To some people being in a hurry gives them the excuse to park their cars ANYWHERE.  Case in point, this idiot, which you can clearly see, was in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to look for a parking spot.
posted: 7.4.06

Obviously handicapped because this driver wasn't anywhere near the middle of the parking space.
posted: 7.27.06

Big car often equals big ego.  In this case big car also means can't park.
posted: 7.27.06

This guy is an absolute classic.  As I drove by the front of a local store this guy turned in front of me, parked his car literally in front of the store entrance, and walked into the store.  The arrow on the right points out the "No Parking Anytime" sign this driver obviously didn't see.
posted: 7.27.06

Obviously this "Handicap" driver thing has to be thought over because this parking spot is notorious for this kind of parking job.  I don't think I've ever seen anyone park properly in this particular parking spot.  It's time to have people who can't even park their cars to just give up on driving. 
posted: 8.5.06

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