What possesses someone to wear a dress that looks like colorful vomit?  I should have asked this woman that exact question.  Not only is the color scheme out of some food poisoning nightmare, but the hair is messed up, and the shoes are all wrong.  Suffice to say this woman is wearing a mess.  It's probably a good idea not to wear something that points one out like a pile of candy laced vomit.
posted: 3.24.08

"Make sure it fits" should be the motto EVERYONE should have in their head when they buy something.  It's obvious that this girl doesn't even know about this motto or she would not look so inappropriate.  Then again, her friend doesn't know to wear something that fits either.  These outfits are literally ALL wrong.
posted: 5.18.08

I know I'm harping on this, but once again I submit to you a picture that is my argument for wearing something that fits.  I'm not even sure when the "muffin top" became something acceptable.  Mind you, this muffin top isn't even that exagerated, I'm sure you've seen much worse.  I know that women are constantly worried about their appearence, which makes me wonder how anyone leaves the house with belly fat cascading over their jeans.  It's counter-intuitive.
posted: 5.18.08

All I can say about these two is, what the fuck is that!? I tell you, people never stop amazing me.  They go out in public with what is clearly some sort of sleeping attire.  The girl on the far left I saw on a recent trip to my old university.  I know students are sleepy, I was one of them.  And I often had a hard time dealing with the long school and work hours.  But never did I go into the drawer I keep my sleeping attire and dress for school with those clothes.  Also, it's bad enough the girl has a big fat ass, to have that stupid asswriting all over it advertising how big her ass is is this side of complete idiocy.  The woman on the near left I give a pass to because clearly she's lost it.  Old age means completely losing all cognitive processes in your brain.  So an outfit like this doesn't set off any alarms in the elderly.  This lady likes flowers, and she wants them ALL over her clothes.  Because she likes flowers... yeah.. 
posted: 9.10.08

Is that Michael Jackson or some woman that can't dress herself? I think it's the latter.  Clearly the woman with the red blouse and black cut-off has NO CLUE whatsoever.  It's bad enough she has a bad dye job, but then she decides to wear something she wore in middle school.  If you don't have the legs to pull it off don't wear cut-offs.  If all your clothes are dirty then it might be time to either get off your fat ass and wash them more frequently, or get more clothes.  Either way, don't submit the world to having to look at you with disgust and revulsion.. 
posted: 9.10.08

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