrete stairway located behind the information desk. Because, like wow! What if someone falls? There's currently no carpeting to soften any such fall, plus it lacks a middle-of-the-stairs banister, like the one found at the top of the Brand Library's upper eight steps.

Last but not least, the library hasn't replaced its two former pay phones. Now, considering many seniors reportedly don't own a cell, i.e., a "smart" phone, a "DT-POTUS"-like hastag for them could sadly read, well, "Sad!"

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